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人教版2019年八年级下期中考试英语试卷(带解析)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . .He tries _ English and he practices _ English every day.Ato learn ; speakingBlearning ; speakingClearning ; to speakDto learn ; to speak2 . This T-shirt is very expensive.Actually, I doubt whether there is any T-shirt in the store with_price.Aa highBa higherCthe higherDthe highest3 . We have _ rules in our school.Atoo manyBtoo muchCmany tooDmuch too4 . -Has he returned from Canada_?- Yes, hes _ come back.Ayet; yetBever; alreadyCalready; yetDyet; already5 . Li Lei has made great progress in his English learning._, and _.ASo he has; so you haveBSo he has; so have youCSo has he; so have youDSo has he; so you have6 . Why do you get a snake as your pet? Dont you think its too?AfriendlyBinterestingCscaryDbeautiful7 . If you have trouble pronouncing these words, you can repeat them over and over againyou are comfortable with them.AunlessBifCuntilDwhile8 . They got _of the car,went_a gate and walked_a path.Ain;cross;onBout;through;alongCoff;through;downDin;across;down9 . The girls dream came _ in the end.AtrueBtruelyCtrulyDtruth10 . My teacher encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skills.Afor me takingBme takingCfor me takeDme to take11 . They used to _in the countryside.AlivedBliveCliving12 . We were told that we should follow the main road _we reached the bus station .AwheneverBuntilCwhileDas soon as13 . She _ dinner and _ English at home on Sundays.Acooks; studiesBcook; studiesCcooks; studyDcook; study14 . Lisa spent all_day cleaning her roomAaBanCtheD15 . - Are these _ all from No. 2 Middle School?- Yes. They often _ their free time to help the old here.Avolunteers; volunteersBvolunteer; volunteersCvolunteers; volunteerDvolunteer; volunteer16 . The government should stop them from _ trees in the forest.Acutting downBputting downCtaking downDletting down17 . Her sister is careless(粗心). She often _ things in the classroom after school.AlosesBforgetsCtakesDLeaves18 . Work hard _ you will succeed .AandBorCwhileDBut19 . He is an Australian boyHe is from _AJapanBChinaCAustraliaDEngland20 . - Hi, Jane! Can you go hiking with me on Sunday?- . I have too much homework.AId love to.BOf course not.CSorry, I cant.DOK.21 . Did you see them _ the basketball this morning?AplayingBplaysCto playDare plying22 . Daniel doesnt know who _ this history book.Ato talk aboutBtalk to aboutCto talk to aboutDtalk about to23 . What are you going to do? Im going to have my hair _AcutBto cutCbe cutDcutting24 . Our Chinese teacher can speak some English. Thats because he _some foreigners Chinese in an international company.Aused to teachBwas used to teachCwas used to teachingDused to teaching25 . -There _ a basketball match on TV this evening.-Really? I cant miss it.Ais going to haveBis going to beCwill haveDwont be26 . He was born_ October, 2002.AinBonCatDof27 . May I help you? You have lots of things to carry. Would you mind _ these books for me?AcarryingBcarryCto carryDcarried28 . I did my homework _;Athe all dayBthe whole dayCwhole the dayDwhole day二、完型填空It rained for days.Mike couldnt go out and_with his friends.His parents went to work and had to_the boy at home.They bought some_for him.But he didnt like to read them. He stood by the window(窗户)and_Outside.The rain_this morning and Mike was happy.But it was wet(潮湿的)outside.His parents didnt_him go out and play there.They_the boy to read a book.But when they left he began to play behind the house_,his parents came back for lunch. His mother found the boy was very dirty.“Oh,dear!”called out the woman.”Look at your_!How dirty they are!When did you see I was so dirty_you?“But I didnt see you when you were young,mom.”said the boy.29 . AstudyBtalkCplayDwork30 . AleaveBteachCseeDHear31 . ApencilsBpaperCfruitDbooks32 . AlookBlookedClooksDsees33 . AstoppedBstartedCwantedDgot34 . AhopeBleaveCgrowDlet35 . AaskedBsaidCmadeDfound36 . AAt nightBAt sixCAt noonDIn the evening37 . AfaceBeyesCearsDclothes38 . AforBlikeCatDOn三、阅读单选I am Wei Fang. I am a Chinese girl. I have(有) a good friend. Her name is Miaomiao. Do you think(认为) Miaomiao is a nice girl ? Thats wrong(错误的). She isnt a girl but a cat. Shes a little (小的) lovely(可爱的) cat. Miaomiao is black and brown. She is only fourteen days old. She looks like(看上去像) her mother Mimi.39 . Wei Fang is _.Aan American girlBan English girlCa Chinese girlDa Chinese boy40 . Miaomiao is Wei Fangs _.AstudentBsisterCbrotherDcat41 . How old is Miaomiao?A14 daysB40 daysC40 monthsD4 years old42 . Miaomiao looks like _.Aa catBher motherClovelyDa nice girl43 . Guess ! What colour is Miaomiaos mother ? APurple.BBlue.CYellow and green.DBlack and brown.Walk to school every day? That will work, but not if you like sleep in. If you like bad smells and crowding(拥挤), the bus might be your best Choice. But why not a bicycle? A bicycle will get you there faster than your feet and will save your money.This is why you see more bicycles than any other kind of transportation in China, about 500 million of them. Thats close to one for every two people in the whole country. But if you survey your class at school, you may will find a higher rate(比率).Bicycles became popular because they are fun for people and at the same time help develop a strong body. No vehicle is better than a bicycle for enjoying an autumn weekend outside the city with parents or friends. You can travel on small, quiet paths. You also can park your bicycle beside the path wherever you want to stop to admire the beauty.Cycling every day helps people build with city healthier hearts and stronger muscles(肌肉). Scientists say a 30-minute ride every day can help you lose weight.Today, bicycles also are popular with city planners. They see bicycles as a good way to reduce heavy traffic. Unlike buses, bicycles produce no exhaust(尾气) and dont burn energy. Many countries are encouraging more daily use of bicycles.44 . Whats the main subject of the passage?APollution reductionBPollution of bicycleCTransportation of ChinaDadvantages of bicycling45 . Which of the following statements may NOT help convince of bicycles?ABicycling makes people strongerBBicycles can travel on narrow pathsCMany bicycles are stolen every yearDBicycles seldom(很少)get stuck in traffic jams46 . The following paragraph is taken from the article above. Which paragraph should it follow? South Korea expects a 10% increase in using bicycles by 2011. They say that could cut the cost of oil(石油)by $1.4 billion(十亿)during that period.AParagraph 1BParagraph 2CParagraph 5DParagraph 647 . We can tell from the story that _Aall Chinese students ride bicyclesBif you ride a bicycle for 30 minutes a day, youll be thinnerCthere are no bicycles that burn energyDyou cant enjoy beautiful views unless you ride a bicycle48 . Which of the following thing is a vehicle?AA trainBA chairCAn orangeDA televisionIts seven thirty in the morning. Mr. Brown is going to work. He usually drives to work. But now he cant find the key to his car. He asks Mrs. Brown. She doesnt know. He usually puts the key in a small box. Is it in other boxes? He looks into all the boxes, big or small, but its still not there. “Dont worry. I think its in your car.” Mrs. Brown says. “Yes, it must be there.” says Mr. Brown. He goes out quickly to have a look. Soon he comes back, and cant say a word. “Whats the matter now? You must go to work now. You are late.” Mrs. Brown says. “Its not there, the car.” Mr. Brown says.49 . Mr. Brown usually goes to work _.Aby busBby carCon footDby bike50 . Mr. Brown cant _.Aopen the roomBget upCfind the key to his roomDfind the key to his car51 . Usually the key is in _.Aa small boxBa big boxCother boxesDa red box52 . Who first thinks the key is in the car?AMrs. Brown.BMr. Brown.CTheir son.DTheir daughter.53 . Mr. Brown is _.AcarefulBfoolishCcarelessDstrange四、填写适当的单词补全句子缺词填空The computer and the Internet have become part of teens life. The number of teen Internet users in China is 54 . gbigger, up to 700 million. The number shows a great increase (增长) in Internet users in China over the last55 . fyears, especially among teenagers. And China becomes a large market for Internet56 . b.A new survey (调查) shows that Chinese teens show 57 . i_ in online activities. They seem not to know that spending too much time before a computer screen is bad for their 58 . h .According to the survey, 42.6% of teens have built their 59 . oweb blogs. More than half enjoy60 . conline with friends and 10.6% of teens play Internet games. It is a pity that only 6% use the Internet to get information for their learning projects! Also, the survey finds that the teens have different favourite 61 . pto use the Internet. For teens in towns, 35% choose Internet bars as a main place to go online. For those living in large cities, 86% use home computers.Too much time online certainly62 . lto problems for their young life. I think teens should think more about63 . wrole (角色) a computer plays.单词拼写根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 (每空限填一词)。64 . There will be a wonderful concert tomorrow. W _ you do, dont miss it .65 . I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain h_.66 . I have to look after my s_ grandmother in the hospital tonight.67 . My sister could dress h_ when she was only four.68 . N_ of my parents went to work. They stayed at home, looking after my grandma who was ill.69 . Parents often make a mistake by c_ their own children with others.70 . How I wish I could have an e_ brother or sister, yet my parents have only one child.71 . While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary w_ her homework.72 . Dont laugh at d_ people. Imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily.73 . You dont have to bring your lunch because the school p_ you with delicious food.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子Beijing Opera is our74 . opera. It came into being after 1770 and has over 200 years of history. Its music and singing 75 . Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei. There are four main 76 . in Beijing Opera: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. Beijing Opera is 77 . of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting. It is an78 . part of Chinese culture. 六、填写适当的句子补全对话根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A: Hi, Rose! I heard a car accident happened near your house yesterday evening. Did you see it?B: Yes, of course. It was terrible.A: 79 . ?B: At about 8:00 p.m.A: 80 . ?B: Two cars crashed (碰撞) because the drivers drove too quickly.A: Were the drivers hurt?B: Yes, but not seriously.A: 81 . ?B: People who were walking by took them to the hospital as soon as possible.A: 82 . ?B: I was taking a walk with my mother.A: Did you help do anything?B: 83 . . I called the police.七、填空If you are a teenage boy and want to succeed, youd better read this great book!From Boys to Men, by an American author Michael Gurian, tells you that you are living through the best years of your life.84 . But the book says your mind is growing, too.85 . To do this, you should stop spending much time playing computer games and you should start playing sports. Sports, the book says, can keep you healthy and teach you important life skills.86 . The book also tells you what to do if youre being bullied(欺负).87 . Such experience can also help you become more successful.To become a successful man, you must believe in yourself. But, most importantly, the book says, you must always dream of success.88 . Real men always want more.根据材料内容,将AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。ASports can also teach you how to be a leader and how to work as part of a team.BIt says you have to stop being scared of such bullies.CYou may think that only your body is growing at the period.DNever be happy with what youve got.E. The book tells you that you need to help your body and mind grow.八、汉译英:单词/短语根据所给中文完成句子翻译,并将其答案填在答题纸的相应位置上。(共16分,局部翻译每小题1分,整句翻译每小题2分)89 . 他放学后总是玩,而不是做作业。He is always playing after school _.90 . 因为大雨,他们推迟了运动会。They _the sports meeting because of the heavy rain.91 . 你认识那个戴眼镜的男孩吗?Do you know the boy_92 . 你应该把灯开着看书。You should read_.93 . 外国人不习惯用筷子和匙吃饭。Foreigners _ with chopsticks and a spoon.94 . 在回家得路上,我偶然遇上了好朋友。On my way home, I met my good friend _95 . 大声的音乐让我紧张。96 . 如果我是一只小鸟,我就能飞。97 . 你能告诉我你的英语老师住在哪里吗?98 . 第一次遇见日本人时你应该鞠躬。九、材料作文99 . 情景作文每个人都生活在一个特定的环境,请根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文,描述你的生活环境。1. 要点:现实状况宁静的小镇街上看不到摩天大楼(skyscraper),也没有车水马龙(endless car);没有高铁(high-speed train)到达这里的人们按时上班,很少达到;享受着悠闲而平和(slow and peaceful)的生活你的期待有朝一日能乘高铁便捷旅游补充要点对这种生活环境做出评价或谈谈对这种生活的感受2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)不得翻译表格,要学会整合要点,分段表达;3)词数60左右(文章开头己经给出, 不计入总词数)。I live in a small and quiet town in Hunan Province._第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、填空1、八、汉译英:单词/短语1、九、材料作文1、


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