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冀教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)1. (1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项。 Early in the morning, at noon, or in the morning in big cities and in the countryside, all over the United States, you can see American people runningmen and women, young and old. People run 1-along the beaches of California, 2Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym. Some people even run in 3living rooms.Running wasnt so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people. When people saw a runner, they used 4, Hey, whats the hurry for? or they might say to 5, Is he crazy? At that time, women almost never ran. If they did, they might be laughed at. But today all these have 6. Men and women of all 7enjoy running.Doctors say many of the healthy problems in the United States 8these bad habits: eating too much, smoking cigarettes, and taking9exercise. Doctors tell us, Eat less, dont smoke, and exercise more. Running is a good exercise 10it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.(1)A . anywhere B . somewhere C . everywhere D . nowhere (2)A . among B . through C . with D . on (3)A . our B . your C . his D . their (4)A . to asking B . to speak C . to speaking D . to ask (5)A . them B . themselves C . their D . they (6)A . changed B . stopped C . worked D . done (7)A . people B . cities C . villages D . ages (8)A . come from B . look for C . care for D . think of (9)A . few B . many C . much D . little (10)A . how B . where C . because D . until 2. (1分)完形填空 When I had something difficult to do, I liked to ask my mother for 1. But she always said, Do it yourself, dear. I was not happy about this at all. I thought she was the 2mother I had ever seen!For example, one day, I decided to3some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were4, and I didnt make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it, but she 5said, Do it yourself.Because of my lazy mother, I had to6my clothes and clean my room. I had to help my parents do7. I even had to go to the doctor by myself. It was really difficult for me to do a good job, but I have 8a lot.As time goes by, I start to understand my mother. She made 9clever and hard-working. A 10mother is worth 100 teachers! Do you think so?(1)A . money B . help C . time (2)A . tallest B . happiest C . laziest (3)A . leave B . invite C . visit (4)A . everywhere B . somewhere C . nowhere (5)A . never B . sometimes C . still (6)A . wash B . move C . buy (7)A . job B . homework C . housework (8)A . learned B . told C . shown (9)A . I B . mine C . me (10)A . young B . good C . happy 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共15分)3. (5分)阅读理解 Disneys princess stories are famous around the world. You must know some of them, such as Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty.All princesses are very beautiful. Princes fall in love with them at first sight. In the end, the princess and prince have a happy life together.However, princesses often cannot protect themselves. They need help from others. This is the old image of Disneys princesses.A few weeks ago, Disney made 10 new rules. To be a princess, you must follow these rules. Surprisingly, no rule talks about having a pretty face. Instead the rules are about good characteristics like honesty, loyalty and never giving up.Princesses need to grow up. When they meet problems, they need to protect themselves. They need to find ways to get away from dangerous people.For example, Elsa and Anna fight against the bad prince in Frozen. They need to believe in themselves and their friends. Mulan shows her courage to fight in the army. Beauty cannot help them. But a strong heart can. In the real world, these are the rules you need to follow.In 2014, Buzzfeed, a US news website, did a survey called which Disney princess do you like most?. As it turned out, the most popular one was Belle !More than 18 per cent of people chose her. Belie is in the movie Beauty and the Beast. She is very kind and gentle. She takes care of the Beast and uses her clever mind to get out of trouble.(1)What is the traditional image of a princess in stories? A . Pretty but not strong.B . Kind and strong.C . Beautiful but unkind.D . Nice but unhappy.(2)Which one is NOT in Disneys new rules for a princess? A . A pretty face.B . Honesty.C . Loyalty.D . Never giving up.(3)Which of the following characters is a new kind of princess? A . Snow White.B . Cinderella.C . Sleeping Beauty.D . Elsa.(4)To follow the new rules, a princess . a. can protect herselfb. can run away from dangerous peoplec. can fight against bad peopled. should wait for a prince when in dangere. must have beauty as well as a strong heartA . abcB . abeC . bdeD . cde4. (3分)阅读理解 In Chile, when two women first meet, they kiss each other on the cheek. Chilean men give their friends warm hugs or sometimes kiss women on the cheek.Finns greet each other with a firm handshake. They only hug and kiss close friends and family members.In South Korea, men bow slightly and shake hands to greet each other. Women do not usually shake hands. When someone is addressed with his or her full name, his or her family name comes first, then the first name.In the United States, men shake hands. When they are first introduced. Friends and family members often hug or kiss each other on the cheek when they meet. In these situations, men often kiss women but not other men.(1)In Chile, when two women first meet, they .A . kiss each other on the cheekB . hug each otherC . bow to each otherD . shake hands with each other(2)Chilean men give their friends or sometimes kiss women on the cheek.A . warm hugsB . a kissC . a bowD . a gift(3) greet each other with a firm handshake. Hugs and kisses are only for close friends and family members. A . ChileansB . FinnsC . KoreansD . Both A and B(4)In , men bow slightly and shake hands to greet each other. A . ChileB . South KoreaC . FinlandD . the United States(5)In the United States, men when they are first introduced.A . hugB . kissC . shake handsD . bow5. (4分)阅读理解 Thousands of years ago. in the south of ancient China, there lived Shennong, a man who had an ox(牛) head and human body. Seeing that local people were suffering from disease, he built ladders and houses on a high mountain to store hundreds of medical plants. To remember him, people named the place Shennongjia.The legend(传说) makes Shennongjia in Hubei an inviting place for tourists. Travelling there is a unique experience, as you can see sceneries of the four seasons from different altitudes. “When the bottom of the mountain is summer, the top is spring and while the foothill is autumn, the top is covered with ice, local people say of the special climate of Shennongjia.Shennongjia is also home to 5, 000 species of animals and plants. Many animals in danger live there, such as the golden monkey, the clouded leopard and the Asian black bear.One interesting and mysterious thing about Shennongjia is its legend of wild men. Some people once claimed that they saw big footprints or big-foot creatures. Yet so far, scientists havent proved it is true and some say they are just bears.The beautiful place has recently received a new title. On July 17, 2016, Shennongjia Forestry District was added to United Nations World Heritage list as a natural site. China now has 52 world heritage sites(遗址),second only to Italy in the world.(1)Which of the following is RIGHT about Shennong? A . Shennong had an ox body.B . Shennong grew medical plants for people.C . Shennong helped the local people.D . Shennong named the place Shennongjia.(2)In Shennongjia, _. A . there are many medical stores along the wayB . people can experience four seasons up the mountainC . there are 500 species of animals and plantsD . scientists have proved there are wild men there(3)What does the underlined word title mean in Paragraph 5? A . 标题B . 景点C . 称号D . 职务(4)Which of the following countries has the most world heritage sites? A . Italy.B . The USA.C . China.D . Canada.(5)Whats the passage mainly about? A . The legend of Shennong.B . Animals living in Shennongjia.C . The amazing Shennongjia.D . World heritage sites.6. (3分)阅读理解 My mother is a teacher, and I grew up with the challenges (挑战) a teacher faces. I often asked her, “Why do you teach? What keeps you teaching? ”The answer was always the same. “There is always that one child, that one moment that is worth it. ”Now, I am a teacher, too. But different from my mother, I teach students challenging activities outdoors. And when my mother asked me the similar questions, my answer was, “Its that one child, that one special moment.”One of those moments happened recently. I was working with a group of girls in a four-week programme. Everything went on well through the “Team” events and we were moving on to a “High” one called the Wire(钢索) Walk. In the Wire Walk, each girl had to climb up the pegs(木桩) in a tree to a wire, 8 meters high, and then walk across it. Of course, everything was safe for sure. When I asked who would try, a few girls raised their hands, and they finished the Wire Walk with little difficulty. But when it was Susies turn, it seemed that she didnt really want to. I asked Susie if she was ready. She answered softy, “I suppose.”Now, Susie was at the foot of the tree. She started to make the long reach for the first peg. The other girls cheered for her. Then I found Susie was becoming nervous with every step. I realised she would not go much further. Susie was halfway up. Then she stopped and held the tree tight(紧紧地), looking very afraid. Her eyes were closed. With her face against the tree, she cried, “I cant.”The other girls sat in silence. I talked quietly to Susie, trying to relax her. I talked for a long time till I ran out of words. “I will still be your friend no matter what, Susie!” Mary broke the silence. To my surprise, Susie lifted her head and looked up to the wire. Then she turned to look down at Mary and smiled. Mary smiled back. Finally, Susie made it all the way across that wire. When she returned to the ground, the first hug she looked for was from Mary. We all cheered. Moments like this keep me doing what I do. The young hearts continue to fill me with courage. (1)Susie stopped halfway up to the wire because _. A . the teacher asked her to do itB . something was wrong with itC . she was too afraid to move onD . it was too high for her to reach(2)Mary broke the silence in order to _. A . encourage SusieB . relax the writerC . try again herselfD . draw Susies attention(3)From the story of Susie and Mary, we can learn that _. A . helping others is helping ourselvesB . a word of encouragement matters a lotC . outdoor activities bring people closer than everD . a good method plays an important role in teaching(4)Do the writer and her mother like their work? A . No, they dont.B . Yes, I guess they do.C . I dont think so.D . I hope so.(5)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A . That One MomentB . The Wire WalkC . Love and CourageD . The Young Hearts三、 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共5题;共5分)7. (1分)彼得来自异国他乡。 Peter is _ _ _ _.8. (1分)你不应该把一个四岁的孩子独自留在家里。 You shouldnt _a fouryearold child _at home.9. (1分)穿过一个公园以后,我们来到一个大广场。 After we _ _a park, we came to a big square.10. (1分)理解这个故事对每个人来说很容易。 _easy_everyone_the story. 11. (1分)他们战胜了敌人。 They won _ _ _ enemies.四、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)12. (1分)用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。 yourself one parent take off happy(1)Everyone wants to live healthily and_. (2)Help _to some fresh fruits, boys and girls. (3)Sunday is the_day of a week. (4)Once a term, there is a _meeting, so our teachers can talk about our progress with them. (5)Because of the hot weather, we_our jackets as soon as we got to school. 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。 A. Donating blood is not difficult.B. Then the blood can be used for people in need.C. In fact, blood is the gift of life and keeps us alive.D. Donating blood is not only one of the easiest ways to save lives.E. Most people are able to donate blood again in several months if they wish.Seeing blood in a horror movie might make you cover your eyes, but real blood isnt scary at all._ Thats why blood donors are considered lifesavers.Blood donors are those giving bloodusually about 200ml at a timeto blood banks or blood donation (捐赠) centers. _ For example, someone may have lost blood in accidents, or have a serious illness that requires his blood to be replaced. Hospitals and blood banks store the blood and try to keep enough on hand._ Medical workers ask donors several questions to make sure the blood is safe to use. Then the donors relax, often reading a magazine or talking as their blood is drawn. Afterward, the donors may receive some juice or water and maybe fruit to give them energy. The process is simple, not scary. _ To give blood, a person must be at least 18 years old and must meet certain other requirements.Students of all ages, though, can learn more about the donation process by visiting a local blood donation center. _ It is also an easy way to help a community.六、 补全对话 (共2题;共2分)14. (1分)用方框中所给的选项补全对话 A. Im feeling terrible.B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Open your mouth.D. I have a fever.E. Take the medicine three times a day.F. Good morning, young man!G. Since yesterday morning.(At Tonys home)A: Good morning, doctor!B: _ Whats wrong? Where are your parents?A: They have gone to England for a holiday. I am alone at home. I have a sore throat. _B: How long have you been like this?A: _B: Have you taken your temperature?A: Yes. My temperature is OK.B: _ Say Ah. You have a cold.A: Is it serious?B: Nothing serious. _ Youll get better soon.A: Thank you, doctor!15. (1分)补全对话(有两项多余)。 A. I think he was clever. B. But I think electricity is very useful. C. he knew nothing about electricity. D. That sounds terrible!E. I agree with you. F. he knew a lot about electricity. G. It was foolish of him to do that!A: Lily, I heard that a high building on Xihuan Road was on fire yesterday. B: _ How could it happen?A:Its said that the owner of a flat put a piece of metal(金属)in the microwave and it caused fire. B: _ Didnt he know it was dangerous?A: Maybe he was an old man and_B: Well, perhaps you are right. Sometimes I think electricity is very dangerous. A: _ It brings lots of convenience to us. B: I think its important to teach people how to use it in a right way. A: Well, _七、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)智能电话带给学生们巨大方便的哪个是,也有不利的一面,请根据以下提示介绍智能电话的利弊,并谈谈你对于中学生使用的智能电话的建议。 内容包括:1)带来方便,可以随时上网;2)可以作为学习工具;3)方便和父母联系;4)但是不少学生沉迷于聊天和游戏;5)你的建议。第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共15分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共5题;共5分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)13-1、六、 补全对话 (共2题;共2分)14-1、15-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)16-1、

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