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沪教版七年级下学期英语期中英语测试B卷一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) -_ did you visit the Science Museum?-Three months ago.A . WhenB . WhereC . WhatD . Which2. (2分) (2016七下靖江期末) Eric, can you carry the books for me? _ I am glad to help you.A . I am afraid not.B . No problem.C . Youre welcome.D . Thats all right.3. (2分) I am going to Hainan with my family for the winter vacation._!A . Have a good timeB . My pleasureC . Best wishes to youD . Thanks a lot4. (2分) (2015南宁) Look! Some visitors _ for the bus over there A . are waitingB . is waitingC . waitingD . wait5. (2分) (2017七上茂名竞赛) Thats a girl. Her name is _. A . Wang XiaohongB . Wang Xiao HongC . Wang xiaohong6. (2分) My foreign teacher comes from America.A . would likeB . is fromC . grows upD . learns from7. (2分) Whats your QQ number?_is 355994127.A . ItsB . HisC . ItD . My8. (2分) (2019七上惠来月考) How _ you? I _ OK. Thank you!A . is; amB . are, isC . are, amD . is; am9. (2分) (2018包河模拟) It is in the library. You _ talk loudly. A . may notB . wouldntC . needntD . mustnt10. (2分) (2016八下桐柏月考) Jane saw a piece of paper on the playground. She _ and put it into the dustbin. A . pick up itB . pick it upC . picked up itD . picked it up11. (2分) (2016八上河北期中) Here the results the student activity survey. A . is, withB . are, ofC . is, ofD . are, with12. (2分) How much did you _ on the beautiful dress?I paid 198 yuan _ it.A . spend; forB . pay; onC . spend; toD . pay; to13. (2分) (2016九下安定月考) Youll do much better _ you re more careful with your spelling. A . ifB . beforeC . althoughD . unless14. (2分) _ on the grass, or it will cry. A . To walkB . Not to walkC . WalkD . Dont walk15. (2分) (2017常州竞赛) is the red bag? Its eight dollars.A . WhatB . HowC . How much16. (2分) The children were so happy to see the funny monkeys in the film that they jumped happily.A . travelB . happenC . reachD . appear17. (2分) (2017七下梅江月考) It often here in winter. Look! It now. A . snows; is snowingB . snows; snowsC . is snowing; snowsD . is snowing; is snowing18. (2分) Listen! The little girl _ a song over there (在那边). She _ songs there every Sunday morning.A . singing; singB . sings; singsC . is singging; singsD . is singing; sings19. (2分) _ is your teachers desk? About 140 centimeters.A . How farB . How manyC . How muchD . How long20. (2分) (2017深圳模拟) He is a man without a sense of responsibilityWe seldom believe himA . sometimesB . oftenC . rarely二、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分) (2015七上上城期中) 补全对话:从方框内选择合适的句子完成对话。Teacher: Good morning!Lisa: Good morning!Teacher: Lisa, are these your books?Lisa:_Teacher: And is this green pen his?Lisa: No. it isnt._Teacher: What about the dictionary?Lisa: _And the green pen is hers too.Teacher: And the pencil? _Lisa: Yes, it is.Teacher:_Lisa: You are welcome.A. Thank you for your help.B. The blue pen is his.C. Is that yours?D. Its HelensE. No, they are Bobs.三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)22. (15分) (2017日照模拟) 完形填空A girl complained to her father about her hard life. She didnt know what she had to do and wanted to1up. She felt tired of fighting and fighting. One problem had been finished but2came over.Her father, a cook, took her into the3.He poured water into three pans (锅) and boiled it. When the water was boiling, in the first pan he put some carrots, in the second he put some eggs and in the last he put some coffee. He 4for them for a few minutes without any words.The girl waited impatiently, not knowing5her father was doing that. About 20 minutes later, her father turned6the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took out the7and put them in another bowl. After that the coffee was poured into a cup. Turning back to his daughter, he asked, “My sweet heart, what do you8?” “Carrots, eggs and coffee,” she answered.Her father told her to 9her eyes and let her touch the carrots. She did so and felt that the carrots were10. After that he asked her to take eggs and11them. Then, she got the eggs, warm and hard. At last, the father asked her to smell the coffee. She asked, “What did you do this for, Father?” He12that each one had had the same unlucky experiencethe boiling water, but13had a different result. The strong and hard carrots had become soft and weak after being in the boiling water. The eggs became hard after being cooked. The coffee was very14and it changed the water. “Who are you?” asked her father, “When bad luck15your door, whats your decision? Are you carrots, eggs or coffee?”(1)A . grow B . give C . set D . pick (2)A . other B . else C . another D . many (3)A . bedroom B . office C . restaurant D . kitchen (4)A . looked B . searched C . waited D . called (5)A . that B . when C . what D . why (6)A . into B . over C . off D . out (7)A . vegetables B . fruits C . eggs D . cakes (8)A . hear B . taste C . smell D . see (9)A . close B . open C . wash D . clean (10)A . hard B . soft C . sweet D . sour (11)A . drop B . cook C . break D . drink (12)A . smiled B . explained C . laughed D . expected (13)A . each B . all C . every D . either (14)A . bitter B . colorful C . special D . common (15)A . lies in B . comes across C . meets with D . knocks at 四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)23. (10分) In the world , football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and drew a big picture called “Dream World Cups ”for a few days in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags of all the countries that would take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams would have games there.Are you a football fan?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football Teenagers like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.(1) If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have_ A . many football fansB . a very good team C . many football playerD . a big playground(2) The next World Cup will be held in_.A . 2006B . 2007C . 2005D . 2004(3) From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_.A . people playing football B . pictures of some football stars C . a sunny skyD . flowers(4) In Dream World Cup”, the children drew the flags of some countries_.A . to show their love for their owe countryB . to tell the people their storiesC . to show their good wishes for the football teamsD . to show their new ideas about football(5) Many teenagers own the pictures of some football stars because_.A . they are interested in footballB . they are football fansC . they think their favourite players are greatD . all of A, B and C24. (10分) LostMy English dictionary. My name is Grace.Please call 233-4105 or look for me in Room 405Shopping List(购物单)* 2 pencils * A pencil sharpener* New CDs of Jay ChouLilyBill Smith English teacherNo. 9 Middle School of NanjingTel: 668-0796 E-mail: bill999sina.comName: Tom Cooper Age:21Tel:9873-8769 Mobile: 1596872023E-mail:Tom. Cyahoo.cnAddress: 321 Yongfu Road(1) If you find Graces dictionary, you can call .A . 668-0796 B . 233-4105C . 1596872023(2) Who lives(居住) in Nanjing?A . Lily.B . Bill Smith.C . Grace.(3) Lily needs of Jay Chou.A . three pencils B . a red jacketC . new CDs(4) Bill Smith is a in No. 9 Middle School.A . student B . teacherC . worker(5) Whats Tom Coopers address?A . 321 Yongfu RoadB . bill999sina.coC . 32125. (8分) 阅读理解Summer is just around the corner. It starts on June 21st or 22nd. For most kids, that means more time to play outside and have fun. Follow these tips to make sure you stay safe when you are enjoying the season. Sun safetyMany kids will spend hours playing outside in the summer dun. But be careful. The harmful rays(光线) of the sun can cause damage to your eyes. If you are out in the sun, be sure to wear sunscreen(防晒霜). You should also wear a hat and sunglasses that protect against the harmful rays._Make sure you follow water safety rules. Always swim with an adult watching you. If you dont know how to swim, you can take lessons. Rules about biking and skatingBiking and skating are good ways to exercise. To stay safe, always wear a helmet(头盔). It will protect your head if you fall down.(1) In summer, most kids will .A . spend more time staying at homeB . spend more time playing outsideC . have fun with their teachersD . have fun in their classes(2) What does the underlined word damage mean? A . Harm.B . Light.C . Attention.D . Fire.(3) Which of the following CANNOT stop kids from the harmful rays of the sun? A . Wearing a hat.B . Wearing sunglasses.C . Wearing sunscreen.D . Wearing fewer clothes.(4) Which of the following can be put into the blank? A . Swimming lessonsB . Rules at homeC . Water rulesD . Rules at school26. (8分) (2018八下广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My mother had only one eye. When I was growing up, I hated her for it. I hated how the other children stared at her and laughed at me. My mother worked two jobs to provide for the family, but I hated her and didnt want to be seen with her.As I grew up, I studied hard and got a job overseas so I wouldnt have to meet my mother. I got married and started raising a family of my own. I got busy with my job and family. I didnt even think about my mother anymore.Unexpectedly, my mother came to visit me one day. Her one-eyed face frightened my young children and they started to cry. I was angry with her and told her not to return to my home and new family life. My mother quietly apologized and left without saying another word.Several years later, I came back to my hometown and drove pass my childhood home. I stopped by the old small house. My neighbor told me my mother had passed away and left me a letter. My eyes were full of tears as I read the letter.My dear child:I must begin by apologizing for my first visit to your home and frightening your beautiful children. Im also deeply sorry that you were always laughed at by others because of me. I have learnt that you may be coming back to town, but I may be no longer there. It is time to tell you that you lost one eye in an accident when you were a small child. I wanted you to see the beautiful world, so I gave you my eye. I have never regretted my decision and I am at peace that you enjoy a complete life!(1) Why did the writer not want to be seen with her mother when she was a child? A . Because her mother was poor.B . Because her mother didnt like her.C . Because her mother had only one eye and looked special.D . Because her mother worked two jobs and looked untidy.(2) As the writer grew up, she studied hard and got a job overseas in order to _. A . make a lot of moneyB . live a comfortable lifeC . stay away from her motherD . get married and start raising a family of her own(3) Why did the writers mother have one eye? A . She had one eye when she was born.B . She got a serious disease and lost one eye.C . She lost one eye in an accident when she was a small child.D . The writer lost one eye in an accident and she gave her eye to the writer.(4) After reading her mothers letter, the writer felt _. A . angryB . sadC . boredD . relaxed五、 写作 (共2题;共13分)27. (3分) Pauls brother is six.(对划线部分提问)_Pauls brother?28. (10分) 用所给词的适当形式填空完成短文, 使短文内容通顺、完整。(必要时可加助动词或情态动词)Hello, Im Li Ming. I have studied in the UK for nearly two years now. But I _(remember) my first few weeks of living in a different country forever.The FoodIll never forget the first food that I _(taste) at school in England. We had this soup and it tasted of nothing at all. In China, our food is salty, but we like it because the salt _(make) it taste nice. A friend advised me _(try) some cheese. It was really sour.CustomsIn China when you meet someone for the first time, you shake hands. I was so _(surprise) when my friends mother gave me a kiss when I left his house. I felt so embarrassed and my face _(go) red.TransportWhen I want to go anywhere in China, I just take my bicycle. Here in England, I have to get a bus everywhere. The buses _(not stop) automatically like they do in Beijing. You have to put your hand out, ring the bell or press the signal button.Socialising(社交)I remember when I went around to a friends house. In China, we often _(give) people cakes as presents. The boys mother stared at the cake. She was trying to be polite but I knew from her face that I _(take) something wrong. In England, a cake is more often _(give) on someones birthday.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分) (2019八下双鸭山期末) 某报社举办有关友谊的征文, 请你根据以下提示, 发表自己的看法, 写一篇英语短文投给该报社。70词左右。 内容提示:1)每个人都需要朋友, 没有朋友的人生就像失去了阳光; 2)朋友是可以分享快乐和痛苦的人; 3)朋友之间要互相帮助。第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略二、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)21、答案:略三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)22、答案:略四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略五、 写作 (共2题;共13分)27、答案:略28、答案:略六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29、答案:略

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