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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Nanjing is famous_a stone city_its hills.Aas; asBfor; forCfor; asDas; for2 . Are these his pencils?_ They are hers.AYes, it is.BYes, they are.CNo, it isnt.DNo, they arent.3 . You can NOT see_ in your school libraryABCD4 . I cant take a photo. You cant take a photo, _ .AtooBalsoCeitherDas well5 . Would you mind _ the door for me?Of course not.AcloseBto closeCclosingDto closing6 . My uncle is good at maths. He is _ engineer.AaBanCtheD不填7 . There was a a car accident on Xin Hua Road yesterday._, nobody was hurt.ALuckyBLuckilyCUnluckyDUnluckily8 . (题文)Foxes and lions are _during the night, and we can see them walking.AawakeBaloneCasleepDwake9 . _my great surprise, my parents allow me _part in the outdoor activities.AFor; to takeBTo; to takeCFor; takingDTo; taking10 . - Mum, theres no milk in the fridge.一Oh; but there _ two bottles of apple juice in it.AareBisntCarentDis11 . You_ cross the street when the traffic lights are red.AcantBmustCneed toDhave to12 . Wheres Peter? He _ to NanjingAis goingBhas beenChas goneDwent13 . (题文)To avoid the heavy traffic, its necessary to _ early to get there in time.Atake offBput offCset offDshow off14 . -Why are you looking for Mary in a hurry, John?-The boss is wondering where she _and how long she_ there.Ahas been; has beenBhas gone; has goneChas been; has goneDhas gone; has been15 . How does Jack usually go to school?Now he walks there to lose weight, although he_ride a bike.Ais used toBused toCgets used toDwas used to二、完型填空Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular not only with grown-ups but also with students. Meanwhile, they also become a _ for middle schools in the past few years. Some children have spent too much time on mobile phones.Many like SMS(短信)because it is easy and _. Some _ felt happy because they could get in touch with their children. But some teachers said mobile phone use was a distraction(分心的事)to students during _ and it also gave them much _ in their classrooms. Sometimes students _ use phone messages to cheat(作弊) during exams. A new study found that some teenagers who _ messages in class even hurt their fingers.Many teachers suggested that students should not have phones in school, _ there was a good reason, they could _ their phones at school office. Many people think they understand why parents would want their children to have them, but they agree school should let the students know _ they can use their mobile phones.16 . AtoyBgiftCproblemDfashion17 . AslowBquickCsmallDbeautiful18 . AstudentsBteachersCphone-makersDparents19 . Afree timeBday timeCschool hoursDholidays20 . AbusinessBinformationCthingsDtrouble21 . AmightBhave toCshouldDdare22 . AreadBtakeCsendDget23 . AandBbutCthoughDhowever24 . AmissBleaveClieDcarry25 . AwhenBhowCwhyDwhether三、阅读单选Found: Ruler.Is this your ruler?Please call Dave.Phone # 78-5900Lost:My pencil case. It is blue.My name is Jenny Brown.My telephone number is 26-7895.Found: A set of keysIs this your set of keys?Please call Linda.Telephone number: 289-9000Found:Is it your watch? It is white.Please call Nick at768-0946.26 . There are _notices(启示)in the Lost And Found.AB4C127 . Who lost a pencil case? AJennyBDaveCMike28 . Linda found_.Aa rulerBa set of keysCa watch29 . What color is the watch? AIts red.BIts whiteCIts blue.30 . You lost your keys. What number should (应该) you call ?A26-7895B78-5900C289-9000A car stops outside a small shop. A man is hungry and he wants to buy some cakes. Its raining hard, he doesnt want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy. “Come here, boy!” he cries. “Do you know how much the cakes are?” The boy says yes. The man gives the boy four dollars(美元) and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one is for me.” Three minutes later, the boy comes back. Hes eating a cake. He gives the man two dollars and says: “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”31 . Where is the man?AHes near the bus.BHe is at home.CHes on the bus.DHe is in the car.32 . The man doesnt want to go out because _.AHe is tired.BHe is hungry.CHe is hungry.DIts raining hard.33 . How many cakes does the boy get?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.34 . How much are they if we buy five cakes?AFive dollars.BFour dollars.CTen dollars.DFifteen dollars.35 . Whats the result(结果)?AThe man eats the cake.BThe boy eats the cake.CThe boy doesnt eat the cake.DThe boy and the man both eat the cakes.HopperPrice: Free for Android and iOS systemThis app can predict(预测)when the price of the flight to your destination willbe the lowest, when they will change and the best time to buy a ticket for acertain day and place. You can save money and book tickets quickly on this app.PackPointPrice: Free for Android and iOS systemThis app can provide a travel checklist for you and tell you what you need to pack according to the place you are going to, how long you are going to stay and why you are going there. So next time you wont feel sorry because of leaving something important at home.Dark SkyPrice: Free for Android, $3.99 for iOS systemDark Sky is in the list of the best apps for App Store in the year of 2015. It can tell you the weather when you get to your destination and predict the weather of the next hour and even the rest of the week with high accuracy(准确度).TripAdvisorPrice: Free for Android and iOS systemTripAdvisor is your special guide to hotels, restaurants and attractions worldwide. You can see millions of comments(评论),images and videos of the places you are going to visit. It can also tell you the place of interest nearby according to your location.36 . The underlined word destination means in Chinese.A出发地B中途站C目的地D机场37 . What can PackPoint help you to do?AIt can help you pack your luggage(行李)you need.BIt can help you find the place you want to go to.CIt can help you buy cheaper flight tickets.DIt can tell you the weather of the place youll visit.38 . According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?ADark Sky is good at predicting weather correctly.BUsers cant watch videos of sights on TripAdvisor.CPackpoint can tell users what to take during a trip.DUsers can book tickets that you want on Hopper.Hearst Castle is in California, America. A person called William Randolph Hearst built it between 1922 and 1939, at a cost of more than $30 million. Last year, I had a trip to that castle.I spent the whole day looking around. But there was much to see, and a day wasnt enough. Hearst Castle has four houses. The main house, “Casa Grande”, is the biggest one. Visitors can live in the other three ones. Many of them are Hollywood film stars, and they often come to the parties there.At Hearst Castle, there are also beautiful gardens and two swimming pools, one inside and a larger one outside. I loved the one outside, the “Neptune Pool”. It was a pity that we couldnt go swimming there!The guide told us that Mr. Hearst travelled around Europe with his mother at the age of ten and looked at paintings and castles. He never forgot that tour and wanted his house to look like a castle. When Mr Hearst died in 1951, his family gave Hearst Castle to the people of California. Now its a museum.39 . The underlined word “Castle” in the first paragraph means _.A城堡B胜地C城垛D楼阁40 . “Casa Grande” is _ the other three ones at Hearst Castle.Ayounger thanBbigger thanColder thanDsmaller than41 . There are _ at Hearst Castle.Abeautiful gardensBone swimming pool insideCone swimming pool outsideDall the above42 . _ made Mr. Hearst build this wonderful castle.AA tour around EuropeBThe paintings and castles in EuropeCHis motherDHis dream43 . Which of the following sentences is TRUE?AHearst Castle in California was cheap to build.BHearst Castle is on a mountain near the sea.CMany Hollywood film stars come to Hearsts parties.DAfter Mr. Hearst died, his family lived at Hearst Castle.四、句型转换按要求改写句子,每空一词44 . An elephant weighs 5,000 kilos.(对画线部分提问)_ an elephant _?= _ of an elephant?45 . Mount Tai is 1,532 meters high.(改为同义句)Mount Tai is 1,532 meters _.46 . There will be a lot more pandas in our country.(改为一般疑问句)_ a lot more pandas in our country?47 . There are fewer people in Turkey than in China.(改为同义句)The _ of Turkey is _ than that of China.五、填写适当的单词补全句子词汇运用(共l0小题;根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)48 . Many people like the book War andby Leo Tolstoy. (和平)49 . She hasnt phoned, evenshe said she would.(虽然)50 . He has gone farme in English. (超过)51 . The fire alarm has atest.(每周的)52 . Jim jumpedin the long jump. (最远)53 . She wears ahair style prevailing in the city. (fashion)54 . His little dogsmade him very sad.(die)55 . This computer system has beeninto several times. (break)56 . He washeavily after a long running when I saw him just now. (breath)57 . China has sent up Change-3. (succeed)六、用所给单词的正确形式填空(B) 根据句意,在答题卷对应题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。58 . We all stayed up late and drank so much coffee that our _ (stomach) hurt.59 . I got up to make a drink because I found myself _ (able) to fall asleep.60 . The president has _ (recent) returned from a tour of South America.61 . Barry was sitting on the bed, _ (tie) the laces of an old pair of running shoes.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整通顺。每空只填一词(有两词多余)nod imagine promise another stomach full water terrible delicious fill present politeRandy couldnt wait to get to school. It was his history teacher, Mrs. Andersons birthday, and she 62 . the class a special treat to help her celebrate. Mrs. Anderson was good at cooking. She could make delicious cakes and cookies.Randys mouth63 . as he walked into the room.Mrs. Anderson had a long covered holder on her desk and the room smelled 64 . . Mrs. Anderson said, As promised I have a special treat for you today.Wait, Mrs. Anderson, Olivia said, We have to sing happy birthday first. Randy really wanted to see what Mrs. Anderson had made. But the class always sang on someones birthday.So Randy sang along,65 . cakes and cookies the whole time.Finally it was time to eat. Mrs. Anderson said, I wanted to share something really special with you, so I made my grandmothers famous blueberry muffins.Blueberry, Randy didnt like blueberries.Mrs. Anderson walked around the room, giving out the muffins. When she got to Randys desk, he 66 . said,No, thanks. I dont like blueberries.As a birthday67 . to me, do you think you could at least try one. Mrs. Anderson said.You could pick the blueberries out if youd like.Randy put his hand on his68 . . He was really hungry.He watched his classmates eat the muffins and hear them say how delicious the muffins were. He decided to have a try.So he69 . . Mrs. Anderson gave one muffin to him. Randy tasted a little and smiled.Hey, its good. He took70 . big bite with several blueberries.Im glad you like them. Randy, Mrs. Anderson said.Randy tried to say Youre welcome with his mouth 71 . of blueberry muffin.八、单词填空Aexchange B. carry C. startBmakeCproducedLong ago, people did not need money. They lived on wild animals, fruits and other plants.As time passed by, people learned to raise animals and crops. Sometimes, families 72 . more than they needed, so they started to trade with other families. Later, people began to use money as a means of 73 . . However, it was not the kind of money we use today. They used shells, rice, salt, large stones, etc.During the 600s B.C., people began using coins as money. They soon found that coins were easier to 74 . than goods and lasted a long time. Later, countries began to make their own coins.The Chinese were the first to use the paper money, probably as early as the 11th century. The Italian travelers Marco Polo saw the Chinese using money when he visited China in the 1200s. However, European countries did not 75 . using paper money until 1600s.Today, we have many ways to pay for things. We do not use coins or paper money. Often people prefer to pay for things by card. Paying with a card is easier and safer than carrying around a lot of“real”money.九、填空Almost all of us have unpleasant habits. We all want to get rid of (摆脱)them, but we dont know proper ways. Heres some advice.1.Write down all the reasons why you want to stop some behavior. Look at the reasons very often.2.Its clever to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits. If you get angry easily, for example, you can go out for a walk.3.Decide what youll do to reward (奖励) yourself if you really get rid of your bad habits.4.If you get too heavy, keep junk food out of your house.5.Bad habits develop over years, so you cant get rid of them very soon. So you should be patient.6.Dont be afraid to ask others for support. You can talk to your friends, family or other people. When you talk to them, they might be able to provide some advice that you cant get from yourself .How to Get Rid of Bad HabitsMake a listWrite down76 . you want to get rid of your bad habits.Join in some activitiesYoud better do something else when you want to stop your bad habits.Give yourself a rewardDecide how to reward yourself if you77 . in getting rid of your bad habits.Keep off your badhabitsStay away from78 . if you want to be thinner.Be patientIts79 . to get rid of a bad habit in a short time.Ask for helpWhen you talk to others, they may give you80 . 十、话题作文81 . 书面表达请以“My Travelling Plan”为题写一篇短文介绍你的旅行计划,提示信息如下:1.Where are you going and who are you going with?2.Why are you going there?3.What are you going to do there? 注意:1.书写清晰,字迹工整,行文流畅,语句通顺,内容完整。2.文中不得出现真实姓名、校名等信息。3.字数在80-100词。第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、填空1、十、话题作文1、

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