外研版七年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right.-1

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外研版七年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right.-1_第1页
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外研版七年级英语下册Module 6 Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right.姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The problem is too difficult. I cant work it out.go and ask your English teacher? She can help you.AWhy notBWhat aboutCHow aboutDLet us2 . Do you want clothes? We sell them_very good prices.AforBatCofDin3 . _ is said that _ tourists visit the park every day .AThat , thousands ofBIt , five thousand ofCIt , thousands ofDThis , three thousand4 . -What is the best way _ the city?-By bus.AvisitBvisitsCvisitingDto visit5 . He will come here _5:00 _6:00 this afternoon.Aamong; andBbetween; andCfrom; toDamong; or二、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary(必需的). We must rest from _ for a week or two weeks every year. “If it is possible,” they say, “we must leave our homes and go to another _ of the country. We must go away for a holiday. Then after the holiday, we are _ home happily and ready for another year of work.”This seems(似乎) to be right for most adults but not for children. For young kids it is usually quite _. They dont like to leave their homes to stay in strange places. They dont like to go _ homes. Children like their homes best of all. _ you are a parent with young kids, please think about their feelings for the holiday.6 . AworkingBplayingCswimmingDrunning7 . AschoolBtownCvillageDpart8 . AawayBbackCoutDat9 . AdifficultBeasyCdifferentDinteresting10 . Aon the back ofBclose toCfar away fromDin front of11 . ABecauseBSoCButDIf三、阅读单选The Most Interesting Festivals around the WorldContentsIntroduction.1Baby Crying Day.2Cheese -rolling Festival.4Color Throwing Festival.6Fish Swallowing Festival.8International Pillow Fight Day.11International Twins Festival.13Raincoat Festival .15Roswell UFO Festival.16Tomato Festival.18Water Fighting Day.19Wife Carrying Festival.20World Body painting Festival.22International Pillow Fight DayInternational Pillow Fight Day is held every April around the worldfrom Amsterdam, Budapest, to New York. It has been celebrated since 2008. Hundreds of people go out with their pillows hitting each others face, back and chest. People dress up as superheroes and animals, laughing and fighting.The festival used to be a game to release (释放) energy and stress. Nowadays besides bringing fun, International Pillow Fight Day has become a way to quickly collect pillows for the homeless. In 2014, about 2,000 pillows were collected for the poor in Bronx and Brooklyn.Rules: Bring your own pillows and dont hit anyone without a pillow or with a camera.The Guinness World Record: The latest record of the largest pillow fight was set on October 27, 2013 in Chicago, with 4,500 pillows and 3,813 people.-11-12 . The International Pillow Fight Day was first celebrated in _A2000B2008C2013D201413 . Nowadays the International Pillow Fight Day has become a way to _.Acollect pillows for the homelessBrelease energy and stress.Chit each others faceDfight with others14 . The latest Guinness World Record of the largest pillow fight was set in _.ANew YorkBAmsterdamCBudapestDChicago15 . You may read about _ on the Page 19.ABaby Crying DayBColor Throwing FestivalCWater Fighting DayDWorld Body painting Festival四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,完成下列句子,每空限填一词。)16 . Pet dogs need to be washed once a week.(改为一般疑问句)_ Pet dogs _to be washed once a week ?17 . My uncle has been fishing with birds since he was 18.(对换线部分提问)_ has your uncle been fishing with birds?18 . We worked very hard in order to finish quickly.(保持句意基本不变)We worked very hard _we could finish quickly.19 . They built temples to honour Greek gods.(改为被动语态)Temples _ to honour Greek gods .20 . A good idea,before bedtime,it is,to use your phone ,never (连词成句)_.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)21 . The boy is from Japan. He speaks J_.22 . We think its r_ to stare at others.23 . Chinese medicine is very popular in w_ countries like the USA and England.24 . I think we should try using a different m_again.25 . I often take n_ in English class, and I write down important words and sentences.26 . Her works were bad and below the required s_.27 . You should(应当) c_ your homework. Perhaps(或许) there are mistakes(错误) in it.28 . Everything is not f_ to me, for I come here for the first time.29 . Do you know the proverb One f_ cant lift a small stone.?30 . Some E_ visitors came to our school last month.31 . My sister can speak J_very well. She has lived in Japan for three years.32 . Dont be r_when you talk to your parents and teachers.33 . In w_(西方) countries people play jokes on each other on April Fools Day.34 . She invented a new m_ of teaching English.35 . Tom, to take n_in class is a good habit for you!六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。36 . My cat enjoys _ (lie) on my knees on sunny afternoons.37 . Lily, _(not be)late for the meeting next time. Sorry, Sir.38 . Dont shout. Your sister_ (sleep).39 . He is always the first_ (get) to school.40 . His funny jokes made us all_ (laugh).41 . My father hopes you _ (come) to my home this evening.七、完成句子完成句子42 . 托尼周末打算去干什么?_ Tony _ do at the weekend?43 . 我正期待着参观天坛。Im _ the Temple of Heaven.44 . 我希望明天会刮风。I _ its going to _ tomorrow.45 . 你喜欢观光吗?Do you like _?46 . 你想去购物还是游泳。Do you want to go _ go _?47 . 她喜欢躺在沙滩上。She likes lying _.48 . 谁将和一个澳大利亚家庭住在一起?Who is going to _?八、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据语篇内容,用方框中所给的词填空,使短文通顺、连贯,并将答案写在相应的位置上。really in clothes hungry butwith sunny swam shopping visitDear Sally,Hows it going? Last week I had a pretty good vacation 49 . my family. We had great fun playing in different places. On Monday, the weather was 50 . and hot. We went to White Beach and 51 . in the water. On Tuesday, it was cloudy. We went to 52 . a big park. We had a picnic there.I thought the food was terrible. 53 . my parents thought it was delicious. I ate nothing. I was so 54 . . On Wednesday and Thursday, it was rainy and windy. We walked in the city.In the evening, We went 55 . . We ate a lot of delicious food and bought some 56 . . On Friday, the weather was cool. We went hiking 57 . the mountains. I was very tired, but I 58 . felt happy. I enjoyed my vacation.How wonderful it was!See you soon.John九、汉译英:整句根据汉语意思及英文提示翻译句子59 . 他昨天乘船去看望了他的祖母。(by boat)_.60 . 我每天都从这个市场经过。(go past)_.61 . 大多数男孩喜欢打篮球。(most of)_.62 . 到达公园最好的方式是骑自行车。(the best way)_.63 . 他们乘火车从北京回来了。(take.back)_.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、汉译英:整句1、

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