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2019-2020学年人教版八年级英语下册unit8单元测试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tom likes soccer.What club can he join?He can join the _ club.AsportBmusicCsportsDswimming2 . We waited for Mrs.Li for nearly two hours until she _in the end.Agave upBput upCshowed upDlooked up3 . Its sunny today. What about _ to the park?That sounds good.AgoBto goCgoingDto going4 . Our teacher often tells us time.Anot wasteBdont wasteCnot to wasteDdoesnt waste5 . -What does your pen pal?-She is short and has long hair.Alook likeBcome fromClook atDis from6 . Would you _ your voice a little so that everyone can hear you?AriseBputCliftDraise7 . _ Miss Brown _ out all of her records? No, not yet.AHave; soldBHas; soldCDoes; sellDIs; sell8 . Jane , what a nice coat you are wearing today!- Thank you ! I _yuan on it.AcostBtookCpaid forDspent9 . From his injury, we can easily tell he was hit by someone with a sharp knife.AobviouslyBunbelievablyCamazinglyDunexpectedly10 . -Could you tell me how long _?-Yes. For nearly eighteen years.Ahas he married herBhas he got married to herChe has got married to herDhe has been married to her11 . The teacher told us to write _ composition in class.Aa eight-hundred-wordBa eight hundred wordsCan eight-hundred-wordDan eight hundred words12 . In English , shes _ writing than listening.Abetter atBbetter inCgood atDbest in13 . Yang Liwei, a famous astronaut to Foshan in March, 2012.AcomesBcameCwas coming14 . (题文)In _, its very cold. Sometimes it snows.AautumnBspringCsummerDwinter15 . -_.- She is tall and she has big eyes.AWhere is she from?BWhats her name?CWhat does she look like?DWhat does she do?二、完型填空When Im in trouble,I always take out a book and read quietlyI put my heart into it so thatI can forget all the(56)_thingsI have developed a habit ofreading in this wayWhen I was a little boy,I was interested in comic books and storybooksWhen I grew older and went to a middle school,I began to read novels,plays,essays and so onI found I could get(57)_from themLittle by little,I took a great interest in literature and last term I(58)_the first prize in the composition contest among high school students in our cityReading The Emperor i New Clotk,es makes me(59)_a lot because of the emperors silly and funny behaviorThe Little Match G/d makes me feel(60)_because she lives a hard lifeRobison Crusoe takes me into a strange world full of dangerMy favorite book is The Story ofMy Life because Im deeply(61)_by Helen Kellers spirit of being strong and never giving upBesides these,books also tell me other thingshow to be a brave man and how to tell the difFerence between right and wrongIn a word,good books can let me know(62)_I didnt know beforeSo I think good books are iust like mv best friends16 . A. unhappy B. wonderful C. interesting17 . A. any B. much C. many18 . A. lost B. did C. won19 . A. believe B. laugh C. cry20 . A. sad B. sleepy C. tired21 . A. expected B. moved C. loved22 . A. that B. which C. what三、阅读单选A young man is sitting by the road eating something. A policeman is coming over. At once ,the man gets up quickly and runs down the road. The policeman runs after him. The man runs very fast. But the policeman runs faster. After a few minutes, the policeman catches him. Where are you going? says the policeman. You must be a criminal (罪犯) if you run like that when you see a policeman. No, no, says the man, Im not a criminal. Im just too fat, you see. The doctor says to me that I must always run fast after eating. I see, says the policeman, You are running to help to lose some weight (重量).23 . What is the young man doing by the road?AHe is playing games.BHe is drinking tea.CHe is eating something.DHe is listening to the radio.24 . What does the young man do when he sees the policeman?AHe says hello to him.BHe gets up and runs.CHe is waiting for him.DHe doesnt go away.25 . Why does the policeman run after the young man?ABecause he knows him.BBecause he thinks the young man is a bad man.CBecause he is catching a bus.DBecause the young man drops his pen.26 . Who runs faster?AThe young runs faster than the policeman.BThe policeman runs faster than the young man.CThe doctor runs faster than the young man.DNo one runs faster than the young man.27 . Why does the young man run?ABecause the doctor tells him to run after eating.BHe wants to catch a bus.CHe sees a friend.DHe remembers something.AWonderful Tour (3-Day) of TaizhouXian Spring and Autumn International Travel AgencyIncluding:Places to visit: Price: Only ¥1568* A round-trip train ticket from Xian to Taizhou* Bus service around Taizhou* Two nights stay in good hotels* The best tour guide serviceTaizhou Fengcheng River Scenic Area- the national AAAA level scenic spots(景点)Qin Lake National Wetland Park- another national AAAA level scenic spotsOverseas Chinese Town- enjoy spas / spring bath(泡温泉/温泉浴)The Old Street- enjoy kan-ssu, noodles served with fish soup, baozi and so onOffice hours:Monday-Friday 8:00a.m. 8:00p.m. Saturday & Sunday 9:00a.m. 9:00p.m.Tel: 029-86699334 18149280872Address: No.98 Xiaozhai East Road, Yanta District28 . From the information above, we know this is .Aa piece of newsBa mapCan advertisementDan air ticket29 . You cant enjoy in Taizhou.Ataking a bus around TaizhouBgetting a lot of small giftsCstaying in good hotelsDreceiving a good guide service30 . How many places can you visit if you take the tour?ATwoBThreeCFourDFive31 . You can book the tour .Aby phoneBby writing blogsCby chatting with them on lineDby sending them an e-mail32 . When can you book a ticket to Taizhou?AAny time.BBefore 8:00 a.m. at the weekends.CAfter 8:00 p.m. on weekdays.DAt noon every day.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内单词的适当形式填空。33 . He can play different _ of music. However, I admire him because of his _(kind).34 . Some of the visitors are _ (France). They came from Pairs.35 . They turned off the _ and _ candles(light).36 . This is a _ (10 km long) village road.37 . The _ (leaf) on the tree turn yellow in autumn.38 . He had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in _ (silent).39 . At the _ (begin) of this term, the teacher asked us to make a plan to improve our grades.40 . You look terrible, Nancy. Do you have a _ (stomach)?41 . Are there many _ (activity) in your school?42 . He is old enough. He can make _ (decide) for himself.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子43 . 你能把那本书带给我吗?Can you _ that book?44 . 你想穿哪双鞋子?Which pair of shoes do you _?45 . 你什么都不穿将会看起来很酷。You will look cool _.46 . 春季和秋季对我来说是在外面踢足球的最好时节。Spring and autumn are _ to play football outside. 六、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hey, Lisa.47 . B: Im reading a book.A: 48 . B: Adventures of a Cat-Whiskered Girl. Have you read it before?A: No. Whats it about? 49 . B: Of course. Its about a girl named Audrey. She enters a different place and meets some strange people there. And then some strange stories happen.A: Its very interesting. 50 . B: I dont know. Lets read it together.A: 51 . 七、填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词。每空一词。The English books we choose may influence our reading in some ways. Let us see how to choose a correct books to read.Find interesting books.Find stories that attracts you. A good story will open you up to new language and youll want to read more.I love reading books about football. That way, I know the vocabulary needed to talk about this subject. There is no need to read something that you find boring.Dont make it too difficult.If the language is too hard, you wont learn much English. Its not enjoyable reading something that is too complex(综合的). Therefore, find books that suit you and your level.More on this soon.Join a book club.Join other people who are learning English and talk about special books. This will help you better understand what youre reading and youll get more chances to practice speaking in English.It will also get you to read the book. Its embarrassing(尴尬的) going to a book club and telling people that you havent read the chosen book!Test the book firstInstead of just buying a book, test it first. Read a few pages to see if youre going to like it. You can do this on Amazon by clicking “Look Inside This Book”. Read a few pages to see if its going to help you.Ways to choose right books to read Find interesting books.Its necessary for you to choose books that 52 . you. So you wont feel tired while reading. Dont make it too difficult.Choose books in your own level. That will make your reading 53 . Join a book club.Joining a book club can help you understand anything54 . and make you finish reading the book you choose. Test the book first.Before 55 . ga book, you must test it first. Read a few pages to make sure it is helpful to you. Dont let the books you choose 56 . your reading. 八、材料作文57 . “传递爱心,服务他人”是文明社会所倡导的理念。“捧在手心”(Heart in Hand) 就是一个以此为宗旨的国际性服务团体。赵咏华是“捧在手心”的一名成员,多年来她一直乐于助人。请根据提示用英语写一篇短文,向校刊的English World栏目投稿,简要介绍赵咏华的事迹,然后谈谈你的观点和打算。Ready to help othersZhao Yonghua help others for years go to the old peoples home twice a month ( cut hair, wash clothes,do some cleaning) offer(提供) people umbrellas or raincoats on rainy days your opinion your plan 要求:1.短文内容必须包含表格所提供的要点,可适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名;3.词数80左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。We need love and we should also give love to others. Many people do something helpful and useful to others. Zhao Yonghua _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、


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