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沪教版第三十八中学2020届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)How was _dinner at Mikes house?It was great. Mikes mum is _ wonderful cook.A . a; theB . the; aC . the; theD . a; an2. (2分) What a beautiful card! Where did you buy it? I made it by _.A . meB . myselfC . itself3. (2分)Have you seen Mr. Smith?Yes. Look, he _with a parent in the office.A . talksB . talkedC . is talkingD . has talked4. (2分) I hope you can stick with your dream no matter what happens. Thank you. I will never give it up.A . continue withB . keep in touch withC . agree with5. (2分)The two kids practice spoken English _ joining the English club. A . byB . inC . onD . with6. (2分) Its today, isnt it? Yes, it is. Lets enjoy the moon while eating the mooncakes tonight. A . the Later FestivalB . the Mid-Autumn DayC . the Dragon Boat FestivalD . the Chinese Spring Festival7. (2分)The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours _ he realized it. A . beforeB . afterC . untilD . since8. (2分)Mr. Black wants to _the car, and buy a new one. A . buyB . sellC . want9. (2分)The students were reading aloud _ the bell rang and class was over.A . whenB . whileC . asD . whenever10. (2分) Oh, dear! I forgot my best friends birthday. _ Youd better keep it in mind next year.A . No problem.B . You did?C . Its OK.D . Why not?11. (2分)Snowy days children happy, because they can play in the snow together. A . offerB . letC . makeD . send12. (2分)Why not ask Bob to join us in the trip to the zoo tomorrow? Everyone in our group loves animals, but he always seems .A . anxiousB . personalC . cruelD . careless13. (2分)you become a professional soccer player, you will have a happy life.A . IfB . UnlessC . Until14. (2分)We are in 7. This is our first year in a middle school. A . GradeB . NumberC . RoomD . Bus15. (2分)- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Summer Palace?- _.You can ask the policeman over there.A . Have a good timeB . No, thanksC . Sorry, Im new hereD . Yes, of course二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共25分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student ,You speak very good English. But the girl answered, No, no. My English is very poor. The foreigner was quite1at the answer. Thinking he had not made2understood or the girl had not3him clearly, he said, Yes, indeed, you speak very well. 4the girl still kept saying,No. In the end, the American boy could not understand and didnt know 5to say.Whats wrong with the girls answer? She didnt6a compliment (恭维)in the same way as the American people do. She should answer, Thank you instead of No. She7understood what the American boy had said, but she thought she should be modest(谦虚的).In the8,people will feel proud and 9when they are praised(表扬).So if someone says the 10you have cooked are very delicious, you shou ld say , Thank you. In our country we think being modest is a virtue(美德)and being proud is a bad thing.But in my opinion, being confident does not 11being proud, so sometimes you should be confident 12being modest.13you are modest and say, No , Im afraid I cant do it well ,while working in a western country, the others may think that you really cannot do it. If you often s ay No, you will certainly be looked down upon by 14. When asking for a job, if one says something like Yes, I can certainly do it instead of Let me have a try ,he or she will 15to get it.So in the west, you should be brave to show your self-confidence.(1)A . excited B . surprised C . relaxed D . frightened (2)A . itself B . herself C . himself D . themselves (3)A . heard B . watched C . listened to D . looked at (4)A . Though B . Although C . Or D . But (5)A . when B . which C . what D . how (6)A . receive B . accept C . refuse D . disagree (7)A . hardly B . really C . nearly D . badly (8)A . east B . south C . west D . north (9)A . dutiful B . modest C . shy D . confident (10)A . dishes B . cups C . glasses D . bowls (11)A . think B . say C . ask D . mean (12)A . as soon as B . as well as C . instead of D . in the hope of (13)A . Unless B . Until C . Whether D . If (14)A . others B . the other C . the others D . another (15)A . fail B . expect C . succeed D . believe 17. (10分)完形填空Last winter ,my wife and I traveled to visit my parents in the countryside. We had taken lots of luggage(行李)but we manage to get on the train and got everything settled. Four young men 1in front of us in a face-to-face seat.They were about twenty years old and they were strong and2, and I disliked them immediately. They were laughing loudly, obviously 3themselves and they 4a foreign language.As the train went quickly 5the countryside, I kept an eye on them as they talking loudly.Sometimes they took a look in our direction. Later on two of them 6at a small train station,the rest of them 7to laugh and joke in their own language.When we finally arrived at our8, only one of them was left on the train. He was 9to leave, too. And as I walked towards him with my heavy luggage, he reached out and asked in English, “Want a hand with that, mate?He 10the heavier bag up the station steps for us. We were pleasantly surprised and very grateful.(1)A . sat B . stood C . lay D . lived (2)A . polite B . quiet C . lazy D . noisy (3)A . helping B . enjoying C . teaching D . devoting (4)A . told B . spoke C . said D . talked (5)A . above B . onto C . over D . through (6)A . got off B . got up C . took off D . got on (7)A . wanted B . started C . stopped D . continued (8)A . house B . hotel C . station D . home (9)A . bored B . worried C . excited D . frightened (10)A . carried B . left C . brought D . bought 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)18. (10分) Jessie felt her life so boring one summer day. She was so tired of watching TV, she read all her books, and her friends were on vacation. She wanted something different to do. Suddenly, she saw the lawn mower(割草机) sitting in the yard.“ Mom,” she shouted, “ I think I will mow the lawn.” Her mom ran into the yard and said, “ Oh no, you dont. Youre too young to mow the lawn.”Im fourteen years old and know how to do it,” Jessie said, “ Besides, it would help Dad out, and he wont have to worry about it over the weekend.”Mom thought for a while and then decided to let Jessie give it a try. After all, she was home and would keep an eye on her. Jessie already knew how to start the lawn mower from watching her dad. Jessie checked the gas(汽油) to make sure it was full, and put on her gardening gloves to protect her hands. Mom watched from the kitchen window. Jessie really does know how to mow the lawn. She was very careful around the flowers and trees. When she finished, she felt so good,but she was so hot. Mom brought her some ice tea and said, “You sure did a great job. Dad will be very surprised.”Later that day, Dad came home and said to Jessies mom, “You didnt have to mow the lawn. I was going to do it on Saturday. It looks great. Thanks.”I didnt mow it. Jessie did.”“Wow,our little girl is growing up!” Dad told Jessie what a great job she had done.“It was fun, and I will do it again next week,” said Jessie.The neighbor next door came by and asked Jessie if she wanted to mow his lawn and make some money. “Sure!” said Jessie. Jessie began mowing his lawn. Two other neighbors asked so, then another three. Jessie was now mowing lawns for them all and making some money. She was no longer bored! “I wont have time to spend my money,” she laughed to herself.(1)In order to do something different, Jessie decided to _.A . read the booksB . travelC . mow the lawnD . watch TV(2)What does “keep an eye on” mean?A . 保护B . 注视C . 培养D . 瞄准(3)Bofore Jessie mowed the lawn, she _.A . washed her handsB . bought some gasC . read some instructionsD . put on her gloves(4)How did Jessies father feel when he knew Jessie had mowed the lawn?A . ProudB . AngryC . RelaxedD . Worried(5)What does the text mainly tell us?A . Neighbors should learn to help each otherB . Mowing the lawn is a good way to make money.C . Doing something helpful can make people happyD . Children should help their parents at an early age.19. (10分) Mr Smith is a teacher. He is near-sighted(近视的). But he doesnt wear glasses. One day, he is walking in a street. He is thinking something. Suddenly a strong wind blows his cap off his head. My Smith runs after it. He wants to catch it but he cant. At this time, an old woman from a door of the house says to him.“ Hi! What are you doing, sir?”“Running after my cap.”“Your cap? Ahathats my black cat. ”She says.“Your cat? Sorry, but where is my cap?” (1)Whats the meaning in Chinese for “a strong wind”?A . 一阵狂风B . 一场大雨C . 一声雷响D . 一声尖叫(2)Why does Mr Smith run after the cat?A . He likes his capB . He wants to get his cap backC . He sees the cat and cant catch itD . He doesnt find his cat(3)What colour is Mr Smiths cap?A . WhiteB . YellowC . BlackD . Blue(4)Who has the cat?A . The old womanB . Mr SmithC . We dont knowD . Nobody(5)Whichs not true?A . He runs after the old womans cat.B . He thinks that black cat is his black cap.C . He is wearing a pair of glassesD . He is a teacher.20. (8分) It was Mothers Day, but the young mother was a little unhappy, because she was 800 miles away from her parents. In the morning she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mothers Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs(丁香花)in the garden.Later that day, when she told her husband about the lilacs, he said, “I know where we can find all that you want. Get the children and come on.” So they went, driving down the country roads. There on a small hill, they saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs. The young woman ran quickly to enjoy the flowers. Carefully, she picked a few here and there. On their way home there was a smile on her face.When they were passing an old peoples home, the young woman saw an old granny sitting in a chair. They stopped the ear and the young woman walked to the old woman, put the flowers in her hands, and smiled at her. The old granny thanked her again and again. She smiled happily, too.When the young mother came back to her car, her children asked her, “Who is the old granny? Why did you give our flowers to her? I dont know her,” their mother said. “But its Mothers Day, and she has no children. I have all of you, and I still have my mother. Just think how much those flowers meant to her.”(1)The young woman was a little unhappy on Mothers Day because_.A . she didnt have a presentB . she was far away from her motherC . she didnt know it was Mothers DayD . she wanted to see her father(2)There were many beautiful purple lilacs _.A . in her gardenB . in the marketC . on a hillD . in the nursing home(3)The young woman gave the flowers to the old granny because _.A . the old granny was her motherB . she didnt like those flowersC . her mother asked her to do soD . she wanted the old granny to be happy too(4)The following words can be used to describe the young woman except _.A . kindB . understandingC . friendlyD . surprised21. (8分)阅读理解 Anna was excited about starting her first day in the new school. However, when she first walked past the students in the school, her excitement turned to fear, and then to loneliness(孤独) over the next few days. Why didnt anyone say hi to me or invite me to his or her lunch table? Is it because of my clothes or my hair? she wondered. Almost every day during the first week, Anna stayed alone, thinking that there must have been something wrong with her or that nobody saw her at all!What caused Annas problem? The reason was that nobody knew her. Most people dont like talking with strangers. So its your job to volunteer to make contact with people who you want to know. The easiest way to catch their attention is to notice them first. Make eye contact with them, and smile at them. When you smile at them, you are doing your best to show your kindness to them, and they are sure to understand that you are saying, Hey, hows everything going? In this way, you are taking the first step towards the road to friendship.When Anna realized this, she started talking to her classmates. Guess what happened? It really worked. She had made two friends by the end of the month.In fact, saying hi or making friends with strangers is not hard. And the joy it brings you is really great. So try to open your heart to strangers!(1)Which of the following shows the change in Annas feelings? A . excitedafraidlonelyhappyB . happylonelysadproudC . afraidrelaxednervoushappyD . nervousangryhappysad(2)The underlined word contact in Paragraph 2 means . A . agreeB . greetC . praiseD . communicate(3)According to the writers opinion, which is the easiest way to catch others attention? A . Doing something for them.B . Making yourself cool.C . Noticing them first.D . Talking to them.(4)What can we learn from the passage? A . Loneliness is a common problem these days.B . Teenagers cant get along well with each other.C . Opening our heart to strangers can help us get friends.D . Its hard to take the first step towards the road to friendship.四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)补全对话。A:Hi,Daming!_B:Im listening to the news about the Shenzhou-11 spaceshipA:Oh?_B:No,it hasnt .A:_B:About a week .A:How long will the two astronauts stay in space?B:_A:OhI seeWhat are the two astronauts doing now?B:Theyre eating breakfastA:_Is their food the same as ours?B:No, it isntIts specialAHas the Shenzhou-11 spaceship come back?BVery interestingCTheyll stay there for 33 daysDWhat are you doing now?EHow long have the two astronauts stayed in space?五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)任务型阅读The Monkey KingThe Monkey King was born from a stone. He wanted to live forever. He was really intelligent and knew what to do. 他能够把他自己变成72种不同的东西, like a tree, a bird or an insect(昆虫). While he was changing himself, people just watched and couldnt believe it. He used the clouds in the sky around! One time he flew 108,000 miles on a cloud.The trouble was, the monkey thought he was the king. But he wasnt. The Emperor was. So, the real king decided to give the monkey a title(官职)to keep him quiet. But the monkey found out that everyone was laughing at him. He was extremely unhappy and decided to fight. At last, the Emperor asked Buddha(佛) for help.The Buddha moved a great mountain to fall on top of him. As the mountain was falling on him, he nearly managed(设法) to get out of the way. He didnt, but he didnt die, either. The trouble was he couldnt move. Five hundred years later ,a monk(和尚) helped the monkey get out from under the mountain. Thats when the real story began. You must remember it, dont you? Its a treat story.(1)按要求回答问题。What did the monkey want to do?_(2)按要求回答问题。How long did the monkey stay under the mountain?_(3)把句中汉语翻译成英语_(4)用travel的适当形式填空_(5)把划线英语翻译成汉语_六、 单词拼写。 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分)单词翻译。 _adj. 担心的 _v. 主动提出 _adv.第二 _v. 解释 _v. 归还 _n. 成员 _n. 压力 _v. 竞争 _n. 意见 _n. 技艺 七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)假如你是李平, 你远在加拿大的网友Jack与家人计划五一期间来桂林旅游,你准备担任他们的导游。请根据以下表格给Jack写一封email, 先简要介绍一下桂林,然后谈谈你为他们制定的计划。简要介绍名胜风景Luo Shan Lake (罗山湖)Two Rivers and Four Lakes(两江四湖)Elephant Trunk Hill(象鼻山), The Seven Star Crag (七星岩)活动计划May 1st去罗山湖May 2nd游两江四湖May 3rd去象鼻山和七星岩May 4thdo some shopping要求: 1. 语言通顺、书写工整,不要逐字翻译,可适当增加词数。2. 介绍部分要用 there be 或者 we have; 活动计划部分要用be going to或者will3. 词数: 70词左右(开头、结尾已给出,不计入词数)。Dear Jack,Welcome to China and Id like to be your guide. First, let me tell you beautiful places to visit in Guilin. We have many beautiful places to visit. Im looking forward to seeing you soon!Yours,Li Ping第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共25分)16-1、17-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)22-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、六、 单词拼写。 (共1题;共10分)24-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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