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人教版初二下期中考试英语试卷(带解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Though Mike is _ boy, he can say many words.-How clever!Aan-one-year-oldBa one-year-oldCan one-year oldDa one-year old2 . In my eyes, one of the best ways to lose weight isregularly.Ato exerciseBexerciseCto exercisingDexercised3 . Which of the following words comes first in the English dictionary (字典)?AagainstBafraidCafterDagree4 . Mary, here _ your New Years card.Thank you. And these _ your photos.Ais, isBare, are Cis, areDare, is5 . 一Shall we have a picnic this weekend?一it doesnt rain.AUnlessBUntilCWhileDIf6 . Dont get off the bus _ it stops.AthenBsoCbecauseDuntil7 . I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please _?Aturn it upBturn it downCturn it offDturn it on8 . Why do English people talk so often about the weather when they start a conversation? Because the weather is a _ subject.AseriousBgoodCcloseDsafe9 . He used toin the sun, but now he is used toat night.Aread, readBreading, readCread, readingDreading, reading10 . The sentence structure of “The bird is singing happily.” is _.AS+V+DO+OCBS+VCS+V+IO+DODS+V+P11 . - Im going to Dalian for my May Day holiday and I have _a seaside hotel. - Really? Have a good time.AbookedBboughtCbadDprepared12 . Mr. White with his two kids _ to the beach for vacation every year.AgoBgoesCwentDare going13 . How far is it _ Shanghai _ London?Ain, inBfrom, inCat, toDfrom, to14 . Lucy is writing a letter _ her cousin Alice.AinBonCforDto15 . You have black hair and black eyes. I have blond hair and blue eyes. We .Alook the same Blook different Care in different grade二、完型填空完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。It all started at the beginning of the ninth grade. Carmen found she couldnt see things_all the time. She became very worried, but she hoped_would know that. When her mother asked her to see the eye doctor, she didnt_. But her mothers mind was made up.Three days later, Carmen got new glasses and instructions from her doctor. “All of the kids will think Im_” Carmen said. Her mother_and shook her head. “You look just as beautiful as before”, she said. But Carmen didnt believe her.The next day, Carmen kept the_in her pocket as she walked into the schoolyard. She stood alone away from her friends, feeling_Suddenly, she heard her friend Theresa shout. Carmen ran over to the other girls. “Whats the_?” she asked.“My ring is gone!” Theresa cried. “My sister sent it to me from California. Its very_and I cant lose it.”Carmen and her friends began to_for the ring in the grassy area of the playground. Carmen realized that she could do better_she could see better. She took the glasses out and put them on. Everything looked so_! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a bright light caught her eyes. It was the_.“Here it is,” she shouted. She handed it to Theresa.“Thanks, Carmen,” she said. “I_thought wed find it.” she paused (停顿). “Hey, I didnt know you wore glasses. They look great!”Carmen had_that she was wearing the new glasses. “Thanks,” she replied.“Maybe wearing glasses wont be so bad after all.” Carmen thought.16 . AclearlyBcarefullyCfreelyDquickly17 . AeverybodyBanybodyCsomebodyDnobody18 . ArefuseBmindCagreeDunderstand19 . AcoolBsillyCproudDpretty20 . AnoddedBcheeredCsmiledDshouted21 . AwatchBkeysCgiftDglasses22 . AtiredBunhappyCangryDnervous23 . AmatterBreasonCquestionDsecret24 . AspecialBcommonCcheapDheavy25 . AaskBwaitClookDpay26 . AthoughBifCbecauseDuntil27 . AnaturalBnewCinterestingDdifferent28 . AballBringCpresentDglasses29 . AstillBeverCneverDoften30 . AheardBfoundCrememberedDforgotten三、阅读单选Perfect PresentsDavid is going to American to stay with his penfriend, ChrisDavid wants to take some presents with him.Chris lives in New York with his parents and his two sistersWe both love sports, especially (特别,尤其)football and basketball.My mum thinks it is a good idea to take presents for all the familySo here I am on a shopping trip with my mum.I know what I want for ChrisI am buying him a football shirtHe is a big Chelsea fan(切尔西球队球迷)Its expensive but its the perfect (极好的)presentMum has good ideas about what to buy for Chriss parentsShe suggests(建议) some typical(典型的) English foods like tea and marmalade(果酱)We find a great shopIt has just what we wantMum also buys them a photo of London.That just leaves Chriss sistersWe go to a toy shop and I see some beautiful teddy bearsThey are all in different colours and say “Greetings (问候)from London.” They are perfectNow Im ready(准备) for my holiday.31 . There are_ people in Chriss family?AthreeBfourCfiveDsix32 . What present(s) does David buy for Chriss sisters?AA footballBA football shirtCTypical English foodsDTeddy bearsIn Canada and the United States, people enjoy entertaining(请客)at home. They often invite friends over for a meal, a party, or just for coffee and conversation.Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their home: Would you like to come over for dinner on Saturday night? Hey, were having a party on Friday. Can you come? To reply to an invitation, either say thank you and accept(接受), or say youre sorry and give an excuse(借口): Thanks, Id love to. What time would you like me to come? or Oh, sorry. Ive tickets for a movie. Sometimes, however, people use expressions(措辞)that sound like invitations, but which are not real invitations(邀请). For example: Please come over for a drink sometime? Why not get together for a party sometime? Why dont you come over and see us sometime soon?They are really just polite ways of ending a conversation. They are not real invitations because they dont tell time or date. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly. To reply to expressions like these, people just say: Sure, that would be nice! or OK. Yes, thanks.So next time when you hear what sounds like an invitation. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?33 . Why do Canadians and Americans often invite friends for meals at home?ABecause they have no time.BBecause they can spend less moneyCBecause they enjoy entertaining at homeDBecause they have modern and beautiful houses34 . Which of the following is a real invitation?AIf youre free, lets go for a drink sometime.BPlease go to the cinema with me some day.CWould you like to have a cup of tea with us sometime?DIve two tickets here. Can you go to the concert with me?35 . If people say Lets get together for lunch some day, you just say“_.A Thats great. Ill be there on time.AHow about this weekend?BOh, sorry. Im very busy.CThat would be nice.36 . People use not real invitation to show that_.Atheyre trying to be friendlyBtheyre trying to be helpfulCtheyre trying to make friends with othersDthey havent got ready for a party yet四、填写适当的单词补全句子综合填空(根据首字母、中文、上下文提示完成短文。10分)A great French writer said that we should help others as much as possible because we often need help _37 . _(我们) .Sometimes the small can help the great. To show this, the writer t38 . the following story.An ant(蚂蚁) was _39 . _ (喝)at a small river and fell in. She t_40 . _her best to reach the bank, but she couldnt move at all because she couldnt swim. The poor ant got very41 . (疲惫的) but she was still doing her best. Just then a big 42 . /b:d/ saw her. The bird gave a blade(叶片)of grass to her .W43 . it the ant got to the bank again. While the ant was resting in the grass, she _44 . _(听见)a man coming up. The man was walking with a gun(枪) in his hand . He wanted to kill the bird. At that time, the ant bit(咬) him in one of his feet just before he _45 . _(put) up his gun. He stopped to see what bit _46 . _, and the bird flew away quickly. The ant saved the birds life.综合填空Do you want to be a newsreader or presenter? By reading this youll know how to47 . t_ the first step! Making a radio programme is48 . f_.The most 49 . i_ thing you need to do is to decide what kind of programme you are going to offer. Have you always wanted to be a DJ just to 50 . p_ music? If so, what kind of music? And will51 . o_ want to listen to the music you want to play?Maybe its not music 52 . b_ information that you want to offer. You may want to do a talk show about a 53 . s_ subject. If so, great! Choosing something youre interested in will make it a great54 . e_ for you. If youre good at a subject, youll be55 . k_ as a great presenter.Or, maybe you would like to make a programme56 . l_ an interview with others. Programmes like this are easy to listen to and always57 . i_ to make because youll never know what a guest is going to say and maybe your subject will change.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子在方框中选择恰当的词语,并用其正确的形式填空(10分)。develop part colorful interest health make especial chat worse readHave you ever tried shopping online? What about talking with strangers though the Internet? Of course, yes. With the58 . of the society, the Internet is playing a more and more important59 . in our daily life, more and more people60 . _teenagers show great61 . in the Internet. If teenagers are crazy about playing games or62 . online ,it will definitely have bad effect on our study and63 . .Whats64 . ?It may make us get tired of everything expect surfing the net. We should spend more time65 . books and news report on the Internet. In a word, The Internet makes our life convenient and66 . ,but we still should learn the way67 . full use of it.六、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话(有两个多余选项)A:Whats your plan for the summer holiday?B:Ill visit my cousin.68 . A:Is the farm big or small?B:Its not very big,but its really a nice one.69 . A:Im sure you will enjoy staying there.What does he grow on the farm?B:70 . A:What are you going to do there?B:Ill go there and help him pick fruit.A:71 . It sounds fun.B:It really does.And the fruits are very nice.I like to eat them very much.A:Are they sold here?B:Of course.72 . My cousin will send them to other countries some day,too.AHe grows oranges,peaches and grapes.BAnd they are also sold to many other cities in China.CHe has a farm in the countryside.DYoull pick fruit!EId like to go there on summer vacation.FI like the countryside.GCan you pick fruit?补全对话A: Whos that?B: Id like to, but Im afraid I cant.C: What did you call me for?D:Have a good trip!E: I was shopping at that time.F: Who are you?A: Hello! May I speak to Tom, please?B: Speaking. _73 . _A: This is Bill. I called you yesterday, but you were not at home.B: _74 . _ I need to prepare something for my trip to Shanghai.A: Shanghai? Its a beautiful city. How lucky you are!B: So I am! _75 . _A: Ill have a birthday party next Friday. Would you like to come?B: _76 . _ My plane will take off next Wednesday.A: What a pity(遗憾) that you cant come ! _77 . _B: Thank you very much. Bye!A: Bye!补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯,完整。A: Hello, Maria!B: Hello ,Tom!A:Why are you crying?78 . _B: I did badly in the English exam. Im worried about how to tell my parents the result, for they must be disappointed and unhappy.A:79 . _. Even though your parents are strict with you, they love you very much.B: You are right!80 . _?A: First, please dry your tears. Then our classmates and I can help you with English.B: Thank you. 81 . _.A: Youre welcome. Cheer up!B:82 . _.七、填空阅读表达根据短文回答问题Everyone needs friends. Friends bring us happiness and hope in our lives. But the ability to make friends changes from person to person. To some people, making friends is easy, and to others its very difficult.Making friends is a skill, and the first thing is to know how to get on with others.If you have trouble in making friends, maybe I can tell you how to do it.Realize your own good points. You have skills and talents(才能) that others will like.Believe that you are a good person and have something nice to share with others.Be humourous. Learn to laugh at yourself and your weakness. Remember to smile at others.Respect(尊敬) the others. Everyone has his own idea. Learn how to listen to others ideas without trying to make them accept yours.Be kind. If you are kind to others, they will usually be kind to you. There are hundreds of little things you can do to show your kindness. Open the door for someone. Wave to a friend and so on.Dont complain(抱怨). Learn to accept what you cant change, and work hard to change what you can. No one is willing to hear your complaints all the time.Never give up. Even if you are faced with some closed-minded people, never give up. And try to find someone who will understand you.回答下面的问题,每题答案不超过6个词。83 . What can friends bring us according to the passage?84 . Whats the first thing we should know in order to make friends?85 . What will others do if you are kind to them?86 . How many pieces of advice does the writer provide when we have trouble in making friends?87 . How can you show your kindness to others?(举一个例子)阅读下列短文,然后从A-E中选择合适的小标题填入第31-35小题。Everybody knows that healthy eating habits are important. You may want to know whether your eating habits are healthy or not. Read and check your habits now. Here are five good eating habits for you.88 . Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You may need even more water when you are exercising.89 . Breakfast is the most important meal of a day. You will have more energy after eating breakfast.90 . If you dont have time to go out, take a sandwich with you for a quick lunch. Dont eat lunch which has too much fat. If you dont have lunch, that will be bad for your health.91 . We should eat fruits and vegetables every day. Add a banana to your breakfast, have a salad with lunch, and eat some vegetable at dinner.92 . Try to have dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. Your body needs time to digest most of food before you rest for 8 hours.ADrink plenty of water.BDont eat dinner late.CEat a light lunch every day.DDont miss breakfast.E. Eat fruits and vegetables.八、话题作文93 . The Place I Like Best at School is 提示:初中三年的生活即将结束,这三年的大部分时光都是在学校里度过的,相信你对自己学校里的每一个角落都非常熟悉。请你以“The Place I like Best at School is ”为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍学校里你最喜欢的一角。要求:1.请先将题目补全后再做答;2.语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;3.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、2、3、七、填空1、2、八、话题作文1、

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