人教版2019版七年级英语Unit 5 Topic 3综合检测(I)卷

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人教版2019版七年级Unit 5 Topic 3综合检测(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . That girl is a new student. _ name is Emma.ASheBHisCHerDhe2 . Is the dictionary yours?No, _ is on the desk. Its _ dictionary.Amy;herBmy; hersCmine; hersDmine; her3 . When is _ birthday? Her birthday is on October 5th.Ayour brothersBJack sisterChis sistersDLucys brothers4 . Please send _ my best wishes when you go to visit your grandparents.AtheirBtheyCthemDtheirs5 . Millie _a dog_name is EddieAhas,HeBhave,HisChas,HisDhave,He6 . Excuse me,is this _ new watch? Yes,its _.Ayour;myByour;mineCyours;myDyours;mine7 . Is Jacks school beautiful? Yes, its as beautiful as _.AmeBmyCmineDmyself8 . What are your brothers?AjobBjobsCjobs二、完型填空There is a lost and found box in our classroom. There are lots of things _ it. This is a school-bag. _ color is it? Its brown. That is _ eraser. Whose is it? Is it _ ? And whats that? _ a watch. Oh,I find my _ keys. One is to my classroom,and the other(另一个)is to my house. I _ them in the playground(操场). That phone is _. This baseball is _ too. Three books,two dictionaries and some nice pens _ also in the box. Whose are they? I dont know.9 . AinBatConDunder10 . AWhoBWhatCHowDWhere11 . A/BaCtheDan12 . AmyByoursCyourDher13 . AItsBItsCItDHe14 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive15 . AaskBfindCthinkDlost16 . AMingmingBMingmingsCMingmingsDMingming is17 . AherBhisCmyDyour18 . AamBisCbeDare三、阅读单选Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)I had forgotten about wanting a dog until the school pet contest The winners would choose a book from the bookstore Two things I like: books and dogs Mom and Dad would like to get me a dog, but they cant We live in an apartment that has a nopets ruleI like the apartment Its right across the street from the park Thats where I spend most of my free time reading books And the rent is cheap Mom and Dad work hard But they dont make all that much moneyWhen I got home from school, I told Mom about the pet contest That night, she and Dad had a long talk The next night Dad came home carrying a big box There was a dog inside But the dog didnt bark or even move Dad had gotten me a robot dog He said he bought it from a guy at work The dog was broken So the guy sold it cheap Dad is great at repairing things and he got the dog working againI named the robot dog Robbie and taught it some tricks like sitting up and rolling over I also taught it to go and get a ball when I throw it Thats a hard trick I cant throw the ball too far Robbie wont be able to see it Its camera eyes can see for only about 20 yardsWhen the day of the contest came, I took Robbie to school There were pet dogs of all sizes and lots of pet cats There were also pet fish and pet birds Prizes were being awarded for the smartest pet, the biggest pet, and the most unusual pet When the judges looked at Robbie, they began talking among themselves Some of the judges said that the contest was only forlive pets But then one of the judges said that the rules didnt say that the pets had to be live animals So Robbie did all his dog tricks The judges were surprisedRobbie didnt win first prize The judges decided that should go to a real live pet But Robbie got a prize for most unusual pet To tell you the truth, I would still rather have a real dog19 . If I keep a pet, the owner of the apartment will probablyAremember about wanting a dogBchange the rulesCask us to pay moreDkick us out20 . One of my hobbies isAreading booksBjogging in the parkCcollecting booksDvisiting pet shops21 . My parents bought me a robot dog becauseAthey know I love dogsBI asked them for a dogCthey knew I would win the contestDI was good at training dogs22 . What may be the hardest trick for Robbie?ASitting upBThrowing a ballCRolling over on the floorDCatching a ball23 . The underlined word live in the fifth paragraph meansAnaturalBrealCfalseDlovely24 . What is the right sequence(顺序) of the story?I started to teach Robbie some dogs tricksMy family moved into a nice little apartmentI was awarded for the most unusual petI showed judges what Robbie could doSchool said that there would be a pet contestFather bought a broken robot dogABCD四、句型转换三、同义句转换25 . This is my new house.This new house _.26 . This is his bike.This bike _.27 . The man over there is one of my old friends.The man over there is _ old friend of _.28 . It takes ten minutes to walk from his home to school.It _ ten _ from his home to school.29 . Maybe there are some tigers over there.There _ some tigers over there.五、填写适当的单词补全句子在下列各句空白处填入一个适当的词, 使句子意思完整、语法正确。30 . There is no _ that parents love their children very much.31 . When you see a dog moving _ tail, you can tell it is happy.32 . The fire in the forest yesterday was caused _ accident.33 . Dont build your house in a _ place. Water will enter it easily.34 . Tony seemed to _ talking back to his parents because he felt sorry.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空题六:根据首字母提示写出单词。35 . He left school at the a_ of 18.36 . I have to work h_ today.37 . D_ is the 12th month of the year.38 . We had a w_ time last night.39 . I decided to write a p_ about how I felt.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空根句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。40 . My father has been in Shanghai on _ for a couple of days. (busy)41 . Nowadays we can take a _ (fly) to Taiwan.42 . The fish have been _ for some time. (die)43 . I _ (make) a lot of friends since I came to this school.44 . Life is much _ ( easy) for us now, but we still have to try our best to study harder.45 . The air _ (pollute) makes me feel sick.46 . There _ (be) great changes in Shuyang recently.47 . Look! These basketball players _ (wife) are all very tall.48 . The Internet makes _ (communicate) much easier.49 . After a _ (week) holiday, I feel really relaxed.八、其他用适当的介词或者副词填空50 . All of us have made progress_English.51 . Its difficult to learn English_the beginning.52 . Can you help me_my Chinese?53 . Our school will be more beautiful_the future.54 . There are some English speakers_the UK and the US.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、其他1、


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