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人教版2019-2020学年六年级下学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . TFBOYS are very _ with boys and girls.AstrictBspecialCfriendlyDpopular2 . _ is it from the Childrens Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom?About _.AHow often; 10 minutes rideBHow long; 10-minute rideCHow far; 10 minutes rideDHow far; 10 minutes ride3 . He can speak _ English _ Chinese, although he is a Japanese.Aneither, orBeither, and Cas well, asDnot only, but also4 . Why not go boating on the Qinhuai River?_a good idea! Lets go.ASoundsBSoundCSounds likeDSound like5 . The movie Zootopia is very popular among children, and it is one of that I have ever seen.Amost interesting movieBmost interesting moviesCthe most interesting movieDthe most interesting movies6 . Would you like some coffee? No, thanks. I _ drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach.AnearlyBusuallyChardly7 . Have you heard of Liu Qian from Taiwan?Sure! His magic performance is _amazing for people _forgetAso; thatBsuch; thatCtoo; toDvery, to8 . Have they finished their homework _?Atoo B. yet C. already D. either9 . Have they had breakfast?_.Look!How hungry they are!AI dont think soBIm afraid soCI think soDI hope so10 . Its known that France is famous _ its wine and beautiful scenery.AonBinCatDfor11 . -Would you like to go bike riding with us tomorrow? - _.ASorry, Id love to.BSure, Id love to.CSure, I have to help my parents.DYes, I can. I have a piano lesson.12 . All the club members _ the floor when they heard someone _ for help.Aswept; were shoutingBswept; shoutedCwere sweeping; shoutingDwere sweeping; shouted13 . I dont want to write them down .You_. You probably forget all about them.AcanBcantCneedntDshould14 . _ elderly man over there is interested in paper-cutting.AABAnCTheD/15 . Allen, your bedroom is in a mess.Sorry, Mum. Ill _ my things at once.Aput onBput awayCput outDput up16 . Whose room is bigger, Li Pins or _?His room. But my room is nicer!AyouByourCyoursDYourself17 . There are some _ in Suzhou Library. For example, you cant eat or drink inside.AjobsBreportsCrulesDpaintings18 . - Have you got _ apples?- Yes, weve got _.Aany, anyBany, someCsome, someDsome, any19 . he football two days ago?ADoes; playBDid; playCDid; playedDWas; played20 . He used to _ up late, now he is used to _up early.Agetting, gettingBgetting, getCget, getDget, getting二、完型填空Now Bob is watching TV in the living room and his mom is _ lunch in the kitchen. Then she finds there arent _ potatoes.“Bob, can you _ some food for me?” Mom asks, “We need it _ lunch.”“Sure, Mom,” Bob says.“Remember: two potatoes and ten eggs. _ you can buy yourself(你自己)some ice-cream.” Mom tells Bob.“Ok,” Bob says and goes out _. On his way, he sees a boy eating a big _. He wants to have one, too. Then he sees a girl with some candies in her hand. “They are _,” Bob thinks. But Mom doesnt let Bob eat too many candies. They are bad for his _.“Can I help you, boy?” Bob walks into the shop and a man asks _.“Yes, please. I want two apples, ten candies and some ice-cream,” Bob says.21 . AtakingBeatingCcuttingDcooking22 . AlotBmuchCsomeDany23 . AmakeBbringCbuyDsell24 . AforBinCofDfrom25 . ABecauseBSoCAndDBut26 . AquicklyBdifferentlyCusuallyDreally27 . AbananaBpearCorangeDapple28 . AdeliciousBexcitingCinterestingDexciting29 . AeyesBteethCnoseDface30 . AherBmeChimDthem三、阅读单选When you watch TV and play video games you make global(全球的) warming worse! It may seem hard to believe, but when electricity is made, so are greenhouse gases(温室气体). This means that every time you use electricity you help make global warming worse!Cars are also making global warming worse. They burn fossil fuels(化石燃料) in their engines, and send lots of greenhouse gases into the air.Global warming may be a big problem, but we can all help stop it. People can try to drive their cars less. Or even get ones that run on sunlight! You can also help. Lets try one of these top ideas:(1) Try to use less electricity. Turn off lights, your television, and your computer when youve stopped using them. To make electricity, fossil fuels are burned in big factories. But burning fossil fuels also makes greenhouse gases. You should also try to watch less TV.(2) Plant trees. Not only is it a fun thing to do, but it is also a great way to lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air when they grow.(3) Dont throw away your rubbish, try to recycle it. If rubbish is not recycled, it is put in the ground. There it rots(腐烂) and makes a greenhouse gas called methane(甲烷).So try to recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers. Itll make you feel great! And itll help the Earth.31 . If we _, we may make global warming worse.Ause less electricityBdrive a car on sunlightCplant treesDthrow away rubbish32 . We may use more electricity by_.Aturning off lightsBshutting down computersCturning up CD playersDturning off TV33 . _ will make global warming worse.AMethaneBCansCNewspapersDBottles34 . Using less electricity does good to global warming because_.Athe less electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are producedBthe more electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are producedCmore electricity is used, less greenhouse gases are producedDless electricity is used, more greenhouse gases are produced35 . Which is the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?ADriving cars on sunlight helps to stop global warming.BWhen cars burn fossil fuels, they produce greenhouse gases.CWhen trees grow, they send carbon dioxide into the air.DBy planting more trees, we can lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air.四、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required36 . Her father doesnt play sports every day. (改为肯定句)Her father _ _ every day.37 . This is my photo.(改为复数形式)_are our _ .38 . I like bananas._ _ like bananas?(改为一般疑问句)39 . It is very interesting. She thinks.(合成一句话)_ _ it is very interesting.40 . He has dinnerat 6:30 in the evening. (就划线部分提问)_ does he _ at 6:30 in the evening?五、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标, 完成句子):41 . Please always be_ /kand/to your classmates.42 . She wears that pair of shoes_ /:lmst/ every day.43 . I have a baby sister and she is_/ nl/ three months old.44 . Shall we have_/lnt/ at the school canteen now?45 . Dont be so_/gr/, Lily!六、用所给单词的正确形式填空A. 用括号里单词的适当形式填空。46 . I saw _ (a) spaceship in the sky last night.47 . Do you have _ (some) vegetables in your basket?48 . There is going to _ (be) a party in our class tomorrow.49 . Daming is one of my best _ (friend).50 . I am very glad to _ (hear) the good news.51 . Mr and Mrs Brown have three _ (child).52 . The little _ (goose) are eating grass over there.53 . People in the south often eat _ (rice) for meals.54 . The girl is good at _ (dance).55 . The _ (one) day of the week is Sunday.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。56 . PM2.5 _ (pollute) has become a serious problem which does harm to our health.57 . When he woke up, he found himself tied to a tree, _(able) to move.58 . My dad has been to Chengdu on _ (busy) twice.59 . She refused to join our _ (discuss) and finished her paper alone.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每词只能填一次)A. worry about B. enough C. turn offD.festival E) deliciousJune 1st is International Childrens Day. All the children in the world are happy on that day because its their own 60 . . They will wear new clothes, eat something 61 . , get beautiful presents, go to the parks with their parents and do all kinds of things they like. They dont need to 62 . anything. Just enjoy themselves!But do you know there are still many children in the poor countries, and they even dont have63 . food to eat. Childrens Day is only a dream for them. We should cherish (珍惜) our happy life and help them.八、单词填空短文填空。My husband and I were planning(计划) how to spend the weekend with our daughters. Our girls jumped in and 64 . us what they wanted to do. “We want to go to the butterfly museum,” they said.When we walked into the main area of the museum, we saw many kinds of beautiful butterflies.65 . all flapped(摆动) their colorful wings. My girls ran around playing 66 . .I turned to our museum tour guide(导游) and asked, “How67 . do butterflies live?”“Less than one month,” she said.“What can butterflies do in so short a time?” I asked.The guide looked at me, and said, “They make the world more beautiful 68 . before.”“Wow,” I said, “I 69 . thought about butterflies like that. Thank you.”After we said goodbye, I couldnt stop 70 . about the guides words. She was right. We all have something to show to the world with the time we have. It can make a big difference.Like a butterfly, you have your own way of making the 71 . a little better for everyone.Live like a butterfly!九、回答问题One day a man went to see his doctor and said to him, “Ive swallowed (吞下) a horse, doctor, and I feel very ill.” The doctor thought for a time and then said, “All right, Mr. Smith, Ill help you. Please lie down on this bed.”By giving the man an injection (注射), the man went to sleep. The doctor went out quickly to look for a horse in the town.After half an hour he found one, borrowed(借) it and took it into his office, so when Mr. Smith woke up, a horse was there in front of him.“Heres the horse, Mr. Smith,” the doctor said. “Ive taken it out of your stomach(胃), and it wont give you any more trouble(麻烦) now.”At first Mr. Smith was happy, but then he looked at the horse again and said, “But, doctor, my horse was white and this one was brown!”根据短文内容, 回答问题。72 . Did the doctor think this man really swallowed a horse?_73 . How did Mr. Smith go to sleep?_74 . How long did it take the doctor to find a horse?_75 . What did Mr. Smith see when he woke up?_76 . What color horse did Mr. Smith think to swallow?_十、话题作文77 . 书面表达随着生活节奏的加快,越来越多的人养成了不好的生活习惯。请你根据下面表格的内容,以We need good habits为题谈谈不良生活习惯对健康的影响。现象结果夏天吃太多冰激凌容易胃痛久坐在电脑前玩游戏对眼睛不好常常熬夜对心脏不好正确的做法:健康饮食,经常锻炼,养成良好的生活习惯要求:1.条理清晰,要点齐全; 2. 70词左右(开头已给出,不计入总次数)We need good habitsToday more and more people have some bad habits._十一、其他从每组单词中找出划线舒分的读音与所给音标读音相同的选项。78 . /i:/ArealBreachCbreak79 . /AbothBpotatoCbody80 . /ju:/AmuseumBluckyCtruly81 . /AgradeBagreeCfat82 . /d/AcookedBshowedCtasted第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、十一、其他1、


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