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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They _ here since two years ago.Ahave livedBlivedClived inDhave lived in2 . A: Does your library have books?B:Yes. We often go there in the afternoon.AsomeBa lotCmuchDlots of3 . Its sunny today. What about going out for a bike riding along Binhe Road?_ Lets ask Fred to go with us!ABest wishes!BThats too bad!CWhy?DSounds great!4 . I almost had an accident just now.Oh, you should drive _.AcarefulBcarefullyCcarelessDcarelessly5 . She _ very hard since she came to our schoolAstudiesBhas studiedCis studyingDstudied6 . -Where is your father?-He _to Shanghai. He has _ Pudong since last Friday.Ais going, gone toBhas gone, been inChas been, been inDhas gone, been to7 . -Will there a football match on CCTV 5 this evening?-Yes. There usually football matches on Sundays.Ahave; haveBbe; will beCbe; areDhave; are8 . What are you going to be when you grow up?My is to become a scientist like Tu Youyou.AproblemBdreamChobbyDadvice9 . He lived in a townthe east coast of EnglandAinBonCatDto10 . Can you_ with me tomorrow?Sure,I love movies.Ago to the moviesBgo to the zooCgo to schoolDgo to work11 . When he was _, Joe went to United States.Aon his twentiesBin the twentiesCin his twentiesDin his twenty12 . Today is Sunday, so he_get up early.Awont have toBdidnt have toCdoesnt have toDhave to13 . If you want to get more information about Chinese culture, please visit our _: www.chinaculture.net.AcompanyBstoreCofficeDwebsite14 . They went on working _the heavy rain.Aas a result ofBbecauseCso thatDin spite of15 . -Do you mind my _ the window? -_. It is really cold outside.Aclose; No, not at allBclosing; No, not at allCclose; Yes, pleaseDclosing; Yes, please二、完型填空完形填空(共15小题;On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her_had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his way back_from work as usual.The lady wondered, “Is the man going to_me? He looks very cold and hungry.” But to her surprise, he_and said with a smile, “Can I help you, madam?”After forty_, the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him.“No, that s_, madam,” he said. “ I was just helping someone in_If you really want to pay me back, I hope when you find someone need help, you should give him a hand.”A few minutes later, the lady_a shabby(破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Roberts words,_she stopped.The hostess(女主人) warmly asked her in. The lady could see that was a_family and that they need help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady_dollars on a table and went away_Robert came home later than before, thinking how_their life was. His wife was pregnant(怀孕)and the baby would be born the next month but there was not_money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, “Dont worry, dear! Everything is going to be all right. A_has helped us out.”Lets always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves.16 . AbikeBcarCtruckDbus17 . AfactoryBshopCofficeDhome18 . AhelpBsaveCpunishDeat19 . AranBagreedCstoppedDleft20 . AdaysBhoursCminutesDyears21 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing22 . ApictureBrainCdangerDneed23 . AsawBheardCsmeltDfelt24 . AsoBifCbecauseDsince25 . AterribleBsadCpoorDrich26 . AthrewBforgotCgaveDleft27 . AquietlyBnoisilyCgentlyDsadly28 . AexcitingBinterestingChardDhappy29 . AmanyBenoughCsomeDfew30 . AfriendBrelativeCstrangerDClassmate三、阅读单选David is a young boy. He is only ten years old. He is 1.40 meters tall, but he is over 150 kg.His parents talk with him. They hope that David can lose weight(减肥)。They help David make a plan for losing weight.1 Run for half an hour in the morning every day.2 Go climbing twice a week.3 Join the school football team and play football twice a week.4 Take a walk after supper every day.5 Have more vegetables and less(更少的)meat.6 Dont eat junk food.(垃圾食品).31 . David is _.Aan old manBheavyCthinD11 years old32 . Why does David make a plan?ATo study wellBTo go out for a tripCTo lose weightDTo see a movie33 . David will play football_.Aevery dayBtwice a weekCevery weekDthree times a week34 . Which of the following is TRUE?ADavid is very tallBDavid is not heavyCDavid doesnt like junk food.DDavids parents talk to him.35 . How many hours will David run in a week?A1 hourB2 hoursC2.5 hoursD3.5 hours.When I was about twelve years old, a girl in my class liked to point out my disadvantages. My disadvantages: I was very thin; I wasnt good at math; I talked too much; I was too proud and so on. At last. I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes. He listened to me quietly, and asked. Are those things true or not? Jane. didnt you ever think about what youre really like? Then he added, Well, you have that girls opinions. Make a list of everything she said and mark(做标记)the true points.I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I found out that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldnt change, like being very thin, but many I couldand suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time I got a clear picture of myself. I brought the list back to Daddy, and he said, Now you know better about yourself. But you have to learn to listen, not just close your ears angrily and feel hurt. When something said about you is true, youll find it will be of great help to you. Dont shut your ears. Listen to the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do.Daddys advice has returned to me at many important moments. In my life. Ive never had a better piece of advice.36 . When the writer Jane was _, a girl in her class liked to point out her disadvantages.Aabout 10Babout 12Cabout 14Dabout 1637 . Jane thought she couldnt change one thing. It was that _.Ashe was very thinBshe wasnt good at math.Cshe talked too muchDshe was too proud38 . Who changed the writers opinion?AHer fatherBHer motherCHer sisterDHer brother39 . What did Janes father really mean by saying Make a list of everything.?AForget it.BMake a shopping list.CDont make friends with the girl.DFinding out what is right and what is wrong.40 . Which of the following is the best title for this passage?AMy disadvantages.BA girl in my class.CA girls opinions.DThe Best Advice.An American architect (建筑师) was visiting LondonHe wanted to see all the famous buildings there so he stopped a taxi and asked the driver to take him to all the old and famous buildings in LondonThe driver drove him to the Tower of London“This is the Tower of LondonIt was a prison (监狱) in the old days,” he said“It is so smallIn America we could build this in a day” said the AmericanThe taxi driver took the American to Westminster AbbeyHe said,“This is a famous churchKings and queens(国王与王后) get married hereThe American looked at the old building and said,“Huh we could build this in two days”The driver decided to take the American to a bigger church so he drove him to St Pauls CathedralHe stopped outside the church and said,“This is the most famous church in EnglandThe great architect Christopher Wren built this church”The American got out of the taxi and looked at the church“HuhWe could build this church in three days,” he saidNext the driver took the American to the House of Parliament“This is where British politicians (政治家) meet”“Huh” The American said, “We could build this in four days”The driver said nothing and drove past Buckingham Palace, the home of Queen ElizabethAs the taxi passed the palace, the American said,“Hey! What is this building? I have never seen such a beautiful one”The taxi driver looked at the palace and said,“I dont knowIt wasnt there this morning”41 . How many old and famous buildings in London are mentioned (提及) in the passage?ATwoBThreeCFourDFive42 . Where do the British kings and queens get married?AIn the Tower of LondonBIn St Pauls CathedralCIn the House of ParliamentDIn Westminster Abbey43 . According to the American architect, they could build St Pauls Cathedral in _Aone dayBtwo daysCthree daysDfour days44 . When the American saw Buckingham Palace, he _Agot a great surpriseBfelt very disappointedCsaid nothing and went awayDsaid they could build this in five days in America45 . From the story we can see the American architect was _AhonestBproudCmodestDhard-working四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。46 . On March 15, customers are encouraged to complain if they are not _ (满意) with the products or service.47 . Thank you for giving me some useful _ (建议). Theyre of great value to me.48 . To everyones surprise, such a big award was _ (颁发) to a singer.49 . Its too noisy to hear you clearly. Would you mind _ (升高) your voice?五、完成句子50 . 把你的想法写在笔记本上如何?How about _your ideas in your notebook?51 . 请把收音机调大点儿声,以便爷爷能听清楚。Please turn the radio up a bit _Grandpa can hear clearly.52 . 想起大熊猫和其他濒危动物,真让人伤心。Its sad to think of pandas and other animals _.53 . 他写的话剧茶馆让他极负盛名。Hes especially _ his play Teahouse.54 . 滑冰比滑雪更受欢迎吗?Is skating _popular_skiing?六、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每词或短语只限使用一次)medicine, success, decide, introduce, give up55 . Keep studying hard and youll be _ in the future.56 . After his _, I knew how to use this new machine.57 . His uncle works in a _ school in our city.58 . Einstein asked people _ nuclear weapons.59 . Did you make a _ at the meeting?七、单词填空Once upon a time, there were three tortoises (乌龟) who were friends. One of them was a large tortoise, one was a medium-sized tortoise and another was a l60 . tortoise.One day they went into a restaurant and ordered some cakes. While they were w61 . for the cake, they remembered that they hadnt brought any money. “Hey, we forgot to bring money to 62 . for our cake,” the big tortoise said. “The little tortoise can go h63 . and get it.” the medium-sized tortoise said, “Hes the y64 . , so he should be the one to go. “The little tortoise wasnt very pleased at this, but he knew he shouldnt argue (争吵) w65 . his elders, so he said, “All right, Ill go. But you must promise not to eat my cake w66 . Im away.”The large tortoise and the medium-sized tortoise agreed, and the little tortoise set off for home to get the m67 . . A few hours later, the big tortoise said to the medium-sized tortoise, “Lets eat the little tortoises cake. Im h68 . again.” “So am I,” the medium-sized tortoise said, and reached for the cake. As she did so, the little tortoise shouted from the door of the restaurant. “If 69 . touch my cake, I wont go and get the money!”八、填空Last summer, Cathys whole family went to New York City for their summer vacation. They stayed there for two weeks.New York City has more than seven and a half million people. It is the largest city in the United States. It is also the home of the United Nations.First they visited The Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is one of New Yorks most well known historic sites. Millions of people visit New York City every year.On the second day they went to the Empire State Building. It is the tallest building in New York City now. From the top of the building, they saw most parts of New York. On the third day, they visited the Metropolitan Museum. In this museum, they saw a lot of famous paintings. During the rest time of the week, Bob went to Bronx Zoo with his younger brother and sister. There they were glad to see a lot of their favorite animals-tigers, lions, monkeys, and elephants.In the second week, the family visited Long Island. On the island, they spent most of their time swimming sunbathing and playing on the beach. They all had a good time.PeopleMany people live in New York.PlaceThe UN is in70 . .First they visitedThe71 . .How longCathys family stayed there for72 . .Saw the famous paintingThey visited73 . .九、材料作文74 . 书面表达请你根据以下提示,写一篇连贯的短文。1我的家乡丹阳是一座历史悠久的城市,离上海大约三个小时车程。2我五岁时和父母一起搬到了这里。当时人们过着贫困的生活。3近几年来家乡发生了很大的变化。它看起来就像一个美丽的公园。4上周六,我们乘直达航班去香港。5. 在第一天,我们参观了最著名的主题公园之一,迪士尼乐园。在第二天,我们去海鲜馆享受美食和6我相信 (对未来生活的期待)要求:1.短文应包括要点中所给信息,省略号部分须适当发挥。2.行文连贯,书写规范。3.不少于80字。_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、材料作文1、

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