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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题(不含听力材料)B卷(模拟)一、听短对话回答问题1 . Where is the boys English book?AOn the desk.BOn the chair.COn the bed.2 . Ago to bed earlierBride a bikeCmove the alarm clock away3 . What is 15 dollars?AThe tape player.BThe radio.CThe model plane.4 . A6:10.B6:30.C6:40.D5:40.5 . Who is in the classroom?ANo one.Bteacher.CSomebody.6 . 听一段对话,回答以下小题。Where did Jim go on vacation last week?ATo the mountains.BTo the beach.CTo the farm.二、听句子或对话选择图片7 . When will the girl go to Qingdao for a trip?ABC8 . What does Jenny want to buy?ABC9 . When are children very happy?ABC10 . Whats the weather like today?ABC三、听长对话回答问题11 . AWashing the dishes .BDoing houseworkCWatching TV.12 . Aa On the playground .BIn the gym .CIn the park .四、听短文回答问题听短文和问题,选择正确答案13 . AAt 6:30.BAt 7:30.CAt 8:30.14 . AYes.BNo.CWe dont know.15 . AHe had to wait for the next train.BHe missed his train.CHe just caught the train.16 . AHaving breakfast.BLying in bed.CHaving nothing for breakfast.17 . When did Tom and Jim have a good time?ALast Friday.BLast Saturday.CLast Sunday.18 . Where did Tom and Jim go?ATo a mountain.BTo a park.CTo a museum.19 . How long did Tom and Jim go boating in the river?A10 minutes.BHalf an hour.CAn hour.20 . When did Tom and Jim see on the way?AFlowers and birds.BFlowers and trees.CTrees and birds.21 . What did Tom and Jim drink for lunch?AWater.BOrange juice.CCoffee.五、单选题22 . There are ten cameras on that desk. Four were made in Japan and _ six were made in China.AanotherBthe othersCotherDthe other23 . Where are you from?are from England.ATheyBTheirCOurDWe24 . You can see _ university at the end of the street.AaBanCanyD/25 . Kate with her parents often _ to a movie on weekends.AgoBgoesCgoingDto go26 . Will you join us?_ANo, I wont.BYoure welcome.CI hope not.DOf course, I will.27 . The people in Brazil will have to get_ready before the 2016 Brazil Olympic Games.AanythingBnothingCsomethingDeverything28 . A bridge was built Ningbo and Jiaxing two years ago.AbesideBbetweenCnext toDfrom29 . You can walkthe bridgethe riverAcross;onBacross;overCacross;aboveDcross;into30 . The building is on fire now. Look! There are_ people on_ shouting for help.Afourteenth, the ninth of the floorBforty, the ninth floorCfour, floor ninth31 . The mother was worried _the baby kept _.Abecause; cryingBbecause of; to cryCbecause of; cryingDbecause; cried32 . Look!There _ a book and two pens on the table. ( )AisBareCwasDwere33 . _ is your grandmother? Is she fine?AWhatBHowCWhereDWho34 . We should eat _ fruit and vegetables and _ meat.Amore; lessBless; moreCmore; fewerDfewer; more35 . great help they have given us!AWhat aBWhatCHowDHow a36 . We must try our best to stop pollution _ a low-carbon(低碳)life.Afrom livingBto liveClivingDlive六、完型填空Dad was always full of advice.When my brother and I were growing up,we can grass in neighbors _ during the summer to earn pocket money.Dad offered our service to neighbors at a _ they could not refuse.My brother and I got ten dollars per yard.I later found out our friends were _20 or more for the same work.Every time we worked,Dad stood watching our work in the heat _ relaxing at home with drink.One afternoon we were cutting our neighbors yard.He always waited until the grass was knee-high to _ us.What made matters _ was that we had an old grass mower(割草机) that kept shutting off as we worked.This afternoon,I was _ tired and sweaty.I was thinking of a tall glass of icy drink to cool myself down when Dad called out,“You missed a small piece.”We had to go back to cut that piece of grass _ we didnt want to.People in the town started to notice the good work we did and we soon collected more _.Many years have passed,but the lesson my dad taught me stayed with me.If you say you are going to perform a job at a certain time,keep your word.Give your customers the kind of service you would like to _.It shows how sincere you are and how much pride you take in your work.37 . AhousesByardsCbuildingsDwalls38 . ApriceBtimeClessonDdiscussion39 . Apaying forBwaiting forCasking forDcaring for40 . Aaccording toBbecause ofCin need ofDinstead of41 . Aget on withBget away fromCsend outDsend for42 . AbetterBluckierCworseDlonger43 . AhardlyBcompletelyCalmostDhalf44 . AalthoughBunlessCuntilDif45 . AneighborsBbusinessClessonsDgrass46 . AmentionBreceiveCcontrolDreturn七、阅读单选Peter RabbitActors: James Kimberley Corden (Voice), Rose Byrne (Voice)Language: EnglishRunning Time: 1 hour 25minutesPrice: Weekdays $ 30 $15 (Children under 7) Weekends $40 $20 (Children under 7)I really enjoyed this movie. Its a fun movie for the whole family. I had really good laughs and enjoyed being there. JamesI would recommend this movie to everyone. Whether you go with family or friends, I honestly think this movie has something you will really enjoy.SamIve seen several movies of this kind, but this one is the best. Its so well made some of the scenes are so beautiful.JohnI went to see this movie with my 8-year-old daughter this Tuesday, really without knowing too much about it. My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. We just couldnt help laughing. I would recommend this movie to the whole family.Mary47 . John likes the movie because of _.Athe funny actorsBthe wonderful musicCthe sweet voicesDthe beautiful scenes48 . Mary and her daughter spent _ watching the movie.A$ 30B$ 40C$ 45D$ 6049 . According to the passage, the movie most probably tells a _ story.AfunnyBsadCterribleDtrueLab work is fun but you must be careful. Listen carefully when your teacher reads and explains the rules before your first lab lesson.LAB RULESThroughout the lessons* Do not enter the science lab without the teachers permission(允许). * No food or drinks are to be allowed in the science lab.Before the Experiment* Read all instructions carefully before every experiment(实验).* Prepare all apparatus(仪器)and put them in right places so that you will not knock them over while doing the experiment.During the Experiment* If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help.* Never smell or taste chemicals unless your teacher gives permission.After the Experiment* Wash all apparatus after use and return them to the places where they were.* Throw waste materials into proper waste baskets.First Aid* Report all accidents to your teacher immediately.* If you spill any chemicals onto your body or clothing, wash with plenty of water and report to your teacher.50 . You must know the LAB RULES _ the first lab lessons.AbeforeBsinceCduringDafter51 . It is necessary for you to _ before every experiment.Aread all instructions carefullyBtake enough food and drinksCsmell chemicals immediatelyDtalk with your classmates.52 . If you are not sure of how to use any apparatus, _.Aread the rules carefullyBtry them again and againCask your teacher for helpDreturn all apparatus to the places where they were53 . The underlined word “spill” means _.A照射B伤害C摔下D溅出54 . When you are in the science lab, you mustnt _.Abe careful in order to prevent injuryBlisten carefully when your teacher explains the rulesCtaste chemicals without the teachers permissionDthrow waste materials into proper waste baskets八、根据首字母、中文提示填空55 . What size are these _ (模特) blouses? About Size 38.56 . I think this pair of trainers on Daniel _(与相配) his jacket very well.57 . On the ground is a nice wallet. Please find out what is _ (在里面).58 . What about _ (点菜) some hamburgers and coke, darling?59 . Bees and butterflies are dancing _ (在中) the flowers in spring.60 . The little girl ate _ (many) of the watermelon and left only a little for her mum.61 . Eating sweets often is not good for our_ (tooth).62 . The apple juice in the cups_ (taste) very good.63 . The skin of the newly-born baby seems as _ (smooth) as silk.64 . Both the top student and her parents hate_ (let) off the fireworks.九、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空65 . Ilike_(生物)atschool.66 . The_(parent)meetingisat3nextFriday.67 . Canyoupleasehelpmegetreadyfor_(today)party?68 . _(哪一个)isyourfavouritesport?69 . Youcanknowtheworldifyoulearn_(地理)well.70 . Heisill,_(因此)hecannotgotoschool.十、单词填空根据课文内容填空。(共5分)This is Daniel. He 71 . glasses. He72 . 73 . computer games. He is 74 . and 75 . .I go to the school 76 . every day. I go to the Reading Club after school every Tuesday and Friday. I also like playing 77 . .Sometimes, I 78 . with my friends after school. Amy is a79 . of the Swimming Club. She is a very good 80 . ! We always have a good time at our school.十一、填空Here are some students New Years resolutions of 2017.Hi, my name is Selina. Im going to listen to the teachers carefully in class. Im going to finish my homework on time. Im going to get a tutor (家庭教师), because Im not good at some subjectsMy name is Dave. Im going to eat fruit and vegetables every day. Im going to drink more water and milk. Im also going to brush my teeth after meals every day and wash my hands after going to the bathroom. As you know, a healthy lifestyle is necessary for everyone.My name is Tina. Im going to meet more people and make more friends this year. Im going to be friendly to the kids who need friendslike someone who is shy or new. Mom and Dad often ask me to be more outgoing. They think I should get on well with my classmatesIm Tony. Chatting online is my favorite. But Im not going to give out my information such as my name, home address, school name and telephone number on the Internet. Im not going to send my own pictures to others or chat with someone online unless I get my parents permission (允许根据短文内容,完成表格。New Years Resolutions of 2017NameHe / She is (not)going to.Selina81 . Davehave a 82 . to keep healthyTina be 83 . and be friendly to othersTony tell 84 . to others online十二、回答问题Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin, a world-famous comedian(喜剧演员). While watching his films, people everywhere laugh until tears run down their faces.Born in 1889, Chaplin grew up in a poor family. At the age of five, he began to act as a clown to make money and care for his sick mother. Despite the hard times in his early years, he had a clear goal: to become a great stage artist.And Chaplin did become a great silent movie star years later. He knew what it meant to be poor and what it meant to be a nobody. The littletramp (流浪小子)he played in his films always has a black moustache(小胡子),wide-open eyes, a round black hat and large shoes. The tramp makes all kinds of stupid mistakes, but he never gives up his dream of becoming a great man. Even people who dont understand English can enjoy Chaplins silent films. It isnt what he says that makes people laugh. His comedy (喜剧) doesnt depend on words. It depends on little actions, which mean the same thing to people all over the world. That was how Chaplin became one of the greatest comedians in the world. In his book, he told us how to succeed in life: You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret.85 . When did Chaplin begin to act as a clown?_86 . What was his goal in his early years?_87 . The little tramp doesnt give up his dream of becoming a great man, does he?_88 . What makes people laugh in Chaplins comedy?_89 . What kind of person is Charlie Chaplin?_十三、材料作文90 . 假如你住在一个新社区,遇到一位好邻居Linda。请根据以下要点写一篇80词左右的短文(短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数)。1.Linda乐于助人。如果你外出度假,她会帮助你照看房子,并帮你花园里的植物浇水。2.她是你的好邻居,也是你的好朋友。你们下班后经常在一起聊天。有时间时,你们经常一起购物。3.你认为生活中好邻居非常重要。因此,每个人都应该在社区里做好邻居,使得社区成员开心,就像一个家庭一样。I live in a new community and meet a good neighbour, Linda. _第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、三、听长对话回答问题1、四、听短文回答问题1、2、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、八、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、九、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、十、单词填空1、十一、填空1、十二、回答问题1、十三、材料作文1、


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