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Unit 5Active Reading (1)1. 1 It looks like a high-quality, expensive restaurant. 2 People who can afford it, probably rich or maybe famous people, or those who work in business. 3 They would probably talk about business or social events. 4 Perhaps an unexpected mistake with the service or food. 2 1 The story is set in Joannes, a famous restaurant in New York, on Christmas Eve. 2 Josh is a smart, hard-working lawyer in his early thirties. He is African-American. 3 He has an appointment at Joannes. 4 Jo Rogers is a senior Senator in Washington and a well-known person in America. 5 He greets Josh very unpleasantly. He has a disdainful, superior attitude towards Josh and behaves rudely. 6 At the back of the restaurant, close to the bathroom, near a half-opened window through which an icy breeze is blowing. 7 Everybody becomes silent and turns to look at her and greets her with silent applause. 8 He suggests that they sit at a better table in the middle of the restaurant, from where she can see everybody, or everybody can see her. 9 No-she says the waiter brought her friend to that table, so they will stay there. 3 3 Comment: This is the best summary because it captures the main point about the treatment of Josh. The passage does not actually state that he was treated badly because of the color of his skin, but it is implied and it is apparent from the context that this is the point of the story. 4 1progressive 2 intense 3donations 4 recruits 5competent6intimidated 7sophisticated 8democratic5 1. stepped out2. were heaving with 3. in charge of 4. track down 5. think on his feet6. knew inside out 7. in the running for8. refrained from 6 1agreeable (Shes an agreeable young woman, who is always very good company.) 2 laughable 3 corruption 4 curl 5 doubtful 6 shrugged 7 impatient 8 applause7 1a 2b 3a 4a 5b 6a 7a 8a Active Reading (2)3 1c 2b 3d 4c 5a 6d4 1 They want to work with an individual that they know and trust. 2 A company is a “they” group unless it is a small company. 3 Families in collectivist societies are usually “extended”, ie they consist of a larger number of people living closely together. 4 By being a focus of loyalty and though the help that members give to each other. 5 In individualist societies. 6 They are supposed to be able to sand on their own feet. 51 dependent 2 investment 3 competitors 4 loyalty 5management 6enale61core 2 membership (Some British people think membership of the European Union is vital to the UKs national interests.)3 threatened (They threatened to cancel the contract if they werent paid by next Thursday.)4 dwell on 5 prevail over 6 lifelong 7 psychological 7 1b 2a 3a 4a 5a 6b 7a 8a 8 1b 2c 3c 4b 5b Language in use1 1She was in favor of the possibility of having an abortion. 2 She was against the death penalty. 3 These words are formed using the prefixes pro- and anti-4 They indicate a persons political and social ideas. 2 not just to but to 1. I needed to see him not just to tell him about the new contract, but to check whether he was still interested in working with us. 2. People went to Joannes not just to see who their fellow diners were, but to be seen themselves. 3. Matthew decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro not just to face this personal challenge, but to raise money for a childrens charity. 4. I agreed to go to Egypt not just to see an old friend, but to take a much-needed break from the northern winter. 5. Florence left home not just to find a job in this area, but to escape from family life, which she was beginning to find oppressive. 3 1 to which 2 of which 3 with whom 4by which 5 in which 6to whom 51 (a) I feel like screaming or crying with pain. (b)Difficult or hard work on which I need to focus all my attention. (c)Very hot and dry weather. 2 (a) Yes, I can do it. (b) Its good enough but not especially good. (c) No, they cant do it. 3 (a) I throw it away because it is not the part to eat, but it has the most important part for the apple tree - the pips or apple seeds. (b) A limited number of basic and frequent words. (c) They are very devoted and loyal. Translation6 美国梦是美国民族精神的体现。简而言之,其观念就是美国是一个充满机会的地方;在那里,只要肯努力奋斗,就能获得富裕、成功。这种对改善社会地位和经济状况的信仰,即美国人可以从卑微的穷人变为富人的信仰,一直被称为“国民宗教”。在经济状况和社会地位上获得巨大提升的著名案例包括本杰明富兰克林和亨利福特。其他从父辈到子辈就实现从美国下层社会跻身上流社会的最为人津津乐道的例子是亚伯拉罕林肯和比尔克林顿。他们虽然出身于工人阶级家庭,却在成年之后当上了高官。民意测验表明,现在美国人的这个信念比以往任何时候都强,比其他任何发达国家的都强。但是,近年来,几项大型的研究发现,与同类国家相比,美国的垂直代际社会流动性降低。2013 年,布鲁金斯学会的一项研究发现,收入的不平等正变得更加固定,从而大大降低了社会流动性。2014 年发布的一项大型学术研究的结果发现在过去的20 年里,收入的流动性没有发生显著的变化。 7 Women are an important part of the labour force. But gender discrimination in the job market still exists, and serves as a counterforce to the building of a harmonious society. As far as employees are concerned, jobs that do not suit their talents will not only give rise to a waste of the investment in human capital, but also cause them to lose faith in social justice. As for employers, gender discrimination will not only disrupt the process of selecting talent, and thus waste talent, but will also harm the perception of a properly functioning market. On the level of society, gender discrimination will set an obstacle to the proper distribution of human resources, and damage a fair environment in the job market. Reading across cultures1 1 It is an island in Italy, located closer to the shores of North Africa than other islands. 2 Because they want to seek a better life in Europe. 3 Up to $2000.4 They are arrested and sent to a detention centre. 5 To do the jobs that Europeans do not want to do and also to help the economy. 6 Five million or about eight per cent of the population. 7 It is close to 12 per cent. 8 The sudden increase in numbers of immigrants has caused political difficulties in some European countries. 21 People immigrate to China because theyve found better work opportunities, or marry Chinese people. 2 Immigration to China was not so popular before. However, with the economic and political rise of China, an increasing number of people have been immigrating to China over recent years. 3 In more developed areas of China, especially big cities or places along the east coast. 4 Some work as specialists, and others teach language or do international business etc.5 Language probably poses the biggest problem and they may also encounter difficulties adapting to some habits and customs. 6 I think so; it has at least become “a fact of life”.7Yes, China has long been a multicultural, multi-ethnic community. Guided Writing1 1was approached; was introduced2 was nominated; was asked3 34 6-4-8-1-3-5-2-9-7 5 Large sums of money are paid for the journey across the Mediterranean, which is usually made at night under the cover of darkness. The journey is undertaken by boat. The boats are equipped with powerful engines. However, these fast boats are often intercepted by coast guards, who stop the boats, arrest the captain and crew, and accompany the boats to the nearest port. The immigrants are taken to a detention center, where they are given something to eat and drink and where those in need of medical attention are treated.


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