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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Just go straight and _ left.AgoBcomeCtakeDturn2 . Do you like fruit?Yes, I like _ very much.AthemBtheyCthatDit3 . Many parents believe if their children use the mobile phone,it will be of great help to their study.AcalmlyBquicklyCpolitelyDproperly4 . The newlyopened company _ the local people with more chances to work.AgivesBprovidesCoffers5 . There was a football match last night. _ people went to watch it.AThousandBThree thousandsCThousands ofDThousand of6 . This pair of glasses _ me 1, 000 yuan.AtakesBcostCspentDtook7 . Would you like _ bananas?Yes, please.AanyBmuchCsome8 . His mother was born (出生) _ .Ain the 1950sBin the 1950sCin 1950sDin the 19509 . My mother buys _ presents on my birthday. Im so happy.AfewBa fewClittleDa little10 . (题文)On my way_ home, I pass _ a fruit shop every day.Ato,byBto,pastC/, by11 . The girl with long hair likes doing some shopping _ a week.Asome timeBsometimeCsome timesDsometimes12 . Parents are the people who love us most in the world. It is not _ of us to shout at them.ApossibleBpoliteCperfectDproud13 . Will your father have a picnic with us this Saturday?He would love to, but he has to work_.Aon weekendsBon weekdaysCin the daytime14 . They are _ a vacation _ the mountains.Aat;inBin;onCof;onDon;in15 . Can Jack and Jim play? Our school show needs some musicians.AbasketballBsoccerCthe piano二、完型填空I was never very tidy, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. Each of her objects had its place, but _ always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got _. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her _ desk. We both got tired of each other.War broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I _ “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” The sound was so loud that it scared me. In no time I saw my shoes _ at me. I jumped to my feet and started shouting. She shouted back louder.The room was filled with _. We didnt talk to each other for several days until a phone call came in. Kate answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could _ right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she _ up, she quickly crawled (爬) under her covers, starting to cry uncontrollably. Obviously, that was something she should not go _ alone. All of a sudden, a feeling of being sorry rose up in my heart._, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my _ that I even didnt notice Kate had sat up. She was watching with an _ of disbelief. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me, “Thanks.”Kate and I stayed roommates _ the rest of the year. We didnt always agree, _ we learned the key to living together: _, cleaning up and holding on.16 . AIBmyCsheDmine17 . AmessierBsleepierCangrierDsmarter18 . AdirtyBoldCtidyDsmall19 . AsaidBheardCnoticedDshout20 . AlaughingBpointingCflyingDthrowing21 . AangerBjoyChappinessDwarmth22 . AsayBspeakCtalkDtell23 . AgotBstoodChungDwoke24 . AoverBonCthroughDafter25 . ASlowlyBLuckilyCSuddenlyDNormally26 . AthoughtBworkCplanDservice27 . AideaBexpressionCappearanceDopinion28 . AinBatCforDwith29 . AorBandCbutDthough30 . Agiving inBgiving upCgiving awayDgiving back三、阅读单选We each have a memory(记忆力). Thats why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things in a short time, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the students have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.31 . Some people can easily learn many things in a short time because .Athey always sleep very wellBthey often eat good foodCthey read a lot of booksDthey have very good memories32 . Everybody learns his mother language .Aat the age of sixBwhen he is a small childCafter he goes to schoolDwhen he can read and write33 . Before a child can speak, he must .Aread and writeBmake sentencesChear and remember the soundsDthink hard34 . Why can a Chinese learn English easily if he is in England?ABecause he must speak English every day.BBecause he will have a good memory in England, not in China.CBecause his father is an Englishman.DBecause his English teacher is better in England.I have four good friends.Theyre Kate, Jim, Rose and Bill, but we are in different coats,Mine is_My four friends coats are white, blue, red and black,. We know, the boys coats arent red and the girls coats arent black. What color is Kates coat? I dont know. But I know it is not red and it isnt white,either(也). Bill says, “My coat isnt white .” Then what color are their coats?35 . Kates coat is _AwhiteBblackCredDblue36 . Jims coat is _AwhiteBblackCredDblue37 . Roses coat is _AwhiteBblackCredDblue38 . Bills coat is _AwhiteBblackCredDblue39 . 文中划线部分的最佳汉语意思是_A黑的白的B黑白相间的C灰白色D黑灰色My name is Caroline and I work as a doctor in a childrens hospital. I must share a heart-warming experience I enjoyed last week.Last Friday there was a big party at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of course some of us had to stay to look after the children. I felt a little sad because I was not free to go to the party. I enjoyed dancing very much. While my friends were getting ready to go to the party, I felt very sorry for myself.At ten oclock, I went to see each child one after another and said good night to them. Then I came to a little boy called Jimmy. Jimmy was only 10 years old, but he already talked like an adult. Poor Jimmy was badly ill. In fact, he was getting weaker day by day. However, he was always thinking about others. We all liked the little boy very much.When I came up to his bed, I noticed a piece of cake on the table beside his bed. When I was thinking why the cake was there, he said, “Im very sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a party for you. If you look in my drawer(抽屉), youll find a piece of cake. I saved it from my supper today, so its quite fresh.” I thanked him. “Id dance with you myself if I was able to get up,” he added. His words warmed my heart.Suddenly the hospital party seemed very far away and not at all important to me.40 . Caroline works in _.Aa bankBan officeCa schoolDa hospital41 . Caroline felt _ when she could not go to the party.AsadBluckyChappyDsurprised42 . All the doctors liked Jimmy because _.Ahe was a little boyBhe often gave doctors cakesChe got weaker day by dayDhe always thought about others43 . From the passage, we know that _.AJimmy was not badly illBJimmy warmed Carolines heartCJimmy danced with CarolineDthe hospital party was far awayName of the show:CatsTime: 19:30Date:January 20Place:Paulie TheaterSeat:16.Row 10,2ndFloor.Price: $ 30Notice:Please check the date and seat numbers when you buy the tickets. Once tickets aresold, you cant get your money back.Children below 1.2m are not allowed (允许) to enter the theater. Children above 1.2mshould enter with tickets.No smoking in the theater. Dangerous items are not allowed in the theater.Please dont carry the bags as well as cameras and videos. No sound recording, videorecording or photos.If you arrive after the show begins, please wait outside the hall, and enter quietly intothe hall during the interval(幕间休息).44 . This ticket costs_ dollars.A10B16C30D2045 . According to the notice, you can take_ into the theater.AcamerasBmobile phonesCbagsDvideos .46 . If you arrive late,_.Ayou should hurry to your seatByou should ask for helpCyou have to wait until the intervalDyou have to change the date47 . You cant do the following things EXCEPT_.Ataking photosBentering with ticketsCarriving lateDSmokingMary had a little lamb.His hair was white as snow.And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.He followed her to school one day,That was against the rule.It made the children laugh and play,To see the lamb at school.And so the teacher turned him out,But still he stayed near,And waited patiently about,Till Mary did appear(出现). And then he ran to her and laid,His head upon her arm.As if he said, Im not afraid-Youll shield me from all hams.What makes the lamb love Mary so? The little children cried:Oh, Mary. loves the lamb, you know,The teacher did reply.And, you, each gentle animalmay bind(联合),And make it follow at your call,If you are always kind.48 . The children laughed because _.Athe lamb appeared in the schoolBMary didnt follow the rileCthe lambs hair was very whiteDMary took the lamb everywhere49 . The underlined word shield means _.AsupportBprotectCleaveDenjoy50 . _ , so the lamb loves Mary according to(根据)the teachers words.AMary is always kind to the lambBMary plays games with the lambCMary spends all her time with the lambDMary often feeds the lamb51 . Which is the best title for the poem?AIf you are always kindBA little lamb at schoolCMary had a little IambDIt was against the rule四、单词填空阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Counting before numbersBefore the invention of written numbers, people used many different ways 52 . count things.At first, people used 53 . (they) fingers, and even their toes. 54 . , they could only count small numbers in this way.After that, they began to make small 55 . (mark) on sticks and bones. This helped them count 56 . (big) numbers. They used them to count things 57 . the days of month, the amount of food and the number of animals they had.Then people began to use tokens made from clay 58 . small stones. This helped them count even bigger numbers. They often put the tokens on pieces of string so that they could carry them around 59 . (easy). This developed into tools like the abacus.Finally, people began to develop systems of 60 . (write) marks to show different numbers, and this 61 . (lead) to the Hindu-Arabic system (0-9). We are still using this system today.五、材料作文62 . Writing Write a newspaper report about “The Beijing Olympic Games”. (at least 60 words)第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、四、单词填空1、五、材料作文1、

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