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人教版2020届九年级英语第二次诊断考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)1. (1分) As we know, animals are our friends. Please read the following descriptions and try to find out what kinds of animals they are.Hi! I am Molly. I am twelve years old. I 1from Africa. I like to play with my friends and eat grass.This is Ling Ling. She is five years old. She comes from China. She is very beautiful, but she is very2, please be quiet.Hello! This is Bill. Isnt he cute? He is from Australia. He 3during the day, but 4he gets up and eats leaves.Molly is a tiger. Is Ling Ling a 5? What about Bill? Koala? How clever you are!(1)A . came B . was C . comes D . am (2)A . smart B . shy C . interesting D . crazy (3)A . works B . washes C . cries D . sleeps (4)A . in the morning B . in the evening C . at noon D . in the day (5)A . tiger B . panda C . dolphin D . cow 2. (1分) (2019烟台) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项。 Its March 12th. Li Li and Lin Tao are digging on a hill nor far from their school. In China, people across the country plant trees1on this day.The idea of planting trees was first put forward in 1911 by Sun Zhongshan, the great2in Chinas history. He said more trees were needed as a3against flood(洪水)and drought. In 1915, April 5th was named as Tree Planting Day. Then, in 1979, the day4to March 12th, to 5the date on which Sun Zhongshan died.Everyone has heard of the Great Wall of China, says Li Li. But have you heard of the Green Wall of China? Thats the biggest tree planting 6of all. The Gobi Desert in the north of China was 7every year. So in 1978, a tree planting project was started to 8Gobi spreading. The government and local farmers have been planting millions of trees to build a great green wall along the edge of the desert.Tree planting has become a tradition in China now, says Lin Tao. Almost everyone does it on March 12th. Many people also plant a tree on a 9day. My parents planted a tree when started school. And my cousin planted 10on his wedding (婚礼) day. We do it for the environment and for ourselves.(1)A . silently B . wisely C . completely D . actively (2)A . artist B . engineer C . pioneer D . musician (3)A . protection B . position C . preparation D . direction (4)A . taken B . decided C . changed D . given (5)A . value B . remember C . express D . admire (6)A . research B . survey C . project D . success (7)A . growing B . appearing C . losing D . happening (8)A . keep B . have C . help D . stop (9)A . different B . special C . basic D . simple (10)A . one B . that C . it D . this 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)3. (10分) (2016七上辽阳月考) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Uncle Lee is coming to have dinner with us. Mom and I go shopping. We dont have any meat. We need to buy some. Its ten yuan a kilo before. But now two kilos are sixty yuan. I say, Mom, lets buy some fish. Mom answers, OK. Fish is Uncle Lees favorite food. We buy one kilo and a half. We also buy some vegetables and some chicken, but we dont buy any hamburgers. Uncle Lee doesnt like them at all. Mom also wants to buy some apples for me. You know, I like bananas, oranges and peaches, but I like apples best. But we cant find any. We go home at a quarter to five in the afternoon.(1) How much is meat now? A . Ten yuan a kilo.B . Fifteen yuan a kilo.C . Thirty yuan a kilo.D . Forty yuan a kilo.(2) What doesnt Mom buy? A . Vegetables.B . Chicken.C . Hamburgers.D . Fish.(3) Uncle Lees favorite food is . A . fishB . chickenC . meatD . vegetable(4) The authors favorite fruit is . A . applesB . bananasC . orangesD . peaches(5) What time do they go home? A . At 5:15.B . At 4:45.C . At 5:45.D . At 6:00.4. (10分) (2019遂宁) 阅读理解 John Brown, an office worker, lives in Washington. He inherited $1,000,000 after his parents died. He didnt feel happy at all. His college friends were looking for their first jobs, but he didnt have to. John decided to keep living a simple life like everyone else. He didnt tell any of his friends and gave$100,000 of his money to a charity that helped poor children. Today he is 36, and he still wears cheap clothes and drives a small car only, but he is much happier.So far, John has helped 15 children from poor countries all over the world, $200 a month for each. The child does not receive the money in cash(现金). The money is paid for the childs education, food, medical care and clothing. John receives a report each year on the childs progress. They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English.Once John went to meet a little girl he was helping in Africa. He said that the meeting was exciting. When I met her, I felt very happy. He said. I saw that the money was used for a very good plan. It brought me closer to the child in a way that only giving money cannot. I want to do everything I can. I will go on helping those children in need. he added.(1) John is living a life. A . poorB . simpleC . hardD . rich(2) What does the underlined word inherited mean in Chinese? A . 继承B . 捡拾C . 馈赠D . 赚取(3) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A . The child can receive the money in cash.B . John only helps the poor children in Africa.C . John has never seen the children he is helping.D . John has helped 15 children from different countries.(4) Why did John think the meeting with the little girl was very exciting? A . Because the girl came from Africa.B . Because the girl could speak English.C . Because he saw the money was well used.D . Because he thought he had given money to the girl.(5) Where can you probably read this passage? A . In a newspaper.B . In a science report.C . In a novel.D . In an ad.5. (10分) (2019舟山模拟) 阅读理解 For most people, the word fashion means clothes。 But people may ask the question, What clothes are in fashion?And they use the adjective fashionable in the same way:She was wearing a fashionable coat. His shirt was really a fashionable colour.But of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobsand in languages.Fashions change as time goes. If you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. An English house of 1750 was different from one of 1650. A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1860.Today fashions change very quickly. Some of this is natural. We hear about things much more quickly than in the past. Newspaper, radios, telephones and television send information from one country to another in a few hours. Newfashions mean that people will buy new things, so you see there is money in fashion.(1) From this passage we know that fashion means _. A . clothesB . many thingsC . most of the popular thingsD . everything(2) Which of the following things is fashionable today? A . Surfing on the Internet.B . Having a family dinner on New Years Day.C . Learning to sing songs on the radio.D . Doing morning exercises at school.(3) Today fashions change very quickly because _. A . people read newspaper every dayB . radios send information from one country to anotherC . new things that people like are often shown on TVD . people quickly learn what is happening in the world(4) There is money in fashion means _. A . clothes are expensiveB . money comes from fashionC . people like new thingsD . fashions make big money6. (10分) (2019九下龙海模拟) 阅读理解 As prices and building costs keep rising, the DIY in big cities of China becomes more popular.We needed furniture for our living room, says Li Ling, and we just didnt have enough money to buy it. So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs. Li Ling got married six months ago, and like many young people these days, they tried their best to make a home by themselves because the cost of living is very high. Li Ling and his wife took a two-week course for 1280 yuan at a training school. Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.Mr. Wang has three boys and his wife has died. He has a job in a shoe making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for 900 yuan. I was deeply upset about it. Now Ive finished a car repair course. I should be able to fix the car by myself.Li Ling and Mr. Wang are not unusual people. Most families in our country are doing everything they can to save money so they can light the high cost of living. If you want to become a do-it-yourselfer, you can go to DIY classes. And for those who dont have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourselves.(1) Why did Li Ling and his wife try to make a home by themselves? A . Because of the high cost of living.B . Because of a car repair bill.C . Because of their hobbies.D . Because of their much spare time.(2) What course did Mr. Wang take? A . A two-week course.B . A furniture repair course.C . A shoe making course.D . A car repair course.(3) According to the passage, which statement is TRUE? A . Li Ling got married six weeks ago.B . Mr. Wang and Li Ling are usual people.C . The DIY in small cities in China becomes more popular.D . Li Ling and his wife took a course for 1280 dollars at a training school.(4) How many examples are given to prove the DIY becomes more popular? A . None.B . One.C . Two.D . Three.(5) If you have no time to take a course, what can you do? A . Ask your neighbor for help.B . Look up information online.C . Listen to the course on the radio.D . Buy some books about DIY.三、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)7. (1分) 补全对话(选择)。A: Jack, I hear that you are back from Beijing. _B: Oh, its fantastic. Its one of the most interesting places I have ever seen.A: _B: I went to many places, but Im interested in the Great Wall most.A: Could you tell me something about it?B: Well, it is one of the greatest wonders of the world.A: _Tell me some more about it.B: _Its about 7,000 kilometres long and it looks very wonderful.A: _B: Its more than 2,000 years old.A. How old is it? B. Sounds interesting!C. How do you like it? D. It looks like a dragon(龙).E. Where did you go?四、 单词拼写,根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。 (共10题;共10分)8. (1分) Ive got a_(模型)plane. It looks like a real one. 9. (1分) (2019岳池模拟) I will be happy if you _ (接受) my offer. 10. (1分) The boys parents want him to stop_(采摘) flowers in the park. 11. (1分) Daming is a good student and often gets full _(分数) at school. 12. (1分) (2019扬州模拟) The bag on the chair is one of those _ (英雄) 13. (1分) (2019七下锡山期中) Youre much _(幸运的) to get the ticket for free than others. 14. (1分) In my opinion, children should always come _(首先). 15. (1分) Mr. Wu is a _(严肃的) teacher. He often tells us to work hard. 16. (1分) (2019九上杭州开学考) We can learn English words by m_ word cards. 17. (1分) (2019七下萧山竞赛) On the Dragon Boat F_, my mother always makes Zongzi for us. 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分) 用方框内所给的词填空。 when before while until since(1) Mum was making cookies in the kitchen _ the telephone rang. (2) I was watching TV _ my wife was cooking. (3) He had worked in a factory for two years _ he went to college. (4) Four years has passed _ he married. (5) He didnt get to the airport _ it was dark. 六、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分) 找出错误并改正What a pity it is that he is unable move his ages or legs!A B C D七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)20. (25分) 任务型阅读 (1) “低碳生活,从我傲起!”阅读下列材料,找出以下几种“低碳”行为产生的直接效应。 A. Saving electric energyB. Protecting forestsC. Saving water D. Producing less air pollutionHenry often recycles water to clean his room and the flowers. _Daphne always turns off the lights and the computer as soon as she leaves her office. _Mr. White sometimes goes to work by bus or on foot instead of driving his car. _Li Lei usually use QQ or email to communicate with his friends instead of paper letters. _(2) Miss Zhang pays more attention to the environment, so she . A . often eats meatsB . never wears fur clothesC . drops litter everywhereD . keeps water running while washing her hair八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分) 请你根据下列提示,写一篇80词左右的英语小短文,向大家介绍一下这位极其优秀的民间艺术家(artist)姜全娣。 要求:必须包括提示的所有信息,可适当发挥。提示:1)出生年月:1948年10月;2)出生地点:江苏无锡;3)主要经历:1968年,学习剪纸技艺;作品放哨(Sentry)获得2012年全国大赛一等奖;退休后,成了社区里的“义务职工”;4)自我评价及希望:想做一个简单、乐于助人的人,并且希望将来能在电视上教授剪纸技艺。Jiang Quandi is an excellent Chinese paper cutting artist.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)1、答案:略2、答案:略二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略三、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)7、答案:略四、 单词拼写,根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。 (共10题;共10分)8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略五、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)18、答案:略六、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)19、答案:略七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)20、答案:略八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21、答案:略

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