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鲁教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期3月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Some students may _ to bring their homework to school.AforgetBforgotCforgettingDto forget2 . -I speak to Jill, Mrs. Black?-Sorry, shes not in. She_be back after five.AMay; needBCan; mayCCan; mustDMust; may3 . Peter , I wont visit our teacher this Sunday . I have to look after my mother .ANeither will I BI will so CSo will I DNeither do I4 . We must people from cutting down the trees.AprotectBpreventCgetDput5 . Peter gave _ a baby dog to look after, but the dog hurt _ when it fell from the tree.Ame; itBmyself; itselfCme; itselfDmyself; it6 . To deal with the heavy traffic, the government in Taiyuan _ an idea which limits the Peak Time Number (高峰期限号) on Binghe Road.Acame up withBcaught up withCgot on with7 . Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November. On that day, families and friends often get together to have a big dinner, giving their thanks to God for what they have got. It is a traditional _ festival.AAmericanBChineseCJapanese8 . The meat smells very . Who cooked it?My mother. She is good at cooking.AwellBgoodCbadDbadly9 . It took us a long time his home last Saturday.AfindBto findCfindingDfound10 . That thing gave me a lesson. I didnt do it _.AmuchBmoreCany moreDno more11 . He always _ his friends about everything. In fact, he has no thoughts of his own.Atalks withBplays withCdeals withDagrees with12 . Dont give up, Peter ! We are only halfway to _ the problem.AsolveBsolvesCsolving13 . -_?-I have a headache and I dont feel like eating anything.AHow are youBWhat can I do for youCWhats the matter with youDHow do you like it14 . Mom, I feel. Dont worry. Lets go to see a doctor.AawfulBcalmCgladDproud15 . I see him _ basketball almost every day.AplayBto playCplayingDplays16 . _ vegetable juice is a good habit, which helps you eat a balanced diet.ADrinkBDrankCDrunkDDrinking17 . The plans they made well. Im sure theyll succeed soon.Acome outBwork outCgo outDput out18 . (题文)Its nice _him to treat _ many children kindly.Aof ; suchBfor ;suchCof ;soDfor ;so19 . Does Helen have _ fever?Yes, she does. I think she should go to _ hospital.AAn; /Ba; theCa; anDthe; an20 . Jenny hopes a book about her trip.AwriteBwritesCwritingDto write二、补全对话6选5Alfred:Hi, Marcus. Theres a new movie downtown21 . Marcus: Oh, Id love to, but I cant.Alfred:Thats too bad. Then what are you busy with tonight?Marcus: Nothing much. 22 . I have to stay at home.Alfred:Why? What happened?Marcus: Well, you remember that my parents said 23 . But last night I did not get home until after half past ten.Alfred:Your parents must have been very angry!Marcus: Yes, thats why Im not allowed to go out for the next four weeks. 24 . This morning, I missed my bus and was late for class.Alfred:Oh, no. 25 . Marcus: Yes, I did. I explained that I missed the bus, but the teacher said it wasnt a good reason to miss a test, and she wouldnt allow me to do it later.Alfred: You did have a bad morning.ATheres something worse.BI wasnt allowed to go out after ten?CWould you like to go to see it with me?DBut I cant go out anywhere for four weeks.EDidnt you have a big math test this morning?FMy parents should allow me to go out more often.三、补全短文5选5Ladies and gentlemen, thanks a lot for joining us. I hope you have enjoyed the music.26 . Every day, hundreds of children in Africa lose their young lives, because they have terrible diseases or dont have enough food to eat. Most African countries are poor.27 . And many parents have no jobs, so they have little money to buy food or medicine. We hold the concert to raise money for the children in Africa. 28 . For example, the Feed Africa Fund (援非基金)spends millions of dollars every year on food for them in Africa. All the money comes from kind and generous people, just like all of you.29 . Just one dollar can buy enough rice or corn to feed a family of four for three days. 30 . Ten dollars? Twenty dollars? I am sure you can spend a little less on your own food so that you have a few dollars for the Feed Africa Fund.Ladies and gentlemen, we now make a collection for the children in Africa. Please be generous. Thank you !根据短文内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整。AMany organizations are trying to help the poor in Africa.BHow much do you spend on food every day?CThe governments have no money to take good care of the poor.DEvery dollar you give this evening will go to the Feed Africa Fund.E. Now, please allow me to tell you why we hold this concert.四、完型填空The zoo in our city has many kinds of animals. Look, here are some tigers and two old lions. They eat a lot of _ every day. They eat other animals, too. A giraffe also _ in the zoo. He is new here.There is a mother elephant. She is big and strong. She has got _ babies. One is sleeping now, the other baby is _ with water. They look so cute. The baby elephants like children _ children often give them bread and bananas.In the zoo there _ lots of bears. Some are black, some are white, and others are brown. They can walk like people. So they often _ to ask for food.In the middle of the zoo, there is a Children Corner(角落). Children can do different _ there, They can take photos with animals, such as zebras and horses. The horses are very nice. They are not _ . But the monkeys are a little bad. They often climb up and down the trees. Children love to watch _ .Welcome to visit our zoo.31 . AgrassBvegetablesCeggsDmeat32 . AlivesBlistensCplaysDsits33 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour34 . AplayingBgoingCstayingDhelping35 . AbutBorCbecauseDand36 . AisBareCisntDarent37 . Astand upBsit downClook atDput up38 . AhomeworkBsportsCshoppingDthings39 . AgoodBhappyCdangerousDhard40 . AhimBherCitDthem五、阅读单选“Well, were in our new house. Lets get a new pet to get along with it,” Mrs. Brown said to her husband.” That sounds like a pretty good idea,” he answered. “Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?” “No. Lets go to the animalshelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go,” she said.The next morning the Browns met Mr Snow at the animal shelter. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” Mr Snow said, “So I need to ask you some questions.”After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldnt need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark(吠)and warn them if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadnt checked her yet. So Mr Snow told them to return on Sunday.On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, “Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy.” The browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.41 . From the reading we learn that _.Athe Browns have never had a pet before.Bthe Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaper.CShadow is a small and healthy dog.DMr Brown didnt quite agree with his wife.42 . The underlined wordshelterin the reading means _.Aa place to sell small dogsBa place to keep homeless animalsCa place to study animalsDa place to sell books on pet care43 . Mr Snow asked the Browns some questions to _.Asee if they had moved to a new houseBfind out how rich the Browns wereCknow where theyd keep their new petDmake sure theyd take care of pets44 . The Browns thinks that a small dog _.Adoesnt need any room to keepBcan help them watch their houseCeats less food than a bigger oneDusually has a beautiful name45 . Its clear that _.AShadow will not be easy to get illBthe Browns were not good with ShadowCMr Snow didnt check Shadow at allDShadow likes barking a lotBill Fuller, the postman, whistled(吹口哨) cheerfully as he pushed his bike up the hill towards Mrs Dunleys house. His work for the day was almost finished. His bag, usually quite heavy when he set out on his road, was empty now except for the letter that he had to deliver(递送) to Mrs Dunley. She lived over a mile from that village so that, when Bill had a letter for her, he always finished his days work much later. He did not mind this, however, because she never failed to ask him in for a cup of tea.When Bill entered the gate of Mrs Dunleys house, he was surprised not to find her working in the garden. She usually spent most afternoons there when the weather was fine. Bill went straight round to the back of the house, thinking that she might be in the kitchen. The door was locked and the curtains were drawn. He returned to the front of the house and knocked hard on the door. There was no answer. Bill thought that this was very strange because he knew that Mrs Dunley hardly left the house.Just then, he noticed that her bottle of milk, which was delivered early in the morning, was still on the doorstep. This worried him. If Mrs Dunley had not taken in her milk, perhaps she was ill. Bill walked round the house until he found an open window. He squeezed(挤) through it. Then he went into the hall. There he almost fell over Mrs Dunley, who was lying at the foot of the stairs unconscious(昏迷不醒的). Realizing that there was little he could do for her, Bill rushed out of the house, stopped a passing car and told the driver to telephone for an ambulance(救护车) as soon as he got to the village.46 . What did Mrs Dunley usually do with Bill?AShe usually asked him to have a cup of tea.BShe usually had a talk with him.CShe usually asked him to dinner.DShe usually asked him to buy some tea.47 . The thing that especially worried Bill was _.Afinding the back door locked and the curtains drawnBseeing the bottle of milk on the doorstepCnot getting any answer when he knocked on the doorDnot finding Mrs Dunley in the garden48 . How did Bill get help for Mrs Dunley?AHe stopped a passing car and took her to the hospital.BHe himself telephoned for an ambulance.CHe stopped a car and asked the driver to telephone for an ambulance.DHe asked the driver to take her to the hospital.六、阅读判断阅读然后判断对错,对的写T,错的写FJim is an American boy. Hes thirteen. He is a new student in our class. Today he is in a yellow coat. The man in the black coat is his father. He is forty. The woman in white is his mother. She is thirty-six. His father and mother are teachers. The girl in the car is his sister. Shes fifteen. She is in a green sweater. She is a student, too. She is in Grade Three now.49 . Jim is thirteen. His sister is fourteen.50 . His father is in a black coat.51 . His sister is in the car.52 . Jim and his sister are students.53 . His parents are doctors.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空54 . He doesnt know this _(生物) teacher from New York.55 . We should eat _(健康) food.56 . Please give my best _(祝愿) to your grandparents.57 . Sandy and Amy are my_(最好的)friends.58 . My cousin Tony is a _(聪明的) boy.59 . You must do your_(家庭作业)in the evening.60 . My_(年龄)is twelve. How old are you?61 . Who_ (其他)will go to the zoo with you?62 . Who is the _ (年轻的) man over there?63 . My mother tells me a _ (真实的) story. It is very moving.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)64 . We visited some big _ in the USA last week. (city)65 . May I have your name and _ number, please? (fly)66 . Sam will _ be a fireman in 15 years time. (possible)67 . The Dragon Boat Festival is in the _ lunar month. (five)68 . Steven likes go _ with his brother in spring. (cycle)69 . Its _ to walk in the street when there is a typhoon. (danger)九、语法填空Are you good at70 . (swim)? Are you free on Saturdays and Sundays? Our club needs a swimming teacher 71 . (teach) children from 8 to 10 years old. It is interesting 72 . (study) with them. Please call Leo at 5968-4437.Are you busy after school? No? Can you 73 . (speak) English? Yes? Then we need you to help some American 74 . (student). They study in Beijing. They cant speak (81) 75 . (China) now. They are friendly and you can make 76 . (friend) with them. Please mail Mr. Liu at helpingusgmail.com.Can you play the guitar or the 77 . (drum)? Do you have time this Wednesday? 78 . (we) music club will have a party that day and we want you 79 . (join) us. It is fun. Please call me at 3253-1143.十、回答问题A young man couldnt fall asleep (入睡) at night. He was very worried. One day he went to see a doctor. The doctor checked him over carefully. But nothing was wrong with him. The doctor told him to count from one to ten again and again at night. “Keep doing this until you fall asleep,” the doctor said.After a few days, the young man came to the doctor again. But he was surprised that the young man was even worse than before. “Didnt you count as I told you?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I did,” the young man answered. “But every time when I reached eight, I couldnt help jumping from the bed.” “But why?” the doctor asked. The young man said, “I am a boxer (拳击运动员).”80 . Why did the young man worry a lot and have to see a doctor? (不超过10个词)_81 . What did the doctor tell the young man to do every night? (不超过15个词) _82 . What does the young man do? (不超过5个词) _十一、材料作文83 . (题文)书面表达帮助他人是一件快乐的事,请根据以下提示,写一件你经历过的帮助别人的乐事并谈谈你的感想。在上学的路上你看到一个小男孩在乞讨,你把身上的十元钱给了这个男孩_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、语法填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、材料作文1、


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