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人教版2019年九年级第二次模拟考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What do you think of the job as a teacher? Pretty good. Im glad that the students are really _ for knowledge.AnaturalBseriousCthirstyDnormal2 . Is this _ dictionary?No. _ is over there on the shelf.Aher, HersBher, SheChers, HerselfDshe, Hers3 . The Peoples Republic of China _ in 1949. Weve just celebrated her 70th birthday.Awas foundedBis foundedCwas foundDfounded4 . The coat looks so beautiful. Can I ?Aget it onBturn it onCtry it on5 . On the top of the hill _ an ancient tower with a history of more than 1, 000 years.AstoodBranCcameDlived6 . Our English teacher always comes in _ a smile on her face.AwearsBhaveChasDwith7 . His names Jack Smith. Smith is his name.AfirstBlastCgirlDboy8 . David is very _ and he can always make the people aroundhim happy.AhumorousBsilentCshyDawful9 . I like music _I can dance to. And you?AwhatBwhoCthatDwhen10 . After playing football for more than half an hour, the students tookrest.Aa few minutesBa little minutesCa few minutesDa little minutes11 . I didnt go to bed _ I finished my work.AuntilBafterCwhenDwhile12 . Go for a picnic this weekend, OK? _ I love getting close to nature.AI cant agree more.BIm afraid not.CI dont think so.DI hope not.13 . - Is your mother at home? - No, she _ for an hour.Awent outBhas gone outCwas outDhas been out14 . (题文)What is your name?My name is _.ASmith GinaBGina SmithCSmith ginaDsmith gina15 . Id like a _for dessert. Fruit, you know, it good for health.ApotatoBbananaCcandy二、完型填空Once upon a time, there was a little candle standing in a room filled with other candles. Most of other candles were much larger and more beautiful than her. Some were white, some blue, some pink, and some green. She had no _ why she was there, and the other candles made her feel rather _ and insignificant. When the sun went down and the room began to get dark, she noticed a man walking _ her with a box of matches. She suddenly realized that the man was going to set her on fire. “No, no!” she cried, “Dont _ me, please!” But she knew that she could not be _, so she got prepared for the pain that would surely follow.To her surprise, the room was filled with light. She wondered where it came from, _ the man had extinguished (熄灭) his fire stick. To her _, she realized that the light came from her.Then the man struck another match and, one by one, lit the other candles in the room. Each one _the same light. Over the next few hours she noticed that, slowly, her wax (蜡) was beginning to flow. She was aware that she would _ die, and suddenly knew why she had been created. “My _ on earth is to give out light until I die,” she said. And thats exactly what she did.16 . AwayBsolutionCthoughtDidea17 . AsoftBsmallClargeDhard18 . AaroundBfromCtowardDbehind19 . AburnBleaveCpullDpunish20 . AbrokenBtouchedCheardDunderstood21 . AsinceBuntilCunlessDthough22 . AregretBshameCsadnessDdelight23 . Agave inBgave outCgave upDgave away24 . AonlyBstillCsoonDjust25 . AvalueBdreamCprizeDwealth三、阅读单选Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.Some places on the earth dont get much rain. But they still dont become desert. This is because some green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places. Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants dont let the wind blow the earth(泥土) away.When a little bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water.Without the plants,the land can become a desert much more easily.26 . Why can the land become a desert?ASome places dont get much rain.BPlants dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier.CPeople are doing bad things to the earth.DScientists havent learnt enough about the deserts.27 . Scientists _to make the deserts into good land again.Acarry waterBgrow foodCdo nothingDstudy a lot28 . Which is NOT true?AThe land never stops becoming desert.BScientists ask the people to live in the deserts and grow food there.CPeople do bad things to the earth.DScientists may not be able to change the deserts.29 . Why are green plants and grass helpful?AThey can hold the water.BThey can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.CThey can keep the earth wet.DAll the above are right.30 . Which is the best title(题目) for the passage?AThe Desert Problem.BPeople Make Deserts.CGreen Plants and Grass.DThe Desert,the Tree and theWater.Heres the picture of how a day starts: You find the sky really dark. But after a while, it starts to look brighter little by little. Then of a sudden, the sky is all pink and red and gold, sometimes it looks even a bit green. The day comes. The sun is always shining. When the sun is shining on the other side of the world, it is night where you are. At night, you can see the stars. All day the stars are in the sky, but the sun is so bright that you cant see them. When the sun is gone, the stars are bright enough to see. Stars look as tiny as pinheads(针头), but some are even bigger than the sun. They look very small because they are so far away. The sun is closer than the other stars. So it looks bigger.31 . The sky turnsuntil the sun is shining on the place.Apink and brownBpink and red and goldCpink and goldDpink and green32 . When the sun is shining where you are, on the other side of the world.Ait is brightBit is nightCit looks brighterDit is day33 . We cant see the stars in the sky because.Aits darkBthe sun is goneCthe sun shines too brightlyDthey are too small34 . The moon in the sky looks bigger than the stars because its.AfatherBbiggerCcloserDbrighter35 . Which of the following is right?AThe sun is the biggest star in the sky.BWe cant see the stars that dont shine.CThe sun is always shining.DThe earth shines as brightly as the sun.The London Olympic Games are coming soon. This summer, Chinese sports fans will be able to watch the exciting games in 3-D on CCTV.When you watch 3-D movies or TV, you have to wear a special pair of glasses. The 3-D glasses make the people and the things on the screen look like they are in the room with you.3-D, means having three dimensions*: width*, height and depth*. 3-D technology is based on the way the human brain and eye work. Because the pupils of a persons eyes about 6.5cm apart, when we look at something, each eye sees it from different angle*. Our eyes send the two pictures to our brain, and the brain puts them together. The small difference between the picture from the right eye and the picture from the left eye makes us see depth.While watching 2-D films, we dont have to wear the special glasses. We see the pictures in two dimensions, each eye get same information. This is because there is only one way of watching it.So the aim of 3-D technology is to get a different picture into each eye of the person. It uses two film projects. One projects a left eye picture and the other projects a right eye picture. When we are in the cinema, we can see different pictures in each eye at the same time with the help of the 3-D glasses.While watching 3-D films, we feel that we are actually in the same environment as the things we are watching. However, some people are against watching 3-D films. One of the reason is the 3-D glasses make the screen of the film or TV look darker. It is bad for eyes. Whats more, people with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3-D movies, because their brains need to work harder to “read” the pictures.36 . The third paragraph mainly tells us _.Ahow we see things in 3-DBhow we watch the Olympic GamesChow 3-D films are madeDwhere we watch 3-Dfilms or TV37 . When we watch a 2-D film, each of our eyes gets _ information.AnoBdifferentCdarkDthe same38 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AWe dont have to wear 3-Dglasses if we watch games in 3-D on TV.BThe 3-D technology is depended on the way the human ear and eye work.CAll the people can have fun watching 3-D movies or TV for a long time.D3-D glasses make us see different pictures in each eye at the same time.39 . Why are some people against watching 3-Dfilms? Because _.Athey make them more excited or sadder.B3-D glasses make the screen look darker.C3-D films make all people get headaches.DThey dislike watching the Olympic Games.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空二、用所给动词的适当形式填空40 . _(not bubble)just like a goldfish.41 . A cat is _(difference)from a dog.42 . I only feed my dog _(two)a day.43 . She is old enough to take care of _(she).44 . I often see my dog _(run)after a ball.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空。once in a while, shut off, depend on, plenty of, in time45 . I think I shouldnt always _ my parents since Ive grown up.46 . There are _ vegetables in the market.47 . He _ the washing machine after washing the clothes.48 . _, I dont like listening to loud music.49 . Youd better review what you have learned_.六、语法填空词语运用When students leave junior high school, they are often50 . (worry) about moving to senior high school. It is a hard time for them, but it can be an exciting one as well.To make it 51 . (easy), students need to get familiar (熟悉的) with their new school. Most senior high schools have a freshman speech f52 . students. Sometimes the school office will give away a map of the school. It can help students and parents find different places in the school. O53 . way to know the senior high school better is54 . ( join) a club. And joining a club is also a good way to make new 55 . (friend). Senior high schools often56 . (offer) new students chances to join different clubs. There are many clubs, such as a chess club, a soccer club etc. Students from different grades are57 . (allow) to join these clubs. The school office will make 58 . list of the clubs and give the information about how to join59 . (they).七、填空Parents, doctors and teachers want to know how to help children keep healthy. Here are five rules to keep healthy.Eat different foodIf you eat different food, you can get the nutrients(营养) your body needs. You have to eat two kinds of fruits and three kinds of vegetables a day.Drink water oftenWhen youre really thirsty, water is the No. 1 choice. How much do kids need? If you are older than 12 years old, drink 3 cups a day.Listen to your bodyWhen youre eating, notice how your body feels. Sometimes, people eat too much because they dont notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable.Limit(限制) screen timeWhats screen time? Its the time you spend watching TV or using the computer. Try to spend at most two hours a day on the screen.Be active(积极的)What activities do you like best? Find ways to be active every day. You can write down lots of things to do, and then you can do them when your parents say its time to stop watching TV or playing computer games!60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _64 . _八、回答问题Hans Christian Andersen, a great Danish(丹麦的)writer, is very famous for his fairy tales(童话). He wrote a lot of best-known stories such as The Emperors New Clothes and The Ugly Ducking. His fairy tales have brought happiness to children across the world. The tales have versions(版本) of over a hundred languages.Andersen was born in Denmark in 1805. When he was still a young boy, he was already very clever and imaginative (富于想象力的). He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets(木偶). He also loved reading.In 1816, his father died and he learned to be a tailor(裁缝). Later he worked in a factory. At the age of fourteen, Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark to become an actor and gave performances(演出) in the Royal Danish Theatre. However, his voice changed when he grew older, so the job had to stop. Then he began to write poems and fairy tales.In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell out of bed and didnt get well again. He lived until 1875 and died peacefully at his close friends home.65 . What is Andersen famous for?_66 . When was he born?_67 . Where did he move at the age of 14?_68 . Did he write poems?_69 . Where did he die?_九、材料作文70 . 假设你是学校英语报的小记者,请你根据以下提示写一篇英语短文,报道上周你校举行的志愿者活动。要求:内容必须包括表格中所有信息;不要逐句翻译;不少于80词。时间活动上周六参观希望小学:召开联谊会;帮忙打扫卫生;听校长讲一些贫困生的故事上周日在学校操场举行募捐活动参考词汇:hope school;have a party; raise money for第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、语法填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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