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人教版2020版九年级期末英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We are happy that the 2008 Olympic Games_ in Beijing.Awill be heldBwill holdCare holdingDhold2 . - Linda, lets play soccer after school.-_ .AYoure welcome.BThat sounds good.CSorry, I dont know.DNo, I dont.3 . Great changes have taken place in this city. Right. Many modern tall buildings have been _ these days.Aturned upBput upCshown upDfixed up4 . Did Jenny play the role _ the princess in the play? Yes, she did. The prince saved her and fell in love _ her.Awith; atBas; inCof; toDof; with5 . (题文)My mother reads a story _ my sister every night.AofBtoConDat6 . The car Mary bought_in France. She likes it very much.AproducedBwas producedCwill produceDwill be produced7 . My friend Mary likes to share her snacks _ me.AtoBwithCfromDfor8 . Take care! My father_. Dont_.Ais sleeping, wake up himBis sleeping, wake him upCsleeps, wake him upDsleeps, wake up him9 . These animals are dangerous and you should keep off them.Akeep in touch withBget along withCkeep away from10 . _ the black bag and bring me the orange one.ATake awayBTake inCTake out ofDGet out of11 . _ was the zipper invented by?An American _ Whitcomb Judson.AWho;nameBWhose;nameCWho;namedDWhose named12 . Miss Li teaches us _ Maths in a different way.AlearnBto learnClearningDlearnt13 . Tom is honest boy.Yes. Thats why he is most popular student in his class.Aan; aBan; theCa; theDthe; /a14 . What about going to the movie tonight,Alan?Sorry,I am busy _ a report_,it is raining cats and dogsAin,BesidesBwith,BesidesCin,ExceptDwith,Except15 . Do you know _?Yes. She is doing her homework.Awhat is your sister doingBwhat your sister is doingCwhen your sister is doing homeworkDwhere is your sister doing homework二、完型填空完形填空Water is the life blood of our earth.Like air and sunshine, it is very important_living things.Without water, there can be_life on the earth.All animals and plants need water.Man also needs water.We need water to drink, to cook and to clean_It even_the greater part of our bodies.Water is almost everywhere.Even in the_places of the world, there is water in the air.However, we can drink not seawater but fresh water.To make things even_, people often_to keep the water clean.They throw rubbish into rivers, lakes or seas.So not all the fresh water is_for us to drink.Were short_water.Something must be_to stop this.16 . AforBtoCofDtowards17 . AnoneBnotCmuchDno18 . AhimselfBourCusDourselves19 . Amade ofBmakeCmakes upDmade in20 . AdriestBwetterCdrierDbeautiful21 . AbestBworseCworstDbetter22 . AdecideBtryCfailDtake23 . Aclean enoughBenough cleanCenough goodDdirty enough24 . AforBinCatDof25 . AdoBdidCdoingDdone三、阅读单选26 . If you are a fan of the Korean actor, you may go to _ in April.ABeijingBShanghaiCGuangzhouDNanjing27 . Who directed the film Frozen?AJennifer Lee.BChris Buck.CJennifer Lee and Chris Buck.DThe students.28 . Part 2 is probably from _?Aa novelBa university posterCa science bookDa textbookChanging with timeHow long does a year last? Children might say that a year lasts forever. But your parents might say that a whole year can pass in the blink of an eye. Why does time seem to pass faster as we get older?According to scientists from Duke University, US, our brains degrade and change over time. This physical change causes the rate at which we take in and deal with new information to drop. Babies, for example, move their eyes much more often than adults because theyre processing images at a faster rate, Adrian Bejan from the university told the Daily Mail. They take in a lot of information and do many things in a single day. This makes them feel like a single day lasts for a long time.However, as peoples brains degrade over time, fewer images are processed in the same amount of time. Therefore, older people receive less information during a day than younger people. This causes things to seem as though theyre happening more quickly.In addition, people may also “feel” time differently due to psychological reasons. People may measure time by the number of unforgettable memories that can be recalled within a certain period.Have you ever noticed that when you recall your firsts(first day of school, first family vacation, first birthday party, etc.), they seem to be in slow motion? Thats because when something is a first, there are many exciting things to remember. Recalling these memories makes you feel like they took forever, according to David Eagleman of the Baylor College of Medicine in the US.For many adults, life is routine. When they look back, they might feel like there are not many exciting or interesting things to remember. Therefore, time seems to be moving faster to them.29 . In which kind of situation do you think time probably passes in the blink of an eye?AWhen you are in a hurry, but the traffic is heavy.BWhen you are having problems with your best friends.CWhen you are playing your favourite video game.DWhen you are taking a difficult maths test.30 . According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is TRUE?AHuman brains become smaller over time.BAdults often feel that they dont have enough time.CAdults dont deal with information as quickly as babies.DAdults go through lots of physical changes.31 . What does David Eagleman tell us?ABabies take in a lot of information in a single day.BPsychological reasons can affect how a person feels about time.CRecalling memories makes people feel like time is going faster.DUnforgettable memories can slow down brain degradation.32 . The purpose of the story is to _.Aexplain why people sense time differently as they age.Bexplain why kids learn things faster than adults.Cencourage people to make better use of their time.Dremind people to create more memorable memories.You should eat well, get lots of exercise if you want to be a healthy kid. If youre healthy, you can study well and can do all the things you want to do, like running around with your friends. If youre a kid who wants to be healthy, here are some rules for you.Eat different kinds of foods. If you eat different kinds of foods, you can get the nutrients(营养) your body needs. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.Drink milk often. Water is the best drink when youre thirsty. But kids need calcium (钙) to grow, and there is enough calcium in the milk. If you are younger than 9 years old, drink 2 cups of milk a day. Children who are over nine years old should drink 3 cups of milk per day.Limit screen time. The more time you spend on the sitting-down activities, like basketball, bike riding, swimming and so on. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on the screen.Be active. For a kid, you should know which activity you like best. Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly. Find ways to be active every day.33 . If you eat well and get lots of exercise, _.Ayoull be unhealthyByoull be lazyCyou can have lots of friendsDyou can study and play well34 . If you spend more time on computer games you will _.Abe more activeBhave less time for sportsChave more time for readingDdo your favorite activities regularly35 . Kids eat different kinds of foods to _.Abe thinnerBget the nutrients their body needsCtry something differentDmake themselves enjoy foods36 . Why should kids drink milk every day?ABecause they are always thirsty.BBecause most of them like it.CBecause there is enough calcium in it.DBecause it can limit their screen time.37 . Whats the best title for this passage?ABe a Healthy KidBHow to EatCThe Rules to EatDBe an Active Kid四、用所给单词的正确形式填空(题文)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。38 . (小题1)I _(true) like the coat. I want to buy it.39 . (小题2)They made us _(stay) at home.40 . (小题3)When we heard the good news, we all _(laugh) happily.41 . (小题4)Bills backpack is bigger than _(I)42 . (小题5)My friend Emma doesnt write as _(good) as her brother.五、多任务混合问题Chinese space lover Wang Yuan has been chosen as one of the volunteers for the Mars-500 test project._ Another five volunteers are all space lovers. They are three Russians, an Italy-Colombian and a Frenchman. They will feel what its like to travel to Mars without leaving the earth. During the whole process(过程),they are locked up for one and a half years under the condition which is similar to the red planet. So the experiment is called Mars-500._Although the volunteers wont leave the building, they will feel as if(好像)they are on a real trip to Mars. The most difficult thing is that they will be separated from the people outside._That will be hard. When reporters asked what they would miss most during the 500-day special life, Charles from France said, For me, it will be mainly my family, the sun and fresh air. ”The main task is to study Man and Environment. It will care about the astronauts physical effects and the experience of staying there._So they will have to make decisions by themselves and then report to the earth, and the earth will tell them whether they do the right thing or not.Each astronaut is preparing for the great challenge. And people are looking forward to the result of the experiment.阅读短文,把A-D四个句子填人文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。然后完成第5小题。A. Everyone will stay and work there alone.B. For 18 months, they wont see sunsets or sunrises.C. The Mars-500 test will be in a special building in Moscow.D. He was very happy to be chosen and will accept the challenge.43 . _44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AFive space lovers were chosen as volunteers.BThe Mars-500 test will take place in Paris.CThe volunteers will face many sorts of difficulties.DThe Mars-500 test is about a real trip to Mars.六、将所给单词连成句子将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)48 . pay, the, phone, library ,across, from ,is ,the_.49 . there, a ,.is, hotel ,the, in ,neighborhood_?50 . is ,the ,this ,beginning, the ,garden ,of, tour_.51 . I ,you ,are ,know ,next, arriving ,Sunday_.52 . hope ,I ,you ,a ,good ,have ,trip_.七、材料作文53 . 中学生在成长过程中经常会碰到一些烦恼。假设你是李华,请根据下表提示,用英语写一篇发言稿,在班会上谈谈你遇到的烦恼以及你自己的做法。你的烦恼你的做法个头不高,相貌平常不必在意,相信自己父母不理解,朋友少学会沟通,友善待人学习压力大,课外活动少(自主发挥,至少两点)要求:1. 词数100左右,开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2. 所写内容必须包括表格中所有的信息,并作适当的发挥。3. 不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。Hello everyone,Hello everyone,I am Li Hua. Id like to talk about my problems and how I deal with them.Thats all. Thank you!第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、


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