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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You may go fishing if you _ the flowers.Awill waterBwaterCwateredDare watering2 . If yon dont get up early, you will the train.AcatchBlostCmissDnot miss3 . - Will you go camping with us, Bob? - Id love to, but I _ study for the test.AmayBhave toCcanDcould4 . Little Women is _ Tom Sawyer. I like both.Aas boring asBnot as boring asCas interesting asDnot as interesting as5 . Will there be more people in the future? No, .Athere willBthere isntCthere wont6 . Andrew failed to _ the light in his bedroomAput awayBput inCput upDput on7 . Theres_ interesting pay phone next to_ post office.Aa, theBan, aCa, /Dan, the8 . The child is crying. Please do something to make him.Astop to cryBstop cryingCto stop to cryDto stop crying9 . -_ bad weather it was yesterday!-Yes. The rain was falling all the time. It was_ awful day!AWhat a, aBWhat a, anCWhat, aDWhat, an10 . - I remember she went to Hainan last month.Aat the endBat the end ofCin the endDin the end of11 . To catch the bus, the man ran as _ as he could.AquickBquicklyCquickerDmore quickly12 . They decided _ to help the animals in danger.Araise moneyBto raise moneyCraised moneyDraises money13 . Nowadays, people pay more attention to keeping fit.AsuitableBpeaceChealthy14 . I think its well worth _ our best to learn a second language well.Ato tryBtryingCtryDtries15 . Its two in the afternoon. We can sayto Miss Fang.AGood nightBGood morningCGood eveningDGood afternoon二、完型填空完型填空My family came to America from China many years ago. I was born in Oakland in 1989. Many young Chinese Americans dont learn much_because our parents _ us to learn English very well.Chinese is a difficult language. If we dont speak it_, its easy to forget. Writing is hard, too. We have to remember lots of words and thousands of characters (汉字). In English, there are only 26 _.At home, I _English with my family. But now, we speak some Cantonese (广东话) because we watch films _ that language.My mom has come to love F4, a Chinese boy band (组合). They are in the film Meteor Garden (流星花园). We all _ the TV series, and we learn Cantonese _ saying some funny words from the TV series to each other.Its fun to speak Cantonese with my Chinese friends. It _funny because we cant say the words just right.Young Chinese Americans know that our culture (文化) is getting lost, so we try to _ something.16 . AChineseBEnglishCCantoneseDPutonghua17 . AhopeBaskCletDwant18 . AoftenBhardCquicklyDsoon19 . AwordsBlettersClanguagesDcharacters20 . AtellBsayCspeakDsing21 . AwithBinCbyDfrom22 . AmadeBkeptCenjoyedDdislikes23 . AfromBinCwithDby24 . AsoundsBlooksClikesDreads25 . AstayBkeepCleaveDhave三、阅读单选According to a national study, in the summer of 2013, the long-term(长期的) warm weather in the UK has made the number of butterflies increase.Around 46,000 volunteers(志愿者) took part in the years Big Butterfly Count(统计), and they found 830,000 butterflies. Volunteers were asked to make a record. They would record how many times they found one of 21 different kinds of butterflies.Later, the scientists used the records to find out how many butterflies of different kinds were found across the country. Then, they compared the results to the year before. They found that there was a rise in the number of 15 kinds of butterflies, and some of them went up by 50% compared to recent years. They said the increase in butterfly numbers was a result of warm weather.However, scientists also said that the number of butterflies was in decline(下降) as a whole, and that we might not see_the next year.Richard Fox, who works for Butterfly Conservation, said, “UK butterflies are in long-term decline. Studies have been done since the 1970s. They show that UK butterflies have declined in type and number.”He added, “We musthaltthe long-term decline of these beautiful creatures(生物). The only way is by stopping the damage that has been done to the butterflies habitats(栖息地) across the UK.”26 . The volunteers were asked to _.Astudy 830,000 butterfliesBhelp scientists take notesCrecord the number of each kind of butterflyDfind how many kinds of butterflies there are27 . What can we learn from the study?AThere were 20 kinds of UK butterflies.B50% more UK butterflies were found in 2013.CThe number of 15 kinds of UK butterflies increased.DThere was a long-term increase in UK butterfly number.28 . What does the underlined part “the same result” in Paragraph 4 mean?AThe weather is cold.BThe weather is warm.CUK butterfly numbers decline.DUK butterfly numbers increase.29 . The underlined word “halt” in the last paragraph means “_”.AstopBstudyCmakeDplan30 . What would be the best headline of the passage?ADifferent kinds of butterflies in the UK.BBig Butterfly Count in the UK in 2013.CUK Scientists made butterfly numbers increase.DWarm weather made UK butterfly numbers increase.“The world has never been a better place to live in” says science writer Matt Ridley, “and it will keep on getting better.” Read on to see how Ridley makes his case. Right or wrong? You decide.Compared with 50 years ago, when I was just four years old, people now make nearly three times as much money, eat one third more food and expect to live one third longer. In fact, its hard to find any areas of the world thats worse off now than it was then, even though the world population has more than doubled over that period.One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer-lived and freer than ever before is that the four most basic human needsfood, clothing, fuel and shelterhave grown much cheaper. Take one example: In 1800, a candle providing one hours light cost six hours work. In the 1880s, the same light from a lamp took 15 minutes work to pay for. In 1950, it was eight seconds. Today, its half a second. In these terms, we are 43,200 times better off than in1800.In the United States, rivers, lakes, seas and air are getting cleaner all the time. A car today produces less pollution traveling at full speed than a parked car did from leaks (泄漏) in 1970.Although the world population is growing, the rate (率) of increase has been falling for 50 years. Across the world, national birth rates are lower now than in 1960, and in the less developed world, the birth rate has almost halved. According to a research report from the United Nations, population will start falling once it reaches 9.2 billion in 2075. After all, there are already seven billion people on earth, and they are eating better and better.In 1970s, there were 550 billion barrels (桶) of oil reserves (储存) in the world, and in the 20 years that followed the world used up 600 billion. So by 1990, reserves should have been overused by 50 billion barrels. Instead, it is reported there are 900 billion today. They will last for many years and people will find something in place of oil long before they run out.The more we develop, the more we can develop. The more we invent, the more inventions become possible. For 200 years, pessimists (people who believe that terrible things will happen in future) have had all the headlineseven thoughoptimistshave far more often been right. There are some reasons for pessimists. No charity (慈善机构) ever raised money by saying things are getting better. No journalist ever got the front page writing a story about how terrible things wont happen. Dont be a pessimistdare to be an optimist!31 . Today, providing one hours light costs _.A6 hours workB15 minutes workC8 seconds workD0.5 seconds work32 . Which of the following is true, according to the passage?AThings we used to need were much cheaper than they are today.BThe pollution today is much more serious than it was long ago.CPopulation problem has nearly made the world stop developing.DIts not necessary to be worried about oil reserves in the world.33 . What does the word “optimists” in the last paragraph mean?APeople who are brave enough to face anything terrible.BPeople who can always tell good things from bad ones.CPeople who have hopeful and happy feelings about life.DPeople who dont easily believe what theyre told about.34 . Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?ANever Give UpBCheer UpCDont Be SadDThink OutThe Worlds Longest RiversRiverLengthLocationNile4,132 miles (6,650 km)AfricaAmazon4,000 miles (6,400 km)South AmericaChang Jiang(Yangtze) 3,915 miles (6,300 km)ChinaMississippi-Missouri-Red Rock3,902 miles (6,275 km)United StatesOb3,364 miles (5,410 km)RussiaFast Facts The Nile River passes through 9 countries: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo,Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The Amazon is second in length but first in amount of water carried and area of land drained(排水). Chang Jiang is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world. The river is the longest in the world to flow wholly within one country. The Missouri and Red Rock Rivers are considered tributaries (a stream or river that flows into a main river) of the Mississippi. The Mississippi river system goes through only one country: the United States. The Ob River is a major river in western Siberia, Russia and is the worlds seventh longest river.35 . How are the rivers listed in the table?AFrom northernmost to southernmost.BFrom widest to narrowest.CFrom longest to shortest.DBy greatest to least volume(体积).36 . Why are the Mississippi, Missouri, and Red Rock Rivers grouped together in the river?AAll three are the same length.BThey all flow to the Amazon.CThey are all rivers in North America.DThey are part of the same river system.37 . Which river is the longest in the world that goes through only one country?ANileBChang JiangCAmazonDOb River四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。38 . If you m_ blue and yellow, you will get green.39 . How much _ (盐)do we need to add to the noodles?40 . The little boy shouldnt _ (倾倒)water onto the floor.41 . What is your sister doing now?C_ up the onions.42 . I cant use the new m_. I hear it can make popcorn.五、信息归纳根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。Hi , everyone . Im Mike . I lost a red bag on the playground . There I watched a football game with my friends Tom, Bell and Tony last night. I was so excited that I forgot my bag.There is a pen, a coat and a story book in it. The pen is black and it looks a little old. The color of my coat is blue. The name of the book is Journey to the West. I love it very much. Whats more, this book is a birthday present from my father. It is important for me. I really want to find it. If you find my bag, please e-mail me at mikeoo123.com.Information CardThe place where Mike lost his bag96.43 . The time when Mike lost his bag97.44 . The number of things that are in Mikes bag98.45 . The name of Mikes book99.46 . The person that gives Mike the book100.47 . 六、材料作文48 . 2018 年 5 月 5 日上午,第十届海南省“书香节”启动仪式在海南省图书馆举行。为响应 “书香节”活动,你校校刊英文版正在开展以“I Like Reading”为主题的征文活动。请根据下表提示内容写一篇短文,介绍你对阅读的看法及个人的阅读情况。要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;2. 必须包含所给提示内容,并做适当发挥;3. 行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名;4. 不少于 80 词。(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)I Like Reading1. The importance(重要性) of readingopen up ones mind,get more knowledge,2. My reading habitwhen to readwhere to read what to read3. My favorite book(s)4. My reading planReading makes a full man. Its important and necessary for everyone to read. _Reading is a lifelong journey. I hope everyone can read as much as possible in the future.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、信息归纳1、六、材料作文1、

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