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西师大版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷十一姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What colour _ your hair? ( )AamBisCbe2 . What _ the time? ( )AareBis3 . _canIgetthere? ( )AWhereBHowCWhoDWhat4 . Its _ today. I can make a snowman. ( )AhotBcoldCsnowy5 . Stand _, Liu Tao. ( )AupBin6 . 看图片选单词。(_) 1. A. bus B. car(_) 2. A. cap B. map(_) 3. A. toy B. box(_) 4.A. stamp B. card7 . The teachers desk is _ the blackboard. ( )AaboveBbehindCin front of8 . A tall boy sits _ me and I cant see the blackboard. ( )Ain front ofBbehindCbetweenDbeside9 . This is a guide _ us to visit Beijing.( )AforBtoCwith10 . Please _ me the ruler! ( )AuseBpassChave选出划线部分读音不同的一项。11 . AcontrolBhomeCprogrammer12 . AhurryBmumCmusic13 . AeatBheadCdeaf14 . AdogBsausageCglasses15 . AsitBblindCkite二、阅读选择16 . 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Dear Peter,Thank you for your letter. Now Im going to answer some of your questions. You ask me about the weather in Beijing in winter. Its quite cold and it often snows in winter. After snowing, the ground is white. And I can skate on the ice. Its very interesting to skate. I like winter best. You ask me when it is the best time to come to China. I think the best time to come to China is in spring or in fall. Its often too hot in summer and its too cold in winter. I have to finish this letter now. Ask your brother to come to China with you together. Welcome to Beijing soon. Yours,Jim( ) 1. Which country is Jim in?A. America. B. China. C. Canada. ( ) 2. What season does Jim like best?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter. ( ) 3. What is the best time to come to China?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Spring or fall. ( ) 4. Is it very hot in summer in Beijing?A. Yes,it is. B. No,it isnt. C. I dont know.( ) 5. What is the text(文章)?A. A letter. B. A story. C. A piece of news.三、填空题选择正确的单词完成句子。17 . The girl _(teach,teaches) us English on Sundays.18 . They like _(swimming, swiming) very much.19 . How many _(policemans, policemen) are there in the street?20 . Nancy is good at _ (dance, dancing).21 . -Can he _(play, playing) basketball? -No, he cant.22 . Read and fill with words(阅读并单词填空)-Give _ a rubber, please. -Here you _.-_you.四、任务型阅读读短文,根据短文内容判断,对的(T)错的(F),把答案填在括号里。There is a big library in New York City. There are many books in the library. You can find all kinds of books there. The books about history are on shelf A. The books about art are on shelfAThe books about music are on shelfBYou can find books about computers on shelfCThe books about English are on shelfDYou can read the books in the library. You can take the books home, too. But you must bring them back in ten days time.23 . The big library is in the UK. (_)24 . There are many books in the library. (_)25 . There are books about music are on shelfA(_)26 . You can find books about computers on shelfA(_)27 . I can take the books home. (_)五、句型转换28 . 根据要求改写句子1.Ava has a white and blue kite.(一般疑问句)_2.I have an old ball.(用She代替I)_3.My swing is yellow and red.(划线提问)_4.This orange is three yuan. (划线提问)_5.Is this tall girl your sister? (改为肯定句)_your sister.六、选内容补全对话29 . 补全对话AHeres a card for you, Mum.BSure. Here you are.CWhat can I do for you, Mum?DI love you too.Amy: Happy Mothers Day, Mum!Mum: Thank you!Amy: 1._Mum: Wow! How nice it is! I like it.Amy: 2._Mum: Mmm. Im a bit thirsty. Could you give me a cup of tea, please?Amy: 3._Mum: Thank you, good girl! I love you.Amy: 4._七、匹配题选择各句的正确答语。AThank you.BYes,they do.CNo,I dont.DHappy New Year!EYes,he does.30 . Happy New Year!(_)31 . Heres a present for you.(_)32 . Do you like apples?(_)33 . Does he play the piano?(_)34 . Do they like oranges?(_)第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、任务型阅读1、五、句型转换1、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、


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