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鲁教版七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(不含听力材料)B卷考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分) (2019南充模拟) Who is the girl going to see? A . Her grandfather.B . Her father.C . Her mother.2. (1分) Does Johns cousin come by plane? A . Yes, he does.B . No, he doesnt.C . I dont know.3. (1分) How long has William been skating according to the conversation? A . For four years.B . For five years.C . For six years.4. (1分) (2019天津) Whose book is this? A . Bobs.B . Davids.C . Johns.5. (1分) (2019九上泰州月考) Why doesnt the mans father like the city? A . He likes to live alone.B . He likes the country life.C . He hates the noise.二、 听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回 (共2题;共5分)6. (2分) (2019孝感) 听材料, 回答问题. (1) Why did the man stop the woman? A . Because her car hit him.B . Because she drove too fast.C . Because he wanted a lift.(2) What did the man ask the woman to show? A . Her passport.B . Her ID card.C . Her drivers license.(3) Whats the relationship between them? A . Policeman and driver.B . Doctor and patient.C . Boss and worker.7. (3分) (2019九上杭州月考) 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。 (1) Whats the matter with the man? A . He hurts his leg.B . He has a headache.C . He has a fever.(2) When did the man lose his job? A . Two weeks ago.B . Two months ago.C . Three months ago.(3) What is the woman? A . A teacher.B . A reporter.C . A doctor.三、 听独白,从题中所给出的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分) 听短文,选择正确答案 (1) What is Alan like? A . Lazy.B . Smart.C . Unfriendly.(2) What subject does Alan like? A . History.B . Music.C . Science.(3) What does Alan usually do in his free time? A . He watches TV.B . He reads books.C . He listens to music.(4) Who did Alans family visit last weekend? A . His aunt.B . His friends.C . His grandparents.(5) What did Alan do after dinner? A . Played chess.B . Went to the movies.C . Did housework.四、 完形填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)9. (10分) (2019八下广州期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys in the tree picked some hats and put them on. So Kevin took off his own hat and threw 1on the ground. The stupid monkeys threw their hats too! Kevin soon 2all the hats and left happily.Fifty years later, young Tony, 3of Kevin, also sold hats for a living. 4a long walk, Tony was tired, so he put his bag of hats beside him and lay down under a big tree, He was soon 5When he woke up, Tony found that there werent any hats in his bag! Tony started looking for his hats. To his 6, he found some monkeys in the tree wearing his hats.Tony didnt know what to do. Then he remembered the story his grandfather7to tell him. Yes! I can fool these monkeys! thought Tony. Ill 8them imitate(模仿) me and very soon I will get all my hats back !Tony then waved at the monkeys, and the monkeys waved at him. Tony started dancing, the monkeys were also dancing. Tony threw his hat on the ground.Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down 9the tree, picked up the hat Tony threw on the ground and 10up to .Tony. He said, Do you think only you have a grandfather?(1)A . it B . its C . him (2)A . pointed B . put C . collected (3)A . father B . son C . grandson (4)A . When B . After C . Before (5)A . alive B . afraid C . asleep (6)A . pleasure B . interest C . surprise (7)A . use B . uses C . used (8)A . tell B . mak C . promise (9)A . from B . beside C . toward (10)A . put B . brought C . walked 五、 阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) (共4题;共30分)10. (6分) (2019黄岩模拟) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A PHOTO A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAYTaking a photograph each day and posting it online is a popular hobby. To study how this habit influences health, British researchers interviewed the creators of online photo magazines and discovered that daily photography improved their lives in several ways: it made them mindful of the present, it pushed them to go for walks to get their photos, and it gave them chances to communicate with people who share their interests.THE 16:8 DIET WORKSIn a small study, researchers at the University of Illinois asked 23 fat participants(参与者) to spend 12 weeks following a type of diet called the 16:8 diet. In the eight hours between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., they could eat as much as they wanted of any food. However, for the remaining 16 hours of the day, they were allowed to have only water and other calorie-free drinks. Compared with control group, the 16:8 dieters took in about 300 fewer calories a day, lost 3 percent of their weight, and saw a great drop in their blood pressure.10 MINUTES OF EXERCISE CAN IMPROVE MEMORYCant find your keys? Go for a quick walk or do a few yoga(瑜伽) poses. In a recent study, 36 healthy young adults who had just exercised for ten minutes showed improved connectivity(连通性) between the parts of the brain for new memories and the parts for detailed memory processing. The participants also improved their performance on a memory test. The researchers now plan studies in older adults to find out whether regular light exercise improves their memory as well.(1) Which may help lower blood pressure according to the passage? A . The 16:8 diet.B . Taking a photo every day.C . 10 minutes of exercise.D . Having a memory test.(2) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . A photo a day improves peoples lives.B . The 16:8 dieters took in 300 calories each day.C . 36 healthy young adults followed a type of diet called 16:8 diet.D . Studies on old adults showed regular light exercise could improve memory.(3) Which column (栏目) of the magazine is the passage probably from? A . Technology TimeB . Sports ClubC . Photo NewsD . Health World11. (8分) 阅读理解 Cindy is an English girl. She is 15 years old and studying in No.1 Middle School. She has three friendsWang Lin, Li Jing and Jack. They are all 15 years old. Cindy thinks China is a great country and she likes it very much, so her favourite subjects are Chinese and Chinese history. Wang Lin likes playing sports. His favourite sport is basketball. So he thinks the P.E. class is the most interesting. Li Jing likes playing the piano(弹钢琴)very much. Her favourite subject is music because she can practise(练习)the piano at the class. Jack wants to know Chinese history very much, so he loves Chinese history best.(1) Cindy is from _. A . ChinaB . EnglandC . AmericaD . Canada(2) Jack is _ years old. A . 11B . 13C . 15D . 16(3) Wang Lin likes _ best. A . basketballB . P.E.C . musicD . piano(4) _ is Wang Lins favorite subjects. A . ChineseB . Chinese historyC . P.E.D . music(5) Li Jing likes music because _. A . she can sing wellB . she likes the music teacherC . she can practise the piano at the classD . it is interesting12. (8分) (2018八上龙华期中) 阅读理解 One day, I was cooking with my friend Sandy in the kitchen. Suddenly, Sandy cut her finger. I went to her quickly. But to my surprise, I saw computer chips in her finger.Now you know my secret, you have to die! Sandy said and picked up the knife. No, please, Sandy. Arent we good friends? I shouted. But before Sandy could say anything, she fainted.Oh, Sandy! I took her to hospital in a hurry. After a doctor checked her, he said, Im afraid we cant help her. Why dont you take her to a robot centre?I hurried to a robot centre. A few days later, Sandy was well. She asked, Mary, why did you save me even after I tried to kill you? Because Im sure you are my friend. Can you tell me where you are from? Im from another planet. Its far from here. Thank you, my friend Now I see how friendly people are on the earth. Two days later, a UFO came and picked her up. Since then Ive never seen her.(1) What was Sandy doing when she cut her finger? A . She was watching a film named UFO.B . She was cooking in the kitchen.C . She was getting ready for the coming party.D . She was doing some shopping with her friends.(2) What did Sandy want to do when her friend knew her secret? A . She wanted to kill her friend.B . She wanted to run after her friend.C . She wanted to go to the hospital.D . She wanted to play with the knife.(3) Who saved Sandys life in the end? A . The writer and the police.B . The doctors in the hospital.C . The doctors and the robots.D . The writer and experts in the robot centre.(4) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A . Finally, Sandy told the writer her secret.B . At last, Sandy thought the people on the earth were friendly.C . Sandy went away by UFO.D . Sandy has returned to the Earth several times.13. (8分) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Nadia Comaneci, a famous gymnast(体操运动员), was born in Romania in 1961.When she was doing cartwheels (侧手翻) on the playground at the age of 7, a PE teacher saw her. He told her family that she was very good and advised Nadia to train in the capital of Romania. Although it was a long way from her home, Nadia went because she loved gymnastics(体操).After that, she trained hard and took part in lots of competitions. In 1975, she was named as one of the Athletes of the 20th Century.In 1976, Nadia went to the Olympics in Canada. She was so fantastic in the competition that everyone waited for the score, a high score. But the score board showed 1.00!Everyone was surprised. There wasnt a sound for a moment. Then a voice came. Ladies and gentlemen, Nadia Comaneci10!The audience cheered very loudly. So what happened? Well, when the scoreboard was built, no one thought a score of 10.00 was possible. The decimal point(小数点) was in the wrong place! In fact, the scoreboard only had three digits (数位) to show scores, such as 9.50 or 9.85 at that time.In the 1976 Summer Olympics, Nadia Comaneci scored a perfect 10, which was thought impossible before. From then on, she was looked as a hero. In 1984, she got retired (退休的).(1) Nadia was named as one of the Athletes of the 20th Century in _. A . 1961B . 1975C . 1976D . 1984(2) At first, the scoreboard showed Nadia got _ in the Olympics in Canada. A . 10.00B . 1.00C . 9.50D . 9.85(3) In Paragraph 5, Everyone was surprised because _. A . she was fantastic in the competitionB . there wasnt a soundC . she got a score of 10D . the score was too low(4) This passage is probably a _. A . news reportB . noticeC . novelD . life story六、 任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) (共1题;共5分)14. (5分) (2019七下侯马期末) 任务型阅读 Last week, I had a great vacation to Hainan with my family. We had great fun playing in different places. On Monday, the weather was sunny and hot. We went to White Beach and swam in the water. On Tuesday, it was cloudy. We visited two museums. We saw a lot of things. On Wednesday and Thursday, It was rainy and windy. We walked around the city. We bought interesting things and ate some delicious food. On Friday, the weather was cool. We climbed mountains. We were very tired but felt very happy. I really enjoyed my vacation.WhenWhereWeatherActivityMondayWhite Beachsunny and hot_in the waterTuesdaymuseums_Visit two museums_and Thursdaycityrainy and windywalk around the city and eat some nice_Friday_coolclimb mountains七、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释、首写字母或音标,写出空缺处各单词 (共10题;共10分)15. (1分) Im the_(第二个)to come here today. 16. (1分) I have ten _(手指) . 17. (1分) (2019九下萧山开学考) W_ is the fourth day of a week. 18. (1分) Eating fruit and vegetables can help you keep f_. 19. (1分) They think the_(魔术的) show is very interesting. 20. (1分) We plant some_(玉米) in the garden every year. 21. (1分) (2019七下封开期末) The doctor says its too late to_/sev/the old woman. 22. (1分) (2019广州模拟) You can trust him. He never tells a l_. 23. (1分) Kanas Lake is a very beautiful place. A large number of _(旅游者)come here to enjoy themselves every year. 24. (1分) Look! The dog has four short l_. It looks funny. 八、 选词填空(5分) (共1题;共5分)25. (5分) (2019宁波模拟) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。 side bow suppose greet JapanKatie: How was the welcome party for foreign students last night?John: Great! I made some new friends. But a funny thing happened.Katie: What?John: I met a _ boy called Sato, and as soon as I held out my hand, he bowed.Katie: Thats how people in Japan are expected to _ each other. Its impolite if you dont bow.John: I didnt know that. So I just stood there with my hand out. Finally, I returned the _.Katie: I remember when I first met Marie last year, I did the same thing. I held out my hand and to my surprise, she kissed me on both _ of my face!John: I wouldnt mind that!Katie: Very funny. Later I found out French people are _ to kiss when they see each other.九、 句型转换(本题有10空,每空1分,共10分) (共5题;共10分)26. (2分) Whats her age? (同义句转换) _ _ is _?27. (2分) The girl next to me is my sister. (对画线部分提问) _is your sister?28. (2分) nurse, name, she, his, Betty, is, cousins, a, is, and(. )(连词成句) 29. (2分) (2019九上黔南期末) Ann doesnt know what she should say at the meeting. (改为简单句) Ann doesnt know _ say at the meeting.30. (2分) He got exercise by running. (对画线部分提问) _ _ he get exercise?十、 书面表达(共1小题,共15分) (共1题;共15分)31. (15分) 如令人们越来越关注健康,为了保持健康,我们应该如何饮食呢?请围绕你家一颤丰盛的午餐。写一篇60词左右的英语短文向大家介绍一下餐桌上都有哪些食物和饮料,并说明它们是否健康。 第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回 (共2题;共5分)6-1、6-2、6-3、7-1、7-2、7-3、三、 听独白,从题中所给出的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答 (共1题;共5分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、四、 完形填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)9-1、五、 阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) (共4题;共30分)10-1、10-2、10-3、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、六、 任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) (共1题;共5分)14-1、七、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释、首写字母或音标,写出空缺处各单词 (共10题;共10分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、八、 选词填空(5分) (共1题;共5分)25-1、九、 句型转换(本题有10空,每空1分,共10分) (共5题;共10分)26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、十、 书面表达(共1小题,共15分) (共1题;共15分)31-1、


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