人教版2019-2020年度九年级英语下学期 Unit 5 单元测试题A卷

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人教版2019-2020年度九年级英语下学期 Unit 5 单元测试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A big earthquake _ in Haiti _January 12th2010 and many people died.Ahappened; inBhappened; onCtook place; inDtook place; on2 . After half an hour, other students began to _ in the schoolyard.Atake offBshow upCcome out ofDget out of3 . When you go to see your uncle, please the two books to him.AtakeBbringCcarry4 . The doctors and nurses didbest to fight Zika Virus(寨卡病毒) in Brazil.AtheyBtheirCthemDtheirs5 . Yang Liping is famous _ a great dancer.AasBforCinDat6 . The tourists _ have been to Mount Huang lost _ in the beautiful scenery there.A/; themBthat; themCwho; themselvesDwhich; themselves7 . Too much work and too little rest often result in illness.AcauseBvalueCcontrol8 . She fell asleep very soon as the tough work had most of her energy.Agiven upBtaken upCtidied upDset up9 . Where is the School English Speech Contest going to be held tonight? Im not sure. Is it in the hall _ can hold 300 people?AwhereBwhatCthatDwhen10 . My friend Billy lives _ China.AwithBfromCunderDin11 . The meat is_dear and eating_meat is bad for your health.Atoo much; much tooBtoo much; too muchCmuch too; too muchDmuch too; much too12 . Its a good habit to _ all your things in correct places.Aput awayBput upCput outDput off13 . My aunt lives in Canada. _will come back to see us this summer.A She B. He C. They D. You14 . Nathan likes his job because he _enjoy the beauty of nature.AcanBmustCshouldDis supposed to15 . He must be the captain _ group got the first prize in the ping-pong game.AwhoBwhichCthatDwhose二、完型填空One day, a boy found a cocoon(茧) of a butterfly and brought it home. A few days later, the boy saw a small_for several hours as a butterfly struggled to make its body through that little hole. Suddenly it_So the boy decided to help the butterfly.He took a pair of scissors(剪刀) and cut the hole bigger.The butterfly came out_, but it looked a little different. It had a weak body and small, thin_The butterfly didnt start to fly. In fact, it has to spend the rest of its life crawling (爬行) around with a weak body and thin wings. It was never able to fly.The boy acted with_but he didnt understand why it could be like this. When a butterfly crawls out of the cocoon, it must struggle. The hard work of getting out of the cocoon_the fluid(液体) from the butterflys body into its wings. It helps the butterfly be_to fly. If the butterfly never has to squeeze(挤压) itself out of the cocoon, its wings will never_the fluid and it can never fly.Sometimes struggles are what we need in our lives._we lived our lives without any problems, we would never learn or grow. We would not be as_as what we could have been. We would never fly.In our lives, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, and sometimes even means growth, without it, theres no way of life. We cant_difficulties or problems. So, next time you are faced with a problem or difficulty, remember the butterfly.Struggle a littlethen fly!16 . AsnakeBinsectCwallDhole17 . AreadBlistenedCwatchedDfound18 . AstoppedBbeganCcontinuedDmoved19 . A. quietly B. easily C. naturally D excitedly20 . AwingsBheadCfeetDeyes21 . AkindnessBexcitementCsuccessDhumour22 . AletsBkeepsCmakesDasks23 . AreadyBsorryCgladDkind24 . AputBrefuseCgiveDget25 . AWhenBAsCSinceDIf26 . AwiseBquietCstrongDpatient27 . AcauseBavoidCfaceDhave三、阅读单选(题文)If you enjoy reading, dont miss Shakespeare and Company when you visit the city of Paris. It is a famous English-language bookstore on the left bank of the river Seine. The first Shakespeare and Company in history was opened in 1919 by an American, Sylvia Beach. Ms. Beach did more than sell books. Her bookstore was also a library, and she even prepared beds for writers visiting there. Ms. Beach was not only kind to people but also good at choosing books, so her bookstore was often visited by writers like Ernest Hemingway and James Joyce. But in 1941, after the Germans took power in Paris, Ms. Beach was told to close her bookstore.In 1951, another American, George Whitman, opened in Paris another English-language bookstore, Librairie Mistral. Since then, just as Ms. Beach did, Mr. Whitman has also made his bookstore a library for people to borrow books, and a free hotel for writers to stay in. To remember Ms. Beach, Mr. Whitman changed the name of his bookstore to Shakespeare and Company in 1964, two years after Ms. Beach died.Next time when you are in Paris, dont forget to visit this friendly bookstore, and see if you can spend a night there!28 . (小题1)When was Shakespeare and Company first opened?AIn 1919.BIn 1941.CIn 1951. DIn 1964.29 . (小题2)What does Shakespeare and Company do?a. It sells books. b. It lends books.c. It offers food to readers. d. It prepares beds for writers.Aa, b, cBa, c, dCa, b, dDb, c, d30 . (小题3)Ms. Beach closed her business because _.Ashe diedBshe left ParisCshe was made to do itDshe didnt manage it well31 . (小题4)What do we know about Mr. Whitman?AHe was Ms. Beachs neighbor.BHe used to work at Ms. Beachs bookstore.CHe opened a bookstore to remember Ms. Beach.DHe has followed Ms. Beachs ways of doing business.There is a park called Tokyo Disney Sea just next to Tokyo Disneyland in Japan. The park was open to the public on September 4, 2001. Its main theme is stories of the sea. And it has about the same area as Tokyo Disneyland. Tokyo Disney Sea has seven harbors(海港). Lets introduce some of them. As you enter the park, right in front of you is Mediterranean(地中海的) Harbor. It is like an old harbor in southern Europe. Moving around to the left, you arrive at American Waterfront. There you can experience New York from the early twentieth century. The Tokyo Disney Sea Electric Railway takes you from here to Port Discovery. It is famous for old and amazing buildings. Next to Port Discovery is Lost River Delta. There is one of the parks most popular attractionsthe Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull. An eighth-grade boy who has been to Tokyo Disney Sea is most interested in Lost River Delta. Riding in a car around fast was amazing. It felt that I was really in the movie world, he said. The fun of Tokyo Disney Sea is not just in the rides. One visitor said, There are a lot of things you can only eat at Tokyo Disney Sea, and they all taste good. I want to come again. 32 . Tokyo Disney Sea is _.Amuch smaller than Tokyo DisneylandBfar from Tokyo DisneylandCa public place in EuropeDa park of sea theme33 . The Mediterranean Harbor is in _ style.AJapaneseBEuropeanCAmericanDAsian34 . American Waterfront is supposed to be the _ attraction to visit after people enter the park.AfirstBsecondCthirdDlast35 . One of the parks most popular attractions is at _.AMediterranean HarborBAmerican WaterfrontCPort DiscoveryDLost River Delta36 . What is Tokyo Disney Sea famous for?ACars and seaBBeaches and drinksCRides and foodDTemple of the Crystal Skull四、句型转换句型转换37 . My mother likes purple.(对画线部分提问)_ your mother like?38 . I want two boxes of lemons.(对画线部分提问)_ of lemons do you want?39 . I spend much money on books every year.(改为同义句)I _ much money _ books every year.40 . Whats the price of the teddy bear?(改为同义句)_ is the teddy bear?41 . It isnt difficult to pay over the Internet.(改为同义句)_ over the Internet _ difficult.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。42 . Remember to throw the ball, not k_it, Tony!43 . The girl sings very well, and she wants to be a s_ in the future.44 . We should b_our teeth twice every day.45 . Lily likes to_(借)books from the library.46 . Tom keeps a d_(日记)every evening.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)47 . Let _ play the piano. (we)48 . At the _ of the year, I made a plan. (begin)49 . Jack _ to be reading an important paper when the manager entered. (pretence)50 . Tom went to the library _ a month. (two)51 . He has been _ with his sons mathematical grades. (unhappiness)52 . More assembly lines will be _ with the development of modern science and technology. (design)53 . Mark Twains stories are full of _. (humourous)54 . The incidents printed themselves _ on her memory. (deep)七、填写适当的句子补全对话从方框中所给的选项中选择正确的句子补全以下对话。(其中有两项是多余的)Mr. Zheng: What are you looking for?Li Xin:55 . I am interested in history these days. I want to know something about Zheng Chenggong. Oh, you are a history lover.56 . that he did?Mr. Zheng: Sure. He recovered Taiwan in 1662 without the help of the government.Li Xin:57 . Mr. Zheng: It was true, and58 . Li Xin: What a pity! But all Chinese will remember him forever59 . .Mr. Zheng: Youre right. Youll know more after you finish reading the books about him.AIs that so?BCould you tell me some thingsCIm looking for a history book.Dbecause of his great contributionEhe lost his sister in the battle.FAnything else?GHow great!八、选用适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容填入适当的单词,补全对话。A: Have you ever been to West Lake?B: Certainly. I 60 . there with my parents this summer. Its a wonderful place and we lost 61 . there.A: West Lake lies in the west of China, doesnt it?B: No, it is in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 62 . lies in the southeast of China. The beautiful scenery there made us surprised and excited.A: It that63 . ?B: Yes, its well worth seeing. It is64 . of the most famous lakes in China.A: Thats the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of. I want to go there.九、回答问题Pompeii(庞培)In AD 79, Pompeii was a large city by the sea about 150 kilometres south of Rome. Ten kilometres to the north of Pompeii there was the beautiful and peaceful mountain, Mount Vesuvius(维苏威火山)。24 August was a holiday . At noon, happy crowds filled the streets. Markets and restaurants are full. Suddenly, there are a huge explosion. Fire was coming out of Mount Vesuvius. The peaceful green mountain had become a terrible volcano. A huge cloud of ash, small stones,rocks and thick smoke rose high into the sky. A strong wind blew the night. People towards Pompei. Day became night. People were very scare. Not many of them could escape. Thousands of people were killed as they could not breathe because of all the smoke and ash. The eruption continued for days. The whole town was buried in ash over 17metres deep.It was not until the eighteenth century that people began to dig down and discover what was left of this once great city. Because the explosion was so sudden, we can still see a lot of the old town of Pompeii. We have a very good picture of daily life was like in a Roman city nearly two thousand years ago. We can now see houses and streets, Public bath house and outside theatres just the way they were. We can also examine in museums many everyday objects-shoes, jewellery, bowls, and even food-kept safe in the hard ash. On the walls of many houses we can not only see beautiful paintings, but also read many personal messages written by ordinary people. One message says, Publius(普布利乌斯)gives us good bread. A schoolboy complains about fighting at school. A girl says the man who wants to marry her is too ugly. One humorous writer says,Everyone writes on walls, except me. A poet, speaking of human life,wrote, nothing lasts forever. Though the Sun shines gold, it must sink into the sea. These sad words seem to talk about the sudden end-of Pompeii. But stone and ash have protected the city from people and from the weather. The city is alive again for everyone to see.Question:65 . Mount Vesuvius was an active volcano to the north of Pompeii before the eruption, wasnt it?_66 . What was Pompeii?_67 . Was Pompeii always a place dangerous place or a safe and peaceful city to live in?_68 . What really caused thousands of peoples death before they were buried in ash?_69 . What can we find on the walls of many houses in the once great city-Pompeii?_70 . Do you agree with the last sentence “The city is alive again for everyone to see”? Why or why not?(Explain your idea in 2 sentences.)_十、材料作文71 . 书面表达假如你叫李亮,上周六参加了刘公岛一日游,请根据下列信息给你的同学Tony写一封email介绍刘公岛。要求:1包括以下要点,适当使用描述性语言,展示刘公岛的魅力。2词数:130左右。刘公岛概况威海东部,岛长4.08 km,宽1.5 km,面积3.15 km2,船程20分钟,花草树木覆盖,有历史博物馆、动物园等景点,可以进行水上环岛游等活动。交通方式汽车、火车等。游览时间一天。_72 . 根据下面提示写一篇关于我国古代诗人(poet)屈原的短文(词数40左右)。1.擅长写诗,作品很多。2.给楚王(King Chu)提了很多建议,反而被投入监狱(prison)。3.最后对国家失望,投江而死。4.人们每年过端午节来纪念屈原。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、选用适当的单词补全对话1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、2、

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