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上海版八年级下学期英语3月学业测评试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 阅读理解(共15小题,计30分) (共4题;共30分)1. (8分)阅读理解How wonderful it would be if there was fire! Today is November 9. Its time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire:Shout outIf you smell smoke or see fire, shout out Fire! Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.Call 119Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.Keep down close to the floorIf there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.Test the doorTest the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.Get outIf you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.Dont use the liftNever use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.Dont go backNever go back into a burning building!(1)The passage is mainly about . A . bow to look after yourself when on fireB . what to do when you are caught in a fireC . when to leave the burning placeD . why to call 119 when it is on fire(2)When people are asleep, what will you do when fire breaks out? A . Call for help as quickly as you can.B . Wake your parents up fast.C . Shout out Fire! as loudly as you can.D . Run as fast as you can.(3)Why shouldnt you use the lift when fire breaks out? A . Because taking the lift is so slow.B . Because the fire can burn you.C . Because the lift may keep you safeD . Because the lift may not work.(4)When a fire is burning, you test the door to . A . find a better way outB . notice the fire clearlyC . call for a much quicker helpD . see it is closed(5)If you leave an expensive thing at home, you should . A . not go backB . keep down close to the floorC . not get outD . try your best to leave2. (6分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容,选择正确答案。The Latest BooksMy ABCsby: Disney Book GroupReleased: April 3, 2018Pages: 14Age Range: 02Santa Bruceby: Ryan T. HigginsReleased: September 4, 2018Pages: 48Age Range: 35Solo: Star Warsby: Lucasfilm PressReleased: September 4, 2018Pages: 32Age Range: 68Magic Book: Spellsby: Amber Benson, Daron NefcyDominic BisignanoReleased: September 11, 2018Pages: 288Age Range: 912(1)If Tom is 3 years old, he can choose to read. A . Magic Book: SpellsB . Solo: Star WarsC . Santa BruceD . My ABCs(2)Who wrote Solo: Star Wars? A . Amber Benson.B . Lucasfilm Press.C . Ryan T. Higgins.D . Disney Book Group.(3)Which book has the most pages? A . My ABCs.B . Santa Bruce.C . Solo: Star Wars.D . Magic Book: Spells.(4)What is true about My ABCs? A . It was written by Ryan T. Higgins.B . It has thirty-two pages.C . A 6-year-old girl can read it.D . It came out on April 3, 2018.(5)The passage may be . A . a storyB . an advertisementC . a novelD . a poem3. (8分)阅读理解 If you want to check where the nearest coffee shop to your home is, if you want to know how to get to a place in your city, or if you want to see where in the world your foreign pen friend lives, theres now a new free online map you can use.Last month, China started its official online mapping service, Map World. Through this free online service users can fly over mountains and valleys around the world and search for restaurants and traffic information across the country for free, said Xu Deming, director of the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (SBSM). The bureau, which does Chinas surveying and mapping work, is in charge of the Map World project.Users can get into Map World through www.tianditu.cn or www.chinaonmap.cn and search for 2- and 3-D images from across the world. The home page shows a view of the Great Wall.It took about two years to prepare the service with all the satellite(卫星) images taken from 2006 to 2010, said Jiang Jie, director of the database department(数据库部门) under SBSM.The technology(技术) and website are still at an early stage. The images from inside China are detailed. Users can see close pictures of roadsides. But the views of places outside China are less clear.Service providers have more than 80 machines, with the ability to deal with 10 million requests (请求) daily, while Google Earth, Googles mapping service, has thousands of machines, Jiang said.Our map service can update(更新) data about twice a year, but Google Earth can update its information every couple of minutes, through satellites, Jiang said.The bureau said it will continue developing Map World. At the same time, you can have a try for yourself. Some users have given their opinions about the service after trying it. One student in Beijing said that Map World even shows the small bookstore near her school.(1)What is the main purpose of the first paragraph? A . To show how valuable the service is.B . To introduce the new online photo-map of China.C . To show the importance of the new online photo-map.D . To tell how popular the new online photo-map is in China.(2)According to the Bureau, Map World_. A . only has images of ChinaB . will need another two years to completeC . needs further developmentD . begins with the Great Wall(3)What disadvantages does Map World have, compared with Google Earth? A . Information is updated much less often.B . It provided less clear images of places.C . Its machines are less high technology.D . It only has black and white images.(4)What is the passage probably taken from? A . A notebookB . A guide bookC . A story bookD . A newspaper4. (8分)阅读理解 Dear Clark, Im not happy. There are too many rules in my house. It isnt fair. I have to get up at five oclock every morning. I cant arrive late for school. I have to be there at eight oclock. I have to come back home after school because I have to do my homework. In the evening I cant watch TV because I have to help my mother make dinner and wash the dishes. I have to go to bed before ten oclock. On weekends,I have to stay at home on Saturday morning. I have to clean my room and wash my clothes by eleven o clock. On Saturday afternoon, I have to go to the Childrens Palace to learn the piano. Do you have lots of rules? Are they fair?Your friend,Carol(1)What time does Carol have to get up? A . Five o clock.B . Eight o clock.C . Ten o clock.D . Eleven o clock.(2)What does Carol have to do on Saturday morning? A . Wash the dishes.B . Watch TV.C . Wash her clothes.D . Learn the piano.(3)Why does she go to the Childrens Palace? A . To learn math.B . To learn piano.C . To meet friends.D . To play football.二、 单词拼写与运用(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分) (共8题;共8分)5. (1分)Teachers Day is in S_6. (1分)看图写单词。 _ _ _ _ _7. (1分)Help _(你们自己) to some fish, kids. Thanks. 8. (1分)The man who lives _ (在楼上) is my uncle. 9. (1分)I feel tired. Lets have a _(休息) now. 10. (1分)He is clever. He learned a foreign _(语言) by himself. 11. (1分)Fruit and vegetables are _ (健康的) food. 12. (1分)These flowers look very_(漂亮的). 三、 语法填空(共10小题,计10分) (共2题;共10分)13. (5分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词,部分空格2个或者3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸相应位置。The British love sending text messages. They send more than 2.5 billion every month. And most people now understand the language of text, with its numbers and missing _(letter), In fact, when a student at_Scottish school wrote the whole article “in txt”, his teacher give him “c+4 f4t” (“c + for effort”)._texing is a cheap way of staying in touch with your friends, it can also bring problems. In 2005, a British teenager became _(one ) person in the world to receive treatment for an addiction(沉溺) to text messaging. In one year, the nineteen-year-old spent about 4,500_texts.For some people, text messaging_(change) their lives already. For example, James Trusler from England travels around the world_(take) part in texting competitions and TV shows. Hes the worlds fastest texter and recently set a new world record while he was appearing on Australian TV. He texted: “The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serraslmus and Pygocentrus(脂鲤属和红肚属水虎鱼)are_(terrible) freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human. ” _took him 67 seconds. James sends a lot of text messages-about 2,500 a month. But he doesnt get big bills_he works for a large mobile phone company!14. (5分)Li Ming decided _ (go) and look after his sick father. 四、 选词填空(共7小题,计7分) (共1题;共7分)15. (7分)用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空 make sure; eye contact; keep ones promise; on time; ahead of time(1)Can you inform me _ if you come to my house? (2)_, or nobody will believe in you. (3)_ is important in communication with others. (4)Check carefully to _ you make fewer mistakes. (5)She got up early to get there _. 五、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)从下列方框中选择适当答案填到横线上 Tom and Tim are twins(双胞胎) .Theyre four years old. Its difficult for people to tell who is Tom and who is Tim. _The two boys like to jump, draw pictures and play ball games. _. But they dont like to take a shower.Today, Tom and Tim come back from outside. _After twenty minutes, Tom goes out. _Their mother takes Tim into the bathroom. But the boy doesnt want to go in.No ! No! Mom, Im Tom. _ Shut up(闭嘴) ! I know you are Tim.At that time, the boy out of the bathroom(洗澡间) is so happy, because he doesnt need to take a shower today.A. I dont want to take a shower again.B. Its Tims turn to take a shower.C. Sometimes their parents cant tell, either.D. And they often make themselves dirty(脏的).E. Their mother takes Tom into the bathroom.六、 书面表达(共1小题,计15分) (共1题;共15分)17. (15分)假设你是Mike,是一名初中生,15岁,现在想加入Shanghai Foreign Language Camp(上海外语营),成为其中一员。请按照一下表格内容,写一封信介绍自己。不少于60词。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。 姓 名Mike Green出生日期2002年8月14日家庭成员父母,弟弟最喜欢做的事情制作飞机模型最喜欢的运动打篮球;非常擅长最喜欢的科目英语;有趣最喜欢的老师英语老师最讨厌的科目地理;难Dear Sir or Madam,I want to be a member of Shanghai Foreign Language Camp(上海外语营)to help the kids.Hope to join you soon. Best wishes. Yours,Mike 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 阅读理解(共15小题,计30分) (共4题;共30分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、二、 单词拼写与运用(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分) (共8题;共8分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、三、 语法填空(共10小题,计10分) (共2题;共10分)13-1、14-1、四、 选词填空(共7小题,计7分) (共1题;共7分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、五、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) (共1题;共10分)16-1、六、 书面表达(共1小题,计15分) (共1题;共15分)17-1、

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