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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空I have a new friend in my school. We are in the same class. She is a nice girl. _ name is Jenny. She _ long blond hair, two big eyes and two long legs. She is 1. 65 metres _. She is very happy in the school._ Monday morning, her right hand hurts. Now she writes with her _ hand.1 . AHeBSheCHisDHer2 . AhaveBhasCisDare3 . AtallBlongCshortDold4 . AOnBInCAtDTo5 . AbigBsmallCleftDrightAre you _ about how to study and make your study more effective(有效率的)? We all know that some students usually study very hard for a long _. This is very good, but it doesnt _a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. Its _ for your study.When you return _ your studies, your mind will be refreshed and youll learn more _ study better. Psychologists(心理学家)_ _ that learning takes place this way. Here take English learning as an example. First you make a lot of progress and you will feel happy. Then your language seems to stay the same. So you will think you are learning _ and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks , yet you cant give up. Later your language study will again take another big _. You will see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and _. Dont give up along the way. Learn slowly and youre sure to get a good result.6 . AnervousBworriedCworryDunhappy7 . AdaysBtimeChoursDweeks days8 . AgiveBmakeChelpDtake9 . AgoodBbadCwellDworse10 . AafterBatCtoDfor11 . AandByetCorDbut12 . AtoldBhave foundCsaidDhave taught13 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing14 . AworkBwalkCwaitDjump15 . AinterestingBhardCpossibleDboring二、阅读单选Every student needs to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you can learn things easily and quickly. You also remember them without any difficulty. Do you like to study in the living-room? I dont think it is a good place because there is often much noise. You had better study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better. Before you begin to study, do not forget to make your desk very clean. A good desk? Light is necessary, too. You are feeling tired easily if there is not enough (足够的) light.16 . When _, he/she can learn things quickly and remember them easilyAa student has a good habit.Ba student studies hard.Ca student likes to study in the living room.17 . A bedroom is a good place for study because it is _.AquietBnoisyCclean18 . _ is (are) important before you study.AClean your deskBA good desk lightCBoth A and B19 . You are feeling tired easily if the light is _.AlightBbadCgood20 . The best title(标题)for this passage is _.ADesk Light is importantBHow to StudyCGood Study HabitsGuitar Player WantedAre you a lover of music?Can you play the guitar?Can you sing or dance?Welcome to our Sunshine Rock Band.Please call Peter at 5478-6598 or send an e-mail to us.Hot ClubDo you like to play table tennis?Do you want to play it well?Mr.Wang is a good teacher.You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30.Telephone number:8665-7868.Address:Room 105,Xingxing Hotel.Swimmer WantedCan you swim?Do you like children?Can you teach them to swim on Sundays?Come and join us.Call Jill at 8472-9999 for more information (信息).Summer JobDo you like to talk with people?Do you like to write stories?Then come and work as a reporter.Please call Sally at 5561-8823.21 . If you want to join the Sunshine Rock Band,you should play the well.ApianoBviolinCguitarDdrums22 . Who can teach you to play table tennis?APeter.BMr.Wang.CJill.DSally.23 . You want to learn to play table tennis.Then you can go to Xingxing Hotel on .AMondaysBFridaysCSaturdaysDSundays24 . You want to teach children to swim.Then you can call .A5478-6598B8665-7868C8472-9999D5561-882325 . The underlined (画线的)word “reporter” means “” in Chinese.A记者B作家C画家D主持人(题文)Running Man is a variety show which is aired in SBS, a famous South Korean TV channel.The show broadcasts on Sunday every week. The translation can be watched on the Internet every Monday. Its very interesting and funny. In the program, everyone should keep running.Here are some information of its hosts and hostess.Liu Zaishi, the main host of the show, is known as National Moderator(主持人,调解员). His friendly, witty and lovely hosting style makes him become one of the most popular hosts and comedians in South Korean.Jin Zhongguo, the strongest man on the show, is known as Sparta-kooks(斯巴达国斯). During the race, he can capture others quickly. But sometimes, he can be very cute.Song Zhixiao, the beautiful actress who is also called Mong Zhi, where “mong” means “confused”, because of her facial expressions which makes her seem confused. During the race mission, she is ace(佼佼者) because of her superior ability to capture.Young people in Korea love the program very much. Why? Because some South Korean stars will be invited to take part in the race every week . They are divided into several teams with MCs. Many stars have participated in the program, for example, Li Minhao, GirlsGeneration(少女时代), Jin Xiuxian etc. Whats more, the program is not only relaxing but also educational- It teaches people the importance of team spirit.26 . (小题1)Where is the Running Man aired?AIn SBVBIn KBSCIn BTVDIn SBS27 . (小题2)What should everyone do in the program?AEveryone should keep running.BEveryone should keep laughing.CEveryone should be famous.DEveryone should be hosts.28 . (小题3)What makes Liu Zaishi one of the most popular hosts and comedians in South Korean?AHis handsome look.BHis friendly, witty and lovely hosting style.CHis facial expressions.DHis ability of capture.29 . (小题4)Why is Song Zhixiao called Mong Zhi?ABecause she is beautiful.BBecause she is ace.CBecause her facial expressions seem confused.DBecause of her superior ability to capture30 . (小题5)Why is Running Man so popular in Korea?ABecause some hosts are very funny.BBecause some famous stars are often invited to the race every week.CBecause the program is not only relaxing but also educational.DBecause it teaches people the importance of team spirit.三、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话A: Good morning, Li Hong. The summer holiday will begin. Where are you going to spend your summer holidayB: In Dalian.A: In Dalian 31 . B: Im going to take part in English Summer Camp.A: 32 . B: By plane. Itll take less time. And I have never taken a plane before.A: Oh I see. 33 . B: It is CA663.A: 34 . B: At 9:00 oclock.A: How soon will you get to DalianB: In about one and a half hours.A: How fast the plane is! 35 . . B: Thank you very much.四、回答问题请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,将答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。Hello,my name is Peter. I have a healthy life. I get up at 6:00 every morning, because I dont want to arrive late for school. After I exercise,I quickly take a shower and eat a good breakfast. My home is not far from school,so I usually walk to school. I think its also good exercise.Today is Saturday. I dont have to go to school. Its 7:00p.m. My family are all at home. Look!My grandparents are washing dishes, my brother and sister are doing their homework. Wheres my pet dog Dingding?Oh,hes under the green tree, playing a soccer ball. He is very friendlyWe all like him.Information CardWhen does Peter get up50. 36 . .How Peter goes to school51. 37 . .What are Peters grandparents doing52. 38 . .What it the pet dogs name53. 39 . .Where is the pet dog54. 40 . .五、材料作文41 . 第二节书面表达假如你叫Gin, 你是一名中学生,Jenny是你的好朋友。请根据以下表格的信息介绍一下Jenny。 要求字数不少于50词,可适当发挥。(注意:文中不可出现真实的人名和班级名称)NameJenny BrownPhone234-7869QQ4754899FamilymemberFather(teacher)/Mother(doctor医生)Two brothers (students in a middle school)第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、填写适当的句子补全对话1、四、回答问题1、五、材料作文1、


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