人教版七年级英语下册:Unit 4 单元检测

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人教版七年级英语下册:Unit 4单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Tom is my pen friend. He is a student _ America. His favorite subject _ science. He doesnt like geography. He thinks its too _. He likes China and he has _ lesson at school. Tom likes sports too. He likes ping-pong ball very much. He plays ping-pong with _ father on Sunday. He says he can play very _. They often have a good time. Tom has classes _ Monday to Friday. He has four _ in the morning, and then has lunch at 12: 00. Then he has music for _ hour in the afternoon. School _ at 14: 30. Its really relaxing.1 . AatBinCforDabout2 . AisBareChasDhave3 . AinterestingBfunCboringDeasy4 . AmusicBartCgeographyDChinese5 . AhisBhimCtheyDtheir6 . AgoodBwellCcoolDfun7 . AonBofCfromDafter8 . AclassesBsubjectsCpicturesDbooks9 . AaBanCtheD/10 . AmeetsBcallsCasksDfinishes二、阅读单选The students in Grade Nine have to take a P.E. test in many places around China. The full mark is usually 50 points and it counts for much in the high school entrance exam. In Shizong the test is held in April. Students have the test in their own or the other school. Each student is tested on three sports. They can choose long jump, basketball dribbling(运球) or volleyball. The pull-up(引体向上) is for boys and girls can choose the sit-up. Both boys and girls must pass in the test, or they cant go to the higher school to go on studying.Most students find the test easy and more than 90% of them can get full marks. Thats because they have been training for it during the whole three years. Students in Grade 9 usually do lots of practice in P.E. classes and after class. The training makes the test easier than it seems to be.Students in Kunming dont need to run a lot for the test, but students in Shizong must do lots of running for the test. In Shizong running is one of the sports in the test. So in P.E. classes, they usually run a lot. Sometimes they have to run 3,000 meters in one class. Most teachers and parents welcome the P.E. test. They say it helps students build up their bodies.11 . Students take the test _ in Shizong.Ain Grade SevenBin AprilCin another schoolDin autumn12 . The PE test in Shizong includes(包括) all of these sports except(除了) _.AbaseballBbasketballCvolleyballDlong jump13 . Most students find the test is easy, because_.AP.E test is not so important for their entrance examBstudents have been training for a long timeCteachers and parents can help them pass it.Dall students do well in P.E.class.14 . Running is one of the sports in test in _.AKunmingBChongqingCShizongDShanghai15 . Most teachers and parents think that the P.E. test is_.AdifficultBeasyCbadDgoodOne day when some government officials were rebuilding a barn,they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to let the mice inside the hole come outA while later they indeed saw mice running out,one after anotherThen,everyone thought that all the mice had escapedBut just as they began to clean up,they saw two mice squeezing out at the mouth of the holeWith some efforts,the mice finally got outHowever,it was strange that after they came out of the hole,they did not run away immediatelyInstead,one chased after the other near the mouth of the holeIt seemed that one was trying to bite the tail of the otherEveryone was puzzled,so they stepped nearer to take a lookThey realized that one of the mice was blind and could not see anything,and the other was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite on his tail so that he could pull the blind one with him to escapeAfter seeing what happened,everyone was speechless and lost in thoughtDuring the meal time,the group of people sat down in a circle and started to chat about what happened to the two miceOne serious American official said:I think the relationship between those two mice was that of king and guardThe others thought for a while and said:That was why!A smart French said:I think the relationship between those two mice was that of husband and wifeAgain the others thought for a while,and all felt it made senseA Japanese said:I think the relationship between those two mice was that of mother and sonOnce again the others thought for a while,and felt this was more reasonableSo they expressed agreement another timeAt that moment,one Chinese asked:Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship?Suddenly,the group looked back at the Chinese and remained speechlessThe American official,the French and the Japanese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame,and did not dare to answerIn fact,the true love is not built on friendship,loyalty or blood relationshipInstead,it is based on no relationship16 . Neither of the two mice ran away immediately becauseAone was biting the otherBthe mouth of the hole was too smallCone was trying to help the blind oneDthey were not afraid of smoke17 . it made senseprobably meansAit was correctBit was strangeCit was funnyDit was sweet18 . Why did they lower their heads in shame according to the passage?AThey did not dare to answerBThey had mistaken the relationship of the miceCThey regretted driving a poor blind mouse awayDThey did not express themselves much better19 . It is clear thatAall the mice came out of the hole easilyBdifferent people understood the relationship differentlyCthe people wanted to kill the mice with smokeDthe people knew one of the mice was blind at the first sight20 . The best title for the passage isA.LOVE IS ALLB.HELP PRODUCES LOVEC.FRIENDS IN NEEDD.TWO LOVELY MICELike hundreds of other young people of all countries who take part in our language courses, you can make the most of your holidays by studying French in an interesting way and, at the same time, discover one of Frances most beautiful areasNice!Our summer course lasts 3 weeks in July and August. Youre welcome to come at any time between July and August 6.You can choose to stay at a host family, but we suggest you stay at our international summer camp. It makes it easy to meet other people and make new friends. Whats more, you can have your classes in the same building which is close to the beach! A free bus service brings you to and from classes if you are living in a French host family or enables you to get into the centre of town if you are living at the summer camp.Whenever you choose to come, well organize short trips, parties, sports and other activities andmotivateyou to speak French.Your stay in Nice will therefore not only be an educational one, but also an enjoyable experience. Besides offering you many opportunities to meet other people from different cultures, we will do everything to make sure your stay will be unforgettable!21 . How long is the summer course?ATwo months.BThree weeks.COne month.DEight weeks.22 . According to the passage, they suggest the students stay _ during the study.Aat the summer campBin the hotelCat their friends homesDin the centre of town23 . During the course, students can _.Atravel all over FranceBnever leave the campClearn French and make friendsDswim alone in the sea24 . What does the underlined word “motivate” in the third paragraph mean?A激发B感谢C阻止D妨碍25 . What youve read above is _.AA travel diaryBAn advertisementCAn introduction to FranceDA piece of news三、用单词的正确形式完成句子Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)communicate breathe comfort release destroy equip change protect chemistry26 . He awoke to find himself lying _ a pile of firewood.27 . The boys listened _ as the sailor detailed the story of the shipwreck.28 . Theres a _ shop not a hundred yards from the supermarket. You can buy the medicine there.29 . I get very nervous because Im using a lot of expensive _.30 . shes too _ towards her children. She should let them be more independent.31 . There is worldwide concern about the _ of the rainforests.32 . He is never good at _ with the players. thats the main reason for their failures.33 . If you want to _ some pounds for dollars, you can go to the front desk.34 . Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while _ oxygen back into the air.四、单词填空The only person on a ship was washed up on a small, lonely island. He hoped that God would s35 . him and looked for someone that would come to help him, but there was n36 . . Tired, he at last tried to build a little house to protect him from d37 . , and to store his few things. But then one day, after f38 . food, he arrived home to find his little house on fire, the heavy smoke from the house.The worst happened; everything was lost. He was disappointed and a39 . . “God, how could you do this to me!” he cried. Early the next day, however, he was woken up by the s40 . of a ship that was coming towards the island.It had come to save him. “H41 . did you know I was here?” asked the man. “We saw your smoke signal(信号),” they said.It is e42 . to get discouraged(灰心的) when things are going bad. But we shouldnt l43 . heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in your worst situation.Remember, next time your little house is burning to the ground, it just m44 . be a smoke signal that symbols the grace(惠赠) of God. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it.五、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Its a 45 . (surprise) thing for me. I found my phone didnt work. 46 . first, I found I couldnt unlock it. Twenty 47 . (minute) later, I found its face was black. I couldnt turn 48 . on. As a result, I began a twoday life without a phone. It was Saturday the next day, but I 49 . (plan) to find somewhere to fix my phone. The first step was that I went to the store where I bought it. The boss of the store told me, “Oh, dear, thats. not good.” I felt quite unhappy when I heard the bad news. It took me a whole day 50 . (look) for places to fix my phone, 51 . I didnt find one. On Sunday, I had no phone to wake me up, so I used my alarm clock. I had no phone to play games as usual after I got up, so I started to listen to music on the radio. In the morning, I went out to play soccer 52 . (happy) in the park near my home. I went shopping with my parents in the afternoon. I truly didnt read books 53 . play games on the phone for two days. What 54 . amazing experience for me!六、多任务混合问题任务型阅读阅读下面的短文,并完成短文后的任务。httpb1.comHello, friends! My name is Frank. Im an American boy. I live in China now. Im a middle school student. Do you want to know about my school life(生活)in China?I go to school from Monday to Friday. School usually starts at eight oclock in the morning. I have four classes _the morning and two in the afternoon. (A)_1_. I like Chinese very much. Its difficult but interesting. (B)_2_Because I can learn to play the violin and the drums in the music class. And I really like my music teacher, Mr. Liu. He is very kind. My favorite day is Wednesday. Do you know why? Yeah! Because I can have music _ Wednesday morning.My last class is _ four oclock. After class, I dont have much homework. I can do lots of things I like. I join the art club and the swimming club. How do you like my school life in China?55 . 在文中空格处填入适当的介词:_ _ _56 . 将(A)处划线句子译成汉语._57 . 写出(B)处划线句子的同义句。_58 . How many classes does Frank have every school day?_59 . Whats Franks favorite day? Why?_七、书信作文60 . 你们学校将要举办一场关于中国书法的讲座,你打算邀请你的笔友Jack参加。请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他讲座时间和地点,以及需要做什么准备。(短文开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数)Dear Jack,How is it going? There will be a lecture on Chinese calligraphy in our school._If there is anything that I can do,please let me know.Yours,Li Hua.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、书信作文1、

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