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人教版2020年广州中考英语压轴专题练习卷:情态动词(选择题)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Dad, must I have the homework finished at once? I want to play outside with my friends now.-No, you _. You can finish it tomorrow.AcantBmustntCneednt2 . the little girl play the piano?No, she cant. But she can sing well.ACanBMayCShallDNeed3 . -What does your teacher think of your school report this term ?-The smile on her face shows she _ what I did in my study.Ais sorry forBis worried aboutCis pleased withDis angry with4 . Could you pleaseus Toms telephone number?AtellBto tellCtellingDtells5 . _ your sister late for school again?AIsBAreCDoesDDoes be6 . - One of my classmates_ the USA.- Really?Who?A. is fromAare fromBcome fromCcoming from7 . When having a fire drill, we _run downstairs.AneedntBmustntCcantDmay not8 . Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation? Not yet. We _ go to Mount Lu. It is a good place for vacation.AmayBshouldCmust9 . The high school entrance examination is coming!Yes, our teacher tells us we _ be too careful while taking exams.AmustntBshouldntCneedntDcant10 . -Where is your sister?-Im not sure. She _ be in the library because she likes reading.AmustntBmayCcanDcant11 . Weuse mobile phones when the plane takes off.Amay notBshouldntCneedntDmustnt12 . Tom likes his job because he _ enjoy the beautiful nature.AshouldBhave toCmustDcan13 . Mum, can I go out to play with my friends tonight?OK, but you _ come back before 9 oclock.AcanBmayCmustDmight14 . Its much to have a small lovely room than a big cold one.AgoodBwellCbestDbetter15 . Here is a survey(调查) about how the 1,000students from No.2Middle School go to school on weekdaysOne third of the students going to school by bike are girlsThen according to the form below,_boys go to school in the same way By busBy bikeBy carOn foot40%36%9%A150B100C5016 . Please look at _ photo. Its _ photo of my uncle.Aa; theBthe; aCa; aDthe; the17 . There _ some rain in Mount Huang in spring, but the weather is very nice.AmaybeBmay beCmust beDperhaps18 . Would you like to my birthday party tonight?- Yes, _AI would likeBI would loveCI willDI would like to19 . Not only my friends but also Iinterested in football and Messi is our favorite star.AareBbeCisDam20 . -Would you _ have tea or wine?-_I prefer coffee.Arather; EitherBrather; NeitherClike; NeitherDrather; Both21 . After you read the article “Why fast food is slowly killing you”, youstop eating fast food.AcanBmayChave toDshould22 . -Could I borrow your dictionary?-Of course you _.AcouldBcanCmustDshould23 . Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is now?Sorry,I _. My watch doesnt work.AcantBmay notCmustntDneednt24 . Eatingjunk food makes herheavy.Atoo much, too muchBmuch too, too muchCtoo much, much tooDmuch too, much too25 . 一Its said that nuclear power will be used to produce electricity in Xianning.一However, nuclear power be very dangerous.AcanBneedCmustDshould26 . -Excuse me, sir, visiting hours are over. You _ leave.-Pardon me, nurse. I didnt hear the bell.AmayBcanCmustDneed27 . - Mum, Im getting fatter and fatter. -You had better too many sweets.Anot eatBnot eatingCdont eatDnot to eat28 . It is getting warmer and warmer. You _ wear so many clothes.Aneednt toBdont need toCdont needDnot need to29 . Itbe the postman at the doorIts only six oclockAmustntBneedntCwontDcant30 . Heat home. he is not. You can ring him up.Amaybe; May beBmay be; May beCmay be; MaybeDmaybe; Maybe31 . - Did Qingdao show _ to the world during the SCO Summit (上海合作组织峰会)?- Sure! Her beauty, high technology and rapid development.Asomething specialBanything specialCspecial somethingDspecial anything32 . We _ be kind to dogs and take care of them with love.AcanBmayCwouldDshould33 . -Look! That woman looks like your mother.-It _her. My mother_Japan_business.Acant ; has been to; forBmay not; has been to; inCcant ; has gone to; onDmustnt; has gone to; for34 . -The hit CD _ belong to MarysShe likes this kind of music.-I am sure of thatBut she didnt use to enjoy the music agoAmayBshouldCcanDmust35 . Take your swimming clothes because you _ want to go swimming in the sea.AmightBcantCneedDhave to第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、

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