2019-2020学年牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Mid-term Examination (B)(不含听力材料)B卷

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2019-2020学年牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Mid-term Examination (B)(不含听力材料)B卷_第1页
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2019-2020学年牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Mid-term Examination (B)(不含听力材料)B卷_第2页
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2019-2020学年牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Mid-term Examination (B)(不含听力材料)B卷_第3页
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2019-2020学年牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Mid-term Examination (B)(不含听力材料)B卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . Who got the movie poster for Alice?AHer father.BHer brother.CHer sister.2 . What does Neil mean?AHe will come to the party this Sunday.BHe doesnt want to visit his grandparents.CHe cant go to the party.3 . What does Rick help his grandmother do?ABC4 . AHer motherBHer uncleCHer aunt5 . ATwo.BThree.CFour.DOne.6 . AAt the libraryBIn the shop.CAt the post office.DIn the classroom.7 . ATo see film.BTo read the paper and see whats on.CTo go to restaurant.DTo stay at home.二、单选题8 . -Help yourself to some chicken , Jim . -_AYes , pleaseBYou are welcomeCThank youDYes , all right9 . - How many timesyouto the Great Wall?- Once. Ithere three years ago.Adid; go to; have goneBhave; gone to, wentChave; been to; have goneDhave; been to; went10 . Just now the police man told us _ our cars in front of the school gate.Anot parkBto not parkCno parkingDnot to park11 . The boy got lost after arguing with his parents.Which is correct for the underlined part?A/:/ B. /a:/ C. / D. /u/12 . Please call _ _ 686-6034.Ame inBI inCme atDI at13 . If itthis Saturday, wefor a vacation.Awont rain, shall goBdoesnt rain, will goCdoesnt rain, goDisnt rain, go14 . Of all the vegetables, Lucy likes_ best.AwatermelonBbreadClettuceDcheese15 . Which of the following sentences is correct?AHe is someone, he knows a lot about the history of China.BI want to know when will the meeting start.CLook! It is raining heavily outside.DWould you like to see the film green.16 . It is a shame _such a mistakeAmakeBto makeCmakingDmakes17 . _ do you use the Internet? I use it every day.AHow manyBHow oftenCHow muchDHow long18 . 一Lets play ping- pong!Good idea! _I dont have a bat.ASoBOrCAndDBut19 . The bus stop is just _ the road. You cant miss it.AacrossBthroughConDbeyond20 . Stephen Hawking, a great scientist, died _ the morning of March 14, 2018.AonBinCat21 . To find a better job, she decided to go to _ city.AotherBothersCthe otherDanother22 . However, it is not possible for humans _ some of the sounds.AhearBlistenCto hear三、完型填空My name is Chen Xiaolu. I am from _, its the capital of China. I have two _. They are my uncles children. There is a photo _ us. On my _ is Chen Xiaobo. He is 22 years old. He works in No.3 Hospital. He is a good _. He has _ interesting friends. In the photo, Chen Xiaohui is on my right. _ is a 14-year-old girl. Xiaohui and I _ students, _ we are not in the same school. We like reading books very much, so we often go to the _ on Sundays.23 . ARuianBWenzhouCHangzhouDBeijing24 . AfriendsBcousinsCparentsDgrandparents25 . AnearBforCofDwith26 . AleftBrightCmiddleDfront27 . AteacherBstudentCnurseDfarm worker28 . AnoBanyConeDa lot of29 . AHeBSheCTheyDI30 . AareBamCisDjob31 . AandBbutCsoDbecause32 . AschoolBhospitalClibraryDplayground四、阅读单选MaryTomAlanWhereThe Great WallSpain(西班牙)CanadaWhenThe first week in JuneThe last day of MayJuly, Monday 18thWhoHis parentsHis best friendsHis cousinWhat Going hikingGoing sightseeingVisiting some famous places in BeijingGoing shoppingGoing sightseeingGoing shopping Going campingWatching bull-fightSpending time on the farmGoing fishingGoing hikingSleeping a lotHow longAbout one monthOnly two weeksUntil SeptemberTransportationBy plane and busBy boat and planeBy plane and trainThis summer, Mary, Tom, Alan are going to have a vacation(holiday). The followings(以下) are their plans for the coming vacation.33 . Who is going hiking this summer?AMaryBTomCAlanDA and C34 . What isnt Tom doing for vacation?AWatching bull-fight(斗牛)BGoing shoppingCGoing fishingDGoing sightseeing35 . Who can visit the Palace Museum(颐和园) this vacation?AAlanBTomCMaryDNobody36 . Whose vacation is the longest?AMarysBTomsCAlansDWe dont know37 . Whats the same transportation(交通工具) are they going to take?ATrainBBusCBoatDPlane五、听录音补全句子Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks(根据你听到的内容,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):38 . Alice was badly ill when she was just_ old.39 . Alice needs to_the oxygen tank all the time.40 . A fourlegged friend,a little dog,entered the_.41 . The dog_ the girl _and carries the heavy oxygen tank on his back.42 . The dog keeps up with the girl wherever she goes and they become the_.六、听对话给图片排序Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容, 选出相应的图片):ABCDEF43 . _44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _七、听短文判断Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)48 . They are going to have a picnic in Forest Park this Saturday.49 . Chicken is Pauls favourite meat.50 . His father likes beef best.51 . Paul thinks fish and mushrooms are healthy food.52 . Paul is going to do some housework.53 . They are going to have a wonderful time.八、句型转换句型转换。54 . My grandmother lives with my uncle.(改为一般疑问句)_grandmother _with your uncle ?55 . The sweater is 18 dollars.(对划线部分提问)_ the sweater?56 . My brother likes basketball game.(改为一般疑问句)_ your brother _ basketball game?57 . He likes music best. (同义句)_ is music.58 . I like Mr. Smith because he is fun. (对划线部分提问)_like Mr.Smith?九、用所给单词的正确形式填空Use the proper forms of the words in the brackets to complete the following sentences.59 . Look! The are a lot of cute _ there. (puppy)60 . They arrived in Garden on August the _. (twenty)61 . There is a Chinese _ flag in every classroom. (nation)62 . Dont be _ to animals. (cruelty)63 . At last, the pilot tried to land the plane _. (save)64 . I made many _ friends when I stayed in Toronoto. (Canada)65 . The underground train are usually _ in rush hours. (crowd)十、根据音标写单词Fill in the missing words according to the phonetic symbols.66 . _ we look Miss Lius plan. (/fainl/)67 . Tom has a little sister and she is very _. (/n:t/)68 . My mother is going to _ the best dentist in our city tomorrow. (/ntvju:/)69 . I love my family and _ and they love me too. (/reltvz/)70 . You can take part in _ from flying kites to playing tennis. (/ktvuvz/)十一、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空go to college; travel around the world; be able to; make money; get an education71 . If you study hard, you will_ get good grades.72 . Although he is only ten years old, he already knows how _.73 . Most students will _after they finish high school.74 . Do you want to go on _ or find a job?75 . My dream is to be a famous traveler. Im going to _ when I grow up.十二、单词填空假如你是Sandy, 是九月份即将迎接新的高中生活的一名中学生。你在QQ群里留言,谈了自己在高中学习,生活和与人交往等方面可能遇到的困难,希望朋友们给与建议和帮助。根据内容,补全短文,每空一词。(5分)76 . _77 . _78 . _79 . _80 . _十三、信息匹配阅读下列语言材料,从AF选项中找出与它们相对应的标题。其中有一项为多余选项。81 . Hello! My name is Sam. I am from Canada. I like painting. My parents teach me Chinese. So I can speak a little Chinese. I want a Chinese pen pal.82 . Look, Tom is eating a delicious ice-cream. Daming is lying in the sun. Wang Hui is taking photos. We are enjoying the school trip.83 . Do you like animals? I like them and I like pandas best. They are black and white. They eat bamboos and they sleep for about 12 hours a day. I think they are very lovely.84 . Go along the street. Turn left and walk along Green Street. Go past the bank. Turn right after the bank, then you will see the cinema. The post office is opposite the cinema and the supermarket.85 . Liu Fang is a nice girl. As a monitor, she gets on well with everyone in our class. She works hard and does well at school. At home, she always helps her mother do housework.AThe way to the post office.BI want a pen pal.COur class monitor.DMy favorite animal.EMy holiday plan.FWere on a school trip.十四、回答问题阅读表达Mr. Robinson works at an office. Every day, he drives a long way to work. In order to avoid(避免) heavy traffic, he has to get up early and go to work without having breakfast. He often buys some bottles of milk and puts them in a big box in his office, so he can drink the milk whenever he gets hungry.Last Friday, after arriving at his office as usual, he wanted to have some milk. But he found that two bottles of milk were missing. He thought someone who works in the same office must have taken the milk. So at noon, he said to all his workmates, “I wish the person who stole my milk can return them to me and apologize(道歉) in the afternoon. In fact, anyone who touched the box left his or her fingerprints(指纹) on it, so I can find out who did this by checking the fingerprints.” After saying this, he went out for lunch.During lunch, he was thinking about what he should say to the person who would apologize in the afternoon. But when he got back to the office, no one apologized to him. To his surprise, all his milk, even the box, was missing.86 . Where does Mr. Robinson put his milk? _87 . Why does Mr. Robinson go to work without having breakfast? _88 . Do you think Mr. Robinson could find out who took his milk? Why or why not? _十五、将所给单词连成句子连词成句(注意大小写)89 . afternoon, Bob, good(,)(!)_90 . am, I, thank, fine, you(,)(.)_91 . are, how, you, Dale(,)(?)_92 . night, good, Alice(,)( !)_93 . is, she, OK(.)_十六、话题作文94 . Writing (写话): Write at least 50 words about the topic “My future and dream ”. (以“我的未来与梦想”为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格)Suggested questions:What will you be like in 15 years time?What job would you like to do?To make your dream come true, what do you have to do?第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、听录音补全句子1、六、听对话给图片排序1、七、听短文判断1、八、句型转换1、九、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、十、根据音标写单词1、十一、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、十二、单词填空1、十三、信息匹配1、十四、回答问题1、十五、将所给单词连成句子1、十六、话题作文1、

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