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牛津版英语八年级上学期期英语中考试模拟试卷(1)B卷一、 选出与划线部分意思相近的一项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分) Maybe your brother forgot to turn off the light when he left the room.A . MayB . MightC . PerhapsD . Possibly2. (2分) Why are trees useful to us? Because trees can produce lots of useful things for us.A . makeB . findC . buy3. (2分) The cars give out lots of bad gases (气体) and they pollute the air. A . make. cleanB . make. freshC . make. dirty4. (2分) She apologized to her friend for her mistakes. A . said yesB . said noC . said sorry5. (2分) China is famous for its long history. A . richB . bigC . well-known6. (2分) Can you pass the test? Im afraid I cant because I dont get ready for it!A . I dont want to attend itB . Im not looking forward to itC . Im not prepared for it7. (2分) (2017九上普宁期中) _ do you take a train to see your uncle in Dalian every year?Once. I usually go there every summer holiday.A . How many timesB . How oftenC . How soon8. (2分) (2017鞍山模拟) Oh, Im thirsty. Mum, can I have the milk on the table? No, it smells _.A . terriblyB . terribleC . goodD . well二、 单选题 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分) The boys have got _ already for his breakfast. A . two breadB . two breadsC . two pieces of bread10. (2分) (2019七上长春月考) My name _ Jack. Betty and Kate _ my friends. A . is, areB . is, isC . are, isD . am, are11. (2分) Tom jumped the _ in his school, so the headmaster spoke _ of him. A . most highly; highB . highest; highC . most highly; highlyD . highest; highly12. (2分) _ do you running ? Three times a week.A . How longB . HowC . How oftenD . How many13. (2分) Kate is a schoolgirl. She got many presents on her birthday. A . nineB . the ninthC . ninth14. (2分) Judy, could you tell me the schoolbag? Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.A . where did you buyB . where will you buyC . where you boughtD . where you will buy15. (2分) My best friend moved to another city. But we _ each other. A . stayed touchB . lost in touchC . lost touchD . stayed in touch with三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) 完形填空 You often have problems in your life. Some are serious and some are not. When you have problems you will probably ask someone else1help. He will give you advice about your2. You may ask your friend, “My neighbour often makes noise. He plays his stereo(音响) too loud. What should I do? ”Your friend may give you3, You should tell him4down his stereo. ”Problems like5clothes and having no time to go to your friends party are not6problems but you should deal with them skillfully. Maybe you should buy some new clothes. You should call your friend to say“Thanks”and7you are sorry for not being able to go there. Problems like a quarrel(吵架) with your friend and not having enough money are serious8. You should talk with him and be9. If you dont have10, you should go to work or get a part-time job. Anyway you should learn how to deal with your problems. (1)A . for B . to C . on D . with (2)A . life B . problems C . questions D . friends (3)A . a job B . a thought C . a piece of advice D . an order (4)A . turns B . to turn C . to low D . to bring (5)A . out-of-style B . new C . in style D . good (6)A . heavy B . small C . new D . serious (7)A . that B . which C . what D . where (8)A . problem B . thought C . one D . ones (9)A . happy B . friendly C . good D . strong (10)A . clothes B . friends C . money D . jobs 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8分) 阅读理解 Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you dont see the person you are talking with. That may change in the near future.Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone. With it, two people who are talking can see each other.Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show the person youre calling.They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to see a book. Then youll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping through your picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, youll go to your phone and call the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing youre interested in right over the phone. Youll be able to shop all over the town and never leave your room!(1) Today people can use the phone to talk with others . A . in all townsB . in some places in the worldC . only in big citiesD . almost anywhere on the earth(2) The word it in the passage means . A . the picture phoneB . any phoneC . the useD . the change(3) We can through the picture phone according to the passage in the future. A . write a bookB . do some shoppingC . play gamesD . have classes(4) Picture phones are very . A . usefulB . impossibleC . badD . badly(5) Which is NOT true according to the passage? A . Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone.B . With the picture phone, two people cant see each other.C . The phone is very useful.D . Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth.18. (8分) 阅读理解 In Western society, especially in the English-speaking world, the chance for young people to see the other countries and experience life is considered important. Many young people, when they finish school at the age of 18, take a gap year before they go to university.Parents often want their children to grow up a little and see what the real world is like when they finish school. Although they are worried about their safety, many think that the advantages of independence and experience are worth the worries. Children are encouraged to be brave, independent and to explore the world on their own or with friends.Young people also want to experience freedom and see what life is like on the other side. This other side could be the other side of the world or just the other side of life. For example, if they have a rich life, they may want to see how people in poor areas live.A gap year after school is also an important chance for young people to spend time thinking about what they want to do with their lives. A little bit of growing up and experience will help them make their important career decisions, especially when they are unsure about what they want to study.Another reason for going straight after school is to get a break from studying before they start the next few years of university. So anywhere you travel in the world, you will meet young European people exploring the world.So much of the world has been traveled and explored. The young people are now looking for more worthy experiences. Some of them work as volunteers to do something for the country they are visiting. Many gap year volunteers are now spending a few months teaching English in Thailand, helping feed giant pandas in China or building a well(井) in a village in Africa. These young peoples wish to explore the world is an expression of the values of the societies that they are part of. Both discovering the world and making a positive difference to it are important parts of the Western mind.(1) Which is NOT a reason for young people to take a gap year? A . Young people want to take a break from studying.B . Young people want to be sure about what to study.C . Parents encourage them to be brave and independent.D . Parents encourage them to live a free and wealthy life.(2) Now a gap year volunteer might do something more valuable like _. A . experiencing different culturesB . helping protect rainforests in BrazilC . making friends with more peopleD . enjoying traditional local food(3) By taking a gap year, young people may _. A . stay with their parents all the timeB . make money for their further studyC . help change the world for the betterD . change the Western mind completely(4) The purpose of writing this article is to _. A . show different opinions about the gap yearB . offer readers information about the gap yearC . discover new ways to take a gap yearD . tell young people when to take a gap year19. (8分) (2019九下宿豫期中) 阅读理解 Solar storms shake Earths magnetic field(磁场). They not only influence human technology, but also animals, reported Forbes.Studies show that many animals use changes in Earths magnetic field to find directions. These changes provide the animals a general compass(指南针) for south and north. Animals can also use them as landmarks.For example, scientists have found special cells in part of a birds eye nervous system(神经系统). They seem to react to changes in the magnetic field.Some fish species, like the common trout,have cells with magnetic sensors in their nasal cavity(鼻腔). In 1994 magnetic sense was also discovered in sea turtles.Some whale species may use magnetic sense to navigate (导航) the oceans. A dysfunction of this sense may explain the still mysterious beachings (动物搁浅). Sometimes several hundred animals, such as whales and dolphins, are driven out of water along beaches. They usually cant breathe under their own weight and die slowly.(1) What do many animals use to find directions? A . Solar storms.B . Magnetic field.C . Changes in magnetic fieldD . General compass(2) Which of the following animals is mentioned in the passage? A . DogB . Trout.C . Wolf.D . Panda.(3) What does the underlined word dysfunction in paragraph 5 mean in Chinese? A . 机能正常B . 机能失调C . 机能更新D . 机能优化(4) Why whales and dolphins die after being driven out of water? A . Because they are too heavy.B . Because there is no water.C . Because they have no magnetic senseD . Because they are hungry.20. (8分) (2019九下浙江期末) 阅读理解 I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare and the tortoise. At the end I said, Son, remember: Be slow and steady, and that will win the race. Dont you think theres something to learn from the tortoise?Sonny opened his eyes wide, Do you mean next time when Im entering for the 60-metre race I should wish that Billy, Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep halfway?I was shocked, But the tortoise didnt wish that the hare would fall asleep!He must have wished that, Sonny said, Otherwise how could he be so foolish as to race with the hare? He knew very well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did. He didnt have such a wish, I insisted. He won the race by perseverance, by pushing on steadily.Sonny thought a while. Thats a lie, he said. He won it because he was lucky. If the hare hadnt happened to fall asleep, the tortoise would never have won the race. He could be as steady as you like, or a hundred times steadier, but hed never have won the race. Thats for sure. I gave up. Todays children are not like wb.at we used to be. Theyre just hopeless.(1) The writer argued with his son because . A . he liked tortoises while his son liked haresB . they disagreed about whether the tortoise was foolishC . he tried to teach his son a moral lesson but the son had totally different opinionD . he liked the story of the hare and the tortoise while his son didnt(2) Sonny believed that the tortoise . A . won the race by his own hard workingB . took a risk by agreeing to run a raceC . was not given a fair chance in the raceD . in fact did win the race luckily(3) Billy, Tony and Sandy must be . A . boys who were unknown to Sonnys fatherB . boys who Sonny has run races with beforeC . boys who, Sonny has never raced with beforeD . boys who Sonny did not expect to race with again(4) The writer thinks that his generation . A . are cleverer than Sonnys generationB . have the same ideas about life as Sonnys generationC . are more hopeful than Sonnys generationD . have different ideas about life from Sonnys generation21. (8分) (2019八下深圳期末) 阅读理解 April 15 was a sad day for France. A fire broke out in Notre Dame, a centuriesold cathedral(大教堂) in the heart of Paris. The cathedrals spire(尖顶)and a large part of its roof were destroyed.Built between 1163 and 1250, Notre Dame is one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture(哥特式建筑). The cathedral is home to many valuable works of art. Among the most famous artworks inside are its three stainedglass rose windows, and the cathedrals bronze statues which had been taken away before the fire for repairs.Notre Dame is one of the worlds most famous tourist attractions. About 13 million people visit it every year. It lies in the center of Paris, along the Seine River French writer Victor Hugo used it as the setting of his famous story The Hunchback of Notre-Dame巴黎圣母院.French President Emmanuel Macron described the fire as a terrible tragedy, but added, the worst had been avoided Macron has promised that the French people will rebuild the cathedral together. He announced that he will launch an international fund raising campaign (募捐活动). Notre Dame is our, its our literature, and its our imagery. We will rebuild it. This is probably part of the French destiny, and we will finish it in the next five years. Starting tomorrow, a national donation plan will be started at home and abroad, Macron said. Paris without Notre Dame? Madness.(1) How old is the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral? A . About 850 years.B . About 1160 years.C . About 1250 years.D . About 2410 years.(2) Which of the following was NOT damaged in the fire? A . The cathedrals spire.B . The cathedrals roof.C . The top of the Gothic cathedral.D . The cathedrals bronze statues.(3) What do you know about Notre Dame de Paris? A . You can buy lots of artistic treasure in it.B . It sits in central Paris, by the Seine River.C . French writer Hugo finished his famous story in it.D . Its one of British most famous places of interest.(4) What can you infer(推断)from the last paragraph? A . The most valuable part of the church was damaged in the fire.B . French government will pay all the money for the rebuild.C . Tourists can visit Notre Dame de Paris in the next five years.D . People around the world may have already donated some money.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分) Do you like doing_(experiment)? 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分) 请根据下面Zhang Hua 的个人小档案,介绍一下Zhang Hua 的情况。 NameAgeTelephone NumberJob(职业)Zhang Hua12010-86300036StudentSchoolFavouriteColourFavouriteClothesNo. 2 Middle School in TonghuaRedPants第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 选出与划线部分意思相近的一项。 (共8题;共16分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略二、 单选题 (共7题;共14分)9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23、答案:略


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