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沪教版七校2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)完形填空 At noon, it was very hot because the sun was very strong. Johnny was too tired to 1. There were no trees near the road, 2he had a rest under a big rock(岩石). After he 3some water, Johnny took off his shirt. He lay down on the ground and fell 4at once.He was so tired 5he did not wake up until the evening. He was going to jump up. Suddenly he 6something moving near his feet. He looked down and saw a long black snake.Johnny was so 7that he did not dare to move. The 8began to crawl(爬) beside him. It crawled on and on until it disappeared under the rocks. Johnny jumped up 9and nervously, picked up his 10and ran off down the road.(1)A . take B . come C . make D . walk (2)A . so B . but C . and D . or (3)A . took B . made C . drank D . kept (4)A . sleeping B . asleep C . slept D . sleep (5)A . what B . that C . why D . which (6)A . knew B . understood C . studied D . felt (7)A . excited B . tired C . frightened D . happy (8)A . snake B . cat C . monkey D . mouse (9)A . quickly B . quick C . angry D . angrily (10)A . handbag B . hat C . shirt D . shoes 二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)2. (10分)阅读理解 For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming to an empty house. Some deal with the situation by watching TV. Some may hide. But all of them have something in common. They spend part of each day alone. They are called latchkey children. Theyre children who look after themselves while their parents are working. And their bad condition has become a subject of concern.Lynette Long was once the headmistress of an elementary school. She said, We had a school rule against wearing jewellery. A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys fastened. I was constantly telling them to put them inside their shirts. There were so many keys. It never came to my mind what they meant, Slowly, she learned they were house keys.She and her husband began talking to the children who had them. They learned of the impact(影响) working couples and single parents were having on their children. Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. One in each three latchkey children the Longs talked to reported being scared. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety.The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. It might be in a shower stall, under a bed, or in a closet. The second is TV. Theyll often play it at high volume. Its hard to get statistics(统计数据) on latchkey children, the Longs learned. Most parents are slow to admit they leave their children alone.(1)The main idea about latchkey children is that they _. A . are growing in numbersB . suffer problems from being left aloneC . watch too much TV during the dayD . are also found in middle class neighbourhoods(2)Which sentence in the second paragraph is the topic sentence? A . We had a school rule against wearing jewellery.B . A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys fastened.C . Slowly, she learned they were house keys.D . I was constantly telling them to put them inside their shirts.(3)he main feeling these children have when they are at home by themselves is _. A . tirednessB . freedomC . lonelinessD . fear(4)The Longs study was mainly on _. A . lonely children who have single parentsB . children whose parents are working or who have one parent onlyC . children who have the problem of fearD . parents who are working far from their homes(5)We may draw a conclusion(结论) that _. A . its difficult to find out how many latchkey children there areB . latchkey children try to hide their feelingsC . latchkey children often watch TV with their parentsD . latchkey children enjoy having such a large amount of time alone3. (8分)阅读理解 Reading is getting more popular among young Chinese. A new survey says that 85% of young people in China read at least 1 book last year. The number of young people who are reading has been rising in recent years, especially for teenagers, who read an average(平均) of 11.5 books. The data(数据) shows that teenagers spend much more time reading from school textbooks to some other reading materials, such as novels, e-books, magazines and so on. But younger children (ages 28) are mainly reading for fun. Compared with the past, the time teenagers spend on pleasure reading has dropped. When it comes to technology and reading, the survey suggests little. It does point out that many parents control the time of electronic reading, mainly because of worrying about increased screen time. However, most Chinese parents are helping their children to develop a reading habit. They are served as examples for their children. More than 70% of Chinese parents spend at least 20 minutes a day reading to their children aged 0 to 8 years old, and visit bookstores with them an average of three times a year. Data shows that kids and teens who do a lot of reading, compared to those who dont like reading, have more books in the home, and more books brought for them. Their parents read more often, and would like to spare time to read with them. When was the last time you read a book? If youre one of the countless people who dont develop a habit of reading, you might be missing out. Everything you read fill your head with new bits of information, and you never know then it might be useful. The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to deal with any challenge youll face. Remember that although you might lose something else, knowledge can never be taken away from you.Now open a book, and feed your soul.(1)Why do many parents control the time of their childrens electronic reading? A . E-books are expensive.B . It may harm childrens health.C . Its very hard to order.D . It could be a waste of time.(2)How should parents encourage their children to read more? A . Talk with their teachers to encourage them in developing reading habits.B . Buy more books for them in bookstores or borrow some from libraries.C . Ask them to read more books every day through setting up reading groups.D . Ask as role models for them, read for their children and read for themselves.(3)Whats the survey mainly about? A . Teenagers after-class activities.B . Parents-child relationships.C . Young peoples reading habits.D . Read more often for fun.(4)Which one of the following is most probably to be discussed next? A . Introduce some books for young people to read.B . Encourage parents to read more after work.C . List some different opinions about reading.D . Develop childrens writing habits gradually.4. (10分)阅读理解Reading is the key to school success and, like any other skill, it takes practice. A child learns to walk by practicing until he no longer has to think about how to put one foot in front of the other. An excellent sportsman practices until he can play quickly, correctly and without thinking. Educators call it “automaticity(自动性)”.A child learns to read by sounding the letters and finding the meaning of the words. With practice, he stumbles less and less, reading by the phrase(短语). With automaticity, he doesnt have to think about the meaning of words, so he can give all his attention to the meaning of the text.It can begin as early as the first grade. In a recent study of children in Illinois schools, Alan Rossman of Northwestern University found that automatic readers in the first grade not only read almost three times as fast as the others, but also got better results in exams.According to Rossman, the key to automaticity is the amount(数量) of time a child spends reading, not his IQ. Any child who spends at least 3.5 to 4 hours a week reading books, magazines or newspapers will probably reach automaticity. It can happen if a child turns off TV just one night for reading at home.You can test yourself by reading something new that is suitable (适合)for your level. If you read aloud with expression, with a sense of the meaning of the sentences, you probably are an automatic reader. If you read brokenly, one word at a time, without expression or meaning, you need more practice.(1)“Reading is the key to school success” means that reading . A . helps school develop fasterB . is a key to a successful schoolC . helps students go to a key schoolD . can improve students learning results(2)Children with “automaticity” can read faster because they . A . know how to read the wordsB . do not have to think while readingC . read by themselves without any helpD . pay attention to the meaning of the text(3)Rossman tells that any child who will possibly be an automatic reader. A . seldom turns off TVB . reads books by the word quicklyC . spends about an hour reading every dayD . gets the same grades as others in exams(4)The underlined word “stumbles” in the passage means “ ”in Chinese. A . 结结巴巴地读B . 全神贯注地读C . 心不在焉地读D . 声情并茂地读(5)The best title for the passage is“ ”. A . IQ Is the Key to the AutomaticityB . TV Is Bad for Childrens ReadingC . Automaticity Depends on PracticeD . Automatic Readers Will Be Successful5. (10分)阅读下面两篇短文,从各小段所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Lets meet the Johnsons family. Mr.Johnson is a manageer(经理)in a big company(公司). He works very hard. He is very busy. He makes much money.But he is always tired(劳累的). He says to his friend,“I want to be a reporter because I like talking to people.”His wife Mrs. Johonson is a good doctor .She works in children Hospital. She likes Chinese medicine(中医) very much.The Johnsons have a daughter called Salina.She is a teacher of French. She always tells her students many interesting stories.They are good friends. They like her.(1)There are _ people in the Johnsons.A . fourB . threeC . twoD . five(2)Mr.Johnson is a _.A . workerB . doctorC . reporterD . manager(3)Mr.Johnson _.A . can make much moneyB . is very tiredC . wants to be a reporterD . A,B and C(4)How does Mrs.Johnson like Chiese medicine?A . She likes it a lot.B . She likes it a little.C . She does nt like it at all.D . She doesnt like it.(5)What does Salina do?A . A doctorB . A studentC . A teacherD . A dentist三、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共6分)6. (5分)选词填空 soon, little, right, around, towards(1)My cousin has a _ dog. It is really cute. (2)She walked _ the telephone and answered it. (3)Dont hurry, children! The dinner will be ready _. (4)They all think that Mr. Wang is the _ man for the job. (5)Liu Jun is fit and healthy. He runs _ the playground every morning. 7. (1分)Jenny helps her mother in the _(厨房). 四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分)Its not easy for me to make this _(decide). 五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)选择合适的选项补全短文。Tips for Keeping Your Body HealthyIt is not common for the human body to sit for a long time in the old days. But now sitting for a long time every day is common. Sitting for a long time is dangerous for your health. You can hurt your arms and your neck._People who work in offices often have health problems. People who travel many hours on planes often say they feel bad at the end of a long trip. The following tips can help you if you dont want any problems.Sit correctly. Keep your back straight and your feet on the floor. It is very necessary to have a comfortable chair._.Take breaks often. Dont sit for more than thirty minutes_. Having a break can help you do more work in the day._Water cleans your body and keeps healthy. Its good for you and gives you energy. But please dont drink lots of coffee or tea.Move your body. Stretching (拉伸) is a simple and quick way of moving your body while you are sitting down. Stretch your arms, your hands and your shoulders._.A. You can also hurt your backB. Drink waterC. Stand up and have a breakD. Dont stretch a lot if it hurtsE. The chair can help you sit correctly六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)请根据以下提示写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍一下在美国人家里做客时应注意的事项。可适当发挥,使行文连贯。提示:1)买一件小礼物,比如一本漂亮的相册或一束花;2)准时到达主人家里,不要提前,也不要迟到;3)用餐时要表现出喜欢主人的厨艺;4)不要在主人家里呆得太久,和主人告别时要致谢。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共6分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、7-1、四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)8-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)9-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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