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人教版2019年九年级中考一模(上学期期末)英语试题(不含听力材料)A卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . AShanghai ZooBScience MuseumCCentury Park.DThe countryside.2 . A10:00.B10:05.C10:10D10 : 30.3 . AShe will buy a new flat next month.BShe wants to move out of Spring Garden.CShe dislikes her noisy neighbours.DShe is giving Frank suggestions for moving.4 . AFavourite books.BNice places.CInteresting movies.DCute pets.5 . Who is the woman?AA teacher.BA student.CA visitor.6 . ABy bus.BBy car.CBy bicycle.DBy underground.7 . What made Tom not sleep well?AThe loud noise.BThe loud music.CToo much homework.8 . AIn a hotel.BIn a classroom.CIn a library.二、单选题9 . Dont you think there are too many cars in our city?I really think so. If there are _ people driving, there will be _ noise.Aless, fewerBfewer, moreCmore, lessDfewer, less10 . _ honest boy he is ! We all like him.AHowBHow aCWhat aDWhat an11 . The girl in black trousers _often noticed _the teachers office.Aare; entering intoBare; enteringCis; to enter intoDis; to enter12 . _ people like travelling by ferry. _ people like to take the underground because it is fastAFewer, FewerBLess, LessCFewer, MoreDLess, Fewer13 . - I like the two shirts,Mom.-You can buy only one,_ the black one _ the blue oneAnot; butBboth; andCnot only;but alsoDeither;or14 . 找出与 mostly 划线部分读音相同的一项:AlonelyB objectCmemory15 . Hangzhou is a beautiful city. _ people visit it every year.AThree thousandsBThousand ofCThousands ofDThousand16 . Lets play volleyball. _.AIm fine, thanks.BI dont like playing volleyball.CCan you play volleyball.DThat sounds great.17 . (题文)This is my mother, and Im her _.AfatherBcousinCdaughter18 . There have been great changes in Hong Kong_.A100 years agoBafter 100 yearsCover the past 100 yearsDsince 100 years19 . -Must I do the work today?-No, you _. You may do it tomorrow.AcantBmustntCshouldntDneednt20 . My flat is the same size _yours , but its more expensive.ALikeBasCwithDto21 . My dream is near _ sea and far from _ London.Aa; theBthe; theC/; /Dthe; /22 . Jim, please dont put your head out of the window on the bus. Its dangerous!_AGood idea.BSorry, I wont do it again.CIt doesnt matter.DIts good.23 . My parents _ a teacher in the future.Awant me toBwant I to beCwant I beDwant me to be24 . Thank you for telling me about it._.AWith pleasureBThats rightCOf course notDDont mention it25 . (2017湖北襄阳37)The 24th Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022,from February 4th to 20th.Ais going to holdBholdCwill be heldDwas held26 . Sam is a _ swimmer. He can swim very _.Awell; goodBgood; wellCgood; goodDgood; fine27 . David talked with a friend of _ on the Internet for a long time yesterday.AheBhisChimDhimself28 . Eric practices _ a car every Sunday afternoon.AdriveBdrivingCto drivingDto drive三、完型填空完形填空Dear Anne,Thank you for your _Im glad you like your schoolI go to school from _to FridayWe have four classes in the morning and two classes _We have many things to do after _On Monday and Wednesday afternoon we have sportsOn Tuesday afternoon some of _have a singing class and on Thursday afternoon _of us have a drawing classOn Friday afternoon we practise(练习)speaking EnglishMy Chinese friends would like to talk with_in EnglishThey think I am like an _teacherIsnt it great?On _and Sundays I dont go to _Very often I go to the parks and have a good time with my family thereYours,Henry29 . AbegBbikeCletterDdictionary30 . AMondayBTuesdayCWednesdayDFriday31 . Ain the eveningBin the afternoonCin the morningDat noon32 . AsupperBbreakfastClunchDschool33 . AthemByouCusDours34 . AmuchBsomeCanyDone35 . AIByouCMr WangDme36 . AEnglishBChineseCJapaneseDFrench37 . ASundaysBSaturdaysCFridaysDMondays38 . AparkBbedCschoolDBeijing四、阅读单选One day a little boy dialed a telephone number and started to speak and he put part of his hand over the phone at the same time. He wanted to change the tone(音色,语调) of his voice. While all this was happening, a man who was working nearby watched carefully and listened with great interest to the conversation that followed:Lady, can you give me the job of cutting your lawn(草坪)?I already have someone to cut my lawn, answered the woman at the other end of the phone.Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now.Im very satisfied with the person who is cutting my lawn.The boy said, Lady, Ill even sweep the floor and the stairs of your house for free.No, thank you.With a smile on his face, the young boy thanked the lady and hung up the phone. The man then walked over to the boy and said: Son, I like your attitude(态度). Id like to offer you a job.No, thanks, said the boy.But youre looking for a job, arent you?No, sir, answered the boy. I was just checking on my performance at the job I already have. I am the one who cuts that ladys lawn!39 . The boy made a phone call and spoke in a strange way because _.Ahe didnt want the lady to hear his real voiceBhe didnt like his voiceChe wanted to get a new jobDhe played a joke with the lady40 . What does the underlined word performance mean in Chinese?A表演B认真C表现D努力41 . After the boy hung up the phone, he smiled because_.Ahe could find another jobBhe didnt mind the ladys attitudeCthe man wanted to give him a new jobDhe got the answer he wanted42 . The man would like to offer the boy a job, because_.Ahe needed a person to cut his lawnBhe thought the boy was very poorCthe boy was refused but he still looked happyDhe was a boss43 . What can we learn from the story?AThe boy really needed a new job.BThe lady didnt like the person who is cutting her lawn.CThe boy accepted the new job which the man offered.DThe boy found the truth in a clever way.五、听录音补全句子Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文, 完成下列句子, 每空格限填一词)44 . Sams school is big and_.45 . There are two classroom buildings in the _ of the school.46 . The library is on the_ the classroom buildings.47 . There are_in the library.48 . The students can play_ and_ in the gym.六、听对话给图片排序Listen and choose the right picture(据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):A B C DE F G H 49 . _50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _七、听句子或对话判断Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)55 . Rose can go to the Grand Theatre with Steve tomorrow evening.56 . Rose has no idea why her mum doesnt allow her to go.57 . Steves mum thinks Steve should stay with the family after school.58 . Rose dislikes the life in her grandparents home because its uninteresting.59 . Steves grandpa is often asked to help Steve repair computers.60 . We can learn that its important to have fun with friends from the dialogue.八、句型转换改写句子按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。61 . The house is built out of rocks.(改为否定句)The house_built out of rocks.62 . My sister plays badminton at least twice a week.(就句子画线部分提问)_does your sister play badminton?63 . Do you have any special memories in your junior high school? I asked Judy.(改写句子,句意不变)I asked Judy_ she _ any special memories in her junior high school.64 . To Toms surprise, someone else got his job when his vacation ended. (改写句子,句意不变)Tom was surprised to find that someone else _his _when his vacation ended.65 . International trades can spread Chinese traditional products to the world. (改写句子,句意不变)Chinese traditional products can_to the world by international trades.九、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.66 . Such crude methods are far _ to make stick with the Internet. (trick)67 . Her pride was hurt , but her _ control of manner helped her. (habit)68 . We ought to look below the surface of things and then discover the _ of them. (essential)69 . Calculate the perimeter and the area of a circle _. (skill)70 . It was highly _ and what was called an “old-fashioned” hotel situated not far from Piccadilly. (respect)71 . It is illegal for pubic officials to ask for gifts or money in _ for favors. (change)72 . Those _ led the wire in through a hole in the wall. (electric)73 . The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum_. (require)十、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空,使短文内容完整正确。a few wait looking for gifts is different fromDo you know Singles Day (November 11) in China? Many people, even your parents, go to bed late that night. They are74 . things online to get big savings. Well, the US has something like it called Black Friday.Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving. It is one of the biggest shopping days in the US. People want to start shopping for Christmas75 . . They go shopping on this day to save money.Its called Black Friday because shops recorded sales with black ink in the past. When there was a lot of black ink on a page, the shop sold a lot.That day, people go shopping at actual stores (实体店).It 76 . Singles Day. People stand in line (排队)and 77 . for hours. Sometimes they fight over things because there are only . 78 . left in the shops. TVs, computers and video game systems are some of peoples favourite things to buy.AconcertsBcontactsCvariousDimagineEsituationsCan you 79 . the world without money? It is quite impossible. Money-they saymakes the world go round. Why is that so? Well, think of all the 80 . in which you have to pay for the things you buylike food, clothes, medicine, newspapers or for the services you get, like a new hair style or car repairs. Think of the entertainment you have to pay for-tickets to 81 . ,sports matches, favorite books, CDs and holidays. You can have it all if youve got the money.Money has played an important role in every civilization. It has taken 82 . forms and has changed many times over the centuries.十一、单词填空Thousands of years ago, people didnt live in cold places because they didnt know how to keep themselves warm. Later they learned to make clothes. When an animal was killed, they made use of its skins to cover their bodies. 83 . .Nature is peoples good friend. It once helped people find fire, when lighting hit a forest and started a fire. 84 . . The fire kept them warm, and also frightened wild animals. Soon people found the food cooked tasted much better, so they began to use the fire to cook food.85 . . When they got a fire from the forest, they tried to keep it burning. If it went out, they had to wait for years.86 . . For example, they made fire by boring wood or knocking two pieces of stones.Today its easy for people to make fire because they have matches, lighters and different kinds of heaters. 87 . But later they found different way to make fire.The skins keep them warm.They can make fire at any time they need.People took some of this fire to their homes.People didnt know how to use fire.But people still didnt know how to make a fire.十二、回答问题Most people dont admit it, but people often tell lies. These are four lies people often tell.Lie 1: I didnt do it!A boy called Jack broke a cup. His mother asked, “Who broke the cup?” The boy answered, “I didnt do it.” Why? The boy did something wrong. He told a lie 2 .Lie 2: He came to work on time.Lina works in an office. Another worker in her office, Peter, has trouble with his car. Peter often arrives late to work. The boss is not satisfied with him. One day, the boss asked Lina, “Did Peter come to work on time today?” He didnt, but Lina said, “Yes.” She lied to protect him.Lie 3: Only today lowest price!A store advertisement says it has special offer on furniture for today only. The truth is that the price is the same every day. Why does the store lie? It lies in order to make more money. Customers(顾客)buy more furniture when they believe the prices are special for one day only.Lie 4: You look great!Diana asked her husband, “Does my hair look OK?” Her husband didnt like it, but he said something nice. He said, “You look so great today!”88 . Who broke a cup?_89 . What can be filled in the blank at the end of Lie 1?_90 . Where does Lina work?_91 . Lina told the lie in order to protect her boss, didnt she?_, _92 . What will happen if the store says “Special offer for today only”?_93 . Why did Dianas husband say “You look so great today!”_十三、话题作文94 . 民无信不立。诚信是一个道德范畴,是公民的第二个“身份证”,是日常行为中诚实和正式交流的信用的统称。某英文网站正在开展以“诚信”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你自己讲诚信的一次经历和感受,主要内容包括:你经历了一件什么事情体现出了你的诚信,你有何收获及感受。提示词语:realize, honesty, violate the principle(违背原则), virtue(美德), lose提示问题:1. Whats your experience about honesty?2. What can you learn from it?Honesty is gold. It means telling the truth and being fair. _第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、听录音补全句子1、六、听对话给图片排序1、七、听句子或对话判断1、八、句型转换1、九、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、十、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、十一、单词填空1、十二、回答问题1、十三、话题作文1、

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