人教新目标版七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is yourbirthday单元测试3A卷

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人教新目标版七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is yourbirthday单元测试3A卷_第1页
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(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is yourbirthday单元测试3A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 图词配对,下面每幅图片代表一个月,请把它们分辨出来。 (共2题;共11分)1. (1分)_has only twenty-eight or twenty-nine days. 2. (10分)完成句子我们的世界每天都在改变。Our world changes_ _.你知道新来的老师姓什么吗?Do you know the new teachers _ _?并非所有人都喜欢早上做运动。Not everyone likes to _ in the morning.火警请拨119。_ the police _ 119 in case of fire.有时候Sally会带午饭到学校。Sometimes Sally _ lunch _ school.二、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共2分)3. (1分)The Beijing Opera has a more than 200 years history. It is an a_Chinese art. 4. (1分)How many _(kilo)of rice do you need,sir? 三、 单项选择,发挥你的聪明,试试选出你最满意的答案。 (共15题;共30分)5. (2分) _ is the book sale? Its next week.A . WhatB . WhoC . WhereD . When6. (2分)My birthday is _Saturday. A . atB . onC . ofD . in7. (2分) _? December thirteenth.A . When is her birthdayB . Where is the chairC . How is sheD . What color is the pen8. (2分)Mike lives on the _floor. I live two floors _ him. A . nineth; underB . ninth; underC . nineth; belowD . ninth; below9. (2分)What class are you in?Im _.A . in class 3, grade 7B . in Class 3, Grade 7C . in Grade 7, Class 310. (2分)Please call Mr. White _ 584-896.A . inB . atC . onD . with11. (2分)Please don t make so much noise here A . Yes, pleaseB . Of courseC . Sorry,I won tD . you are right12. (2分)I often do homework after dinner, but my brother _. A . doesntB . doesC . dontD . do13. (2分)He got up to get some hot water but found there was _ left in the bottle. A . fewB . littleC . a little14. (2分)According to a _ from the UN, more than half of the worlds major rivers are polluted.A . quizB . reportC . suggestion15. (2分)Is this your husband? . His name is Martin.A . Yes, it isB . No, it isntC . Yes, this isD . No, this isnt16. (2分)My _ name is Martin.A . brothersB . brothersC . brothers17. (2分) Why dont you _ us to Huaian? Thats a good idea.A . joinB . join inC . joiningD . joining in18. (2分) _ have you been in Jinan? Since 2008.A . How longB . How oftenC . How soonD . How far19. (2分)They promise their resolutions.A . to followB . followingC . followD . will follow四、 从右栏中找出与左栏相对应的答语 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余A. Was it excitingB. How was your vacationC. How was the movieD. Frank helped me study itE. Where did you go on vacationF. What did you do last nightG. Did you go to the movies last nightA:_?B: It was great. I enjoyed it.A: _?B: My family went to the Great Wall. We visited my uncle in Beijing.A:_?B: No, I stayed at home and studied for the math exam,_. Did you go?A: Yes, I did. I saw the Rush Hour last night.B: _?A: It was really exciting.五、 完形填空,用你的智慧将下面文章补充完整,千万要细心哦。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox that was looking for something to eat. He was very 1. No matter how hard he tried, the fox could not find any food. 2he went to the side of the forest and looked for food there. He found a big tree 3a hole in it.Inside the hole was a package. The hungry fox thought that there 4be food in it, and he became very happy. He jumped into the hole and when he 5the package, he saw there 6lot of food in it!The fox happily began to eat. After the fox had finished 7, he felt thirsty and decided to leave the hole 8drink some water. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not get out of the hole. Do you know 9? Yes, the fox had eaten so much food that he became 10big to go through the hole.(1)A . happy B . excited C . hungry D . glad (2)A . Finally B . Before C . While D . After (3)A . from B . over C . with D . of (4)A . shall B . will C . can D . might (5)A . open B . opened C . opens D . opening (6)A . is B . are C . was D . were (7)A . eat B . ate C . to eat D . eating (8)A . and B . but C . then D . or (9)A . what B . why C . who D . how (10)A . very B . too C . so D . also 六、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共20分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 One day, in a heavily crowded place, a young man began shouting, People, look at me. I have the most beautiful heart in the world. All the people praised(称赞) him when they saw his beautiful heart in a perfect shape. However, there came an old man, No, I dont think so. Young man, I have got the most beautiful heart in the world!The young man asked him, Show me your heart, then! The old man showed his heart to him. The heart had scars(伤痕) all over. The young man started laughing, and said, My dear old man, are you mad? How can you say your heart is beautiful?Dear boy. Did you see the scars? Each scar represents(代表) the love I shared with a person. I share a piece of my heart with others when I share love, and in return I get a piece of heart. Since the pieces of heart I shared were neither equal(相等的) nor in the same shape or size, my heart is not in shape. The young man stood quietly and did not speak a word. Tears rolled down his face.(1)What did the young man show to the people? A . His hand.B . His head.C . His heart.D . A toy.(2)What did the people think of what the young man showed? A . It was perfect.B . It was the same as others.C . It was a bit small.D . It was too old.(3)The young man laughed because _. A . the old man was not smartB . he saw a heart full of scarsC . the old man told a storyD . the old man fell over(4)From the sixth paragraph we can infer(推断) that _. A . the young man knew the old man wellB . the old man wanted to get some moneyC . the young man was smartD . the old man often helped others(5)The best title for this passage may be _. A . A Young Man with a Gold HeartB . The Most Beautiful HeartC . A Young Man and an Old ManD . A Successful Young Man23. (10分)Dear Peter,My name is FrankI am from(来自)AmericaHere is a picture of my class(班)We are in Class One, Grade SevenYou can see my friends in the pictureJimmy likes to play basketballHe likes to eat apples and French friesHelen likes mathHer favorite food is hamburgersSandra doesnt like mathBut she can speak French(法语)She likes ping-pongSally is a black(黑人的) girlShe likes to swim(游泳)She likes to eat ice creamI like math tooCan you find(寻找) me? I like to eat bananasMaria likes computer very muchShe plays computer games very wellNick is funHe can play footballHe likes strawberries bestCan you send(发送)me a picture of your class?Yours,Frank(1)Frank hasfriendsA . sevenB . sixC . five(2)like sportsA . Jimmy, Sandra and SallyB . Maria, Nick and JimmyC . Sally, Nick, Jimmy and Sandra(3)and like mathA . Helen; FrankB . Sandra; PeterC . Helen; Sandra(4) andlike fruitA . Nick, Maria; JimmyB . Nick, Frank; PeterC . Jimmy, Nick; Frank(5)is the e-friend of FrankA . SallyB . SandraC . Peter七、 作文。 (共2题;共10分)24. (5分)五位同学遇到了学习或生活上的问题,请你为他们选出相对应的建议。ProblemSuggestions(建议)_Lily thinks that all the problems that may happen to her tomorrow, next week, next yearARevise for your test; make sure you will work harder._I feel lonely and it seems people around dont want me.BSit down, and write down the money you spend on different things, over a week. It will surprise you._Im afraid that I will not pass the exam.CSometimes, the fear(恐惧) of something is worse than the thing itself! Perhaps tomorrow, the problem may seem less!_Dick has the money problem. He cant buy what he wants.DMake a “To Do List”: “A” must be done today. “B” can be left until tomorrow. “C” can be left for some days. “D” is it really necessary?_Lisa worries about her work a lot.ETo be wanted and needed, is a big answer to loneliness.(孤独)25. (5分)假如你是明星服装店的导购员,下面是你们店的商品及价格提示,请你运用所学词汇和句型,用英语简要介绍一下。商品毛衣短裤T恤衫帽子袜子价格¥42¥25¥31¥8¥3要求:1. 语句通顺、语意连贯;2. 内容包含所提供的信息;3. 不少于50词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Come and have a look at the clothes at Star Clothes Store. 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 图词配对,下面每幅图片代表一个月,请把它们分辨出来。 (共2题;共11分)1-1、2-1、二、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共2分)3-1、4-1、三、 单项选择,发挥你的聪明,试试选出你最满意的答案。 (共15题;共30分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、四、 从右栏中找出与左栏相对应的答语 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 完形填空,用你的智慧将下面文章补充完整,千万要细心哦。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共20分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、七、 作文。 (共2题;共10分)24-1、25-1、


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