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四年级英语Unit2 单元测试姓名 班级一、 选出不同类的一项(10分)( ) 1. A. you B. he C. see( ) 2.A. rabbit B. panda C. pen( ) 3. A. ruler B. key C. pencil( ) 4.A. desk B. chair C. candy( ) 5.A. rice B. noodle C. five( ) 6. A. book B. schoolbag C. panda( ) 7.A. black B. colour C. white( ) 8. A. nice B. red C. yellow( ) 9.A. really B. I C. you( )10. A. what B. fat C. how二、 读一读,选一选(10分)( ) 1. -_is your schoolbag?-Its black and white.A. What B. Where C. What colour( ) 2. -_pencils do you have?A. How B. Who C. How many( ) 3.-Whats in the schoolbag?-_A. Thank you B. Six pencils and four books C. All right( ) 4.-_I have a look?-Sure. Here you are.A. Does B. May C. Am( ) 5. -_everything in your schoolbag?-Yes, mum.A. Are B. Is C. Am( ) 6. I have _toys.A. a B. an C. two( ) 7. _is in it?A. What B. Where C. what( ) 8. -_is it? -Its white.A. What colour B. Whats colour C. what colour( ) 9. Put the eraser near_book.A. you B. your C. yours( ) 10. There are five_.A. pencil box B. pencil boxes C. pencils boxes三、 判断下列单词中i的发音是(T)否(F)相同( )1. big ice ( )2. fine kite ( )3. like five ( )4. six nine( )5.five six ( )6. big pig( )7. like kite ( )8. fine nine四、 根据汉语意思完成句子(10分)1.-书包里有什么?-一本数学书、一本英语书和两本故事书。-Whats in the_?-A _book, an_book and _ _.2.-把你的糖果放在你的语文书上。-好的。 -Put your _ _your_book.- All right.3.-我的故事书在哪里?-它在你的钥匙旁边。-where is my_?-its near your _.五、 选择正确的汉语意思。( )1. May I see it? A.把你的书收好。( )2. My schoolbag is heavy. B.我非常喜欢它( )3. I like it very much. C.晚安( )4. Good night. D. 我可以看看它吗?( )5. Put away your books. E.我的书包很重。六、 连词成句1. hand, whats, your, in ( ? )_2. schoolbag, new, have, a, I ( . )_3. is, colour, what, it ( ? )_4. have, I , Chinese, books, three ( . )_5. in, it, whats ( ? )_七、 选择合适的选项补全对话。A. Thank you so much!B. An eraser, a ruler, a pen and two pencil.C.Its red and white.D. I lost my pencil box.Sarah:Excuse me. _Miss White: What colour is it?Sarah: _Miss White: OK. Whats in your pencil box?Sarah: _Miss White: Here it is!Sarah:_八、 用a 、an填空1I have _bag.2. Here is _apple for you.3. He has_English book.4. This is _pen.5. She has_cute panda.九情景交际( )1.当你想知道玲玲的手里有什么东西时,应这样问:_A. Whats in your school? B. Whats in your hand?( )2.你想说你的书包是黄绿相间的,应该这样表达_ A. My schoolbag is yellow and green.B. My schoolbag is black and white.( )3.“把你的铅笔盒放在书包里。”应该这么表达:_A. Put your pencil box in your schoolbag.B. Put your pencil box in your desk.( )4. 老师帮你找到了丢失的物品还给你时,你说:_A. Really B. Thank you very much.( )5.妈妈让你收拾你的书,她说:_A. Put away your books. B. Put on your books.十给下列句子排序( ) Whats in it?( ) Wow! Good!( ) I have a new schoolbag.( ) Look! 5storybooks, 8pencils, 2rulers and 1 pencil box.( ) Really? What colour is it?( ) Its pink.十一、 选择适当的单词,补全句子。(10分)1 .What_ (is/are) in your classroom?2. Its_ (a/an) orange eraser.3. A maths book and twenty _(notebook/notebooks).4. I lost_ (me/my) keys.5. You _(have/has) seven books in your desk十二、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) Tom is an English boy. Hes ten. His sisters name is Mary. Shes five. She is not a student. Tom has a new schoolbag, but its not heavy. There are some books in it. There is a Chinese book, an English book and a maths book in it. There is a black and red pen in his pencil box. He likes the pen very much.( ) 1. Toms sister is a student.( ) 2. Tom has a new schoolbag.( ) 3.The schoolbag is heavy.( ) 4. There are three books in the schoolbag.( ) 5. Tom doesnt like the pen.


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