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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第二学期期中联校检测检测英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -It wasof Mike to tell us of his delay in case we got worried.-I cant agree more.AcarelessBcaringCpatientDhonest2 . My watch is . Its watch.Ablack; blackBa black; a blackCblack; a blackDa black; black3 . March ismonth of the year.AthirdBthreeCthe threeDthe third4 . How can we behave better in building a civilized city?_.ABreak the traffic rulesBSmoke in publicCNo dirty wordsDCut in line5 . _ is your brothers room?It is _.AHow; tidyBWhat; tidyCWhere; niceDWhere; tidy6 . The tiger _ many _ of animals for food.Acatches; kindsBcatch; kindsCcatches; kindDcatch; kind7 . The car_ the tree, and the driver_ his leg.Ahit; hurtBhurt; hitChurt; hurtDhit; hit8 . Its_ nine oclock. You are _at breakfast!Ayet; stillBstill; alreadyCalready; yetDalready; still9 . We are going to_ home at 5 p.m.Aget toBgetCarrive atDarrive in10 . The school library is all kinds of books.Afilled withBcovered withCstrict inDsurprised at11 . - I havent seen your sister for a long time. She _ Beijing on business for a month.Awent toBhas gone toChas been toDhas been in12 . In order to improve our spoken English, we should make muchin our pronunciation.ApracticeBattentionCattractionDprogress13 . Girl students in some schools are not allowedlong hair.AhavingBhaveChadDto have14 . The astronaut istired that hefor eleven hours.Atoo;has been asleepBso;has fallen asleepCso;has been asleepDtoo;has gone to asleep15 . My friend Tom is always ready _ others. He often teaches_ English.Ato help, myBfor help , meCto help , meDfor help, my二、完型填空Mr White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his _ and now he has near sight(近视). But he wouldnt want _ to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. It often _ him some trouble.One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He _ a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasnt smooth(平坦). He fell over some times and it _ his clothes dirty. _ he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while his _ was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldnt get it. He couldnt understand why his hat ran into a house as if(似乎) it had _. And he ran into the house, _.A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, “_ are you running after my hen for?”16 . AearsBnoseCmouthDeyes17 . Aanybody elseBnobodyCwomanDsomebody18 . AfollowsBtakesCbringsDcarries19 . Atook offBgot offCgot onDcame on20 . AletBmadeCgaveDfelt21 . AAt firstBAt homeCAt timesDAt last22 . AclothesBbagChatDglasses23 . AlegsBhandsCshoesDarms24 . AalwaysBalsoCeitherDtoo25 . AWhatBWhyCWhichDWho三、阅读单选Amazon. com was one of the first companies to try to sell products on the Internet. Jeff Bezos started the company. He was a successful vicepresident of a company in New York. One day he predicted the future. He thought,“The World Wide Web is growing 200 percent a year. Its going to continue to grow. Shopping is going to move to the Internet. People are going to shop online. ”He gave up his good job and drove across the country to Seattle,Washington. There he started an online bookstore called Amazon. com. Bezos had very little money. The company began in a garage,and at first there were very few people who bought things. At the Amazon. com site,people can search for a book about a subject,find many different books about that subject,read what other people think about the books,order them by credit card,then get them in the mail in two days. This kind of bookstore was a new idea,but the business grew. In a few years,Amazon. com had 10 million different things in categories including books,CDs,toys,electronics,videos,DVDs,things you use to fix up a house,software,and video games. Today you can buy anything from food to gold rings at a“virtual shopping mall”,that is,a group of stores all over the world that works like group of stores all in one place. Are people going to shop online more and more? No one knows for sure. At least online shopping is growing.26 . Amazon. com is _.Aa bookshop to sell books on the InternetBa school to teach students on the InternetCa kind of email to send and receive lettersDa company to sell things on the Internet27 . From second paragraph we infer(推测) that _.Apeople can buy books on the InternetBAmazon. com had 10 million different thingsCits easy to buy anything on the InternetDmost people enjoy buying things on the Internet28 . From the passage,we mainly know that _.Aonline shopping is growing nowBwe are not sure if online shopping is growingCits cheaper to do shopping onlineDmany people shop online at firstMany people go on winter vacations to get away from the cold weather or the city life. But how do you pick a winter vacation destination (目的地) for your family?Budget: Know how much you have to spend and what you want to spend on your vacation. Then you can know how far you can travel and what kind of activities you can enjoy.Family Likes & Dislikes: You dont want to visit the sea if your family are afraid of water, so you need to know what their likes and dislikes are.Activities: Know about activities around the vacation destination. For example, if you want to go swimming, can you? If you want to go to parks, are they open?Accommodations (住宿): Hotels are expensive. Look for vacation home rentals (出租的房屋). You can get so much more that you would never get at a hotel, like pools and private (私人的) beaches. You can also cook by yourselves to save money from eating out.Oh, at last, the weather is very important too.29 . Many people go on winter vacations to get away from _.Amuch workBfamily dinnersCbad waterDcity life30 . The underlined word “budget” means _ in Chinese.A预算B商业C经营D收入31 . Which is NOT the reason why people look for vacation home rentals?AThere arent enough hotels.BHotels are expensive.CPeople can enjoy so much more that they cant get in hotels.DPeople can cook by themselves to save money.32 . According to the passage you should think about _ aspects (方面) when you pick a winter vacation destination for your family.A2B3C4D533 . Which is the best title for the passage?AHow to Rent a Vacation HomeBWhat You Can Do During the Winter VacationCHow to Pick a Winter Vacation DestinationDWhy People Like Going on Winter VacationsLook at this boy. He is an English boy. His name is Peter. His last name is King. This is his school. His school ID card number is five-five-four-three-seven-six-one-zero-eight-nine. His teacher is Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang is a good teacher. Henry is his good friend at school. Look! Whats that? Its his backpack. Its black. But where is his watch? I dont know. Maybe its in the lost and found box. Lets call Mike at 978-8098.34 . His school ID card number is _A554376-1088B978-9098C978-8098D554376-108935 . His teachers family name is _AKingBWangCPeterDHenry36 . Whose telephone number is 978-8098?APetersBMr WangsCMikesDHenrys四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)37 . Lucys very strong. Her diet is _ than your diet. (healthy)38 . _, the doctors and the nurses walked out with a smile. (final)39 . My grandmothers _ birthday is coming soon. (sixty)40 . How beautiful the flowers are! Ill take some _ here. (photo)41 . The little boy was _ enough to escape from the earthquake (地震). (luck)42 . We should stop _ the earth. It is our home. (pollution)43 . There are many kinds of _ food in the supermarket. (freeze)44 . Steamed prawns with garlic is my _ dish. (favour)五、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择适当的短语并用其适当形式完成句子,每个短语限用一次Let us play computer games the same color at school sound good45 . I always play soccer with my friend _ .46 . _ go to the library after class.47 . It s fun to _ .48 . Let s play basketball after school. That _ .49 . Lucy s and Lily s schoolbags are _ .六、语法填空I met a musician on the train to Shenzhen. He had just got m_. His wife was a German lady. The musician _(look) very handsome and behaved like a gentleman. His wife looked l_ a queen. They were going to spend their honeymoon in South China. There were many people on the train. When they heard this, they took turn to give their best _(wish) to the couple. The musician sang several beautiful songs for us. _(thank) to them, we enjoyed our journey very much.50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _七、回答问题Do you know whats the last word that girls want to hear(听见) from peoples mouth? Yes, that is the word “fat”. Now in China, there are many fat students because they often eat too much fast food. The fast food is always cheap(便宜) and easy to take, so its interesting to think that people get fat, not because they have money but because they dont. Fatty(油腻的) food is usually cheap. Hamburgers are usually cheaper than(比)the food at a health food shop. “For many people, they dont have much time to do sports. I think making sports cheap and food expensive is a good thing for us.” John smith says.Here some tips(建议) can help fat people to lose weight (减肥). If you dont want to be fat, you can have a try. Drink more water than Coke or other soft drinks. Do sports for about one hour a day. Walk at least 500 meters a day. Eat vegetables and fruit. Sleep for about 8 hours a night.55 . Is fast food always cheap and easy to take?_56 . Whats the last word that girls want to hear(听见) from people? _57 . How many tips can help fat people to lose weight here?_58 . Why are many students fat now?_八、将所给单词连成句子连词成句59 . stupid, are, how, you_!60 . reading, the, worth, is, book_?61 . to, what, him, yesterday, happened_?62 . attention, the play, Toms, drew_.63 . a, the couple, living, by writing, made_.九、材料作文64 . 现在网络越来越发达,中学生上网的利弊已成为人们讨论的焦点。请参考下面的信息并结合自己的观点写一篇6080词的短文谈谈你的看法。ProsCons课后放松长时间上网有害健康辅助学习沉迷网络游戏,不思学业传递信息快捷,开拓视野不良网站,误导学子网络交流,交友虚拟网络,真假难辨第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、语法填空1、七、回答问题1、八、将所给单词连成句子1、九、材料作文1、

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