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人教版2019-2020学年度七年级下学期期中考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . All of us are looking forward _from you as soon as possible.Ato hearBto hearingCin hearing2 . Usually kids like the hamburgers very much.Yeah! Theyre very_, but not healthy.AdangerousBdirtyCdeliciousDclean3 . Mum,where is Dad? He _ flowers in the garden now.AwateredBwatersCwill waterDis watering4 . After eight hours hard work, the firemen the big fire at last.Aput awayBput outCput downDput up5 . 一Tom, _ are you?一Im 16.Ahow longBhow manyChow muchDhow old6 . - Why are they going to Wenchuan this winter?- Theyre going to be a volunteer there and _ the people in the disaster area.Ahelp withBhelp outCtake careDtake off7 . Is Lily doing her homework?No,she _.She is _ a letter.Adoesnt;writeBisnt;writingCisnt;writeDdoesnt;writing8 . The young woman _ basketball five hours a day.AplayBplaysCplayedDis playing9 . I can see _ oranges, but I cant see _ apples.Alittle, littleBsome, anyCsome, someDany, any10 . - Do you know he cooks_? - Really? That sounds _ .Awell; goodBwell; wellCgood; good Dgood; well11 . (题文)Teenagers like to _ the photos of the stars in their bedroom.Aput onBput awayCput upDput out12 . Please keep quiet! My little brother now.AsleepsBsleptCis sleepingDwas sleeping13 . The room was filledsmoke after the big fire and people had to stay outside.AofBwithCinDfor14 . -Which dress would you like,Madam?Sorry,I cant decide _now.Ato buy which oneBbuy which oneCwhich one to buyDwhich I should buy a15 . -your brother swim, John?-No, he.AIs; isntBCan; canCCan; cantDare, cant二、完型填空完形填空Look! Here is a photo of my _. The tall man is my father. He_in a radio station. He likes his job. Every morning he gets up early, because he doesnt want to be_for work. The radio station is far from our_, so my father always drives to work. It usually_him about forty minutes. The woman_white is my mother. She is a teacher. She_music in my school. She usually goes to school_. She likes walking and she says its good_Can you see the girl in black? Its_My name is Lisa. I walk to school with my mother every day.16 . AroomBschoolCfriendsDfamily17 . AworksBlivesCplaysDthinks18 . AeasyBlateCbusyDfat19 . AschoolBclubChomeDstore20 . AgetsBtakesCmakesDwants21 . AatBonCinDof22 . AteachesBhasCsellsDshows23 . Aby bikeBby busCby carDon foot24 . AnumberBdreamCexerciseDsubject25 . AherByouChisDme三、阅读单选Hello, everyone! My name is Guo Kai. Im eleven. I study in a middle school in Shanghai. I have two good friends, Bob and Frank. They are from America. Bob is twelve and Frank is thirteen.We all like sports. Bob likes volleyball (排球) and he is in the school volleyball team. He has ten volleyballs. Frank likes tennis. He is a member of the Tennis Club. He goes to the club four times (次) a week. He has twenty tennis balls and five tennis rackets (拍子). Basketball is my favorite sport. I am in the school basketball team. I play basketball for an hour every day. I have six basketballs.We three also like playing football. We always play football at weekends. David Beckham is our favorite football player and we often watch football games on TV.26 . Bob and Frank are Guo Kais _.AbrothersBcousinsCfriendsDteachers27 . Bob is _ years old.A11B12C13D1428 . Frank is a member of _ in his school.Athe table tennis teamBthe Tennis ClubCthe basketball teamDthe Football Club29 . Guo Kai has six _.AvolleyballsBtennis ballsCtennis racketsDbasketballs30 . Which of the following statements is correct?ABob and Frank are from England.BThe three boys all like playing football.CBob and Frank do sports for an hour every day.DThe three boys often watch basketball games on TV.I love to go biking! Two years ago I bought an exercise bike(健身脚踏车). But soon I got bored with being at home, so I bought a used bike and started going for short rides. Now I plan day trips in my neighborhood (街区). When you drive a car, you miss many things. Its surprising how much more you can see when youre biking.-SamMy favourite thing to do at weekends is to go to the beach. The beach is beautiful all through the year. I usually drive there. If the weather is cold, I wear some warm clothes and go for long walks on the beach. When the weather is hot. I enjoy swimming or just lying in the sun.-BarbaraAt weekends I like to read books. If the weather is nice, Ill take a good book to the park and stay there reading for hours. I think theres nothing as delightful as reading a good book.-BillWeekends are for going hiking(徒步旅行) with my parents. We live near some beautiful mountains. Sometimes we camp out at night. We really enjoy cooking dinner over a campfire and spending a night under the stars!-Grace31 . Now Sam plans to_.Adrive a carBgo for short ridesCride his exercise bikeDgo biking in his neighborhood32 . Barbara_ if the weather is cold.Adrives on the beachBwalks on the beachCswims in the seaDlies in the sun33 . The underlined(划线的)word “delightful” in what Bill says probably means_ in Chinese.A有光线的B轻如羽毛的C令人愉快的D浅色调的34 . Which of the following is True about Grace?AShe goes hiking alone at weekendsBShe doesnt like cooking over a campfire.CShe and her parents sometimes camp out.DShe and her parents live in the mountains.35 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AFavouritesBSuggestionCShoppingDNatureMy name is Tim. I asked three of my friends how they had changed since they came to our middle school. And here are their answers.RobinI didnt do well in my study before, but since I began to study in this school, things have changed. The teachers here are all energetic, active and helpful. They always encourage me by saying “Im sure you can make it” or “You are one of the cleverest students I have ever met”. These words really mean a lot to me. Now Im one of the top students in my class, and I like studying as well.AlexI used to be a fat boy who could hardly run 500 meters. When I entered the middle school, my father worried that I would be laughed at by my new classmates, so he decided to do morning exercises with me every day. It really worked. Now Im used to running and exercising in the morning, and I am slim and strong. Beside, my P.E. teacher thinks I can be a good runner in the future!JasonI used to like to be alone and didnt feel like talking to anyone. But when I met Robin and Alex, I found that they were really good people. Then gradually we became closer and finally became good friends. Thanks to them, Im talkative and outgoing now, and I have made many other friends, I talk and play with my friends every day and each day I feel happy.36 . Who always encourages Robin after he came to the middle school?AHis teachers.BHis friends.CHis parents.DHis classmates.37 . Why did Alexs father do exercise with him?ABecause he wanted to lose weight.BBecause he wanted his son to be healthy.CBecause he worried that his son would be laughed at school.DBecause he wanted his son to be a runner in the future.38 . The underlined word “talkative” means “ in Chinese.A爱开玩笑的B兴奋的C健谈的D多嘴的阅读理解Do you have a friend for life? I have one. My friend is an outgoing girl. Her name is Cicy. She tells me that “Cicy” means “a little princess” in English. I think shes a real princess. It has been over six years since she became my best friend. And now she is studying in Hangzhou. She is a little fatter than me. She is much taller than me. Her hair is a little curly and long. I think she is a pretty girl. I still remember the day when she left. I stood in front of her house and saw her taking her bag to the car. I coughed uneasily. Cicy turned toward me with a sad smile. “I am leaving for Hangzhou in ten minutes,” she said. “I know.” I was afraid to see her eyes so I did not look at her. I was so angry at myself for being weak. I wanted to cry but I knew I must be brave. “I hope you can get better grades during the following term.” After seeing the sad look on my face, she quickly added, “Ill be back soon.” I tried to say something to thank her but I found I couldnt say anything. Its always better to keep quiet if youre about to cry. “Oh, wellbye.” My tears nearly came out. So did hers. I remember the day on which she cried sadly on my shoulder. I remember the day on which she took off her clothes when I felt cold. I remember the day39 . “Cicy” means “_” in English according to what Cicy said. Aa lovely girlBa kingCa good friendDa little princess40 . Which of the following is TRUE?ACicy is “my” neighbor. BCicy is a princess from England. CCicy is in Hangzhou now. DCicy is a little thin.41 . When “I” felt cold, what did Cicy do?AShe cried sadly. BShe took off her clothes. CShe said nothing. DShe did nothing.42 . What is the best title of the passage?ACicya Little PrincessBA Friend for LifeCMy Friend Left MeDI Said Goodbye to My Friend四、句型转换句型转换43 . The man is very old,so he cant go on working(改为同义句)_ the man is very old,he cant go on working44 . Well have to run faster to catch up with others(改为同义句)Well have to run faster _ catch up with others45 . Because he was careless,he failed in the exam(改为同义句)_ his carelessness,he failed in the exam46 . Betty didnt come to school because she was ill(就画线部分提问)_ Betty come to school?47 . You should look after yourself after leaving your parents(改为同义句)You should _ yourself after leaving your parents五、用单词的正确形式完成短文and shebe an tooGood morning! I am 48 . English boy. My name 49 . Mark Smith. I am in a middle school in Ningbo. I like green 50 . blue. This girl is my classmate. 51 . name is Sally. She is a nice girl. She is in Ningbo, 52 . .六、材料作文53 . 请根据以下提示用英语写一篇文章来介绍你和你的好朋友。70词左右,可适当发挥。姓名AliceMary外貌黑头发,大眼睛身材比较高比较瘦性格外向和风趣一点文静和勤奋一点爱好喜欢读书和做运动习惯周末一起去打篮球和跑步_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、材料作文1、

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