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牛津上海版(三起)六年级上册期末质量检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ ( )It was tidy.AWhats the matter?BWhat was that?CWhat was your bedroom like yesterday?2 . I am proud _ you! ( )AforBofCto3 . _ is the eleventh month of a year. ( )AJanuaryBNovemberCDecember4 . 文静的 ( )AquietBshy5 . What holiday comes after Christmas? ( )_.AMid-Autumn FestivalBMay dayCNew Years DayDNational Day6 . Where_ the garden? ( )AisBareCdo7 . 假如你问朋友“这是什么?”应说:_AWhats this?BWhats that?8 . What chores does Ted do on weekends? ( )_AHe cleans his room.BHe took out the rubbish.9 . Tim is short. But _ brother is _. ( )Ahes; tallBhis; tallChis; long10 . Spring Festival is a very important festival in_.( )AChinaBthe UKCCanada选出每组中不同类的一项。11 . AclassBhelloChi12 . AmorningBafternoonCgood13 . AMissBSu HaiCMike14 . AIByouCam15 . AnoBareCyes16 . Her hair _short and her eyes _big. ( )Awere; wereBwere; wasCwas; were17 . ( )AMy sister often reads newspapers to old people.BMy sister often helps old people to carry water.CMy sister often helps old people to clean the room.18 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A.colourB.redC.black(_) 2. A.whatB.whereC.school(_) 3. A.thisB.thatC.what(_) 4. A.IB.myC.you(_) 5. A.songB.bookC.sing19 . I want to buy a pairsocks.( )AareBof二、阅读选择阅读理解Hello, boys and girls! Im Linda. Im a student(学生). Look, I have a new school bag. Its big and nice. I can put(放) many books in it. I have a new pencil box too. It looks like a toy car. Whats in the pencil box? Lets have a look. You can see a ruler, a rubber, two pencils and three pens. My school bag and pencil box are my good friends. I like them(它们) very much.20 . Linda has _.( )Aa new school bagBa new pencilCa picture21 . Linda has _ in the school bag. ( )Amany booksBsome picturesCany books22 . Lindas pencil box is _too. ( )AcuteBnewCbig23 . Linda has_pencils in her pencil box. ( )AoneBtwoCthree24 . The school bag and pencil box are Lindas _.( )AbrothersBsistersCfriendsLike schools in China, American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. The first term is from September to January and the second is from February to June. Usually American children begin to go to school when five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.But high school students in America take only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same classes every day and have homework for every class. After class they do all kinds of interesting things.After high school, many students go to college. They usually have to pay a lot for their higher education(教育). So lots of students work after school to make money for their studies.根据材料,选择正确答案,将其序号填在答题卡对应位置上。25 . In America, schools begin in . ( )A. January B. September C. June26 . Students stay at school for about years before they go to college. ( )A. five B. six C. twelve27 . The word“college”means in Chinese. ( )A. 大学 B. 公司 C. 工厂28 . Many American students work after class, because they . ( )A. want to see interesting thingsB. have to help the other peopleC. have to get money for their studies29 . The article is mainly about . ( )A. the difference between schools in China and in AmericaB. schools in ChinaC. schools in America三、完形填空完形填空。Chinese white dolphins _ in the South China Sea. Chinese white dolphins are not white. When they are born, they are black. When they are _, they are grey. When they grow _, they become pink. So Chinese white dolphins are sometimes called “pink dolphins”. They live for about forty years. They can see _ in the water and out of the water. Sometimes, they like _ out of the water. Chinese white dolphins are not fish, but they like eating _. Now there are only about two thousand five hundred Chinese white dolphins in the _. They are in danger. Please help _!30 . AliveBswimCdrink31 . AoldByoungCcute32 . AonBdownCup33 . AstronglyBclearlyCgently34 . AjumpingBsingingClooking35 . AfishBvegetablesCanimals36 . AlandBroomCwild37 . AtheyBthemCthemselves四、填空题38 . 我来摆水果,选词填空。1. She is my_brother.2. Please have_tea.3. Can you_, Miss Frog?4. Lets_a bike.5. Mum, my_is running.五、任务型阅读39 . 阅读短文,选择填空。对的打T,错的打F。Dear Chef Zhang,Sandwiches are my favourite food. They are delicious and healthy. I Dont like chicken but fish is my OK.I like vegetables but not green beans. Tomato soup is my favourite drink. Its fresh and healthy for me.Today is my birthday. Can I have some noodles and cakes?Thanks.John( )John thinks the sandwich is healthy and delicious.( )John doesnt like fish.( )Today John wants to have some noodles and cakes.( )Johns favourite drink is tomato soup.( )Today is Johns birthday.六、判断题Read and judge(读一读,判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,打T或F)40 . many bad_41 . mother some_42 . bank plant_43 . teachertree_七、选内容补全对话44 . 补全对话。ASome magazines.BOn the school playground.CReally? When?A: Where will the sale be at?B: _A: What will they sale? B: _A: _B: On Childrens Day.A: OK. Thank you.45 . 选择合适的句子完成对话。AThis Sunday morning.BHow old is she?CI feel excited.DI am going to stay at Bobs home.EHow many people are there in Bobs family?Mike: I am going to Canada this weekend.Lucy: Wow! How do you feel?Mike: 1. _Lucy: When are you leaving?Mike: 2. _Lucy: Where are you going to stay in Canada?Mike: 3. _Lucy: 4. _Mike: There are fourhis mother, father, sister and Bob.Lucy: Oh, Bob has a sister. 5. _Mike: She is 5 years old.Lucy: Have a good time in Canada.八、书面表达46 . 书面表达我们每天都需要用水, 水是怎样来到我们家里的呢?请根据提示写一写。1. come from the rain2. fall into seas and rivers3. go to a water factory(工厂)4. go thorugh pipes to our homes5. wash our handsWater comes into our homesWater comes from the rain. It 1._. The water is not clean (干净的)there. We cant drink it. It must 2._.The water factory makes it clean. Then it 3._.It comes out from the tap. We use water to 4._.47 . 书面表达假设图中人物是你的一位叔叔,请结合图片,发挥你的想象力,给大家介绍你的这位叔叔。请写出他的职业、爱好,下周他将会去做什么?怎么去?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、判断题1、七、选内容补全对话1、2、八、书面表达1、2、

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