人教新目标英语八年级上册 Unit 7单元同步阅读精析

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人教新目标英语八年级上册 Unit 7单元同步阅读精析姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Hi, boys and girls! Do you know_the house will be like in the future? Lets listen to a prediction (预言) from a_. He says there will be_houses in the future. The houses_trees. The surface (表面) of the house is like a leaf. When the sun_, it can get sunlight (阳光). The sunlight can keep the house_And it can help to make fresh_for the house too. The bottom (底部) of the house is_the land. It can_the soil (土壤) to keep the house strong. People wont be afraid of the strong wind. Can this mans prediction_? No one knows.1 . AhowBwhatCwhichDwhen2 . AgirlBwomanCmanDactor3 . AflowerBtreeCbirdDfruit4 . Alook likeBlook atClook forDlook into5 . AopensBrisesCclosesDmeets6 . AcoldBcoolCwarmDbad7 . ArainBspaceCairDsea8 . AonBoverCbehindDunder9 . AuseBsearchCspendDturn10 . Acome overBcome onCcome outDcome true二、阅读单选Many cities in the world have underground, such as London, Paris, New York and so on. The London underground opened in 1863 and it is the oldest underground railway system(系统) in the world. Beijing subway opened in 1969. On the wall of some stations, there are some pictures of blue and white porcelain(青花瓷).The underground in Athens opened in 2000 and some of the stations like little museums. You can make a special trip just to look at them because they show their cultures(文化). Paris and Moscow are famous for their beautiful stations, but they dont run for 24 hours. While Now York subway never closes, so you can take it at any time of the day or night.Now People like to use this transport because they can avoid(避免) the heavy traffic and move between different places of a city quickly.11 . The first underground in the world is in _.ALondonBPairsCNow YorkDBeijing12 . When did Beijing subway open?AIn 1863.BIn 1969.CIn 2000.DIn 2008.13 . Which of the following is NOT the description(描述) of Athens underground?AAthens underground opened in 2000.BSome of the stations like little museums.CIt is famous for their beautiful stations.DThe stations show their culture.14 . Whats the meaning of the underlined word “transport”.A地铁B人行道C交通工具D轨道15 . Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?APeople can see pictures of porcelain in all the stations of Beijing subway.BThe underground in Moscow never closes, so you can take it at any time.CPeople like to take subway because it is fast.DAthens underground opened earlier (更早) than Beijing subway.Dear Editor (编辑) ,I am unhappy these days. I am a student in Grade 3 of a middle school. I want to be a policewoman in the future (未来) . But my mother doesnt like the job. She always says it is too dangerous for a girl to work as a policewoman. She thinks girls should work in the office. She hopes that I can work as a doctor. But I really dislike being a doctor. Its terrible for me to work in the hospital. When I talk with her about it , she is often angry. She always thinks she is right. I dont know what to do. Can you help me?Yours,Nancy16 . Where does Nancy want to work?AIn the hospitalBAt schoolCIn the police stationDIn the office17 . From the passage(文章), we know Nancy is _Aa workerBa studentCa policewomanDa doctor18 . Nancys mother wants Nancy to be a_.Aa nurseBa teacherCa clerkDa doctor19 . Why doesnt Nancys mother like the job as a policewoman?ABecause its too busy.BBecause its too difficultCBecause its too dangerous.DBecause its too boringWhat would the world be like if cars could drive themselves? Imagine seeing an empty car passing by on its way to pick up its owner, or a car full of passengers who are reading, listening to music or even sleeping. But none of them are worried about the road ahead.Well, all of this could be the future of driving. There are several companies, including Google, working on driverless (无人驾驶) cars. These cars are now in testing (测试). If the tests are successful, these self-driving cars can be used very soon. But how is it possible for a car to drive itself?Some cars already have many features (特点) allowing them to take the place of drivers during certain situations. Some features include cars being able to park themselves, or slow down when they discover objects close by. They can also control the speed (速度) if there are dangerous conditions, such as snow or wet roads.Other features have also changed the way drivers deal with some situations. Scientists believe, with the help of wireless signals (无线信号), cameras and GPS, making a safe self-driving car can be possible. The cause of serious road accidents is usually careless driving or dangerous conditions. The self-driving car may be able to prevent (阻止) these. However, some people do not like the idea. American lawyer White Drake, for example, doesnt believe these cars are safe. He thinks that technology can also make mistakes.20 . Driverless cars _.Acost more than normal carBmake the road saferCcant control the speedDare still in testing21 . From the passage, we know some cars already have the ability (能力) to _.Apark themselvesBpick up their ownersCprevent all the dangerous situationsDrefuse careless drivers22 . According to scientists, safe driverless cars can work well with the help of _.AAmerican lawyersBexcellent driversCwireless signals, cameras and GPSDscientists and passengers23 . Whats the passage mainly talked about?AThe successful tests of driverless cars.BDriverless cars will take the place of normal cars soon.CTo introduce the advantages (优点) and disadvantages (缺点) of driverless cars.DThe future of driverless cars.Life in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now many changes will happen. But what will the changes be? The population is growing fast. There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now. Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the most important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead, they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier.Work in the future will be different, too. People will work fewer hours than they do now. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.24 . In the future there will be _.Amore peopleBless fruitCfewer vegetablesDmore cows25 . Every family will have at least a _ in the future.ArobotBcowCTV setDcomputer26 . In the future people dont have to _.Awork long hoursBwork fastCwalk to workDeat meat27 . People may not eat _ as much as they do today.AfruitBfishCmeatDrice28 . One big problem in the future is that _.Amany people dont have to workBmany people will not be able to find workCpeople have to work fastDall the work will be done by robotsHi, everyone. Im Tina. I think our life in 2060 will be different from our life at the moment. There will be many robots in my house. Because robots will be cheap. And these robots will help my family do many kinds of work every day. Every morning the clock-robot will ask me to get up. Then the clothing-robot will dress * me quickly. Next the kitchen-robot will make breakfast for me. When I get out of the house with my schoolbag, a car-robot will wait for me. After I show * it my school ID card, the car will go. And then the car-robot will check my homework. When I get to school, the car-robot will say to me “See you tomorrow, Tina. Good luck.”In the morning, I will have three lessons with my classmates. Well study on the Internet. Well use the e-book. The teachers are all robots. They are in different sizes and they can answer any question about any subject. In the afternoon, we will go to science lab to have two classes in a new plane. After class, well play football with robots. My classmates and robots can all be my friends. Dont you think the life with robots in the future will be fantastic?29 . Thewill dress Tina every morning.Aclothing-robotBcar-robotCkitchen-robotDclock-robot30 . Before getting in the car, Tina will show herto the car-robot.AhomeworkBschool ID cardCticketDschoolbag31 . How many classes do Tina and her classmates have?AThreeBFourCFiveDSix32 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AChildren wont need to do their homework in 2060.BRobots will do all kinds of work in 2060.CTina can make friends with not only his classmates but also robots.DPeople wont eat anything for breakfast in 2060.33 . What is the best title for the passage?ARobots will be cheapBLife with robots in the futureCStudents will study with robotsDDifferent kinds of robots at home三、单词填空根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空一词。If you visit Beijing, the Palace Museum is a must-see. But even t34 . you get in, you might see crowds of people, which makes it hard to get a c35 . look at the exhibits. L36 . , the museum has designed a series of Apps, where people can have cultural relics(文物) at the fingertips. Last month, Apples App Store made a l37 . of three Apps from the Palace Museum as the most imaginative, creative and attractive Apps of 2015 made in China. The Palace Museum p38 . users with new information on cultural relics every day. The Qing Emperors Wardrobe shows high-quality pictures of clothes in ancient China. Users can learn much k39 . , including the traditional hand-painted patterns as well as the process flow diagram(流程图) and so on. Especially with the help of a 3-D fashion model, it gives a person the feelings of intuitive and vivid. And Han Xizais Night Feast is based on classic ancient paintings. It d40 . the singing and dancing scene at the officials Han Xizais home. Han Xizais Night Feast has taken the top spot a41 . the three. It was even named the best App of 2015 in China. The painting shows the lifestyle of the ruling class (统治阶层) at that time. Users can get a general i42 . of Hans house and take a look at the people and clothes within the App by t43 . the screen. Dont you think its amazing?四、填空任务型阅读,每空一词Take Care of Your TeethYou need healthy teeth. Do you know why? Your teeth help you eat. They help you talk as well. Here are ways to care for the teeth: *Brush the teeth carefully after you eat. *Eat healthful food to keep your teeth healthy. *If you are a young kid, you can make a grown-up in your family help you floss your teeth. *Visit the dentist two times each year. And dont forget to smile!阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的短文,每空一词.Teeth are important for us. We need to look44 . them well. They help us eat and talk. The article(文章) tells us four ways to take care of our 45 . . First, we need to brush our teeth after 46 . food. Second, we need to eat healthy food. Third, we may ask our 47 . to help us floss our teeth. Fourth, we need to visit the dentist 48 . a year.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、三、单词填空1、四、填空1、

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