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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空When something goes wrong, it can be very pleasing to say, “Well, its so-and-sos mistake.” Or “I know Im late, but it isnt my _. The bus was late.” It is probably not your mistake, but you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a _ situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop paying attention to whom to _ and start paying attention to how to improve the situation. This is the winners key to success.Winners are great at solving problems. For example, if you were late because the bus was late, maybe you need to _ home early. Or, you might call a _or call friends for help when in need. For another example, if your workmate causes you problems on the job for short of responsibility or _ , find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person. Ask to work with a _person, or leave this person with some _ jobs. You should accept that the person is not reliable(可靠的) and find creative ways to work _ .This is what being a winner is all aboutno matter what happens, creatively using your skills and talents_ you can be successful. Winners dont have _ problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as_ else. They are just better at seeing those problems as _ and chances to develop their own talents. So,_ paying attention to “whose mistake it is”. Once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just _ stones.1 . AruleBexcuseCmistakeDquestion2 . AbadBgoodClateDright3 . AbeatBblameCfollowDencourage4 . AgoBgetCdriveDleave5 . AtaxiBdoctorCpoliceDstation6 . AabilityBinterestCfeelingsDeducation7 . AcleverBfunnyCstrongDdifferent8 . AgoodBhardCsimpleDboring9 . AhardBeasilyCsecretlyDsuccessfully10 . AifBthoughCbecauseDso that11 . AfewBfewerCmanyDmuch12 . AnobodyBanybodyCanythingDsomebody13 . AdreamsBstoriesCmemoriesDchallenges14 . AstopBstartCenjoyDremember15 . AcryingBsteppingCstoppingDfinishing二、阅读单选In Guangan city,there are more and more private cars on the road;they cause many traffic accidents.In order to solve the problem,the government has decided to provide 1,000 public bikes for people to rent (租赁)The government encouraged people to ride bikes in order to solve the traffic problem.More than 13,000 people have agreed to the idea.Some of them ask for more than one card.Although there are not enough bikes,an official (官员) from the government said that they would find some ways to deal with such a shortagePeople can get these bikes at special docking stations (停靠站)There are about 100 docking stations across the city.Lets see the cost you need to pay.You should pay ¥100 for a bike card,and you neednt pay for it within (在内) 2 hours after you get the bike.About 2,000 cards have already been handed out to the people,but only 800 cards can be used now.The official from the government said they also needed to face a lot of problems,for example,some bikes may be lost.But they said they would try their best to solve the problem.16 . In Guangan city,the government has decided to provide bikes for people to rent in order to solve _ .Athe traffic problemBthe family problemCthe population problemDthe health problem17 . About _ cards have already been handed out to the people.A1,000B800C13,000D2,00018 . In the passage,the underlined word “shortage” means _ in Chinese.A挑战B缺点C短缺D困难19 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe government provides a bike for each family.BPeople can get these bikes at special docking stations.CIf you want a card,you need to pay ¥50.DFew people have agreed to the idea.20 . Whats the best title for the passage?AThe people in Guangan city.BThe cars in Guangan city.CThe public bikes in Guangan city.DThe pollution in Guangan city.Why do parents have such a difficult time to communicate openly and honestly with their teens? For this, there are many reasons but most of them come from not being able to properly understand their teens. It is a dangerous gap because parents will have to communicate with their teens about a wide variety of issues(问题) during the most important years of their lives. Thus, parents must know how to communicate openly and honestly with their teens.Here are a few tips to make communication easier between parents and teenagers.1:Try not to talk down to your teens. Make them feel as if their views really matter, which not only helps your discussions with your teen but also brings you closer to him.2: Imagine what it would be like to be a teen. Try to remember some of the negative (消极的) feelings you experienced as a teenager and apply it to your teens situation.3: Never make negative remarks to your teen about what he has said or done.4: Remember how much courage it would have taken for your teen to come and talk to you about his personal issues. So listen respectfully.5: Dont ignore your teens feelings because it is usually a cry for help. For instance, if your teen is unusually angry, it may be time to spend a bit of time with your teen to find out what is wrong and where it is coming from.It is, therefore, necessary for parents to keep lines of communication open at all times with their teens. Try to remember what it was like to be a teenager and how weak you felt. Then you will be well on your way to help your teen communicate more openly and honestly.21 . Why dont teens want to talk about their personal issues with their parents?ABecause their parents are not honest.BBecause they dont believe their parents.CBecause they dont understand their parents.DBecause their parents dont understand them well.22 . When your son comes to you for help, you should NOT _.Alisten with the heartBtreat him seriouslyCcare about his feelingsDmake unpleasant and harmful remarks23 . Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined phrase “talk down to”?Aput downBlook down uponCchat withDquarrel with24 . Why should parents pay more attention to their teens feelings?ABecause it can help you become stronger.BBecause the teens are angry with their parents.CBecause it always means they need your help.DBecause it is a test to check whether you care about your children.25 . The passage is mainly about _.Acauses of generation gapBrelations between teens and parentsCsuggestions for parents-children successful communicationDproblems with communication between teens and parentsMr. Green is a successful businessman. He likes to help poor people. He usually sends money to old people and poor children. People who are young and healthy cannot get money from him. Here are three letters for him.Dear Mr. Green,My mother is 78 years old. She is in hospital. The hospital is 25 miles from my home. I want to visit my mother every day. I drive my car to see her, but I have little money to buy gasoline_My car cant run without it. Can you send me some money for gasoline?AnnaDear Mr. Green.Im a boy. Im eighteen years old. I need $ 900 to buy a good car. I really need it because I love a girl. She doesnt love me because I dont have a car.PeterDear Mr. Green,I have two daughters, aged one and five. I give the baby one bottle of milk every day. I want to give two bottles every day, but I dont have enough money. I also want to give my elder daughter ice-cream sometimes. Can you help me?SusanChoose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.26 . Who cant get money from Mr. Green?AThe poor and the sick.BThe old and the poorCThe young and the healthy27 . The underlined word “gasoline” means “_” in Chinese.A车库B食物C汽油28 . What else does Susan want to give her elder daughter?AEnough money.BIce-cream.CMilk.29 . What will Mr. Green give Peter?AA carBSome moneyCNothing30 . Which sentence is WRONG?AAnna is in hospital now.BPeter is eighteen years old.CSusan has two daughters.三、单词填空.根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。How many people do you 31 . with in a day? Probably a lot32 . than you did years ago. Now we can “talk” to people in many33 . , not just face to face or on the phone, but34 . through the Internet. It is very important for us to try and improve our communication skills, so lets35 . the four golden rules of good communication. First, be as clear36 . you can. Misunderstandings happen if we dont say37 . what we mean. Second, we have to work hard38 . listening. Pay attention to what the other person is saying. Third, ask other people what they think.39 . , give them time to say what they want, and show an interest in what they say.40 . you follow theserules , you will be a good communicator.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Man has been interested in the outer space for thousands of years. It has been almost over forty years 41 . mans first landing on the moon. Now, some people believe that space exploration(探索) is a waste of time and money. It is true that it 42 . (cost) billions of dollars to develop the space research, but people just get 43 . little information.However, every coin has two sides. There 44 . (be) still a lot of other people who believe that space exploration has more 45 . advantage). And I agree with them. Many new products, such 46 . weather and communication satellites(交通卫星), are also products of space programs, and they are good 47 . people all over the world. And whats more, people 48 . (know) about some scientific knowledge of the outer space already.We believe that it will bring 49 . (many) advantages in the future, which we can not even imagine now. Thats why several countries are trying hard 50 . (carry) out space exploration all the time. Lets wait and see.五、多任务混合问题阅读短文,回答问题及翻译划线部分的句子。Raisins(葡萄干) can be put in icecream,in chocolate bars,and in cookiesOur favorite snacks cannot be without raisins!Have you ever thought about how people get raisins from full and juicy grapes?Dry them in the sun?Well,thats one way.But people from Xinjiang have another way.They make the best raisins in China.People there build many “blockhouses(碉堡)” out of earth near a grape garden.The best raisins are made in these blockhouses.Many “blockhouses” are built on the hillside.Theyre usually three meters tall and are as big as the size of a classroom.After picking the grapes,people put them on the shelves in these blockhouses._30_至_45_天之后,这些葡萄将会变成又软又甜的葡萄干。51 . Can our favorite snacks be without raisins according to the passage?_52 . Where are the best raisins in China made?_53 . How tall are the “blockhouses”?_54 . 将划线译成汉语。_55 . 将划线译成英语。_六、材料作文56 . 上个月,第一届中非经贸博览会在长沙召开,长沙的发展让世界瞩目。假如你是李华,你作为一名志愿者参加此次活动。返校后,你在英语课堂上向全班同学介绍了此次活动的经历和感受。志愿者活动内容:打扫会议室,带外国友人参观名胜、品尝长沙美食,陪同购物.参考词汇:外国人foreigner中非贸易博览会 China-Africa Forum要求:(1)必须包括所有要点,可适当增加细节,行文连贯;(2)词数70词左右,文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;(3)文中不得出现你的真实姓名、学校和地名。Hello, everyone. Im very glad to talk about what I did in China-Africa Forum. _Thats all. Thank you.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、单词填空1、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、材料作文1、

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