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人教版七年级英语寒假作业-作业五姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ am a boy. _ name is Tom.AI; IBI; MyCMy; My2 . Her _ name is Grace and her _ name is Miller.Afirst, fullBlast, middleCfirst, familyDlast, given3 . For holding bricks and stones together, a bridge needs great deal of mortar, a mixture of sand, water, and cement (水泥). Here “mortar” means “_” in Chinese.A工人B机器C砂浆D电子设备4 . _,please?Its half past eight.AWhat time do you knowBWheres your watchCWhen is itDWhat time is it5 . My names Mary Smith. Mary is my _ name.AlastBfamilyCfirstDone二、完型填空My name is Sandra. I have a brother. _name is Tom. We like different sports. I like playing _It is fun. I like tennis,too. _ I dont like basketball. It is _.My brother _ basketball. He has four basketballs. He _basketball every day. We like different _. I like eggs,apples and hamburgers for breakfast and dinner. For dessert(甜食),I like _.Tom likes oranges,chicken and carrots. We are _ because we often play sports and _ good food.6 . AHeBSheCHerDHis7 . AvolleyballBTVCwatchDoranges8 . AAndBWithCButDOf9 . AfunBdifficultCinterestingDfine10 . AlikesBdont likeClikeDdoesnt like11 . AlooksBknowsCplaysDhas12 . AfoodsBbooksCcolorsDclasses13 . AhamburgersBchickenCbreadDice-cream14 . AboringBhealthyCgreatDrelaxing15 . AdoesBhasCeatDdo三、阅读单选16 . Smith is _last name.ACinysBDalesCTomsDMarys17 . _is Toms last name.ASmiLhBMillerCBrownDBlack18 . Whats Marys phone number?A367-8346.B163-1901.C323-0638.D629-2786.19 . Whose (谁的) last name is Miller?ADale.BDale and Mary.CMary.DDale and Tom.20 . Whats Cindys QQ number?A1095257.B3550711.C7902323.D2878356.四、完成句子根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。21 . 我每天步行去学校只需10分钟It only _ me ten minutes _ to school every day。22 . 上周末,我直到8点才起床。Last weekend , I_ get up _ 8 oclock。23 . 去年他出国了,到现在还没有回来。He went _ last year, and he_come back yet.24 . 事实上,他知道事情的真相。_,he knew the truth.25 . 警察总是尽最大努力救助那些处于危险之中的人。The police always try their best to save those who are _.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、完成句子1、


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