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鲁教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期10月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ days before the New Year, people usually begin to give their houses a good cleaning.AFewBA fewCLittleDAlittle2 . Who took the apples the box ?AoutBout ofCoutsideDaway3 . I hear youve got a new pen pal. I wonder _.Oh, he is of medium build with short curly hair from the USA.A.what he likesAwhat does he likeBwhat he is likeCwhat is he like4 . It was said _ had contributed to the project would be promoted.AwhoBthat whoCwhoeverDthat whoever5 . 一Would you like some?一No,thanksIm not thirstyAbreadBhamburgersCwaterDcakes6 . -How much do the tickets _ you? -I _ 200 yuan each.Acost; paidBspend; spentCtake; paidDpay; spent7 . Dares books are _the floorAinBunderCatDon8 . Please dont stand near the pandas. They can be _ sometimes.AfriendlyBlovelyCdangerousDquiet9 . The shop is open _ from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. So we can do shopping at any time of the week.AearlyBdailyCeasilyDdirectly10 . What a mess! The sharing bikes are thrown everywhere.Lets collect and put them in the right place they can be used conveniently.AunlessBas long asCbecauseDso that二、补全对话7选5七、从方框内选出句子补全对话(有两项是多余的)。A: Hello? This is Fiona.B: Hello, Fiona, this is Li Lin.A: Hi, Li Lin. 11 . B: I think its lots of fun. There are many great places here and I really enjoy it here.A: Thats cool. 12 . B: Er . Just a little. But I can speak English here.A: Oh, its 4:00 p.m. in Beijing. 13 . B: Its 9:00 oclock in the morning.A: Its interesting. 14 . B: Im having my breakfast and after that I want to visit the Louvre.A: Oh, its great! 15 . B: OK, I will.AWhat time is it in Paris?BWhat are you doing now?CHows your life in Paris?DCan you say it in English?EWhat time do you have breakfast?FCan you speak French (法语) now?GDont forget to take some photos there.三、补全短文6选5阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只用一次,有一项多余。)There are so many expressions in American English that sound pleasant but are not. 16 . When someone says they have to face the music, it does not mean they are going to a concert. Facing the music means to accept and deal with the punishment (惩罚)of an action.17 . . For example, I cant face another night of camping! Its cold and rainy. Or In life, you must face your fears. Face used in this way is very common. But now, lets go back to facing the music. Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car. She gives you the keys and says, Thanks so much for watching my car while Im away. But please, do not drive it. It is an extremely (极其) fast car. 18 . . You want to show off to some friends. So, you drive it around town one night. As bad luck would have it, you lose control of the car and drive it into a stop sign. Bang!When your friend returns, you must tell her what you have done and face the music. 19 . . It could be losing her friendship or paying for repairs to her sports car or both. Whatever the music is, you must face it.20 . . To take your medicine means to accept the results from something bad you have done. And if someone says, You made your bed. Now lie in it. they mean you created a bad situation and now you will experience the results!ABut you do not listen.BFace the music is a good example.CThe music here is the result of your actions.DHowever, you think the music is wonderful and you can sing very beautifully.E. There are other American expressions that mean the same thing as face the music.F. Americans often use the word face in this way四、完型填空Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat, India. Over the past 38 years, he has planted trees on a sandbar(沙洲) of the Brahmaputra River and has _ it into a forest.One day in 1979, 16-year-old Payeng was walking _ the bank of the Brahmaputra River. He saw many snakes on the sandbars. These snakes died in a few days time _ the heat and the absence(缺乏) of trees. Payeng felt very _ when he saw this. He decided to plant some trees. Single-handedly, he started planting bamboo trees, as only bamboo trees could survive(存活) in the sandbars.To water the trees was a difficult _ for one man. With his hard work and great effort, day by day the _ bamboo trees grew into a forest. His tree planting has changed the soil. Now the sandbar is a thick forest and _ to thousands of plants and animals. A large group of around 100 elephants visit the forest every year and _ there for a few months.Payeng is now in _ fifties. He has planted close to 1,400 acres(英亩) of forests and is _ as the Forest Man of India. In 2015, he was honored with Padma Shri, one of the top awards in India.21 . AdividedBturnedCcut22 . AacrossBthroughCalong23 . Aaccording toBbecause ofCas for24 . AsadBlonelyCalone25 . AconditionBjourneyCtask26 . AyoungBtallCwild27 . AwayBguideChome28 . AsitBlieCstay29 . AherBhisChe30 . AknownBservedCinvited五、阅读单选31 . Sydney Tower is _ in Sydney, Australia.Athe busiest streetBthe biggest stationCthe most beautiful parkDthe highest point32 . If you Want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower, you can t _ .Aemail sydneytower hotmail. cornBfax 02 9333 9203Csearch www. sydneytower. com. auDdial 02 9333 922233 . Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children, he will pay _ .A$60B$90C$120D$15034 . Last Saturday, Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower _ .Aafter 11:30 pmBbefore 11:30 pmCat 10:30 pmDby 10:30 pm35 . The passage above is probably_ .Aa piece of newsBa reportCa storyDan advertisementThe Cannes Film FestivalThe Cannes Film Festival is the worlds most famous film festival and is held in May each year in Gannes, in the south of France. It was held for the first time from September 20 to October 5, 1946, in the coastal(沿海的) city of Cannes.This festival attracts(吸引) the attention of all the media(媒体) and receives the visits of important artists, Hollywood actors and directors as well as a large number of film makers.French OpenThe Roland Garros Stadium plays host to the Grand Slam Tennis Tournament(联赛). It takes place in Paris at the end of May every year. Only the best tennis players around the world can take part in this tournament.Nice Jazz FestivalNice, in the south of France, receives more than 45,000 visitors each year. All of them are there for Nice Jazz Festival, which takes place in the Arencs dc Cimicz every summer. Concerts are held each day between 7 p.m. and midnight.36 . The first Cannes Film Festival lasted (持续) for _.Aten daysBabout half a monthCmore than 20 daysDfive days37 . If you are a tennis lover and youre in France in May, you cant miss _.Athe Cannes Film FestivalBNice Jazz FestivalCFrench OpenDnone of them38 . What does the underlined world “them” refer to?AVisitors.BHosts.CPlayers.DFestivals.39 . Which of the following is NOT true?ADuring Nice Jazz Festival, concerts are held between 7 p.m. and midnight.BSome important artists, Hollywood actors and directors are interested in the Cannes Film Festival.CThe Cannes Film Festival and French Open take place in the same month.DThe Cannes Film Festival and Nice Jazz Festival were first held in the same year.40 . The passage is mainly about _.Atwo festivals and a tournament in FranceBhow French people celebrate their festivalCwhy French people celebrate these festivalsDwhy French festivals are so popular六、用单词的正确形式完成短文选词填空:(on , come, present, money, country, and, mother, but, for, be)41 . Day is a holiday for mothers. It is celebrated in the USA, England and some other42 . . In a short time, it becomes a festival .It43 . on the second Sunday in May. 44 . that day, many people send 45 . of love to their mothers. In China, many people do the same on the day for mothers now. 46 . some people choose a song over a radio47 . his or her mother. This might cost a little48 . , 49 . as it is said. “Love50 . invaluable(无价的).七、多任务混合问题If you want to have a better understanding of a country, a better way is to travel around it. Then you can get the chance to see, to feel and even to taste the countrys things on your own. Actually, in the past ten years, the number of people who traveled abroad has increased greatly, especially in the recent 5 years.There are several reasons for the increase. The most important one is that people become richer and they are more able to support their trips. And the tourism has greatly developed over the ten years. Young people today expect to go outside to open their eyes and to see the real world. They hope to keep themselves realize what is going on around the world.On the other hand, as China has developed a lot and has a lot of cultural and natural resources(资源), more and more foreigners come to visit our country. China has become one of the most popular tourist destinations(目的地)in the world. According to the scores of Top 4 countries having the most Cultural Tourism Resources, China takes the fourth place among some countries all over the world. So we still have a long way to improve our tourism competitiveness.51 . Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.52 . Why do young people expect to go abroad?53 . In the passage, what does the underlined word they refer to?54 . How many scores has France got in the chart?55 . Do you like traveling abroad? Why or why not?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文6选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、多任务混合问题1、

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