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人教版2019-2020年度九年级上学期期末考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My mum can English very well. Now she s a story to my little brother.Atalk; sayingBspeak; tellingCtell; talkingDsay; speaking2 . ,Wei Fang?It has about 100,000 people.AWhere is your hometownBWhats the population of your hometownCHow old is your hometownDHow far is your hometown3 . -Tom, do you know there _ a sports meeting next Thursday?-Sorry, I forgot to tell you.Aare going beBis going to haveCwill haveDwill be4 . All the clerks went home _ Mr. Yang,for he had to finish his work.AexceptBforCtoDwith5 . There are about sixstudents in our schoolAthousandBthousandsCthousands ofDthousand of6 . -Why are you going to be a reporter when you grow up?-Because I enjoy _people.Atalk withBtalk aboutCtalking withDtalking about7 . -Mom, this course is too difficult for me.-Dont give up, dear. You will _ the secrets of study sooner or later.Afix upBcome byCwork outDlook through8 . Why not consider _ Kunming next holiday?AvisitBvisitedCvisitingDvisits9 . There are some boys _ computer games there.Aare playingBplayCplayingDto play10 . The traffic is moving very slowly as so many carson their way back to Shanghai.AamBisCareDbe11 . I want to buy a desk _ of woodAmakeBmadeCwas madeDis made12 . To save time, many airlines now allow passengers _ their boarding passes online.Ato printBprintingCprintDprinted13 . -Look at the sign over there .-Oh, parking here, We had better the car.Adoesnt allow ; not moveBisnt allowed ; moveCwasnt allowed ; not move14 . They heard the party wasbecause of exam.Aput onBput upCput offDput down15 . _ you speak English two years ago?No, but I _ speak it well now.ACan, canBCould, couldCCould, can16 . The government should try to do _ to improve the food quality.AnothingBanybodyCsomethingDsomebody17 . I found _ hard to communicate with other people.AthatBthereCitDthis18 . _ she didnt love him at all, she pretended to.ABecauseBIfCAlthough19 . Lucy is in films that she goes to the cinema three times a week.Asuch interestedBso interestedCso interestingDsuch interesting20 . Jeff, could you tell me how to take a taxi through “Didi”?_AYoure welcome.BSure, Id love to.CTake it easy.DIt doesnt matter.21 . He _ be at home now because I saw him in the office just now.AcantBmustntCmayDmust22 . There is not _ space in my bedroom because it is not _ enough.Alittle.bigBmuch.bigClittle.smallDmuch.small23 . The foreigners enjoyed themselves in Jiuzhaigou and they were all _ with the tripApleasedBamazingCpleasingDsurprising24 . In the past, we _got information from paper books. Some of the books were huge ones with thousands of pages.AmainlyBhardlyCrecentlyDsuddenly25 . However, it is not possible for humans _ some of the sounds.AhearBlistenCto hear26 . David, _ you please sweep the floor and take out the trash?OK, mom.AcouldBmayCshould27 . -Who _ the Harry Potter series_ ? - J.K.Rowling.Adid, be writtenBwas, writtenCwas, written byDdid, be written by28 . Can you tell me _Awhat does your hometown look likeBwhat your hometown look likeCwhat your hometown looks likeDwhat is your hometown look like29 . Do you know the girl _ is standing _ the tree? Yes, she is my friend, Zhang Ying.Athat, in the front ofBwhom , underCwho, in front ofDwhich, behind30 . Do you feel like _ out for a walk?Sorry, I would like _ at home.Ato go;studyBgoing;studyingCto go;to studyDgoing;to study二、完型填空Colour helps you see things. But man and some monkeys and apes(猿)are the only mammals(哺乳动物)that can see colour. _ any other mammals such as the dog, the world looks like a black-white photo. Dogs hunt _ by listening and smelling. Like other animals dogs _ best when things move. The animals they hunt seem to know this. A rabbit, for example, will not move when they find that they are being hunted. Then the dog _ not see it at all. Birds can see colour. They need to because when they fly they need to find places to land. Colour helps them know how _ the place is and what it is like so that they are able to _ something they think safe. Some birds see things even _ than man. The birds that eat bugs(虫子)can see them from far away _ the sky. So good eyes and being able to see colours help birds _ food and also help them find out _ there are other animals that are dangerous to them.31 . AForBWithCAsDTo32 . AprobablyBmainlyConlyDsuddenly33 . AseeBsmellChearDtouch34 . AmayBshouldCmustDneed35 . AsoonBlongCfastDfar36 . AlandBgetCeatDunderstand37 . AworseBnearerCbetterDless38 . AforBfromConDin39 . AstoreBwasteCfindDsave40 . AwhatBwhenCwhereDwho三、阅读单选A great French writer has said that we should help everyone as much as we can because we often need help ourselves. The small even can help the great. About this, he told the following story.One day, an ant was drinking at a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the side, but she couldnt move at all. The poor ant got too tired but was still doing her best when a big bird saw her. With a pity(同情), the bird threw her a piece of wood. With it the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man coming up. He was walking without shoes on his feet and carrying a gun in his hand. When he saw the bird, he wanted to kill her. As soon as he raised his gun, the ant bit(咬)him in one of his feet.He stopped to see what happened to his foot. At that moment, the bird flew away at once. The ant was much weaker and smaller than the bird, but it did save the birds life.41 . According to the French writer, we often need help from others, so we should _.Ahelp others as much as we canBhelp the useful peopleCget as much help as we canDfirst need to help ourselves42 . The bird saved the ant because_.Athe ant almost diedBshe was the ants friendCshe took pity on the poor antDshe wanted the ant to thank her43 . The ant got on the bank with the help of_.Aa leafBa piece of woodCthe grassDa raft(木筏)44 . Why could the bird fly away at once?ABecause the bird could fly very fast.BBecause the man hurt his feet himself.CBecause the man didnt want to kill her.DBecause the ant bit the man in one of his feet.45 . In writing the story, the writer wants to tell us _.Ahow clever the ant wasBhow kind the bird wasChow the ant and the bird helped each otherDeven the small can help the greatAmerican country music is also known as (被视为) country Western music. It has a very long history. It comes from the folk songs of immigrants(移民) from Britain.Country music uses simple music and words to express everyday feelings such as loneliness, love, and sadness. That is to say, country music describes life. It talks about friends and enemies, trucks and roads, farms and cropsPeople in many parts of the world like country music, because everyone can understand what the music is about.Country Western music became popular first among cowboys(牛仔) in the American West countryside. Cowboys had to take care of cows day and night. When they were alone with the cows, they often sang beautiful and peaceful songs to calm_the_animals and to overcome their own fear. They were not welleducated(接受良好教育的), so they sang about their daily life in very simple words. They played the guitar, the violin, and other instruments. In the south of America, many people added instruments from their homes, like bottles and spoons. When cowboys visited their friends and families on holidays like Thanksgiving, they usually sang and played country Western music.In recent years, many musicians have made country Western music a little different from that in the past.These changes make the songs sound even better.Today singers such as Garth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Emmylou Harris, Lyle Lovett,Eddie Rabbitt, LeAnn Rimes, Randy Travis and a group called Alabama are singing and playing in different styles.They have brought country Western music more and more fans from all over the world.46 . Country Western music comes from the folk songs of immigrants from _.AAmericaBFranceCBritainDGermany47 . According to the passage, people like American country music because _Ait has a long historyBit comes from EuropeCit is sung by cowboysDit is easy to understand48 . The underlined words “calm the animals” here means “make the animals become _”Asad and lonelyBquiet and relaxedCangry and wildDupset and scared49 . Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?AEarly immigrants lived a very simple life.BMany country music singers are not welleducated.CCowboys usually played country Western music on holidays.DIn the west of America, cowboys added instruments from their homes.50 . The best title for the passage is “_”AAmericans Love American Country MusicBThe History of American Country MusicCSingers and Fans of American Country MusicDAll Kinds of American MusicNamesIdeasLin YanI like sports very much. I often play tennis after school with my classmates. Often I can make lots of friends. Victor is my best friend. My friends and I learn from each other in study.Ma DongWould you like to be my friends? I am new at school. I am from Baoding. I have a friend called Grace there. I came here because my parents are now working in Shijiazhuang. I am a bit quiet. I like playing computer games.Xu LiMy best friend is Tina. She is thinner than me but I am taller than her.We became friends 5 years ago. But I had a fight with her yesterday afternoon. I still want to be friends with her. What should I do?Liu JiaMy pen pal Ben and I have different ideas about friends. He thinks friends with the students in English- speaking countries because I want to improve my English. I often write letters or send e-mails to my friends in English. This helps me a lot.51 . Who is Lin Yans best friend?ATina.BGrace.CBen.DVictor.52 . What does Ma Dong like doing?APlaying tennis.BPlaying computer games.CSpeaking in English.DWriting to pen pals.53 . Who thinks friends can be different?ALiu Jia.BXu Li.CMa Dong.DLin Yan.54 . What does Tina, Xu Lis friend, look like?AShe has shorter hair.BShe is younger than Xu Li.CShe is shorter and thinner than Xu Li.DShe is thinner and taller than Xu Li.55 . Which of the following is NOT true?ALin Yan and his friends learn from each other.BMa Dong moved to Baoding with his parents.CXu Li had a fight with her best friend.DLiu Jia often sends e-mails to her friend.四、句型转换.按要求改写下列句子,每空一词56 . My brother has already read the book.(改为一般疑问句)_ your brother_the book_?57 . He has lived in the city for ten years.(对画线部分提问)_he_ in the city?58 . I bought the bike a month ago.(对画线部分提问)_ you_the bike?59 . The American friends have visited our school. (改为否定句)The American friends_ our school.60 . I bought a new bag last month.(用 already代替last month改写句子)I_a new bag already.61 . Mr Green came to China two years ago. (用for two years改写句子)Mr Green_China for two years.62 . I have been in Beijing for two days.(改为同义句)I_to Beijing two days_.63 . I have known Li Lei for three years.(改为同义句)I have known Li Lei_ago.64 . Nobody has come here.(改为反义疑问句)Nobody has come here,_?65 . John has been to the USA twice.(对画线部分提问)_John _twice?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空二、用所给动词的适当形式填空66 . There are _ floors in the building. I live on the _ floor. (nine)67 . Look! There is a little girl _ (sing) under the tree.68 . Thank you for _ (invite) us to your party.69 . He comes _ (one) in the English exam today.70 . The _ (beach) in Hawaii are really beautiful. Many people go there in summer.71 . Simon is the first one_ (get) to school.72 . He is a polite boy. He is always _ (friend) and _(help).73 . There_ (be) three important meetings next month.74 . The American film is _ (real) wonderful.75 . Its 10:00 a. m., but he_ still_ (lie) in bed.六、材料作文76 . Amy新结交了一名美国朋友,对方想了解一下Amy 的情况,假设你是Amy,请代替她给朋友写一封信,介绍一下自己的情况,包括个人的爱好,特长,日常生活习惯,上学方式等方面。要求:1. 字迹工整,条理清楚,意思连贯。 2.不少于50词。开头结尾已给出,不计入字数。Dear Jenny,Im Amy, Im glad to make friends with you. Let me tell you something about me._ Yours Amy第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、材料作文1、

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