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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Tom likes salad, but his sister doesnt like _.A . themB . theyC . its D . it2. (2分)He really enjoys writing stories.He wants to be a(n) _ when he grows up.A . artistB . writerC . director3. (2分) Lets _ football this afternoon. Sorry, I like going _.A . play, swimmingB . play, swimC . playing, swimD . playing, swimming4. (2分) _, John lost in the final round. Oh. What a pity!A . FortunatelyB . UnfortunatelyC . LuckyD . Suddenly5. (2分)We _ the classroom when we heard the bell.A . hurriedB . hurried to goC . hurried toD . in a hurry6. (2分)The factory is _ on the edge of the town. A . fittedB . situatedC . matchedD . flexed7. (2分)Last night, I _ computer games when my mother came into my bedroom. You cant imagine how embarrassed I was then!A . playedB . was playingC . have played8. (2分)- Do you go by bus _ by train?- Neither, I ride to school.A . andB . butC . orD . so9. (2分)Tom _ his mother, and his mother _ very young. A . looks like; looks likeB . looks like; looksC . looks; looks likeD . looks; looks10. (2分)The boy is from England and he can _ English well.A . sayB . tellC . speakD . talk11. (2分)Dont move the desk your teacher allows you.A . ifB . sinceC . becauseD . unless12. (2分) How was your trip? Very good. We enjoyed _.A . myselfB . ourselvesC . usD . ours13. (2分)It is still unknown how AI(人工智能)_the way of our life as well as the world. A . changeB . changedC . will changeD . was changing14. (2分)My brother _ an apple. A . want eatB . wants eatingC . wants to eatD . wants eat15. (2分)My mother cut her hand when she was cooking._.A . It doesnt matterB . Dont worryC . Yes,thats rightD . Im sorry to hear that二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I work as a volunteer for an organization that helps the poor in Haiti. Recently I took my son Barrett there for a week, hoping to1 him. Before setting out, I told Barrett this trip would be tiring and2 . For the first two days, he said almost nothing. I worried the trip was too muchfor a 17-year-old boy. Then on day three, as we were climbing3 high rocky mountains, he turned to me and grinned (咧嘴笑), Pretty hard.After that there was no turning back. A five-year-old girl, wearing a dress several sizes4 large and broken shoes, followed Barrett around, mesmerized (着迷). He couldnt stop5 . Later he said regretfully . I 6 I could speak French. I was7this from a boy who hated and 8 French classes throughout school.Usually silent, hemade friends with Gaby, our host, and kept asking questions about the country and its people. He came aliveHowever, the moment that really took9 breath away happened during my interview with a woman villager for an article at her house deep in the mountains. 135 centimeters tall, she was small in figure but strong in10 . Through determination(决心), she had learned to read and write and11to become part of the leadership of thevillage. her story, Barrett was astouchedas I by this tiny womans achievements. His eyes were wet and 12 was amixture of love and respect on his face. He had finally understood the importance of my work. 13 When leaving for home, Barrett13offered to staybehind as a volunteer. My insides suddenly felt struck. This14 achieved all Id expected. Soon he will celebrate his 18th birthday. Hell be a man.(1)A . help B . please C . attract D . educate (2)A . difficult B . unforgettable C . dangerous D . exciting (3)A . in B . to C . over D . above (4)A . too B . very C . even D . so (5)A . joking B . crying C . shouting D . smiling (6)A . expect B . wish C . think D . doubt (7)A . pleased B . disappointed C . surprised D . sad (8)A . came to B . put away C . fought against D . took up (9)A . my B . his C . our D . her (10)A . brain B . body C . will D . health (11)A . seemed B . struggled C . agreed D . liked (12)A . Reading B . Listening C . Learning D . Writing (13)A . it B . he C . that D . there (14)A . ever B . still C . hardly D . even (15)A . travel B . interview C . trip D . article 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共108分)17. (50分)Raising chickens seems a difficult task for teenagers. Gracie Goodpasture, from Virginia, US, not only raises them, but also tries to breed (喂养) the “perfect chicken”. And she even won an award for her love of science.Gracie started breeding chickens in her third grade at Steward School. At first, she worked on some farms for her school project. But later, the 14-year-old started to have some ideas of her own.“Some have thicker eggshells (蛋壳), and theyre hearty (健壮的) throughout the winter,” said Grade.Since then, the young science lover started to try to find the healthiest free-range (散养) chickens. And she ended up breeding a type that now bears her name.The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) gave the 2015 Angela Award to Gracie Goodpasture. Her interests dont end with chickens and eggs. She is also into building robots and testing preservatives (防腐剂) in fast foods. In her words, she wants to go to Virginia Tech for poultry (家禽) sciences in the future.(1)Where is Gracie from?(2)In which grade did Gracie start breeding chickens?(3)What did Gracie find about some chickens eggshells?(4)When did NSTA give the Angela Award to Gracie?(5)Why does Gracie want to go to Virginia Tech in the future?(6)Where is Gracie from?(7)In which grade did Gracie start breeding chickens?(8)What did Gracie find about some chickens eggshells?(9)When did NSTA give the Angela Award to Gracie?(10)Why does Gracie want to go to Virginia Tech in the future?18. (50分)阅读下面材料,根据要求完成填空。DSave the worlds treesWhen it comes tothe Earth, there is no time to waste. says the Earth Day Network. And that isright. Protecting our environment is very important, and World Earth Day wascreated in 1970 to ask more people to protect our environment. On April 22, peoplearound the world celebrate Earth Day.Every year thereis a special topic, and this year it is Trees for the Earth, so Earth Daythis year will be all about planting trees. They are planning to plant 7.8billion trees within the next five years.Thats a biggoal, and you might wonder why trees are so important. Because they can take incarbon dioxide (CO2) and protect the air quality(质量). CO2 isa chemical in our atmosphere, but humans make too much of it. Each person makesabout 2.3 tons a year, which is bad for the environment.Well guess what!Planting new trees is important because people cut down a huge number of trees.Last year, there were 3 trillion trees in the world, about 139 billion inChina. But according to China Daily, the worlds total number has been almostcut in half since human civilization(文明) began. Thats because 15billion trees are cut down every year.So we need toplant more to make up for(弥补)the ones we lost. One treecan take in 21. 8 kilograms of CO2 per year. And its still one ofthe cheapest and best ways to get rid of CO2.But dont forget that we can also help the environment by cutting down on how much energy(能源) or water we useevery day. Every little thing helps.根据短文内容,回答问题(1-4),英译汉(5)。(1)When do people around the world celebrate World Earth Day?(2)When do people around the world celebrate World Earth Day?(3)What is the topicof Earth Day?(4)What is the topicof Earth Day?(5)Why are trees soimportant to the earth?(6)Why are trees soimportant to the earth?(7)How much CO2can two trees take in each year?(8)How much CO2can two trees take in each year?(9)Put the sentence“Its still one of the cheapest and best ways to get rid of CO2.”into Chinese.(10)Put the sentence“Its still one of the cheapest and best ways to get rid of CO2.”into Chinese.19. (8分)These simple ways can increase(增加)your popularity and win you more friends,so why not try them?PAYING ATTENTION TO OTHERS This will reduce any shyness you may have. Youll be more relaxed and therefore more natural and fun. And you will get more good-people will love the fact that youre paying attention to them while you dont have to worry about what people think of you.LOOKING PEOPLE IN THE EYE Making eye contact is very important because it shows youre interested in them. If you let your eyes wander(游移)or keep looking over their shoulders,people will feel slighted(轻视),and theyll like you less they would otherwise.ASKING QUESTIONS Doing this gives you two advantages,It shows other people that you are indeed paying attention to and that you consider what they are telling you important. Being sure to follow up when youve shared a conversation with someone about something important in his / her life,be sure to ask about it later. This shows that you listen and you care.MAKING AN EFFORT TO SMILE A smile means acceptance,and that makes people open up to you. Make a conscious(有意识的)effort(努力)one day to smile at the people you stay or work with and watch how well they respond (作出反应)to you;BEING RELIABLE(可靠的)People like those who help them,and they quickly begin to hate those who dont.(1)By fixing your attention on others,you will _.A . be more worried and tiredB . feel more confidentC . be paid less attention toD . feel less liked(2)When having a conversation with people,youd better NOT _.A . be open up to themB . fix your eyes on themC . ask questions about themD . look at them(3)Which of the following is true according to the passage?A . Showing continuous care for others is highly valued.B . Smiling at others can often be misunderstood.C . Looking people in the eye will make them uncomfortable.D . You dont have to continue helping others if you dont want to.(4)Which is the best title for this passage?A . Ways to Make You More NaturalB . Trying to Be a Polite PersonC . Making as Many Friends as PossibleD . Ways to Make You More Popular四、 七选五 (共1题;共21分)20. (21分)根据短文内容,完成习题。The Monkey Buffet Festival is on the last Sunday of November. It is a great day for monkeys in Thailand(泰国). The festival has a history of twenty-five years. People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them. So, to thank monkeys, they have this special festival.On that day every year, people put lots of fruit, vegetables, cakes and even drinks on the tables outside. They are all for monkeys. Many people come to see the monkeys on that day.During the festival, there are a lot of interesting activities about monkeys. Young people always dress like monkeys. And they sing and dance and play some music on the street.Monkeys always live in groups. Most of them live in the trees. They are good at running and jumping. They eat fruit, vegetables, flowers and birds eggs. Monkeys are clever. Do you think so?(1)The Monkey Buffet Festival is usually in _ in Thailand. (2)Why do people have the festival? (3)Do monkeys like eating vegetables? (4)从文中找出与下句意义相近的句子。They do well in running and jumping.(5)将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。 五、 翻译 (共1题;共6分)21. (6分)完成句子。按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(1)近来,共享单车对我们的交通方式的改变起了很大的作用。Recently, bike-sharing _ our method of transport .(2)由于恶劣的天气,我们没有办法只能缩短了慈善表演。We had no choice but _ because of the bad weather.(3)借了这么有价值的一本书那么长时间却不看简直就是浪费。Its simply _ a valuable book for so long without reading it.(4)怪不得汤这么甜, 原来糖被误当成盐了。No wonder the soup tasted so sweet! It _ for salt .(5)我早就怀疑她和歌剧院的魅影是否有关了。I doubted _ the ghost in the theatre or not a long time ago.(6)宁可躲藏起来而不愿意面对这些事实确实是不明智的。Preferring going into hiding _ unwise .六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)根据文意及首字母提示补全短文。Have you ever thought of living on Mars? Our Earth is becoming more and more c_. And at the same time theres terrible p_here. If we move to Mars, things will probably change. However, it may be d_for people to have a conversation there, because sound doesnt travel very f_on Mars. The low pressure(气压) makes it so. For example, as_by a human scream on Earth can travel a little over a kilometre. But on Mars, the sound from that same scream will only move 15 metres at m_. Besides, the atmosphere on Mars is also much t_than that on Earth. On Earth, our atmosphere is about 3 km t_, while it is very thin on Mars. Also Earth has a much higher t_than Mars. while it is very thin on Marsso, are you r_to go to Mars?七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)你的朋友ike由于长时间玩电脑游戏,身体出现了很多不适的地方,如:头痛,眼睛不舒服,腰酸背痛等,请按以下写作提示写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍一下他的情况,并给出你的建议。写作提示:1)介绍下Mike玩电脑游戏的情况;2)他的身体有哪些不适?3)你给他的建议是什么?写作要求:1)表达通顺,逻辑清楚。2)不要出现单词拼写,句子结构错误。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、答案:略7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共108分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、17-7、17-8、17-9、17-10、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、18-6、18-7、18-8、18-9、18-10、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 七选五 (共1题;共21分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 翻译 (共1题;共6分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、21-6、六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)22-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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