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2019-2020学年陕旅版(三起)英语三年级上册期末专项训练:单项选择题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . - Does Alan _yo-yos? ( )- Yes, _ does.Alike; she B. like; he B. likes; sheBlikes; he2 . What is this? ( )AIts a white cat.BThat is a white cat.3 . Weplay with matches in the forest. ( )AcanBmustCmustnt4 . What can we do _the animals in danger? ( )AhelpBhelpedCto helpDhelping5 . - Whos that young lady? ( )- AShes tall and thin.BShes our principal.6 . - Whats the matter? ( )- I have _.AillBa feverCfever7 . Have some_.( )AcarrotsBcarrotCcarrotes8 . I like _. Do you like _? ( )ABottles; itBbottles; themCbottle; themDbottle; they9 . _she _ a cold yesterday? ( )ADid, hadBDid, haveCDoes, has10 . How was your summer holiday, yifan? ( ) _AIt was great.BIt is great.CThat sounds good.11 . Its the ABC _. ( )AsongBsongs12 . My favorite food is _. ( )AmilkBcookCcandy选出下列各组单词或短语中不同类的选项。13 . AtwelfthBtwentiethCtwelve14 . Abirthday partyBChildrens DayCTree Planting Day15 . AspringBsummerCOctober16 . AfirstBeighthCthree17 . _ your classroom? ( )Its on the first floor.AWhereBWhere isCWhere are18 . Here is a book _ you. ( )AofBtoCfor19 . -This is my friend, John. ( )-_.AI am tenBGoodbyeCNice to meet you.20 . - A: Whose socks ? B: Su Hais. ( )Aare they, TheyreBis this, ItsCare they, Its21 . We always _ a special meal. ( )AhaveBhasCgot22 . There _ many _ on her skirt. ( )Ais, circleBis, circlesCare, circles,23 . I often listen _ music after school.A. on B. for C. to24 . There_ a book .AareBisCwas25 . _ Mr Wang. Hes _ teacher. ( )AShe; IBHes; myCShes; my26 . _are your hobbies?I like reading stories.AWhatBWhereCHow27 . _horses do you have?( )Eighteen.AHow oldBHowCHow many28 . Lily:?Mike:Im six.ACan I have some water .BHow are you.CHow old are you. DHow many cakes?29 . is she from ? Shes from China .AWhereBWhatCWho30 . Can you do housework? _.AYes, I canBYes , I cantCNo, I canDNo, I dont31 . There is _ ”o”, _”u” and _”r” in the word “hour”. ( )Aan, a, anBa, a, aCan, an, a32 . Where _ my new shoes? ( )_ in the box.Ais, ItsBare, TheyreCAre, Its33 . Mum, I can see apple on the table. Can I eat it? ( )Yes, you can.AaBanC/Dthe找出下列不同类的单词。34 . AheadBdogCduck35 . AbookBbearCeraser36 . AanimalBcatCpig37 . AbearsBpigsCduck38 . There was English film in cinema. ( )Aa , theBan , aCthe , aDan , the39 . _ is that man? ( )He is my teacher.AWhatBWhoCWhere40 . _ can you see over there, Bobby? ( ) I can see a pen.AWhatBWhereCHow选出每组中不同类的单词。41 . AheBboyCgirl42 . AoneBstudentCtwo43 . AteacherBCanadaCChina44 . AUKBUSACshe45 . AheBsheCnew46 . He _ tall and thin. ( )AisBlikeChave47 . Has it got green leaves? ( ) Yes, it.AhaveBhasCis48 . books are about music. ( )AThisBThatCThose49 . - I like mangoes. ( )- too.AIBMyCMe50 . There are ten _. ( )AstarBstarsCtwo stars51 . _story-books do you have? ( )-I have 5.AHow manyBHow muchCHow heavy52 . 见到你很高兴,怎么说?ANice to meet you .BHow are you ?53 . 找出下列不同类的一项,填写在括号里。【小题1】AflyBwalkCfloorDswim【小题2】AanimalBtigerCchickDpanda【小题3】AorangeBcakeCbananaDpeach【小题4】AlookBseeChereDhear54 . 如果你想问“那个是什么”,你可以说:AWhats this?BWhats that?CWhats your name?55 . -What do Jacks parents do? ( )-_AHe is happy.BShe is a doctor.CThey are teachers.56 . Helen Keller couldnt see and she hear. ( )AcouldBcouldntCcan57 . 尺子的复数形式是下列哪一个( )ArulerBrulers选出每组中不同类别的词。58 . AholidayBEasterCChristmas59 . AbirthdayBChildrens DayCNational Day60 . AMondayBTuesdayCMay Day61 . AMondayBJuneCMarch62 . AAprilBautumnCAugust63 . I dont like hamburgers. They are_.( )AsweetBdeliciousCnot healthy64 . Goodmorning, Mr. Lin. ( )AGoodmorning, Amy.BGoodafternoon, Amy.CGoodnight.65 . colour is it? ( )Its brown.AWhatBWhereCWho66 . -_does your father go to work?-By car.AWhatBHowCWhen67 . This is _ apple and that is _ banana. ( )Aa, anBan, aCa, a68 . What is your favourite food? ( )_.APearBNoodlesCShoes69 . - Happy birthday!( )- _AHappy birthday!BThank you!CHappy New Year!70 . Is the hospital far from here? ( )No, it_.AisBisntCnear71 . _ the tiger sleeping. ( )No, it isnt.AIsBAreCDo72 . What did youyesterday? ( )AeatBateCache73 . _ your favourite subject? ( )AWhatBWhat subjectCWhats74 . May I use your ruler ? ( )_AOK. Here you are.BThank you.CNo, I dont.75 . Is there a cinema near here? ( )_.Asorry, I dont know.BExcuse me.CWelcome.76 . _ you be home at seven? ( )Yes, I will.AAreBDoCWill77 . His family _ a happy one. ( )AbeBareCisDwas78 . I have two good pen friends. One is an American, _is in England.Athe otherBlook afterCanotherDother79 . 选择正确的一项 ( )- _(你好吗)?- Im fine.A、How are youB、HiC、Bye-bye80 . How many _ are there in a week? ( ) Seven.AdayBdaysCtoday81 . Nice to meet you.( )AThank you.BNice to meet you,too.82 . -How do you go there?-.AIm going to buy a magazine about plants.BBy bus.CIm fine.83 . 什么 ( )AhowBwhat84 . _ you go hiking last Saturday? ( )Yes, I did.ADidBAreCDo85 . There so many beautiful kites. ( )AareBisCbe86 . 看图片,选择能表达图片意思的句子将对话补充完整: ( )AMy name is Bob.BIm six years old.87 . How much is this hamburger? ( )Two _.AdollarBdollarsCyuans88 . This is my grandpa. ( )-_.AGoodbye.BSee you.CHello.89 . I can _ some nice fish soup. ( )AsmellingBsmellsCsmell90 . What your parents ? ( )They are .Ado; do; doctorsBdoes; do; doctorCdo; do; doctor91 . Chinese people invented many important_.( )AthingsBthingesCmatter92 . _ I speak to Miss Li? ( )AmayBMayCDo93 . _you?( ) Fine, thank you.AHow areBHows94 . What is it? ( )AatBinCdown95 . Good morning , boys and girls . ( )_,Mr Smart .AGood afternoonBGood morningCGoodbye .96 . a big map of the US! ( )AWhereBHowCWhat97 . _ your school? ( )AWhatBWhereCWheres98 . What is _ job? ( )He is a driver.AsheBherChis99 . This is _ classroom. ( )AmyBICyou100 . -Whos that woman? ( )- _ my mum.AImBHesCShes101 . ruler ( )AB102 . You are a good boy. ( ) AOK.BThank you.CThats right.103 . But we have only one TV.( )A但我们仅仅只有一台电视。B我们有一台电视。104 . Is this _ skirt?AmyByour105 . -Lets play. ( )- _ABye!BHello.CGreat!106 . _is your school?Go straight on then turn left. AWhatBWhere107 . 你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:AHow much is the car?BHow many cars can you see?CI can see five cars.108 . The door _brown. The windows _blue. ( )Ais; areBare; isCis; is109 . Su Yang is not here. Wheres _? ( )AheBitCshe110 . Lets school! ( )AgoBto go toCgo to111 . Whats your name? ( )_AMy name is Sam.BHello, Im Sam.112 . Can you sing and dance, children?( )Yes, can.AheBtheyCwe113 . Wherethe Wangs?( ) In the restaurant.AisBseeCare114 . Which is bigger, _ pineapple or _ apple? ( )Aa, aBan, aCa, an115 . Where _ my ruler? ( )AisBaCare116 . I have_English class and _Chinese class on Mondays.( )Aa; anBan; aCan; an117 . Can I have _ ice cream, please? ( )AanBaC/118 . If you work hard, you _ successful finally. ( )AmayBwillCmay be119 . 选出与句子相符的图片。【小题1】Put some soil into the grass. ( )AB【小题2】Water the seeds. ( )AB【小题3】Make a small book. ( )AB【小题4】Draw some pictures. ( )AB【小题5】Put the glass in the sun. ( )AB120 . Haveyougotapen?( )AYes, Ihave.BYes, Ido.121 . How many do you have? ( )AcarBcarsCthis car122 . Is there a shop near your home? ( ) No, there _.AisBisnt123 . _ is safe. ( )AItBThis124 . This gift is _ you. ( )AoutBforCat125 . - _is the tiger?- lts behind the tree.AWhereBWhat colourCWhose126 . Is this _ English book? ( )AIByouCyour127 . _ are you?AWhatsBHowCWhos128 . There are many _ in the park.( )AchildrensBchildsCchildren129 . _ your favourite season?AWhatsBWhatCWhosDWhen130 . There_two English books in my bag.AamBisCare131 . 想要去美国,应该乘下列哪种交通工具?( )AbusBbikeCplane132 . Whats that _ ? Its too _.Anoise, noisy Bnoise, noisyCnoisy, noisy133 . I am nine old.AyearByears第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、79、80、81、82、83、84、85、86、87、88、89、90、91、92、93、94、95、96、97、98、99、100、101、102、103、104、105、106、107、108、109、110、111、112、113、114、115、116、117、118、答案:略119、


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