鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 5 单元测试

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鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 5 单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Why does your father often go to Hong Kong recently?-Because his company wants to set up business _ with a company thereAadventureBrelationsCdevelopments2 . What do you think of your English teacher?I like him very much. He is _ kind _ hard-working.Aeither; orBneither; norCnot; orDnot only; but also3 . Amy is really a _ girl, and all of us like her.AnaughtyBlovelyCquietDlove4 . Are you _ ?AEnglishBfrom Chinese Ccome from EnglandDcome from China5 . Its not good to ask questions about someones_life.AbusyBsimpleCpersonalDhealthy6 . -Whats wrong with Lucy?-She still hasnt _ the shock of her mothers death.Agot outBgot throughCgot overDgot on7 . Do I need to take any medicine?Yes. _twice a day.ATake two pillsBTake some pillCBring two pillsDBring some pill8 . Four thousand kilometers _ not a short distance.AisBareCwasDwere9 . -Could you tell me_?-By getting online and typing the information you want to search.Ahow can I get the information quicklyBif I can get the information quicklyCwhere can I get the information quicklyDhow to get the information quickly10 . Try to keep asas you can when you are in the libraryAquietBquietlyCnoisy11 . Where will you go this winter holiday? I will go to Thailand, but I cant decide.AquicklyBprobablyCcertainlyDimmediately12 . Today Chinese _in many schools around the world.Ais taughtBis teachingChas taughtDTeaches13 . If we keep planting trees, our country will become _.Amore and more beautifullyBmore or more beautifullyCmore or more beautifulDmore and more beautiful14 . Its very far. You can _ a taxi.AsitBhaveCbyDtake15 . Liu Xiang was bornShanghaiJuly 13, 1983.Aon; inBin; onCin; inDon; on二、补全对话7选5(题文)情景交际:从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Look at this picture,Lisa!B:Oh,how funny this elephant is!(小题1) Is it its birthday today?A:Yes,it is!Look!(小题2)B:Oh,theyre its food.Where does this elephant live?A:Let me look for something about it on the computer.(小题3)B:Whats its name?A:(小题4) Haha!You have the same name.B:Really?Thats funny!(小题5)A:Good idea!AItlivesinourcityzoo.BWhoiswithyou?CLetsgotoseeit,John!DItwearsabirthdayhat.EWheredoyoulive?FTheseareitsbirthdaygifts(礼物)GItsnameis.Lisa!三、补全短文5选4Death Valley is a huge place. It is more than 225 kilometers across the southern part of the state of California, and across the border (边界) with the state of Nevada.16 . It can be dangerously cold during the winter months. The air temperature during the summer can be as high as 57. The heat of Death Valley has killed people in the past. It will continue to kill those who do not honor the climate. Death Valley does not forgive (原谅) those who are not careful.Death Valley was named by a woman in 1849.17 . Thousands of people from other parts of the country traveled to the gold mining (开采) areas in California. They were in a hurry to get there before other people did.Many people were not careful. They made bad choices or wrong decisions. One group of people had reached Death Valley by December. They avoided the terrible heat of summer, but there was not enough water. There were few plants for their work animals to eat. The people could not find a pass through the tall mountains to the west of the valley.18 . They had to kill their work animals for food and began to walk out of the valley.As they left, one woman looked back and said, “Good-bye, death valley.”19 . ASlowly, they ran out of food. BDeath Valley has a long history.CThe name has never been changed.DDeath Valley is a beautiful but dangerous place.E. That was the year after gold was discovered in California.四、完型填空Do you have a dog? I have a cute dog. Its a birthday present_ my uncle. Its name is Dingding. Its an _dog. It is big and it is yellow in color. It _ running, jumping and playing ball games with me, _ its great fun _ with it. Dingding is very _ . It can play basketball. It is a basketball star in my neighborhood. Can it put the_into the basket? Yes, it can._ does it do it? It uses its head. Dingding is really good at it. All my friends like to watch it playing basketball. Im _to have it. It _ me more friends. It is funny, too. It can dance to the music. Look! It is dancing now. What a lovely dog!20 . AonBtoCforDfrom21 . AFrenchBChineseCAmericanDJapanese22 . AlikesBdislikesChelpsDfinds23 . AbecauseBsoCbutDor24 . AsleepingBplayingCswimmingDeating25 . AbusyBshyCsmartDscary26 . AhouseBboxCdogDball27 . AHowBWhyCWhereDWhat28 . AbeautifulBlazyCsadDhappy29 . AtakesBbringsCshowsDfeels五、阅读单选Do you like Lee Min Ho, the “flower boy”? Li Min Ho is a South Korean actor, singer and model. He was born on June 22, 1987. There are his mother, his father, and his elder sister in his family. As a young child, Lee hoped to become a professional football player, but an injury in the 5thgrade of elementary school ended his dream. In the second year of high school, Lee turned to modeling and acting.His new TV drama The Inheritors (继承者们) shows a group of rich high school students. They have everthing under their control (控制), except their love life. However, Lee is madly in love with a woman despite her poor background. There is no doubt that the TV drama is a success and perhaps the secret of its success is that people still believe in Cinderella-type (灰姑娘) stories.30 . .Where is Lee Min Ho from?AJapanBNorth KoreaCSouth KoreaDChina31 . . What did Lee Min Ho hope to be when he was a young child?Aan actorBa football playerCa singerDa model32 . . How many people are there in Lees family?AthreeBfourCfiveDwe dont know33 . Whats the name of Lees new TV drama?ACity HunterBMy Love from the StarCThe InheritorsDBoys Over Flowers34 . Which of the following is not under the control of the high school students in the TV drama?Aschool lifeBfuture jobClove lifeDhobbyEverybody loves oranges. They are sweet and juicy. They are in sections so it is easy to eat them. Some oranges do not have any seeds. Some have a thick skin and some have a thin skin.The orange tree is beautiful. It has a lot of shiny green leaves. The small white flowers smell very sweet. An orange tree has flowers and fruit at the same time.There were orange trees twenty million years ago. The oranges were very small, not like the ones today. The orange tree probably came from China. Chinese started to raise orange trees around 2400 B.C. Farmers in other parts of Asia and Middle East learned to raise oranges from Chinese. Then they taught Europeans(欧洲人). The Spanish(西班牙人) planted orange trees in the New World(North and South America). They took them to Florida first. Oranges are a very important crop in Florida today. “Orange” is both a fruit and a color. The color of orange is so beautiful that in English we use the name of the fruit for the color.35 . What are oranges like today?AShiny and green.BSweet and juicy.CThick and small.DWhite and thin.36 . Some Oranges do NOT have _.AseedsBflowersCsectionsDa skin37 . Oranges are first raised in _.AChinaBMiddle EastCFloridaDAmerica38 . They in Para 3 refers to _.AChinese peopleBfarmers in Asia and Middle EastCEuropeansDthe Spanish39 . When we say the ball is “orange” that means _.Athe ball is as big as an orangeBboth the ball and orange are roundCthe ball is as beautiful as an orangeDthe color of the ball is the same as an orange六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空loud danger mean bad it west relax careful special watch40 . A dictionary ties to tell the different_of a word.41 . _ people are very good at making chocolates and desserts.42 . The film_ is good, but I felt bored because of its lengthover three hours.43 . The light music often makes me feel_ .44 . Remember not to speak_ when we are in the reading room.45 . Swimming in the sea is very_ .46 . You should do your work more_ next time.47 . The old mans health is getting_ and_ .48 . The Internet is widely used by people_ by young people.49 . Most boys enjoy_ NBA games.七、语法填空People often say that a dog is 50 . (man) best friend. Over 51 . (thousand) of years, man has 52 . (teach) his dogs to do many kinds of work besides 53 . (guard) the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous 54 . their ability to control a flock of hundreds of sheep.Dogs have been used to aid 55 . (able) people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind 56 . (own). Nowadays, dogs can be taught 57 . (turn) on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, 58 . , dogs are 59 . (simple) pets and friends for both young and old members of the family.八、话题作文60 . (题文)书面表达。假设你家附近有一个动物园,动物园里有很多的动物。写一篇60词左右的文章介绍一下你在动物园里看到的动物和你喜欢的动物。_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选41、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、话题作文1、

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