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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第一学期第三次月考(不含听力材料)英语试题D卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . What advice does the boy give the girl?AThinking hard.BListening to some music.CCounting.2 . AHe played the piano.BHe danced.CHe sang.3 . ABy underground.BBy bus.CBy taxi.DOn foot.4 . What is Jacks favourite food?ACakes.BPizzas.CSandwiches.5 . Which colour does the girl like best?AYellow.BGreen.CBlack.二、听句子选答语6 . AShe is reading.BShe likes exercising.CShe usually goes to the movies.7 . AA week.BOften.CAt 8:00 p. m.8 . AMonday.BYes, of course.CClick “save”.9 . ANo, you can.BNo, you neednt.CI cant believe it.10 . AYes, I do.BYes, many times.CSorry, I cant.三、听长对话回答问题听下面一段对话,回答以下小题11 . Does the woman want to go to the hospital?AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CNo, she isnt.12 . How will the woman go there?ABy train.BBy bus .COn foot.13 . How long will it take the woman to get there?AFor 5 minutes.BFor 10 minutes.CFor 15 minutes.四、听短文回答问题请听一段独白,回答以下小题。14 . What is Ricks favorite subject?AEnglish.BChinese.CMusic.15 . How old is Lisa?A13.B12.C11.16 . What does Victor like best?AHistory.BEnglish.CMusic.17 . What is Allans favorite sport?ASwimming.BTennis.CFootball.五、单选题18 . Whose paper planes are, Lucy or Lily?AwellBbestCthe bestDbetter19 . The best way to learn English is by _English textbooks.AreadBreadsCto readDreading20 . is the cost of the trip to Shanghai Wild Animal Zoo?Oh, a little . More than 200 yuan.AWhat; expensiveBWhat; highCHow much; highDHow much; expensive21 . What does he plan_ this weekend? I dont know. Youd better ask him.Ato doBdoCdoingDdid22 . My brother is one of _ in Class Three. Athe tallest studentBthe tallest studentsCtallest studentsDtaller student23 . - Your handbag is pretty good. Where did you buy _?- Its overseas shopping. Do you want to have _ like this?Ait; itBit; oneCone; itDone; one24 . Julie and her brother went to the_to buy new shoes.Ashoe store Bshoe s storeCshoes store Dshoes25 . -My son is studying for an important exam. Could you pleasethe music a little? -Im very sorry.Agive outBpick upCturn downDtake off26 . The boy promised _ late for school again.Anot to beBto not beCnot beingDbeing not27 . I saw LiMing _ near the river on my way home just now .AplaysBplayingCto playDplayed28 . Whats your dream when you grow up?I want to travel _ the world and take photos everywhere.Aall overBsuch asCWithout29 . Do you have any plans for the coming summer vacation?Sure. I decide Thailand with my family.AvisitBto visitCvisitedDvisiting30 . Who cooks _, Maria, Kangkang and Tom?AsuccessfullyBmore successfullyCmost successfully31 . The winter holiday is coming ,all the students are_the final test this term(学期).Alooking forBwaiting forCpreparing forDpaying for32 . Youll _ swim when summer comes.Abe able toBcanCcouldDare able to33 . -Whats your plan for the coming weekend?-I _ to visit the Shanghai Disneyland.AgoBgoesCwentDam going34 . Yao Ming is a _ player. He plays basketball very _.Agood, goodBwell, goodCgood, wellDwell,well35 . My aunt didnt _work when she had the baby.Acut upBmake upCput upDgive up36 . Jerry gets up early, so he is always the second _ student to get to school in our class.AearlyBearlierCearliestDmuch earlier六、完型填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。We are now living in the 21st century. Is your classroom living in the 21st century, too? Tony is a student in Grade 8 at an American middle school. He was surprised when he saw his modern_on his first day of school.In Tonys classroom, there are many new electronics(电子设备),like iPads.They will_the electronics to take notes, watch videos and do projects and homework. “Its_”said Tony.“I prefer using an iPad to work on math or other projects_my team members.”The school uses new technology(技术)in classrooms to help students see,hear,touch and sometimes experience their tasks. “Technology is pretty common in most of our classrooms now,”the head teacher said.“We are trying to use technology to_the world to kids. It can bring the outside world in.”Science teacher Mr Miller agrees. “It is a_way for students to know the outside world.” he said.Mr Miller now regards himself as a guide of learning_a teacher. “If they have a question for me,I will try to teach them_to find the answers rather than tell them what the answers are,” he said.Dale,another student, loves technology.He was not really interested in class before,_now he likes the classes very much.“It helps me use what I know about technology at school,”Dale said. “Most important. I_the classroom. This, of course,will help my studies.”37 . AclassroomBplaygroundClibrary38 . AallowBuseCwant39 . AboringBrelaxingCamazing40 . AwithBbyCon41 . Aput upBopen upClook up42 . AwrongBquickCslow43 . Abecause ofBinstead ofCthink of44 . AhowBwhenCwhy45 . AandBbutCor46 . AenjoyBdislikeCstand七、阅读单选Look at (看) the girl. Her name is Cathy. She is ten years old. I am ten, too. My name is Tom. Cathy and I are good friends. She is in Class One, Grade Three. She is Number 4 in Row 2. I am in Class Two, Grade Three. I am Number 3 in Row 4. We are at school now.47 . Cathy is .AToms motherBa boyCa girlDToms sister48 . How old (多大年纪) is Cathy?AShe is seven.BShe is ten.CShe is eight.DShe is nine.49 . Cathy and I are .AgirlsBfriendsCcousinsDboys50 . What grade are Cathy and I in?AGrade One.BGrade Two.CGrade Three.DGrade Four.51 . Where(在哪里) are Cathy and I now?AAt school.BOn a map.CHere.DOn a picture.Wang Lei is studying in No.1 Middle School. He is in Class Three, Grade Nine. Thetable is his mid-term self-assessment (自我评价). He draws faces to show his progress.excellentOKweakRead the table and find out how well Wang Lei is doing.UnitItemUnit 1The Changing WorldUnit 2Saving the EarthVocabularyDescribing changingPollutionGrammarPresent perfect tenseDirect speech and indirect speechStudying skills / pronunciationUsing a dictionaryReadingMain taskA reportSuggestions52 . Wang Lei thinks he does best inin Unit 1.Adescribing changingBusing a dictionaryCa reportDpresent perfect tense53 . What does Wang Lei need to improve in Unit 1?APresent perfect tenseBUsing a dictionaryCA reportDDescribing changing54 . What is Wang Lei NOT very good at in Unit 2?APollutionBDirect speech and indirect speechCReadingDSuggestions55 . What do you think Wang Lei does well in?APresent perfect tenseBDirect speech and indirect speechCA reportDListening and speaking56 . From the table we know Wang Lei is weak in .AvocabularyBmain taskCstudying skills / pronunciationDgrammarLook at the woman in a yellow dress. She is my teacher. She teaches(教)me English. She is a good teacher. Her Chinese name is Li Hong. Her bike is green. Liu Mei is her friend. Her bike is red. They are from England. They are at school now.57 . Liu Mei is _.Aan English teacherBa Chinese teacherCLi Hongs friend58 . What color is Li Hongs dress?AGreen.BYellow.CWe dont know.59 . Li Hong and Liu Mei are _.AteachersBboysCstudents60 . Where are they now?AAt schoolBAt home.CWe dont know.61 . What color is Liu Meis bike?ARedBBlue.CGreen.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空A)用所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填入答题卡上指定的位置。62 . He cant even move because of his_(ill).63 . I was _ (surprise) to find so many people in the zoo.64 . James, help _(you) to some salad, its just behind you.65 . My pen is_(break). Could I use yours?66 . My father often spends two hours _ (read) newspapers every day.九、完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据汉语及句末括号内的单词提示,用相关的动词短语完成句子。67 . 去年,Lucky 对我的生活产生了影响。(make)Last year, Lucky_ to my life.68 . 他放弃了冒险。(take)He gave up_.69 . 多亏了王铭的帮助,他才能找到他的语文书。_Wang Mings help, he could find his Chinese book.70 . 在这本书里,他讲述了对生命掌控的重要性。(control)In this book, he tells of the importance of _ of ones life.71 . 昨天,我捐赠了一些自行车给儿童之家。(give)Yesterday I _ some bikes to the childrens home.72 . 小莉长得和她妈妈很相像。(take)Xiao Li _ her mother.73 . 我们学校成立这个组织是为了帮助留守儿童。(set)Our school _ help left-home children.74 . 由于恶劣的天气, 他们已经决定推迟篮球比赛。They have decided _ the basketball match because of the bad weather. (put)十、材料作文75 . 每个人有自己的美丽梦想。最近,你班就“我们的梦想”展开了一次讨论。下面是你们小组的谈论情况汇总,请根据所给要点写一篇英语短文,向英语校刊投稿.NameDreamPhilip想当音乐家,很有音乐天赋,曾经创作了具有地方特色的音乐并获奖Anita比起做导演更想当演员,她在校戏剧社担任主角,2017年首次亮相荧屏Andy擅长解谜,梦想成为一名侦探, 查明一切真相I想做导游,为了实现梦想,我认为要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2. 必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;3. 词数:100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);4. 不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Our dreamsRecently, we have held a discussion to talk about our dreams. Heres the report about our ideas._第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、三、听长对话回答问题1、四、听短文回答问题1、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、完成句子1、十、材料作文1、


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