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(七年级自编课外阅读材料)丰南实验学校 目 录第一章 风土人情第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第二章 故事第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第三章 百科小知识第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第四章 人物第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第五章 社会热点第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第六章 心灵感悟第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第七章 文娱体育第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第八章 饮食健康第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第九章 文化教育第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第十章 自然与环境第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第十一章 幽默小品第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第十二章 世界各地第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第十三章 学校、家庭、生活第一单元.第二单元.第三单元.第四单元.第五单元.第六单元.第七单元.第一章 风土人情 第一单元A篇Today in the USA, it is Fathers Day. Every year, on the third Sunday of June, there is a day just to thank the fathers. Every father in the USA gets a gift from his wife or children.The gift doesnt have to be big or expensive. It just has to be something that shows love. This gift is to let the father know how special he is and how important he is in the family. The gift may be just a simple sentence. But it is really very important. Being a father is hard today, they have to do a lot of things. And in the USA we try to let them know just how special they are. It is very important to let each father know, without him, life will be very sad.总词汇量:135 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】1909年就开始有人建议确定父亲节。据说第一个提出这种建议的是华盛顿的约翰布鲁斯多德夫人。多德夫人的母亲早亡,其父独自一人承担起抚养教育孩子的重任,把他们全部培养成人。1909年,多德夫人感念父亲养育之恩,准备为他举行庆祝活动,同时,想到所有的父亲对家庭和社会的贡献,于是给当地一家教士协会写信,建议把6月的第三个星期日定为父亲节。该协会将建议提交会员讨论,获得了通过。1). on the third Sunday of June 在六月的第三个周日2). special 特别的3). without 没有、无Men cant live without air. 没有空气人就不能活。4). have to / has to 不得不I have to stay at home today. 今天我不得不呆在家。【阅读思考】( )1. Fathers Day is on _.A. the third Sunday of June B. the third Saturday of JuneC. the third Sunday of July D. the third Saturday of July( )2. _ in the USA gets a gift from his wife or children on Fathers Day.A. Some of the fathers B. Every fatherC. Every mother D. Every one( )3. The gift _.A. should be very big. B. should be very expensiveC. shows love to the father D. is only from the children( )4. Which of the following is wrong(错误的)?A. Being a father is very easy today.B. Fathers are special.C. Fathers have to do a lot of things.D. Without fathers , life will be sad.( )5. Which is the best title (标题) of the passage?A. Fathers B. Gifts C. Fathers Day in the USA D. When is Fathers Day?【答案简析】1. A. 由此句确定答案:Every year, on the third Sunday of June, there is a day just to thank the fathers.2. B. 由第一段的最后一句确定答案:Every father in the USA gets a gift from his wife or children.3. C. 由这2句确定答案:The gift doesnt have to be big or expensive. It just has to be something that shows love.4. A. 由以下句子确定答案:This gift is to let the father know how special he is and how important he is in the family. Being a father is hard today, they have to do a lot of things5. C. 很明显短文是关于父亲节的主题。B篇Christmas is December 25th. It is the most important holiday in the USA. People like to send Christmas cards to their friends and they buy gifts for their family and friends before Christmas.Christmas Day is a day for family to get together. The family come together and sit down to have meals in the afternoon. Children are very happy on that day, and they can get many gifts.Christmas is a time for Santa Claus, stars, and singing carols ( 颂歌 ). A time for ornaments( 装饰品 ), gifts, and twinkling( 闪烁的) lights.总词汇量:103 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间,各国基督教徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日, 由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,类似于我国过春节。1). Christmas / Christmas Day 圣诞节2). the most important holiday 最重要的节日3). sendto 把 送给They often send me some books. 他们经常给我送些书。4). get together 聚会5). Santa Claus / Father Christmas 圣诞老人【对照欣赏】圣诞节在十二月二十五号,是美国最重要的一个节日。人们喜欢给朋友送圣诞卡,他们会在圣诞前夕给家人和朋友买些礼物。圣诞节是全家相聚的日子,全家人聚在一起,在一起吃饭。孩子们这一天是最高兴的,他们会得到很多礼物。圣诞节是一个可以看到圣诞老人、星星,唱颂歌的时间。圣诞节是一个会有很多装饰品、礼物,还有闪烁灯光的时间。【妙句点评】1. Christmas Day is a day for family to get together.a day for 是的一天,很有用的一个结构。2. Christmas is a time for Santa Claus.a time for 是.的时间,其结构和上面a day for相同。应该熟悉这种结构。第二单元A篇In China, Chinese New Years Day is the Spring Festival. It comes in the second month of the year. Everyone in China likes it very much, Children help their parents do much housework. They make dumplings on that day, but there are New Years cakes and some other food, too. Li Hua thinks dumplings are nicer than New Years cakes. But Li Lei likes New Years cakes a lot. Chinese people eat them at home. They are very happy.(总词汇量:79 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】1). Spring Festival 春节2). the second month of the year 一年中的第二个月3). nicer 更好吃、更好看This cake is nicer than that one. 这块蛋糕比那块好吃。This picture is nicer than that one. 这张画比那张漂亮。【阅读思考】( )1. Chinese New Years Day _.A. comes on the first month of the yearB. is the Spring Festival in ChinaC. comes on the first day of January(一月)D. comes on the first day of February(二月)( )2. _ in China likes Spring Festival very much.A. Boys B. Girls C. Parents D. Everyone( )3. Who does the housework?A. Mother B. Father C. Children D. All of the above( )4. Who likes New Years cakes a lot?A. Li Lei B. Li Hua C. Li Hua and Li Lei D. All the people( )5. Whats the Chinese for Spring Festival?A. 元旦 B. 春节 C. 春季 D. 节日【答案简析】1. B. 由短文的前2句确定答案:In China, Chinese New Years Day is the Spring Festival. It comes in the second month of the year.2. D. 由此句确定答案:Everyone in China likes it very much.3. D. 由此句判断是全家一起做家务:Children help their parents do much housework.4. A. 由此句确定答案:But Li Lei likes New Years cakes a lot.5. B. 由短文信息猜测Spring Festival是春节。B篇Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer( 提供 )thanks, of family gatherings(相聚)and holiday meals. A time of turkeys and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn, holiday parades ( 游行)and giant balloons(气球 ). Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. In many parts of the world a day is set(规定)to give thanks. The date and customs(风俗)may be different from country to country, but the desire( 愿望 )to take time to reflect on lifes blessings ( 祝福 ) remains ( 持续 )the same. In the United States, It is a time for family, food, and marks the unofficial(非法定的)beginning to the winter holiday season.总词汇量:140 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】每年十一月的第四个星期四是感恩节。感恩节在美国文化中,是相当重要的一个传统节日,重要性大概仅次于圣诞节。每年到了这个时候,街上处处可见游行庆祝的人潮和大大的充气汽球,十分的热闹!而感恩节的由来,主要是沿袭早期清教徒移民,丰收后感谢上帝的庆典活动而来。火鸡、玉米和番瓜正是感恩节的代表食物。1). Thanksgiving Day 感恩节2). turkeys 火鸡3). pumpkin pie 南瓜饼4). celebrate 庆祝How will you celebrate your birthday? 你将怎么庆祝你的生日?5). in many parts of the world 在世界上的很多地方【对照欣赏】在美国,感恩节是一个表达感谢的时间、是全家团聚的时间、是进行节日盛宴的时间、也是吃火鸡和南瓜饼的时间、也是一个会有玉蜀黍、节日游行和巨大气球的时间。感恩节在11月的第四个星期四.在世界上的很多地方,有一天被规定来表达人们的谢意。日期和风俗也许每个国家都不同,但是他们花时间来表达对生活的祝福的愿望没有变。在美国,这是一个家人团聚的时间,也是一个约定成俗的冬季假期开始的一个标志。【妙句点评】Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. In many parts of the world a day is set(规定)to give thanks.The date and customs(风俗) may be different from country to country.以上三句建议熟悉,是应该背诵的句子。第三单元A篇In many English homes, people eat four meals a day, breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs, or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one clock in the afternoon. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon, and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and all these meals are very simple(简单).(总词汇量:127 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】1). at any time from seven to nine 从7点到9点的任何时间2). after that 之后3). not all English people 不是所有的英国人【阅读思考】( )1. Many English people have _ meals a day.A. two B. three C. four D. I dont know( )2. They have breakfast _.A. at seven B. at seven thirty C. at nine D. at any time from seven to nine.( )3. Tea time is _.A. in the afternoon B. in the morning C. at noon D. in the evening( )4. What do they have for dinner?A. Meat or fish with vegetables B. PorridgeC. Soup D. A and C ( )5. Which is the main idea of the passage?A. What do English people eat? B. MealsC. A big dinner D. English meals【答案简析】1. C. 由短文第一句确定答案:In many English homes, people eat four meals a day.2. D. 由此句确定答案:People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.3. A. 由此句确定答案:Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon.4. D. 由此句确定答案:First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables.5. D. 整篇短文是在谈论英国人一天里的几顿饭的情况,中心不是谈论他们吃什么。B篇The Mid-Autumn Festival falls(来临)on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month(太阴月), usually in October in Gregorian calendar(阳历).People in different places follow(遵循)different customs, but all show their love and longing(渴望)for a better life. Today people will enjoy(欣赏)the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day. The moon looks very round, big and bright on the 15th day of each lunar month. People selected(选择)the August 15 to celebrate because it is a season(季节)when crops(庄稼)and fruits are all ripe(成熟)and weather pleasant(舒适的). On the Mid-Autumn Festival, all family members or friends meet outside, putting food on tables and looking up at the sky while talking about life. What a happy moment it is!(总词汇量:168 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】1). The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节2). lunar month 太阴月(约29.5日)3). customs 风俗4). moment 片刻、瞬间【对照欣赏】中秋节在阴历的8月15号,一般在阳历的10月份。不同地区的人们沿用不同的习俗,但是所有的形式都表达了他们的爱及对美好生活的向往。现在,人们会在那一天吃月饼赏月。阴历每个月的15号月亮都很圆很大很明亮。人们选择8月来庆祝是因为这是一个庄稼和水果都成熟的季节,是气候宜人的季节。在中秋节那一天,亲朋好友聚在露天,桌子上放着食物,人们边谈天说地边抬头赏月,这是多幸福的时刻呀!【妙句点评】1. But all show their love and longing(渴望)for a better life.show their love 表达他们的爱long for 渴望2. What a happy moment it is! 感叹句,多幸福的时刻!第四单元A篇Homes and families:Many British (英国的) people live in houses, not flats (公寓), most houses have gardens.Daily life:Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish at about five or six in the afternoon. Most people dont go home for lunch, they have a quick meal.School life:Children start school at about nine a.m, and finish at about three thirty p.m. Most children have lunch at school. All children go to school when they are four or five years old, and leave when they are sixteen or seventeen.Shops:Most shops open at about nine a.m and close at about six p.m. Usually, they dont close for lunch.总词汇量:122 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】1). British 大不列颠的, 英国的, 英国人British people 英国人2). daily life 日常生活3). a quick meal 快餐【阅读思考】( )1. Many English people live in _.A. flats B. gardens C. parks D. houses( )2. Most office workers _.A. start work at eight in the morningB. have lunch at homeC. finish work at about five or sixD. have a quick meal in the evening( )3. _ open at nine a.m.A. Every shop B. Many shops C. Most shops D. All the shops( )4. Which of the following is right?A. Children start school at about nine a.m.B. Children finish school at five thirty p.m.C. Children go to school when they are five years old.D. Children leave school when they are sixteen.( )5. Which is the best title (标题) of the passage?A. Schools in England B. Life in EnglandC. Families in England D. Shops in England【答案简析】1. D. 由此句确定答案:Many British people live in houses, not flats, most houses have gardens.2. C. 由daily life 一段中的信息来确定答案。3. C. 由此句确定答案:Most shops open at about nine a.m and close at about six p.m.4. A. 根据School life短文中的信息,只有A符合原文。B, C, D都和原文有出入。5. B. 短文讲述了homes and families, daily life, school life, shops这四方面的信息,所以主题应该是有关英国生活。B篇When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be very careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.(总词汇量:101 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】1). traffic 交通2). cross 穿过Dont cross the street now. 现在不要穿越马路。3). come back from work 下班回家4). the most dangerous 最危险的5). remember 记住【对照欣赏】当你在英国时,你一定要小心一些,因为他们的交通规则是靠左行。在你穿越马路之前,你必须先看看右边,然后再看左边。早上、晚上人们上下班时间,交通处于高峰期,那时的交通也是最危险的。当你在英国乘公共汽车时,你也要留心点。一定要记着交通是靠左行。所以你必须小心,先看一看,要不然你会走错方向的。【妙句点评】You must look to the right first and then the left.Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.以上两句建议做到熟记。第五单元A篇American people like to say “Thank you” when other people help them or say something kind to them. People of many countries do so, too. Its a very good habit(习惯)。You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone says you do your work well, or you buy a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, buy also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives. “Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past(越过)you and doesnt want to hit(撞到)you.Its not polite to break(打断)others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin to talk. You should also do so when you want to cough(咳嗽)or make any noise before others. Lets all learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”(总词汇量:177 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】1). not only but also 不但而且She is not only our teacher but also our friend. 她不但是我们的老师而且是我们的朋友。2). Its not polite to do 做很没礼貌原文中:Its not polite to break others when they are talking. 当别人说话时打断别人是不礼貌的。3). make noise 制造噪音Dont make any noise! 不要制造任何噪音了!【阅读思考】( )1. When someone says something kind to you, you should say _.A. Thank you B. Sorry C. Excuse me D. Dont do say that( )2. When do we use “Thank you” ?A. When someone says you do your work well.B. When someone passes you the salt on the table.C. When someone says your city is very beautiful.D. All of the above.( )3. “Thank you” is needed between _.A. friends B. parents and childrenC. brothers and sisters D. all of the above( )4. When do we use “Excuse me”?A. When someone says you buy a nice thing.B. When you want to cough before others.C. When you want to walk past the others.D. B and C( )5. Which of the following is wrong?A. Saying “Thank you” is a good habit.B. “Thank you” is only used between friends.C. If you want to walk past someone, you should say “Excuse me”.D. People of many countries like to say “Thank you”.【答案简析】1. A. 由此句确定答案:American people like to say “Thank you” when other people help them or say something kind to them.2. D. 由以下信息确定答案:You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone says you do your work well, or you buy a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful.3. D. 由此句确定答案:“Thank you” is used not only between friends, buy also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.4. D. 由以下信息确定答案;“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you and doesnt want to hit you. You should also do so when you want to cough(咳嗽)or make any noise before others.5. B. 选项B与原文此句有出入:“Thank you” is used not only between friends, buy also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.B篇Spring is a time for new life. Flowers begin to bloom (盛开) after the long winter. Birds begin to build nests (窝) to lay their eggs in. In forests and fields, many animals have babies this time of year. Days begin to get longer and the sun gets warmer. People begin to enjoy the outdoors and all the beautiful weather of spring. The most important holiday in spring, especially(尤其) for Christians(基督徒), is Easter. This holiday is not on the same day every year, but its always on a Sunday. It can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Many people celebrate (庆祝) Easter by buying new clothes. Children celebrate by looking for colored eggs. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies (糕饼) to one another to celebrate the day. But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat. On Easter, many people go to church to celebrate Jesus resurrection(复活) from the dead. (总词汇量:183 words; 阅读用时:_minutes _seconds; 读速_wpm)【阅读助理】在欧美各国,复活节是仅次于圣诞节的重大节日。按圣经马太福音的说法,耶稣基督在十字架上受刑死后三天复活,因而设立此节。根据西方教会的传统,在春分节(3月21日)当日见到满月或过了春分见到第一个满月之后,遇到的第一个星期日即为复活节。东方教会则规定,如果满月恰好出现在这第一个星期日,则复活节再推迟一周。因此,节期大致在3月22日至4月25日之间。1). lay 产蛋2). get 在本文中为系动词:变得,get longer 变得更长3). filled 装满的4). one another 相互、彼此, 指三人以上;each other:相互、彼此,指两人之间【对照欣赏】春天是万物复苏的季节。漫长的冬季过后花含苞待放。鸟开始搭窝并


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