人教版(PEP)六年级英语上册Unit 6-7单元测试卷

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人教版(PEP)六年级上册Unit 6-7单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . We _ some cakes to the park and _ them last Sunday. ( )Abring, eatBbrought, ateCtake, ate2 . -What our city dirty?-Smoke the cars and the factories.Amakes; fromBmake; fromCtakes; to3 . 找出每组中不同类的一项(_) 1. A. red B. mouth C. face(_) 2. A. orangeB. arms C. green(_) 3. A. book B. white C. eraser(_) 4. A. leg B. bag C. black(_) 5. A. foot B. headC. crayon4 . You_ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way. ( )Ahad better not toBhad not betterChad betterDhad better not5 . I lost my pen. So I am_ my pen. ( )Alooking forBlooking atClooking afterDlooking6 . How does he go to Beijing? ( )AI go there by train.BHe goes there by plane.7 . The story is _.( )AinterestedBdeliciousCinteresting8 . Tom is _ a number _ Helen on a book. ( )Alooking; fromBlooking for; withClooking for; and9 . Tom likes _ sweets and cakes. ( )AeatBeatsCateDeating10 . How do we make use of the stems? ( )We can _ from them.Aget paperBgrow seedsCget water11 . Point _ your hand, please. ( )AonBtoCin12 . We shouldnt _ useful things. ( )AwasteBto wasteCwasting13 . What_to trees in the different season ?AhappenBhappensChappened14 . Im going to do the_. ( )Ajump longBjump highClong jump15 . I read _ about animals. ( )Aa lotBlot ofClots of二、阅读选择16 . 阅读并选择正确的答案。Nancy likes to take a walk in the park at the weekends. Now she is taking a walk with her good friend Yang Ling. There are many different signs in the park. Nancy knows a lot about them. Suddenly she sees a short man walking on the grass. She points to the sign and says to him “Sir, look at the sign! You cant walk on the grass.” The man smiles and says “ Youre right, young girl. But Im the park keeper. I look after the grass. Im picking up the garbage on it.”( ) 1. How does Nancy spend her weekends?A. Watches TV.B. Takes a walk on the streets.C. Takes a walk in the park.( ) 2. Where are they walking?A. In the park. B. In the zoo. C. In the school.( ) 3. Are there any signs in the park?A. Yes, there is. B. No, there arent. C. Yes, there are.( ) 4. Who knows a lot of signs?A. Nancy. B. Yang Ling. C. Nancy and Yang Ling.( ) 5. The word “garbage” in Chinese means _.A. 落叶 B. 垃圾 C. 零食根据短文内容,选出恰当的一项There are some easy things you can do to protect the environment.(环境) Plant flowers, grass or trees.Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there and keep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a bin. Turn off the lights , TVs when you leave your room. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. You can save some water. Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm. Give your old books and magazines to a library. Give your old clothes to poor children. Dont pour dirty water into the rivers or the lakes nearby.If everyone makes a contribution(贡献) to protect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful.17 . The article(文章) is _.( )A. a sign B. a story C. a proposal (提议)18 . The writer tells us _?( )A. to throw rubbish into a binB. to pour dirty water into the riverC. to save water by turning off TVs19 . We can_ to save paper. ( )A. use a glass cupB. turn off the lightsC. keep the windows closed20 . Which is WRONG? ( )A. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.B. Close the doors in winter.C. Pour dirty water into the lake.21 . The main idea of this article is how to _.( )A. save money B. save water C. protect the environment三、完形填空完形填空。Look, its our Earth. There _ some water, hills and trees on it. We shouldnt _ water. Because in many places, there is not _ water.We also _ cut down too many trees. We should _ more trees. They are _ for the air. People like using _ bags in the supermarket. But I think theyre bad for the Earth. We should use _ bags and boxes. The Earth is our _. We should _ it.22 . AisBareCarentDisnt23 . AsaveBkeepCwasteDsaved24 . AmanyBmuchCsomeDlot of25 . AshouldBcanCshouldntDmustnt26 . AmakeBplantCkeepDsave27 . AbadBuseCusefulDwell28 . ApaperBplasticCglassDhard29 . ApaperBplasticCglassDsoft30 . AschoolBhomeCgardenDpark31 . AprotectBnot protectCwasteDnot waste四、填空题用下列单词的适当形式填空。32 . There _ (be) two eggs in the fridge three days ago.33 . My mother _ (buy) things from shops four years ago.34 . When _ you_ (come) to China? - Last year.35 . Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.36 . The king _ new clothes . (like)37 . There _ any hospitals (医院) in my hometown (家乡) in 1940. (be not)38 . Her mother _ (not give) the girl any presents.39 . Dont _ (talk) in class.40 . Yesterday my friends and I _ (fly) kites in the park.41 . Today is the_ (one) day of the new term.42 . Its _ (he) turn now.用所给词的适当形式填空。43 . I want _(visit) your new home.44 . How can I _(get) to the shop? Go along the street and youll find it.45 . There _(be) four apples and two oranges on the table.46 . Lets _(ask) my father for help.47 . Who _(take) the plane to Shanghai? My uncle.48 . He _(turn) left at the bookshop.49 . How _(do) John get to the cinema? He can _(go) there by metro.50 . Turn right at the traffic _(light).51 . 选择合适的单词,并用适当的形式补全短文。turn post office next to his getI have a friend. _ name is Mike. Next Sunday is his birthday. Im going to send him a postcard. So Im going to the _this afternoon. Its _ the museum. I will take the No.25 bus. And _ off at the shoe store. Then _ left and go straight. I will see the post office.52 . Heres a Christmas card for _(you).根据汉语提示完成句子,每个横线上可写多个单词。53 . I _(没有)an uncle. I want to have an uncle.54 . She likes _(看) books.55 . My father often _(看) TV after supper.56 . Tom and Alice _(喜欢)listening to music.57 . How does she _(去) to school.58 . He _(有) a new bicycle.59 . Im going to _(买) a story book.60 . Its _(旁边)the hospital.61 . He dances. He is a _(舞蹈家).62 . She _(打扫)streets. She is a cleaner.五、句型转换句型转换63 . Is Mr Chart very helpful? (作否定回答)_, _.64 . Its a super car.(改为感叹句)_65 . They work hard in the factory. (改为否定句)_66 . We went to the Shanghai Museum.(对划线部分提问)_67 . I am at school.(变为一般疑问句)_ at school?六、填内容补全对话68 . 看图,补全对话:_ like grass?Yes, they do.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、3、4、5、五、句型转换1、六、填内容补全对话1、

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