人教新目标英语八年级上册 Unit 6单元同步阅读精析

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人教新目标英语八年级上册 Unit 6单元同步阅读精析姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空There is a holiday next week and I cant decide what to do. I have a lot of work to do _ and this would be a good chance(机会) to do it. But I dont like _ the holiday in this way. I can work at home all the rest of the year. Last year I went north to the mountains. _ there was beautiful, but it is too cold this time of year. And its really _ far to go for a short holiday. I think _ this isnt a good time to go to the mountains. But I _ to go somewhere else.Perhaps this would be a good chance to go to the beach(海滨). I like to go for a walk along the seashore _ the warm sunshine and watch the water. Its only eight miles and I can get there _ about two hours. After thinking it _, I am sure that this is a _ time for the seashore than the mountains. I think I can enjoy myself there.1 . A. at home B. at house C. in school D. in factory2 . A. to pass B. to spend C. having D. asking3 . A. Nothing B. Everything C. Somebody D. Something4 . A. very B. enough C. rather D. too5 . A. that B. what C. whether D. when6 . A. do want B. shall want C. wanted D. am wanting7 . A. on B. during C. in D. under8 . A. in B. for C. with D. after9 . A. in B. out C. over D. on10 . A. good B. fine C. better D. best二、阅读单选During a winter storm in 1919, one dog managed to save the lives of the people on the ship Ethie. Today, people still tell the story of the dog.In December 1919, Ethie was travelling along the coast of northern Canada. Without warning, the ship ran into a bad storm. Because of high winds and heavy snow, the captain could not tell where he was going. Sailing too close to the shore (岸), the ship could not move because of some rocks. Ethie was in danger.The captain decided to save the people on his ship. He thought it was too dangerous to try to reach the shore by lifeboat, so he sent up flares (闪光信号) to call for help. People saw the flares and rushed to the beach. The crew (船员) tried to throw a rope (绳子) to them, but there seemed to be no way to get a rope to the shore.In the early 1900s ships often carried a large kind of dog called a Newfoundland. Newfoundlands are excellent swimmers. During sea journeys, Newfoundlands would bring back things that had fallen off the ship or even save people from the sea.The Newfoundland on Ethie was named Tang. The captain decided that Tang offered their best hope of survival (幸存). He gave the dog a long rope. Holding the rope between his teeth, Tang jumped into the turbulent water. He fought his way through high waves and strong winds. Finally he reached the beach.The people on the shore took the rope. The rope became the ships lifeline.Because of Tang, all the people on Ethie landed on the beach safely. He was given a special medal for being a hero. Tang wore the medal for the rest of his life.11 . What happened to the ship Ethie at the beginning of the story?AIt ran into a bad storm.BIt couldnt reach the shore.CThere was a hole in it.DIt was found at the bottom of the sea.12 . Ethie could not move near the shore because ofAthe high wavesBthe heavy snowCsome rocks in the seaDthe strong winds13 . Which order is RIGHT according to the story? The dog reached the beach. The captain gave Tang a rope. Tang was given a special medal. The captain sent up flares.ABCD14 . Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AA storm in 1919BThe rope to save peopleCA medal for a dogDThe hero on the shipAre you always unwilling to do housework and cleaning for no reason? Well, you will be happy today. Today is No Housework Day. Its time to forget about housework and be relaxed.No Housework Day is always on April 7th. It is your chance to do anything, except housework. Better still, have someone else do housework for a day. Housework is a daily and endless job and most people think its boring to do housework. I have many friends and their wish is to stay away from housework. In fact, their wish can never come true.Do you know how to celebrate No Housework Day? Well , there are two different ways.If you usually do the housework around the house, forget it on this day. Instead, kick back and enjoy the day. Relax and do anything, except housework.If you never do housework, you can do it for your family. It gives your parents a break from the housework. And, you just might get a chance to know how much housework your parents need to do every day.15 . The writer has many friends and their wish is _.Anot to do any housework any moreBto ask others to do their houseworkCto celebrate No Housework DayDto ask all the family members to do housework16 . If Lisa never does housework, the writer thinks she can _ on No Housework Day.Aforget houseworkBdo houseworkCfeel relaxedDdo anything except housework17 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AIts about the daily housework.BIts about our duty and right.CIts about No Housework Day.DIts about some national holiday.Hello, everyone. Welcome aboard the Luxury Cruise bus to Huizhou, Shantou, Xiamen. We are scheduled (安排) to arrive in Huizhou at 2:00 oclock this afternoon. There will be a fifteen-minute rest stop at that time. We will give a thirty minute dinner stop in Shantou at 5:00 for those of you who are continuing on to Xiamen. We should arrive in Xiamen at 8:00 this evening. Please remember the number of your bus for reboarding . The number is 3224.This bus is air-conditioned for your comfort. Please remember that smoking of cigarettes and eating smelly food are not permitted, as is the drinking of wine. One more thing to remind you, for your safety, please keep your seatbelt fastened during the trip.Thank you for travelling with us. Have a pleasant trip.18 . How long will it take the passengers to go to Xiamen from Huizhou?A3 hours.B6 hours.C12 hours.D8 hours.19 . Which of the following can we do during the trip?ADrinking wine.BSmoking cigarettes.CEating hamburgers.DListening to music.20 . What does the underlined word “reboarding” mean?Agetting off the bus againBgetting on the bus againClooking for the busDwaiting for the bus21 . What do you think the speaker is?AA teacher.BA tourist.CA tour guide.DA driver.Zoe,12,FranceI want to be a doctor when I am older because I like to help people and make them feel better.Paige,13,EnglandIm going to be an infant(婴幼儿) school teacher. I love children and love the idea of teaching them. So this job is the best one for me.Joanne,13,AmericaIn the future, I would love to be a writer. Writing makes me really happy. I love reading, too. But if that doesnt come true, a musician is also OK.Tom,14,EnglandI want to be an engineer, and I want to live in Greece.22 . Zoe wants to become a(n) .AdoctorBengineerCteacherDmusician23 . Who loves children?AZoe.BPaige.CJoanne.DTom.24 . Where does Tom want to live?AIn France.BIn England.CIn America.DIn Greece.25 . The underlined word “that” refers to “”.AreadingBbeing happyCbeing a writerDteaching children26 . What can we know from the passage?AZoe loves reading very much.BPaige and Joanne are of the same age.CBoth Joanne and Tom are from England.DTom likes to help people and make them feel better.Even in early time, people could realize the importance of dreams and knew that dreams gave meaning to life. Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming. If a person has a dream and holds fast to it, he or she will find a way to bring it into reality (现实).Children do not have much experience or knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not laugh at them for beingnaive. Many great men were dreamers when they were children. One such dreamer was Thomas Edison. He used to be ostracized (排斥) when he was in primary school, but his achievements were greater than everyone elses in his time.Teenagers and young people should also be encouraged to dream. The world is full of successful teenagers and young people. They dreamt big and their dreams changed their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples. They have developed technology and brought great progress to human besides making money for themselves.Older people should believe that it is never too late to dream and that human mind is never too old to make dreams turn into reality. Colonel Saunders realized his dreams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest fried chicken company (KFC) in the world.To dream is a wonderful ability which can lead to wonderful results. Olympic records were broken by players who were brave enough to dream. No one is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true.27 . People who _ could probably realize their dreams.Afind a way to dreamBdream and hold fast to themCget the meaning of lifeDhave very good school results28 . Young people should be encouraged to dream because _.Atheir dreams are naturalBthey are greater than everyone elseCthey have much knowledgeDtheir dreams might change the world29 . What does the example of Colonel Saunders show us?ASetting up a big company is a wonderful ability.BDeveloping technology can bring great progress.CEven older people can make their dreams come true.DPeople should be brave enough to dream when they are young.30 . The underlined word “naive” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A逆反的B幼稚的C调皮的D冲动的31 . The best title (题目) for the passage is “_”.AFrom Dream to RealityBGood Examples of DreamsCAchievements in HistoryDA list of Successful Dreamers三、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,是短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一次,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。make kind never small long your big become remember true subject his As teenagers , you have many dreams . These dreams can be very big , such as winning the Nobel Prize , or they can be 32 . . You may just want 33 . the best student in your class . Once you find a dream , what do you do with it ? Do you ever try to 34 . your dream come true ? You may think youre not very good at some school 35 . or it is impossible for you to become a writer. These 36 . of thoughts (想法)stop you from realizing your dream . In fact , everyone can make his dream come 37 . . The first thing you must do is to 38 . what your dream is . Dont let it leave your heart . Keep telling 39 . what you want . Do this step by step and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is made up of many small dreams . You must also40 . give up your dream . There will be difficulties on the road to your dream . But the 41 . difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important . Without dreams, you wont make up your mind to learn more skills.四、多任务混合问题Im Bill. Today is Friday and my family are making their plans for the weekend. (A)My father likes football and music. There is a concert tomorrow evening. (B)Hes going to the concert.(C)It begins_1_My mother doesnt like going out at weekends. (D)Shes going to make delicious food for us tomorrow. (E)Im going to go swimming on Saturday afternoon and play tennis on Sunday afternoon. What about our pet dog Lucy? She likes to be with my father when my father gets some exercise in the morning. But can she go to the concert with my father? Im afraid not.42 . 将A句改为否定句。_43 . 将B句变成一般疑问句。_44 . 将C句中画线的部分进行划线提问。_45 . 将D进行同义句转换。Shes going to _ tomorrow.46 . 将E句翻译成汉语_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、三、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、四、多任务混合问题1、

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