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工作报告/寒假社会实践报告 寒假中国银行社会实践报告 winter holiday social practice in the bank of china今年寒假,十分有幸我能得到这样一个机会在中国银行东营东城支行实习。在正式开始实习的前一天与行长沟通后明确了自己的工作内容都包括什么,服务须知,注意事项等等。this winter holiday, i felt so lucky that i can get an opportunity to start my social practice at the bank of china ( shandong province dongying city eastern city district sub-branch ). before i start practice, i came to the presidentoffice to talk to him, make sure i understand my job, and matters need attention something like that.实习期间带我的是中国银行的理财经理林琳,第一天的工作是从最基本的业务开始的打印存折,办理个人业务填写的种种表格。如支票汇款填写入账单,办理银行卡填写个人开户申请单。第一次这么仔细的记录每张单子的用途,在都了解了以后我会经常在填单子的桌子面前,反复记忆,防止耽误客户办理业务的时间。during my practice, the person who guides me is the financial manager of the bank- ms. lin. the first job beginning with the basest work of the job, like print the passbook, clear about each page is use for what. for example, i want to use check to operate my money, i must write the bill first, and also if i want to have my own bank card, i need to write the application first then go to the counter. this is my first time try to remember the use of each different page, after i knew them, usually i stand in front the desk to review, prevent waste customers time check out the business.第二天是很不寻常的一天,来到更衣室换上西装刚走进大厅,一位老人就拿着存折来找到我说小伙子你能不能帮我打印一下存折。学的业务终于有了用武之地,我拿着存折来到atm面前,翻到有空余的一页插进atm。存折打印完以后老人微笑道谢,第一次成功的独立办理了一项业务,心里很是高兴。然后就是将银行各种单子和复印件我要撕开然后分类摆放。当天下午跟着林琳学习怎样开通网银业务,这份曾经在我心中很难完成的工作在林琳的讲解下也变得容易了起来,我一直盼望着有一天可以给客户独立开通一次业务。the second day is an unusual day, finish wear uniform walk in the lobby, a old man find me with his passbook and say: “can you help me print my passbook?” i said of course. turn over to the blank page insert the atm, after print old man say thanks to me with a smile, this thing make me happy for a long time because this is my first time finish job by myself, next is apart some photo-copy in the right way, this afternoon i learned how to open e-bank and short message notice, i never thought this two things easy like that, so a great teacher is very important. i really hope one day i can open them for someone.果然我的愿望得以实现了,第三天下午一对情侣走进银行说要开通短信提醒业务,马上把他的银行卡插入atm, 然后熟练地用atm完成了短信提醒业务的开通。sure enough my dream come true, the third day a young couple into the bank and said they want to have the short message notice, i insert the bank card and use atm, follow the steps finally i finished .在接下来的一天,我帮助了一位花眼的外地老人填写了银行的开户申请,这也是我从小到大第一次完整的填写了银行的开户申请。in the next day, i helped a presbyopia from the old man to fill in the bank to apply for opening an account, for the first time i since the childhood, complete fill in the bank to apply for opening an account.最后的两天是最忙碌的日子,因为快到年底银行方面要统计在本行开户的客户信息,所以我就担负起了理财经理的任务,整理银行的印鉴卡。就是一种卡片上面记录着客户及公司信息,每一位公司客户在银行都有自己专用的印鉴卡。而我的责任就是在系统中录入印鉴卡的信息并且把印鉴卡按照系统顺序装订成册。这是一项枯燥而又有趣的工作,你要和同事协同配合在系统中录入信息,一点都不能走神,否则就会出错。两人的默契很重要,另一方面你要面对电脑长达几个小时之久,身体会很疲倦。the last two days are the most busy day, because of the fast by the end of the bank to open an account in the bank statistics of customer information, so i can take on the task of wealth managers, finishing the bank signature card, is a kind of card record with the customer and company information, each customer has its own special signature card in a bank. and my responsibility is in the system input information of signature card and the signature card according to the binder system order. this is a boring and interesting job, you should cooperate and colleagues together in the system input information, dont distracted or it will go wrong, it is very important to two peoples tacit understanding, on the other hand you have to face computer for a few hours, the body will be very tired.总之,在银行的这段时间,从一无所知到接触到理财这种专业性极强的工作,我觉得我对银行了解的更多了,虽然只是很基础的零工和简单的业务,却依然让我铭记这次难忘的银行实践。in brief in this time of the bank, from nothing to come into contact with the finance manager of this highly professional work, i think i know more about the bank, though only very odd jobs and simple business, but still let me remember the unforgettable bank practices


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