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2020年春外研版英语八年级下册期末检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Their factory _ fire last night beause lightning _ hit.Amade, gotBcaught, hitCgot, tookDsent, hit2 . Last Wednesday, Frank and Nancy enjoyed _ at the party.AhimselfBherselfCthemselvesDourselves3 . Mr. Green goes to work _ his car, but his wife _ a bus to her office.Aby; takeBdrives; byCin; takesDtakes; on4 . This term Jim has made great in English.His teacher is pleased with him.AprogressBexerciseCmistakesDexcuses5 . I have _ friends and we chat _ with each other.Amany; a lot ofBmuch; a lot ofCmany; a lotDmuch; a lot6 . Jimmys brother had an accident on his way _home.A/BtoCforDof7 . Because of a serious illness,the old man is becoming weaker .Aday by dayBword by wordCone by oneDside by side8 . The bread smells _ and it sells _.Awell; goodBgood; goodCgood; wellDwell; well9 . With the help of the Internet, news can _ every corner of the world.AgetBarriveCreachDreturn10 . She enjoysand wants more books from the library.Areading; to borrowBto read; borrowingCreading; borrowingDto read; to borrow11 . The girl looksat the Mickey Mouse HouseHowshe looks!Ahappy;happyBhappily;happilyChappy;happilyDhappily;happy12 . When did you ?Ive for half a year.Abe married; been marriedBget married; been marriedCmarry; got marriedDget married; married13 . would you like to go like to go out for a walk with us after supper?-But I must finish my homework first.AOf course notBThats all rightCYes ,I doDI d love to.14 . The doctor did what he could _ the dying man.AsaveBto saveCsaving15 . 下列代表中国中央电视台的字母组合是。ACDBWCCWTODCCTV16 . (题文)_ do you play computer games? Once a week.AHow oldBHow longCHow oftenDHow much17 . Do you believe that paper is made _ wood? Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made _ paper.Afrom; fromBfrom; ofCof; fromDof; of18 . (题文)What _ do you like?I like dogs.AsportsBcolorsCsubjectsDpets19 . Dick is very _. He often makes some mistakes in his homework.AcarelessBshyCexcellentDcareful20 . Mary _ two books _ the school library yesterday.Alent; forBborrowed; toClent; forDborrowed; from二、补全对话7选5A:Do you often watch TV, Carol?B:21 . But my parents dont like it.A:What shows do you like?B:22 . I dont like talk shows. I think theyre boring. Do you like them?A:23 . Do you like Winner Takes All?B:Yes,but my favorite game show is Dog Eats Dog.A:Yes,its good.24 . B:Soap operas? Theyre awful! I cant stand them!25 . A:Yes,I like them. Theyre really interesting.AWhat do you think of soap operas?BYes, I do. But I like game shows best.CYes, I often watch TV,DDo you like them?E.No, I dont like watching TV.F.Well, I like sports shows and sitcoms.G.Why dont your parents like it?三、完型填空Inspace,therewasalittlegrayplanetItlookedvery_,becausethepeoplewholived therehadntlookedafteritTheyhadpollutedthewholeplanetheavily_ rubbishandpollutionAsaresult,therewerefewplantsandanimalsleftOneday,alittleboyJimwaswalkingontheplanet,whenhepassedacave(山洞)and_asmallredflowerinsideTheflowerwasverysick-almostdying,soJim_dugup theflower,withroots,soil and everything Then he started looking for a place_5_ care of itHe searched all over the planet, but everywhere was polluted so much that there was_6_ place the flower could possibly live in Then he looked up at the moonItseemedthatmaybetheplantcouldlivethere JimdecidedtogothereHe_aspaceshipandputthelittleredflowerinthebackthentheyflewtothemoonFarawayfromallthatpollution,theflowersoongrewup,givingbirthtoothers and these other flowers spread onto other flowers Soon the whole moon was completely covered with flowers When the little boys flowers came out, the moon gave out a soft red_8_It was the most beautiful scenery he had ever seenMaybethestoryistellingus_wedontlookaftertheplanet,adaywillcomewhen flowerscanonlygrowonthemoonSowemustbefriendlyto_placethatwearelivingin now26 . AhappyBsadCexcitedDbored27 . AaboutBfromCwithDbeside28 . AnoticedBbelievedCdecidedDexpected29 . AcarefulBcarefullyCcarelessDcarelessly30 . AtotakeBtakeCtookDtaking31 . AsomeBmanyCnoDmuch32 . AwentawayBwentthroughCclimbedintoDclimbedout33 . AfireBsmellCnoiseDlight34 . AunlessBthatCbeforeDif35 . AusBourCoursDourselves四、阅读单选When the six very best students from different cities in Guangdong Province all together chose universities in Hong Kong; when the very best students of Beijing picked up HK University while giving up the nearby Peking or Tsinghua University; when the highest enrollment (录取) rate of Hong Kong Science and Industry University reached 48:1, its the high time to ask where the real education heaven for students in China is.Years ago, the answer certainly would be “Peking or Tsinghua University”. But now no one could give the exact answer without hesitation. The only sure thing is that HK universities have gradually showed an unusual attraction to a great many mainland students.Theres no doubt to call this HK craze (狂热), which is even out of the expectation of those HK universities themselves.How can HK universities shake the steady foundations of Peking and Tsinghua University and attract so many mainland students?First, Hong Kong universities offer large-amount scholarship, especially for the top students who can receive the scholarship as much as 400,000 HK dollars. Since higher education has become a kind of heavy burden of many families, its easy to understand why the reaction to the generous offering of HK universities is great.Second, most UK universities receive professors and students from all over the world and carry out bilingual (双语) education. This kind of excellent language atmosphere is another attraction for mainland students.Furthermore, university students in Hong Kong have a better chance to study abroad as exchange students.Can mainland top universities like Peking or Tsinghua University be calm as before when facing the unexpected competition from HK? Will they take relevant (相关的) measures to win back the top students who once help them set the worldwide reputation? Time will explain it.The fierce competition brought by HK universities can be a good thing for an entire improvement of education in China. After the awakening and action-taking of mainland universities, they can perform better together with HK universities.At least, it reminded the mainland universities the tuition fees (学费) are among students top concern when they are choosing universities. Its time to move.36 . Top students from mainland apply for HK universities because _.Amany students now would love to study abroad to get a better experienceBthey concern only about the tuition fees when choosing universitiesCHK Universities offer a higher scholarship, better environment and more opportunities for their further studyDBeijing University has lost its worldwide reputation37 . From the passage we can see HK universities _.Adidnt mean to enroll top students from mainlandBdidnt expect their enrollment of mainland students would be so popularChave strict enrollment rules and only 1 out of 48 students can get the chance to study thereDare proud of their teaching staff and facilities.38 . What does the author mean by saying “Its time to move.” in the last paragraph?AMainland universities should take measures as soon as possible to attract students.BThe opportunities come for top students to study abroad.CMainland universities should make full preparations to enroll Hong Kong students.DTop students should be offered further education free of charge.39 . Which team got the lowest score in total ?APhoenix.BMemphis.CIndiana.DCharlotte.40 . How many teams took part in the games according to the scoreboard above?ATwo.BFour.CSix.DTwelve.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空41 . The p_ on the bus are all very friendly and helpful.42 . The old man never feels l_, though he is living alone.43 . Ive run out of money. Can I b_ some from you?44 . He was very tired, and fell a _ after dinner.45 . The new coat f_ her. She looks beautiful today.46 . Many people didnt know the i_of health until they got seriously ill.47 . Have you read the novel w_by Long Yingtai?48 . My cousin got m_last year, and now they have a lovely baby.49 . My bike is broken. My father is r_ it for me.50 . Many people like to climb very high mountains even t_it is dangerous.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。51 . Much attention should be paid to _(improve)the living conditions of the poor.52 . As teenage students , we should learn how to protect_ (our).53 . What a great time we had _(chat) with the young people!54 . Three years ago, the shopping center_(lie) in the centre of the town.55 . Be careful not to fall into the lake.Thanks a lot. I didnt know I _(stand) so close to it.56 . We should speak to everyone around us _(polite).57 . He teacher often warns his students _ (not break) the traffic rules.58 . Do you have any problems if you _ (offer) this job?Well, Im thinking about the salary.59 . Mum always asks me not to leave the door _(close) when I sleep.60 . She promised to do all she can _ (help) me but she failed to do that.七、完成句子61 . 她每周使用网络不到两次。She uses the Internet _ twice a week.62 . 妈妈几乎不买垃圾食品。Mom hardly ever buys _.63 . 书柜里至少有五十本书。There are _ fifty books in the bookcase.64 . 一百多人去度假了。_ one hundred people went on vacation.65 . 保持健康的最佳方式是通过锻炼。The best way to keep healthy is _.八、回答问题The worlds longest cross-sea bridge, the 55-km-long Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), opened on Oct 24, 2018. The Guardian described it as one of the “seven wonders of the modern world”.Construction(建筑工程)on the HZMB began in 2009 and cost about 120 billion(十亿)yuan. The bridge connects Hong Kong and Macao to the Chinese mainland city of Zhuhai, CGTN reported.The HZMB is special in many ways. Its designed to have a service life of 120 years, 20 years longer than most bridges.And its not just a bridge,but also part tunnel(隧道)and part island. In one part, the bridge turns into a 6.7-km undersea tunnel that passes through two man-made islands. The tunnel is the worlds longest undersea tunnel for road traffic, allowing large ships to continue passing through the sea area above the tunnel.The HZMB will make it much easier to travel between the three areas it connects. It will shorten the travel time from Hong Kong to Zhuhai from four hours to about 45 minutes.66 . When did the HZMB open?(不超过7个词)_67 . How long can the HZMB provide service?(不超过9个词)_68 . How many areas are connected by the HZMB?(不超过7个词)_九、材料作文69 . 书面表达为了进一步提高人民的生活水平,政府进行了一次无名调查,了解老百姓对生活的看法和希望。请根据以下信息以第一人称口吻,用英语写一份调查。1. 年龄:16;住址:南京;2. 最近几年变化很大。比如,很多人已经买了车,搬到新的公寓里;3. 但是还存在一些问题:房价太高,不少人买不起房子; 水和空气污染很严重(serious);4. 政府已经采取措施保护环境,控制房价;相信人们将来会过上更好的生活。注意:1. 短文须包括以上内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2. 词数:80个左右。_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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