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人教版2019-2020学年八年级(五四学制)下学期期末考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . At the customs house my wife showed _ passport and I showed _.Aher, myBhers, mineCher, mineDhers, my2 . He is known to the world and has a lot of friends_Ain and out of abroadBat home and abroadCat home and at abroadDin home and out of abroad3 . I think what he said is _because that is similar to what I have known.AimpossibleBembarrassingCunexpectedDbelievable4 . Its raining cats and dogs, _ wed better not go out.AsoBbutCandDnow that5 . The editors need more time to have a _ discussion about the problem.AfarBfatherCfartherDfurther6 . Benjamin Franklin travelled across _ Atlantic Ocean eight times.AaBanCtheD/7 . I like the house very much,but its price goes_my ability to pay.AfurtherBbeyondCaboveDwith8 . They carefully, but they didnt anything.Alistened; heardBlistened; hearClisten; heardDlisten; hear9 . _ bag is blue and _ is blue, too.AHer; heBShe; hisCMy; herDMy; his10 . It is exciting _ a horse in the countryside.AridingBto rideCrodeDride11 . We are planning to go abroad this summer holiday. Which of the following is correct?AbrdBbrdCbrdDbrd12 . Who are you waiting _ the school gate, Millie?AforBatCat , forDfor, at13 . Her father wants to buy a present _ her mother.AofBtoCforDwith14 . Excuse me, how could I get to the railway station?_. You wont miss it.AIts a little far from hereBWalk to the end of the roadCI dont think you can go thereDOK. Ill show you around the city15 . Dont pick the flowers. It is _ the rules.AaboveBagainstConDfor16 . How _ honey do they need?AmanyBa littleCmuch17 . Kate, May I _your bike ?Sure, But youd better not _it to others.Alend ; lendBlend ; borrowCborrow; borrowDborrow; lend二、完型填空My uncle has a son and a daughter. They are Nick and Alice. Alice is a _ of a university. She studies very hard. She is beautiful. Shes of medium _, not tall or short. She has long curly _ . Alice _ the apple of my aunts eye(掌上明珠). But Alice _ like to talk with other people. Shes a little quiet. Nick is twenty-five, but he looks a little old _ he doesnt have much hair. His hair is blonde. The colour is like the _ of bananas. Hes very thin and is of medium _. He has an interesting job. He usually _ a uniform. He is a police artist. Some people see crimes and talk to him. They tell him _ the criminal looks like. He draws a picture of the criminal. The job is interesting but difficult.18 . AteacherBactressCstudentDartist19 . AtallBbuildCheightDheavy20 . AhairsBhairCbeardDdress21 . AisBlikeClooksDlook like22 . AoftenBalwaysCdoesntD/.23 . AsoBbecauseCwhenDif24 . AcolourBsizeCpriceDnumber25 . AheavyBbuildCweightDheight26 . AbuysBsellsCmakesDwears27 . AwhereBhowCwhatDwhen三、阅读单选Dear Grandma,How are you?Last Saturday I went to Long Bay with my parents. We got up at 6:00 a. m. We ate breakfast at 6:30 a. m. and after half an hour we left for Long Bay. My father is a good driver and he drove very fast. But I have to say, the trip was a bit long. When we got out of our car and got to Long Bay, it was already ten oclock!First we swam in the water for an hour. Then we played cricket (板球) for an hour. It was time to have lunch. We ate a big lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon my mother and I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach. My father went fishing. He didnt get any fish, but it was very relaxing. Soon it was time to go home. My parents and I left Long Bay. We had a great day last Saturday.My parents and I will go to see you this weekend. I miss you very much.Kate28 . When did Kate leave home?AAt 6:00 a. m.BAt 6:30 a. m.CAt 7:00 a. m.29 . How did Kate go to Long Bay?ABy car.BBy bus.CBy train.30 . How long did it take Kate to get to Long Bay?AHalf an hour.BAn hour.CThree hours.31 . What did Kates father do in the afternoon?AHe went swimming.BHe went fishing.CHe played cricket.32 . Which of the following is TRUE?AKate didnt swim in the water.BKates father didnt have lunch.CKate will see her grandma this weekend.四、句型转换五、句型转换33 . Her name is Gina .(对划线部分提问)_ her name ?34 . Im Li Lei .(改为同义句)_ is Li Lei .35 . She is Lingling .(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)_ Linging ?_ , she _ .36 . My last name is Smith . My first name is John .(合并一句)My name is _ .37 . My friend is Jack .(改为同义句)Jack _ .五、用所给单词的正确形式填空所给单词的适当形式填空38 . Mr Li is _ (friend) to the old. He always helps them.39 . Both my father and mother _ (be) English teachers. They work in the same school.40 . We all like Kittys _ (smile) eyes. They make her look cute.41 . Tom is _ (patient), so he gets angry easily.42 . The Internet makes our life nicer, _ (easy) and more colourful than before.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文二、用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。find, her, work, help, about, unhappy, cry, write, listen, cant, thank, tofind, her, work, help, about, unhappy, cry, write, listen, cant, thank, toMrs. Li43 . something at her desk now. She44 . at a TV station. Every day45 . meets many people and listens to their stories. She is a kind woman. Last Monday, when she passed a bookstore, she saw lots of people standing outside the gate, and she wanted to have a look. She found a boy46 . there. He47 . find his mother. Mrs. Li decided48 . him. She asked the boy something 49 . his family. And then she helped this boy50 . his mother. The boys mother was very51 . to see his son and she said52 . to Mrs. Li. Helping others often makes Mrs. Li happy.七、单词填空Building an app is a big project. If you want to build the next great smart phone app alone, you need a plan. First, think about 53 . to build. Will your app be a game? Will it be for business? Then make a schedule for building 54 . app. You need plenty of time for researching and getting enough information 55 . you can build your app.Now youre ready 56 . (start) the app. Building an app is like a puzzle with many different parts, you can build it yourself or find a friend to help you. There are many websites and 57 . (video) which can teach you to build one. Some websites provide app developers 58 . “building blocks”. As you build one, you pick blocks from the websites and put 59 . (they) in your app.After you build your app, you need to check it 60 . (careful). Look for bugs. Most apps have several problems to fix. Show your app to people and ask their opinions. Make sure everything 61 . (work) before letting people download it. There are so many tools that can help you build apps. Having the right tools will make the work much 62 . (easy). Now almost anyone can make a new app.八、回答问题Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)Do you think youre a lucky person? Lets see what Professor Richard Wise-man, a famous psychologist(心理学家), has discovered about luck:Ten years ago, I set out a research on luck. I wanted to know why some people are always in the right place at the right time, while others always experience ill luck.Many people volunteered for my research. Over the years I interviewed them, watched their lives and had them take part in my experiment.I carried out a simple experiment to discover why there were differences in their ability to find opportunities. I gave both lucky and unlucky people a newspaper and asked them to look through it an tell me how many photographs were in side.I had secretly placed a large message halfway through the newspaper saying. “Tell the researcher you have seen this and win $50.”This message took up half of the page and was more than two inches high. It was staring everyone straight in the face, but unlucky people tended to(倾向于)miss it and lucky people tended to spot it.Unlucky people are just more nervous than lucky people. They are busy looking only for what they need and this stops them from noticing the unexpected. As a result, they miss out on opportunities.Lucky people tend to be more relaxed and open. They can see everything that is in front of them, rather than just what they are looking for.My research shows that lucky people live by several principles(原则). Here are some of these principles:1.Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared.2. Be open to new experiences and break your normal thought patterns(模式).3.Spend a few moments each day remembering things that went well.4.See yourself being lucky before an important meeting or phone call.63 . How long has Professor Richard Wise-man studied on luck?64 . What did the volunteers do for the professor during the research?65 . Whats the purpose of Professor Richard Wise-mans small experiment?66 . The message in the newspaper was so small that unlucky people couldnt find it, wasnt it?67 . Why did the unlucky fail to find the message in the newspaper according to the research?68 . Which principle of the four is the most important in your opinion? Why?九、话题作文69 . 初中毕业的脚步日益临近, 你是否记得四年里与老师们,同学们经历的点点滴滴? 这些经历给你带来怎样的体验和感受? 有感动, 有失落, 有尴尬, 有喜悦, 有伤心., 经历过了, 我们才能感悟生活的哲理。请你以“My _ Experience”为题, 写一篇英语短文。提示:1.叙述一下这次经历。2.谈谈在这次经历后的感受。要求:1.提示信息齐全,适当发挥,行文流畅连贯2.条理清楚,书写规范整洁;3.词数:100个左右。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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